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Zombie Stories

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The works in this index want your braaaiiinnns...

Just like Ghost Fiction, Mummy Media, Vampire Fiction, Werewolf Works, and Witch Works, this page is an index for all works where the primary focus is on zombies. Naturally, all zombies are different (though most everybody will agree that Everything's Deader with Zombies). Title of the Dead is a frequent occurrence.

No you silly, this index is not about stories (or songs) by zombies. Most Writers Are Human, after all.

Zombie crazes in modern times are the result of survivalist trends that arise from time to time in response to some historical events.

See also Episode of the Dead, in which there's a sole chapter/episode/arc/game/scene/etc. dedicated to zombies as a Bizarro Episode. Also see the related indexes Ghost Fiction, Mummy Media, Vampire Fiction, Werewolf Works, and Witch Works.


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