Witches celebrate New-Hallow-giving-mas (including witch-themed Sexy Santa Dresses).
Tropes to do with holidays, as in festive days, not vacations.
Compare Seasonal Index, as the seasonal nature of holidays means that the two concepts tend to be closely associated in fiction. See also Gift Tropes, as many holidays involve giving gifts.
For tropes referring to vacations and trips (referred to as holidays in some places) see Rest and Relaxation Tropes.
Holidays in general
- Crappy Holidays: A usually-joyful holiday goes wrong.
- Fictional Holiday: A holiday made-up for a work of fiction.
- Forbidden Holiday: People are forbidden from celebrating a particular holiday.
- Founding Day: A holiday celebrating the founding of something, such as a city or country.
- Holiday Ceasefire: People stop fighting each other because it's a holiday.
- Holiday Mode: A game's design changes to reflect a real-world holiday.
- Holiday Motif: When someone or something is themed after a holiday.
- Holiday Pardon: People get let-off for committing wrong-doings because it's a holiday.
- Holiday Volunteering: People spend a holiday helping the less fortunate.
- Horror Doesn't Settle for Simple Tuesday: A horror story occurs near and/or during a holiday.
- Hurrying Home for the Holidays: Characters rushing to make it home to celebrate the holidays.
- Insignificant Anniversary: Character(s) celebrate a seemingly insignificant anniversary.
- It's Always Mardi Gras in New Orleans: Regional holidays and festivals are always shown when a particular location is featured.
- Out of Holiday Episode: A chapter or episode revolves around a particular holiday but wasn't released near or during that holiday.
- Perennially Overshadowed Birthday: A character's birthday is on the same day as a holiday or annual event and it is constantly overlooked and not fully celebrated, much to their frustration.
- Pop Culture Holiday: A holiday celebrated by fans of a particular character or franchise.
- Special Occasions Are Magic: When a holiday causes supernatural events to happen.
Specific holidays
- American Holidays
- April Fools' Day
- Cinco de Mayo
- Easter
- Islamic Holidays and Festivals
- Japanese Holidays
- Jewish Holidays
- Leap Day
- New Year's Day
- Opposite Day
- Russian Holidays
- Saint Patrick's Day
- Saint Valentine's Day
- Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Walpurgisnacht