Remy's job was Sniff Sniff Nom. It paid in every way possible.
"What is patriotism but the love of the good things we ate in our childhood?"
— Lin Yutang
Tropes having to deal with cooking, foodstuffs, and how we consume them.
Please try not to drool on your keyboard. Mmmm...
Related indexes:
- Cooking Stories
- Eating Establishments
- Food as Characterization
- Grocery Store Index
- High Fat Index
- A Very Crappy Index
Types of foods/drinks:
- 30 Minutes, or It's Free!: If a pizza arrives later than the time quoted by the restaurant when a takeout/delivery order is placed, it must be delivered—free of all charges and fees—to the customer.
- Abstract Eater: Eating abstract ideas.
- Acid Reflux Nightmare: Having a nightmare due to indigestion.
- Adopt the Food: Turning a meal into a pet or child.
- Age-Stereotypical Food: The foods you eat characterize you as immature or mature.
- Aliens Love Human Food: An ordinary, everyday Earth food is adored by non-humans; sometimes even lauded as humanity's greatest creation or as The Worthy Reason for sparing Earth's and/or humanity's destruction.
- Anchovies Are Abhorrent: Anchovies are treated as a gross food.
- And a Diet Coke: Where a person orders numerous high-calorie, fattening foods, but the last one is some form of diet food.
- And Your Reward Is Edible: Food as a reward.
- Angry Chef: A hot-tempered, perfectionist cook.
- Anthropomorphic Food: Food is anthropomorphized.
- Appetite Equals Health: Having no appetite means the character is ill, and being hungry and starting to eat means they are getting well.
- Artificial Meat: Cloning animals to get meat.
- Asian Cleaver Fever: Characters prepare Asian food by using knives as though fighting, dancing, or performing.
- Asians Eat Pets: The stereotype that Asian people eat meat from cats and dogs.
- Ate It All: The character eats all the food, even though it was meant for a group.
- Ate the Spoon: When a spoon melts into a food or drink, usually because it's extremely hot or poisonous.
- Autopsy Snack Time: Doctors eat while performing an autopsy.
- Bad Humor Truck: The driver of an ice cream truck is a villain.
- Baguette Beatdown: Using French stick-shaped bread to hit people with.
- Balloon Belly: Gaining weight unrealistically fast.
- Beef Bandage: Using a steak as an ice pack.
- Big Eater: A character who eats. A. Lot. Of. Food.
- Bizarre Taste in Food: The character does something peculiar to their food on the regular.
- Black-Hole Belly: A character can fit anything in their stomach.
- Black Market Produce: The character buys food from a Black Market.
- Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: Very spicy hot sauce.
- A Bloody Mess: Ketchup or jam is mistaken for blood.
- Body Sushi: A person covered in sushi.
- Brain Freeze: Getting a headache from cold food or drink.
- Bratty Food Demand: A rude character demands food in a rude way.
- Breakfast in Bed: Having the first meal of the day served in bed upon awakening; often, this is intended as a romantic gesture between couples, or as a rare indulgence when a character is single and in a fancy hotel.
- Bubble Gum Popping: Bubble gum pops comically and noisily.
- Buffet Buffoonery: Chaos ensues over whether a buffet really is all you can eat.
- Burger Fool: Workers at fast food joints have a bad time.
- Burp of Finality: A monster eats someone and then burps to show that they're gone for good.
- Buzzsaw Jaw: The character eats something enormous very fast.
- The Cake Is a Lie: Did I say you'd get a cake for doing this job? I Lied.
- Cake Toppers: A wedding cake is a tad boring without a miniature version of the newlyweds.
- Camp Cook: A chef at a camp.
- Carnivore Confusion: Ethical issues arise from having carnivores and meat products among anthropomorphic animals.
- Carrying a Cake: A character has to be careful as they are carrying a large cake.
- Cartoon Cheese: Cartoon cheese is always orangey-yellow, has holes, and is a wedge, bearing a close resemblance to the real-world Emmental variety.
- Cast from Calories: Superpowers come from the calories in the person's body.
- Cereal Vice Reward: Cereal commercials encourage highly immoral behavior for the sake of obtaining their products.
- The Character Ice Cream Bar: An ice-cream bar that resembles a work's character.
- Check, Please!: A Stock Phrase said to get out after some restaurant shenanigans.
- Cheesy Moon: The moon is made of cheese.
- Chef of Iron: A cook who fights.
- Chez Restaurant: Stock restaurant names that generally sound French and pretentious.
- Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs: Cereal that is made of nothing but sugar.
- Chocolate of Romance: Chocolate is associated with romance.
- Chubby Chef: An overweight person with an occupation involving the preparation of food.
- City People Eat Sushi: Everybody from cities eats sushi, and everyone from rural areas doesn't.
- Clean Food, Poisoned Fork: Serving good food on poisoned dining ware or utensils.
- Clutching Hand Trap: The character tries to reach food from a container but gets their hand stuck.
- Comfort Food: Food meant to cheer you up, often filled with carbs and fat.
- Companion Food: Someone keeps a piece of food as if it were their friend or good company.
- Cooking Duel: A duel in a mundane task.
- Cooking the Live Meal: A character is being cooked alive by the captor.
- Cooking Mechanics: Cooking as mechanics in video games.
- Cordon Bleugh Chef: The character knows how to cook, but makes gross food as a result of experimentation.
- Corny Nebraska: Nebraska's claim to fame: corn.
- Crazy Consumption: The character eats in a weird way when they are insane.
- Cucumber Facial: Using cucumbers to give someone a facial.
- Currency Cuisine: Edible money.
- Cut a Slice, Take the Rest: Someone cuts a slice of something and eats everything but the slice.
- Dagwood Sandwich: A ridiculously big, tall sandwich.
- Death by Gluttony: The character dies from eating too much.
- Deep-Fried Whatever: Deep-frying things in a crazy way.
- Delicious Daydream: A character imagines food.
- Delicious Distraction: The character gets distracted by food.
- Delivery Guy Infiltration: Using a food-delivery disguise to get past the guards.
- Denied Food as Punishment: Punishing someone by withholding nutritional foodstuffs.
- Diet Episode: Episode that focuses on a character going on a diet.
- Diner Brawl: Fighting in an eatery.
- Dining in the Buff: A character eats or drinks something while naked.
- Dinner and a Show: In an episode of a sitcom, a family gets together for dinner, and it's Played for Comedy.
- Dinner Deformation: Your body takes the shape of something that you swallow whole.
- The Dinnermobile: Vehicles designed to resemble food items.
- Dinner Order Flub: The character gets the wrong food or even something that's not food, ordered at a restaurant due to nearsightedness or a Language Barrier.
- Dinner with the Boss: The main character's boss visits them for dinner.
- Discreet Dining Disposal: The character receives food they don't like, and so they feed it to a dog.
- Disgusting Vegetarian Food: Vegetarian and vegan cuisine are repulsive.
- Dish Dash: Character must carry a LOT of dishes.
- Does Not Like Spam: A character HATES a certain food.
- Dog Food Diet: The character is so poor they can only afford dog food.
- Donut Mess with a Cop: Cops eat doughnuts.
- Dreaded Kids' Table: An older child is forced to sit with their younger relatives during meals.
- Drive-Thru Antics: Someone messes around at a drive-thru window.
- Eat Dirt, Cheap: Eating rocks or dirt.
- Eat the Dog: Characters consider eating their pets when food is scarce.
- Eat the Evidence: Eating something that could be evidence so you don't give yourself away.
- Eat That: You can earn money from eating something gross.
- Eaten Alive: A character is eaten while still alive.
- Eating Contest: A contest to see who can eat the most of something, or the fastest or whatever.
- Eating Lunch Alone: Lonely student eats lunch alone.
- Eating Machine: Robots that eat.
- Eating Optional: The character can eat, but doesn't require food.
- Eating Pet Food: When I Ate WHAT?! applies to pet food.
- Eating Shoes: The character eats shoes.
- Eating Solves Everything: The best solution to a problem is eating something (like the problem itself).
- Eating the Enemy: The best way to beat the enemy is to eat them.
- Edible Ammunition: Using food as ammo.
- Edible Bludgeon: Hitting people with food.
- Edible Collectible: Video game food is to be collected.
- Edible Theme Clothing: A character's clothing is made from food.
- Edible Theme Naming: Naming characters after food and drink.
- Edible Treasure: Buried treasure is food.
- Egg Folk: Sentient eggs that can move around and sometimes speak.
- Egging: Throwing eggs (fresh or otherwise) at people or things.
- Emotion Eater: Feeding off of emotions.
- Empty Fridge, Empty Life: A poor character has hardly any food in their pantry/fridge.
- Endangered Soufflé: Souffles are very delicate.
- Enemy Eats Your Lunch: Eating an enemy's lunch in front of them to assert dominance.
- Erotic Eating: Someone is turned on by the way someone else eats.
- Even The Rats Won't Touch It: Even vermin don't like the nasty food.
- Everyone Hates Fruit Cakes: For some reason, all the characters seem to hate fruitcake.
- Every Pizza Is Pepperoni: Pizza in cartoons is always depicted as pepperoni without much variety.
- Evil Chef: The villain is a cook.
- Evil Tastes Good: Villains compare their evil deeds to food and drink.
- Evil Vegetarian: A bad guy who's a vegetarian.
- Exotic Entree: Villains eat exotic animal meat.
- Extreme Omnivore: The character can eat literally anything.
- Faceplanting into Food: A character goes unconscious and lands face-first in their food.
- Faked Food Contaminant: Putting something gross in your food after purchase and pretending it was always there to get a refund or tarnish a restaurant's reputation.
- Fake Food: Food on TV or in print ads is not real in Real Life.
- The Famine: When there's not enough food around.
- Fancy Dinner: A fancy, luxurious meal served in an elegant way.
- Fantastic Diet Requirement: Beings who need something unusual in their diets.
- Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables: Peculiar fictional fruits or vegetables.
- Far-Out Foreigner's Favorite Food: A foreigner picks out a favorite food.
- Fast-Food Nation: America is full of unhealthy fast food.
- Fattening the Victim: Feeding a victim in hopes of making them fatter.
- Fed to Pigs: Disposing of a Body? Just throw it into a pig pen.
- Feed by Example: The animal or baby you're feeding won't eat, so you eat their food to show them how.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: Women have to be able to cook to prove they are "feminine."
- Fight for the Last Bite: Two or more characters compete for the last morsel of food.
- Filching Food for Fun: Stealing someone else's food because of the thrill and excitement.
- Fire-Breathing Diner: Spicy food makes you breathe fire.
- Fly in the Soup: A fly lands in a bowl of soup.
- Follow Your Nose: The character follows a flavorful scent to get at the food from which its wafting.
- Food and Animal Attraction: Food attracts animals.
- Food and Body Comparison: Comparing parts of the body with various foods.
- Food as Bribe: Talking someone into doing something by bribing them with food.
- Food-Based Superpowers: Superpowers that directly and necessarily involve food in some way.
- Food Chains: Eating food from a strange place will cost you big.
- Food Coma: Getting sleepy from eating too much.
- Food Eats You: Sentient food products begin fighting and killing.
- Food End: Work ends by showing characters eating.
- Food Fight: Throwing food at one another.
- Food God: A god or goddess of food, or of a particular food.
- Food Interrogation: Food is used to get information out of someone.
- Food Pills: Taking pills as sustenance.
- The Food Poisoning Incident: Spoiled food makes you sick.
- Food Porn: Very yummy-looking food.
- Food Shove Gag: Shoving a piece of food into someone's mouth to keep them quiet.
- Food Slap: A person throws food or drinks at someone when they are angry at them.
- Food Songs Are Funny: Singing about food is funny.
- Force Feeding: The character forces another character to eat.
- Foreign Queasine: Foreign food is gross.
- Forgets to Eat: The character is so preoccupied that they forget to eat.
- Fork Fencing: Two characters duel with dinner forks, possibly over food.
- Formal Full Array of Cutlery: Upper-class characters use the right cutlery for the right menu items.
- Foul Cafeteria Food: Cafeteria food is portrayed as revolting.
- Free Prize at the Bottom: A box of cereal comes with a toy at the bottom of the package.
- French Cuisine Is Haughty: French food is considered fancy or snobbish.
- From My Own Personal Garden: Homegrown food.
- Frozen Dinner of Loneliness: Reheating frozen meals when alone shows that a character is lonely.
- Fruit Cart: A fruit cart gets smashed.
- Fruit of the Loon: Someone carries a fruit for no reason.
- Fun with Alphabet Soup: Soup with pasta letters that can be used in place of writing.
- Future Food Is Artificial: All or most food will be synthetic in the future.
- Garlic Is Abhorrent: Garlic or garlic fans being portrayed as revolting.
- Gelatinous Trampoline: Bouncing on jello.
- Genius Sweet Tooth: The Smart Guy has a Sweet Tooth.
- Getting Eaten Is Harmless: Someone gets eaten but it doesn't kill them or in some cases even shake them up that much.
- Giant Food: Food that's much bigger than a person.
- Gingerbread House: A house made of gingerbread, decorated with icing and candies.
- Girls Love Chocolate: Chocolate is for women and girls, and they all enjoy it.
- Gluttonous Pig: Pigs are known to not be picky eaters.
- Gluttony Montage: Montage showing a character eating.
- Gourmet Pet Food: Pet food is advertised as fancy.
- Grandma's Recipe: Recipes are better when they come from the experience of old age.
- Grapes of Luxury: Grape eating is associated with regal splendor.
- Greens Precede Sweets: No dessert until you finish your broccoli.
- Grilling Pyrotechnics: An attempt to light a gas grill that leads to an explosion.
- Gross Gum Gag: Chewing gum is used for a gross-out joke or gag.
- Haggis Is Horrible: Everyone hates Scottish haggis.
- Hash House Lingo: Slang used in a restaurant.
- Haute Cuisine Is Weird: Rich people eat weird, fancy food.
- Heartbreak and Ice Cream: Sad characters eat ice cream.
- Hideous Hangover Cure: Crazy ways to cure a hangover.
- High-Class Cannibal: Rich people like eating human flesh.
- Hold the Unsolicited Ingredient: The character orders something, and specifically asks for it without a particular ingredient.
- Hollywood Cuisine: Flanderization of a culture's food.
- Hot Sauce Drinking: The character drinks hot sauce.
- Hunger Causes Lethargy: A hungry character gets unrealistically tired.
- Hyperactive Metabolism: Food cures you.
- I Ate WHAT?!: Horrified to realize what they just consumed.
- I Do Not Drink Wine: Aliens won't eat or drink our food and drink.
- I Taste Delicious: A character states he tastes good after being covered in food.
- I Was Told There Would Be Cake: Cake gets promised as a reward.
- If It Tastes Bad, It Must Be Good for You: Healthy food = yucky
- I'll Take Two Beers Too: Character orders for a group, and then a Big Eater says a variation on "Same again."
- I'm a Humanitarian: Taking "people person" to very wrong levels.
- I'm Not Hungry: A prisoner refuses food.
- Impossible Leavening: Too much yeast either makes the food explode or swells it way too large to be possible.
- Impossible Pickle Jar: Attempts at opening a jar or bottle with mixed results.
- Impossibly Delicious Food: Food that tastes better than it should.
- Improbable Chopsticks Skill: Using eating implements for improbable purposes.
- Improbable Food Budget: A family spends an inconceivable amount of money on food.
- Impromptu Campfire Cookout: A character responds to any event with fire by cooking food over it.
- Inappropriate Hunger: A character is hungry despite being in a disgusting situation.
- Indestructible Edible: Food that can't break or rot.
- Inexplicably Preserved Dungeon Meat: Perfectly good food (often meat) in a dungeon, especially in video games.
- Instant Roast: When an animal's fur or feathers get burned off, they look like a roast that's ready to eat.
- Instant Taste Addiction: Trying a new food and instantly developing an addiction to it.
- Insubstantial Ingredients: Non-physical ingredients.
- Invisible Stomach, Visible Food: An invisible person eats something, and you can see it going down.
- Is It Something You Eat?: The character doesn't know what a word means and asks whether it's food.
- ISO-Standard Urban Groceries: Groceries always come in a paper bag with a stick of French baguette-style bread.
- It Came from the Fridge: Spoiled food comes alive.
- It Tastes Like Feet: Someone says a portion of food tastes like something gross.
- Jabba Table Manners: A bad guy (or any unpleasant person) is a messy slob with very bad table manners.
- Jail Bake: Hiding something that will help a prisoner escape inside a cake.
- Jumping Out of a Cake: There's a sweet "surprise" jumping out of the birthday cake.
- Just Desserts: A villain gets eaten.
- Just Eat Him: A predator holds its prey in its mouth or swallows it whole.
- Just Here for the Free Snacks: A character joins a social function just for the food.
- Kidnapper's KFC: A kidnapper buys his hostage fast food while running from the cops.
- Kids Hate Vegetables: It's hard to get children to enjoy eating their vegetables.
- Kitchen Chase: A Chase Scene through a kitchen.
- Kitschy Themed Restaurant: A stereotypical restaurant.
- Last Resort Takeout: Ordering takeout if cooking dinner goes wrong.
- Leaving Food for Santa: Offering food to Santa Claus.
- Lemonade Stand Plot: One or more characters start their own lemonade stand.
- Lethal Chef: The chef makes gross food.
- Lethal Eatery: A restaurant that serves terrible food.
- Let's Meet the Meat: Talking to your food.
- Level Ate: A world made of food.
- Lite Crème: Using Weasel Words to make a food somehow sound "better."
- Local Hangout: A restaurant, coffeeeshop or bar where characters hang out at.
- Lost Food Grievance: Over-the-top sadness or anger over the loss of food.
- Lost in the Maize: Getting lost in a cornfield.
- Lost My Appetite: A character suddenly isn't hungry.
- Made from Real Girl Scouts: A food is made of something in the name that you wouldn't expect.
- Madness-Induced Omnivore: A person who is insane or delusional eats things they shouldn't, such as insects or non-food items
- Magic Eater: A character who eats magic.
- Magic Mushroom: Eating or inhaling the spores of a mushroom has magical effects.
- Marshmallow Dream: A character dreams that they were eating something, leading to them eating their pillow.
- Mars Wants Chocolate: Aliens coming to Earth to get our food.
- Mascots Love Sugar: Critters have a massive Sweet Tooth.
- Masochist's Meal: Food that could hurt you or tastes terrible gets eaten by macho people.
- Meat-O-Vision: Hunger causes people to hallucinate objects or people as food.
- Meat Versus Veggies: Conflict between vegetarians and meat-eating people.
- Medicinal Cuisine: When food is used to treat illness or improve general health.
- Mega Meal Challenge: Restaurants that serve a huge meal and then time how long people take to eat it.
- Mess on a Plate: Very ugly food.
- Metal Muncher: Metal as food.
- Midnight Snack: Eating in the middle of the night.
- Mining for Cookies: A mine full of foodstuffs.
- Miracle Food: Magical food that arrives to feed needy people.
- Mirror Chemistry: Aliens eat food differently from their mirror image.
- Misfortune Cookie: Getting a bad fortune in a fortune cookie.
- Missed Meal Aesop: An Aesop about why you shouldn't miss a meal.
- Mock Meal: Low-quality food shaped like fancier food.
- Motivation on a Stick: Motivating someone by dangling food in front of their face.
- Mountain of Food: A giant pile of food.
- Mutagenic Food: A character turns into what they ate.
- Mystery Meat: Food, but you don't know what's in it.
- Never Gets Fat: When all that eating leads to zero weight gain.
- No Can Opener: A character has a lot of canned food in case of emergency, but no can opener.
- No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine: Feeding someone before killing them.
- Nondescript, Nasty, Nutritious: Food without real form, that focuses only on sustenance, health, and life continuation, rather than taste and visual appeal.
- No Snack for You: A vending machine refuses to accept your money.
- Nutritional Nightmare: Really unhealthy food.
- Object Ceiling Cling: Food gets stuck to the ceiling.
- Obsessed with Food: A character seems to only think about food.
- Ode to Food: A song about food.
- Off the Wagon: A drug addict tries to quit but then starts it up again.
- One I Prepared Earlier: In cooking shows, the food is not cooked in real-time.
- One-Note Cook: A character who can only cook one kind of dish.
- One-Track-Minded Hunger: A character whose actions are heavily dictated by their unrelenting desire to eat.
- Onion Tears: Onions make you cry.
- Only One Who Likes Spam: Only one member of a group likes a particular food.
- Organ Drops: A creature's guts are harvestable.
- Orgasmically Delicious: A reaction to delicious food is or looks like an orgasm.
- Out Of Control Popcorn: Popcorn kernels spill out of their vessel as they are popped.
- Oven Logic: If you increase the temperature of an oven to try and make something cook faster, it will go wrong.
- Overcomplicated Menu Order: A very complicated and specific menu order.
- Palette-Swapped Alien Food: Alien food that looks like Earth food but with the wrong colors.
- Parody Product Placement: This may involve parodies of food ads, particularly the Hostess Fruit Pies ad campaign.
- Pass the Popcorn: A character takes out some food and watches a dramatic event like it's a movie or a play.
- Paste Eater: A Cloudcuckoolander or The Ditz eats one specific non-food item on the regular.
- Peeling Potatoes: Someone is sent to do a menial chore.
- Peking Duck Christmas: Characters buy Chinese food for Christmas.
- Pepper Sneeze: Pepper or similar spices makes a character sneeze.
- Phlebotinum Muncher: A creature eats something that is relevant in the story.
- Picky Eater: A person, often a kid, is fussy about their food.
- Picnic Episode: The characters go on a picnic for one episode.
- Pie in the Face: When food lands on a character's face.
- A Pig Named "Porkchop": An animal is named after their body parts.
- Pineapple Ruins Pizza: Someone says putting pineapple on pizza makes it inedible.
- Plain Palate: Someone likes plain food and drink.
- Pooping Food: A creature poops out food.
- "Pop!" Goes the Human: A person explodes from overeating, inflation, or weight gain.
- Popcorn on the Cob: Popcorn is popped directly off the cob.
- Post-Stress Overeating: Eating a lot of food to relieve emotional stress.
- Post-Treatment Lollipop: Someone (usually a child) is given candy after a doctor's appointment or similar situation.
- Poverty Food: Poor people eat cheap food that is aesthetically ugly or tastes bad.
- Power-Up Food: Food gives one a power boost or superpowers.
- Prefers Raw Meat: A character eats uncooked meat.
- Prisoner's Last Meal: The last meal a prisoner on Death Row eats before their execution.
- Produce Pelting: Throwing fruit and vegetables as a response to a performance the thrower disliked.
- Projectile Toast: Toast pops right out of the toaster.
- Protection in Mouth: A giant character holds someone physically in their mouth to keep them safe.
- Pun With Pi: A pun on the words "pi" and "pie."
- Put Off Their Food: Someone gets put off a certain food because something led them to link it with something nasty in their mind.
- Ramen Slurp: A character slurps up ramen noodles.
- Raw Eggs Make You Stronger: Raw eggs make you tougher and stronger.
- Razor Apples: Dangerous items hidden inside foods.
- Real Men Cook: All men can or should cook.
- Real Men Eat Meat: There are no vegetarian males, and men should be expected to love all meat.
- Real Men Hate Sugar: All the male characters either hate sugar or are compared to women for liking sugar.
- Reduced to Ratburgers: Eating vermin.
- Regional Speciality: The natives of a region have one food they're really good at making.
- Restaurant-Owning Episode: A character spends an episode running a restaurant.
- Revenge Is a Dish Best Served: Secretly feeding someone non-food or something they dislike out of spite.
- Romance-Inducing Smudge: Cleaning a smudge on a person's face or clothing leads to romance.
- Romantic Candlelit Dinner: Dinners by candlelight are the definition of romance.
- Romantic Spoonfeeding: A character spoonfeeds their Love Interest.
- Salt Solution: Monsters that are weak to salt.
- Satiating Sandwich: A character likes sandwiches.
- Sausage String Silliness: Gags involving a string of sausages.
- Schmuck Banquet: An abandoned feast is Schmuck Bait.
- Secret Ingredient: Keeping one ingredient in a recipe secret.
- Secret Snack Stash: Hiding (usually unhealthy) food to be eaten at a later point.
- Similar Item Confusion: Often happens with recipe ingredients (such as sugar and salt).
- Sinister Sweet Tooth: Villains identified by their taste for the sweeter things.
- Smorgasbord Test: Someone discovers a new creature and tries to find out what it eats by offering it many different foods.
- The Snack Is More Interesting: Being more interested in food that's in the vicinity than what's going on.
- Snacksploitation: Smuggling food into places where it's not allowed.
- Sneaking Snacks: A child tries to sneak food that's off-limits.
- Sniff Sniff Nom: Testing for toxicity by eating the object.
- Snooty Haute Cuisine: Food meant to show someone's intense wealth.
- Soul Eating: Eating peoples' souls.
- Soup Is Medicine: Soup is associated with being given to sick people.
- Spacetime Eater: A being that eats the fabric of the universe or time or something similar.
- Spaghetti Kiss: Sharing a piece of spaghetti leads to kissing.
- Spit Out a Shoe: Someone gets eaten, then whoever ate them spits out an article of clothing.
- Spit Take: Spitting out food or drink, often due to surprise.
- Spiteful Gluttony: Deliberately eating like a pig to spite someone who isn't partaking.
- Squeamish About Slaughter: Being uncomfortable with the process of live animals being turned into food.
- Stewed Alive: A character gets boiled in a pot, alive.
- Stock Animal Diet: Food stereotypically associated with animals eating it.
- Stock Food Depictions: Food in fiction is usually depicted as only looking one particular way.
- Stock Medieval Meal: A stereotypical meal in medieval Europe.
- Stock "Yuck!": Foods stereotypically associated with being yucky.
- Suck E. Cheese's: Crummy kids' fast food restaurant, complete with terrifying or creepy cartoon mascots.
- Supreme Chef: A chef who makes delicious food.
- Swallowed Whole: A monster eats characters and items whole without chewing.
- Sweet Baker: Bakers are sweethearts!
- Sweets of Temptation: Candy, cake, and other sweet food is used as symbolism for temptation and hidden danger.
- Sweet Tooth: Preferring sweets and sugary flavors over all others, across an endless variety of dishes and cuisines.
- Tampering with Food and Drink: Putting deadly poison in food and drink.
- Tastes Better Than It Looks: Food that looks unappetizing, but when tried, actually tastes good.
- Tastes Like Chicken: Exotic food is said to taste like chicken.
- Tastes Like Friendship: Making friends by offering them food.
- Tasty Tears: Tears have a wonderful taste to some people. Sometimes used to add flavor to sad meals.
- Team Chef: A heroic group has one person who cooks.
- Tempting Cookie Jar: The cookie jar is impossible for Little Jimmy to resist.
- Thank Your Prey: A character thanks or apologizes to an animal he eats.
- Thanksgiving Turkey: Roast turkeys are the main dish in traditional Thanksgiving feasts.
- That Poor Plant: A plant dies after being fed disgusting food or drink.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Sandwich: Throwing away food because you must go do something.
- This Banana is Armed: Weapons that look like pretend ones.
- This Billboard Needs Some Salt: Monsters eat food-shaped items, thinking them to be real food.
- Through His Stomach: Impressing someone by feeding them.
- Tie-In Cereal: If it exists, there was a breakfast cereal based on it.
- Toast of Tardiness: An overused trope in anime, when a character is late for school and has no time for breakfast.
- Too Hungry to Be Polite: A character is so hungry or badly brought up that they have bad table manners.
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: The monster doesn't want the victim as it finds him unpleasant.
- Too Unhappy to Be Hungry: Someone loses their appetite due to stress and/or negative emotion(s).
- Trademark Favorite Food: One character has a favorite food to obsessive levels and the food is often associated with them.
- Trojan Veggies: Tricking a child into eating vegetables by hiding them in a different food.
- Typewriter Eating: Someone eating sounds like a typewriter.
- Unaffected by Spice: This person can eat and enjoy extremely spicy food without much distress if any.
- Unconventional Food Order: A restaurant patron orders a bizarre meal that most people wouldn't eat.
- Unconventional Food Usage: Using food for something other than eating.
- Unfortunate Ingredients: Renaming bad-sounding ingredients to make them sound better.
- Unscrewed Salt Shaker: Someone maliciously unscrews another's salt shaker before they try to dispense it.
- Vacuum Mouth: A character inhales their food.
- Vampires Hate Garlic: Vampires have an aversion to garlic.
- Veganopia: A vegan utopia.
- Vegetarian for a Day: A character becomes a vegetarian but stops by the next episode, as Status Quo Is God.
- Villainous Glutton: A bad guy who tends to overeat.
- Virtuous Vegetarianism: Vegetarianism is used as a symbol of inner goodness or purity.
- Wacky Cravings: Wacky food cravings associated with pregnancy.
- Way Past the Expiration Date: Very spoiled food.
- A Weighty Aesop: An Aesop about weight loss.
- Weird World, Weird Food: Worldbuilding through the use of odd food.
- Wizard Needs Food Badly: A game character needs food to avoid starving.
- Wok Fu: Fighting in a Chinese restaurant.
- X on a Stick: Things that are on sticks.
- You Are Who You Eat: Eating a person to shapeshift into them.
- You Taste Delicious: There's food on someone's face, so someone else licks or eats it off.
- You Won't Like How I Taste: Making yourself sound undesirable to a person-eater.
- Your Favorite: A character receives their favorite food, often without asking. Done as a favor or perhaps to manipulate them.