Tropes That Appear in this Episode
- All Gays are Promiscuous: Played with. Patrick incorrectly assumes that David wants to have sex immediately, but he's not wrong that David has a lot of experience. Patrick, on the other hand, wants to take things slow.
- Character Development: Established as The Narcissist, David actually tells Moira to dial down her obnoxiousness for the sake of Patrick, showing that he cares about Patrick's feelings.
- Closet Key: David is this to Patrick. Lampshaded by Alexis who points out that David frenched his business partner the second he poked his bunny face out of the closet.
- Continuity Nod: The cake from the final scene of "Grad Night" is still on the table, partially eaten.
- Gayngst: Subverted. Patrick is exhilarated and delighted to have figured out what was wrong in his previous relationships and happy to be gay, even though he says it is a lot to process.
- It's All About Me: Moira makes the elderly gentleman's death all about herself.
- Nice Guy: David admits he's never dated anyone as nice as Patrick. Patrick playfully and honestly won't call him nice in return.
- Overcomplicated Menu Order: Patrick's memorized David's complicated coffee order (something about a latte with a double shot and a sprinkle of cinnamon).
- Running Gag: Moira takes a jar of skin cream from Rose Apothecary without paying for it.
- Shipper on Deck: Alexis is delighted to hear about David and Patrick's kiss, and she tells David that he shouldn't mess this up. Moira joins her in this after Patrick helps to reassure her over the death of the motel guest.Moira: Alexis was right. He's a button.
- Snowball Lie: Johnny and Stevie lie to the guests about why they are forced to attend Happy Hour.
- Strange Minds Think Alike: Moira and David both leap to the conclusion that the old man who died in room four was murdered.
- Tempting Fate: Johnny says they still have a full house and things are finally looking up, only for Stevie to knock on the door and announce that the old man in room four is dead.
- Unrequited Love Switcheroo: Alexis is shocked to discover Ted is seeing someone.
- Upper-Class Twit: Moira's belief that not giving the dead man a pill puts her in legal jeopardy is strange. Stranger still, David completely buys into her concern. This gives Patrick a chance to step in as the Only Sane Man.