Tropes and elements that are used in almost all media and are not restricted to a single category (such as Video Game Tropes).
Contrast Omnipresent Tropes, which are in a work more often than not. And no, this page has nothing to do with Universal Studios or their parks. See also: Cut to the Index.
Oh, and hello to all you xkcd readers. (And thank you
for the information!)
- Actually, I Am Him
- All Is Well That Ends Well
- Appeal to Obscurity
- Awesome, but Impractical
- Beginner's Luck
- Best Known for the Fanservice
- The Big Board
- Bindle Stick
- Black Dot Pupils
- The Blind Leading the Blind
- Bonus Material
- Boring, but Practical
- Call-Back
- Cardiovascular Love
- Chekhov's Gun
- Closed Circle
- Closer than They Appear
- Comforting Comforter
- Confronting Your Imposter
- Crazy Enough to Work
- Cuckoo Clock Gag
- Cultural Cross-Reference
- Delayed Explosion
- Delivery Not Desired
- Difficult, but Awesome
- Disqualification-Induced Victory
- Dude, Where's My Reward?
- Elves Versus Dwarves
- Emotional Torque
- Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy
- Explicit Content
- Face on a Milk Carton
- The Face
- Face Palm
- Fantasy Gun Control
- Fictional Counterpart
- Film the Hand
- Floating Advice Reminder
- Geographic Flexibility
- Genre-Busting
- Genre-Killer
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff
- Goal in Life
- The Good Guys Always Win
- The Graph Shows the Trend
- Group Hug
- Grows on Trees
- Happy Ending
- Harmful to Touch
- Headdesk
- The Hero
- Heroic Rematch
- Hope Springs Eternal
- Hope Sprouts Eternal
- Hospitality for Heroes
- Hypocrisy Nod
- Hypocrite
- The Illegible
- Improvised Weapon
- In the Back
- In the Hood
- Jumping Out of a Cake
- Just Here for Godzilla
- Just Whistle
- The Leader
- Led by the Outsider
- Lethal Diagnosis
- Lie Detector
- Loophole Abuse
- Long Hair Is Feminine
- Mama Bear
- Missing Backblast
- Mission Creep
- Mysterious Note
- Never Accepted in His Hometown
- Nobody Poops
- No Sense of Direction
- Official Couple
- Off the Chart
- The Only One
- Our Founder
- Papa Wolf
- Perfect Health
- Plot Armor
- Plot Parallel
- Portal Statue Pairs
- The Power of Friendship
- Punchline
- The Reveal
- Ring-Ring-CRUNCH!
- Rule of Empathy
- Schmuck Bait
- Secret Test of Character
- Serial Escalation
- Sick and Wrong
- Someday This Will Come in Handy
- Spear Carrier
- Starting a New Life
- Stop Motion Lighting
- Take Our Word for It
- That Satisfying "Crunch!"
- There's No Place Like Home
- Thief Bag
- Time Marches On
- Trail of Bread Crumbs
- Trash Talk
- Trend Killer
- Trilogy
- Trope Trigger
- Trouble Follows You Home
- TV Telephone Etiquette
- Twisted Echo Cut
- Unpopular Popular Character
- Unreliable Expositor
- Unreliable Narrator
- Ur-Example
- Victory Is Boring
- Weather Dissonance
- We Win, Because You Didn't
- Wrong Turn at Albuquerque
- You Can't Go Home Again