Freckles are associated with being young and given to both children and teens to emphasize their age. It can also be used to brand a younger person as a misfit, perhaps because it's an easily visible mark that other children can make fun of. Adults sometimes have them too.
Freckles are caused by exposure to sunlight, especially on those with fair skin. The propensity to freckle is determined by genetics. Redheads are genetically associated with both fair skin and freckles, although Hollywood tends to overemphasize the connection, similar to Significant Green-Eyed Redhead.
Because freckles are caused by sunlight exposure they are associated with those who run around outside all the time, symbolizing youthful energy (in both positive and negative forms). Freckles can be used to symbolize youthful innocence as well. They can also be a sign of poverty, as poor children are more likely to be Free-Range Children.
Aside from the association with red hair, different hair colors combined with freckles can indicate something about the character:
Black hair and freckles: This character may be East Asian with a touch of But Not Too Foreign.
Brown hair and freckles: Such characters are often Hollywood Homely, especially nerds. But it can be found on the Girl Next Door and cute characters as well.
Blonde hair and freckles: Common on the Bratty Half-Pint, and somewhat of the Phenotype Stereotype of American southerners.
Some archetypes commonly given freckles include:
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Tagalong Kid
- Redheaded Stepchild
- Class Clown
- Butt-Monkey or Chew Toy
- Unlucky Everydude for older boys
- Redheads Are Uncool
- The All-American Boy
Girls with freckles have some additional associations, as freckles tend to be associated with girlish innocence.
- Tomboy (since she's active outdoors)
- One of the Boys
- Girl Next Door
- Girlish Pigtails (to emphasize the innocence)
- Plucky Girl
Compare to Childish Tooth Gap, another design trait used to showcase a character's youth.
- This 2018 Apple "Share Your Gifts" ad featuring Billie Eilish's "Come Out and Play", features a young Shrinking Violet lady with black hair and freckles who keeps her drawings in an art storage box
. When a winter wind blows her drawings to the street, she goes out to recover them, with some of the people in the crowd picking up and looking at some pieces of her art, and liking them so much they come up to her, encouraging her to not be afraid to express her creative talents.
- From Anpanman, Yakisobapanman's younger sister, Yakisobakasu. Her name's actually a pun on yakisoba (like her brother, her head is made out of yakisobapan, a bun filled with yakisoba, so the noodles act as their hair), and of sobakasu, which means "freckle".
- Several characters in Attack on Titan have them.
- Marco Bott is the brown-haired, dorky variant.
- Ymir has the black-haired variant, which works since she has Titan powers and is from a completely different culture/group than the rest of the cast.
- Hannah is the standard red-haired variety.
- Ilse Lagner had them, which is significant since she was an Identical Stranger to Ymir. It confuses a Titan she encounters, and allows her to leave vital information behind in her Apocalyptic Log.
- Max from Bakuten Shoot Beyblade is one of the youngest characters and is freckled.
- Outside of Decode, Tsutomu Senkawa from Birdy the Mighty.
- Candy from Candy Candy. Tomboy? Check. Girlish Pigtails? Check. Plucky Girl? Check!
- Venus from Heaven's Design Team has freckles as a child, although she's lost them as an adult.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
- Stardust Crusaders: When Polnareff is de-aged by Alessi, he is shown to have freckles as a kid.
- Golden Wind: Doppio sports freckles across his face.
- Santi from Kujira no Josephina, is a pre-teen boy who has freckles on his face and the series is his Coming of Age Story.
- Though an older teen instead of a child, Laughing Under the Clouds's Takeda has some freckles, is the youngest in the Yamainu and is more inexperienced and hotheaded than the other members.
- Ja'far and Koumei in Magi: Labyrinth of Magic have them. Coincidentally, they are Beleaguered Assistants to two of the most powerful men in the world.
- Lolo Endive of Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force, a brown-haired Genki Girl with Girlish Pigtails.
- Hikari Horaki of Neon Genesis Evangelion has a notable set of freckles on her cheeks, which are ironically juxtaposed with her work as Class 2-A's Class Representative, a job that she takes with the untmost seriousness (and her position in the cast as one of the only sane people). Her younger sister Nozomi is a more clear example in her appearance in one episode of Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion.
- Kensuke also has some. Interestingly, in Rebuild of Evangelion, he loses them as an adult, though Hikari doesn't.
- One Piece:
- Ace has these; odd given that he's in his twenties and a great deal less childish than his brother Luffy. His backstory though makes it pretty clear that he fell under the Bratty Half-Pint category.
- His mother also had these, and she clearly fell into Plucky Girl territory.
- Charlotte Linlin, better known as Big Mom, is depicted with freckles when she was a cheerful five-year old.
- A non-canon example: Amanda from the second TV special has freckles, as does Toma, the kindhearted teenage Marine swordsman from the fifth movie.
- Ahiru from Princess Tutu.
- Sasami from Tenchi Muyo! has these, but they tend to appear and disappear depending on the scene/series/incarnation/frame of animation.
- Makoto Ariga from Wandering Son has freckles. She dislikes them, thinking they make her look less cute. Her energetic mother also has freckles.
- Rebecca from Yu-Gi-Oh! has freckles, and also has Girlish Pigtails in Season One and Season Five.
- Izuku Midoriya, the protagonist of My Hero Academia, has a cluster of freckles on each cheek just under his eye, which reflects his youthful idealism in the face of the many trials and tribulations he endured to achieve his dream of becoming a superhero.
- Rosencrantz sports a few of these in the manga adaptation of Hamlet.
- Maxine Sinclair of Double Jumpers is a game developer working on "Dungeon Lords 2". She has freckles on her face.
- Richie's poor friend Freckles Friendly from Richie Rich.
- Rosharch from Watchmen is in the misfit category.
- Archie Andrews in Archie Comics is of The All-American Boy variant, being a youthful teenager.
- Jimmy Olsen from Superman, Depending on the Artist.
- Sin from Marvel Comics has freckles.
- Sassette in the comic book version of The Smurfs sometimes has freckles.
- Wonder Woman
- The Legend of Wonder Woman (2016): While twin sisters Milly & Tilly Heyday are a bit old for this as college students they are both the most childish of the Holiday Girls in different ways and have a dusting of freckles that seems to consist of all the freckles in the entire group.
- Wonder Woman: Black and Gold: To help drive home just how young Eleanor Chapman was at the time of her death once her ghostly face takes on the features she had in life her nose and cheeks are spattered with freckles.
- Dylan Brock, the younger half-brother of Eddie Brock, has freckles running across his nose, illustrating his childish enthusiasm when compared to his world-weary brother.
- The Snow Cat Prince has Kit, a young girl who joins Syv on his quest to retrieve Nordan's magic crown. She has freckles under her eyes.
- Kid Sherlock: A bully who likes picking on Sherlock and Watson has a face of freckles.
- Norby: Jeff, a fourteen-year-old Space Cadet, is given a freckled nose and cheeks for the Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot adaptation, but they’re gone for the second adaptation.
- The titular Freckles McGoosey of the 1915-45 comic strip Freckles and His Friends.
- Dennis the Menace (US):
- Dennis Mitchell — Bratty Half-Pint
- Margaret Wade — Plucky Girl
- Phoebe of Phoebe and Her Unicorn. She's nine years old and a bit of a tomboy.
- Peppermint Patty, the resident tomboy of Peanuts.
- The girl in Love Is... has a face full of freckles.
- West of the Kingdom Hearts fic Reconnected has of the "brown hair and freckles" variety, serving as both a Genki Girl and Cute Clumsy Girl.
- In From Muddy Waters, All For One of all people is said to have these. This is what unnerves All Might, Gran Torino, and Sir Nighteye when they see Izuku, who is said to be the spitting image of his father, complete with curly hair and Quirk.
- The Royal Sketchbook depicts Luna as having been dappled as a foal. Eventually her spots went away, aside from her blotchy Cutie Mark. The dappled fur gives off the impression of freckles.
- When two recent graduates of the Guild of Assassins School go backpacking across the Discworld's equivalent of the African continent, a Running Gag is that whichever culture or country they are in, the vividly red-haired one gets a nickname in the local language that translates to something like Oh, her? Ginger-With-Freckles. When she finally reaches her own native country after nearly eighteen months of travelling and is conscripted into her nation's army for her National Service, her Army nickname is Sproetjie - "Freckles". Read more in "Gap Year Adventures" by A.A. Pessimal.
- 4-year old Silver from Single Parents Night has light freckles on his cheeks.
- Percy has these in Ask the Famous 8!, and is the youngest of the titular group. However, they are less noticeable because of his dark skin.
- Vow of Nudity: Haara has them according to her HeroForge minifigure, probably to highlight her masculine personality and active lifestyle spent almost entirely outdoors.
- Dot in A Bug's Life is the only ant to have freckles on her nose, and is the youngest and least mature major character.
- Young Ellie from Pixar's Up is a Tomboy Girl Next Door.
- Rapunzel from Tangled.
- Dash Parr from The Incredibles is a 10 year old boy with freckles which are even more noticeable in the sequel. Buddy Pine/Syndrome has freckles both as a kid and an adult, and is a Psychopathic Manchild Evil Redhead.
- Princess Merida from Brave.
- Coraline has freckles and is also a Plucky Girl/Tomboy.
- In an unusually literal example, Odette in The Swan Princess had freckles
◊, for just one summer while she was a tomboy. Once she grew into a more elegant, feminine woman the freckles were gone again.
- Frozen:
- 18-year old Princess Anna has freckles to go with her spunky, youthful persona. After she turns 21 and even becomes queen, she still has these.
- Queen Elsa shares her sister's freckles, but in her case they're very light and hard-to-notice. Her freckles symbolize her youth (only becoming queen at 21 after the death of her parents at 18).
- Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III in How to Train Your Dragon is a runty 15-year old misfit Viking who can't seem to do anything right, and he has auburn hair and a face full of freckles. In How to Train Your Dragon 2 he's a rather tall and fit 20-year old who's become more respected and most of his freckles are gone, but he retains some of the darker ones.
- In Meet the Robinsons, Lewis has some faint freckles on his cheeks. His older self, Cornelius does too, but even in close shots of his face they're hard to notice.
- Ratatouille: Linguini has these to show how easily excited he can be, and how out-of-place his is among the much more seasoned chefs of Gusteau's.
- Turning Red:
- Mei has a few of them that are barely noticeable which indicate that she's not quite as adult as she thinks she is.
- Devon has some almost noticeable ones on his face indicating, though he looks older than he is, he is clearly not 30 as Ming accuses him of being.
- Louie from We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story has both freckles and a Childish Tooth Gap.
- Natalya Rudakova in Transporter 3, playing the kidnapped daughter Frank is forced to drive around with him. She certainly proves troublesome until they warm up to each other.
- Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean had lots of freckles as a child (as seen in a flashback in the first film), and none as an adult.
- Some early film roles of Marlčne Jobert.
- Some roles of Sophia Lillis, including young Beverly Marsh in It and It: Chapter Two and Nancy Drew in Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase.
- In The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Captain Gregg's ghost says that Lucy Muir must have been a fat girl with pigtails (she insist she was skinny and wore her hair in braids), and "A thousand freckles".
Captain Gregg: You still have some.
Lucy: Only seven. I'm told they're most becoming.
Captain Gregg(smiling): They are at that. - Ma Vie En Rose: Chris is a freckle-faced kid around the age of Ludovic (who's seven).
- Both Truly and her cousin Mackenzie of Absolutely Truly have a set of freckles on their faces.
- Anne of Green Gables: Anne is the Plucky Girl type with Girlish Pigtails like Pippi.
- Maomao from The Apothecary Diaries has freckles that underline her youth and her tomboy personality, and the fact that she chooses to display them openly in a society where they're seen as unattractive indicates her lack of concern for her own appearance. The freckles are actually fake: Maomao regularly paints them onto her own face to look unattractive and make her a less tempting target for rapists.
- In Blood Promise, Tamara, a Strigoi hunter in Novosibirsk had them. She was only slightly older than Rose, probably 19-years old. Acted as One of the Boys with her fellow umpromised dhampirs.
- In A Boy Named Queen, both Evelyn and Queen have freckles on their faces.
- Lylia of A Brother's Price. She is the youngest one of the five elder princesses, and has a spunky attitude not unlike Pippi Longstocking. Although all her sisters have red hair, she is the only one explicitly mentioned to have freckles.
- In the Disgaea novels, Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth! and Jennifer's daughter Jane gains these along with Girlish Pigtails in her second appearance, where she is 13.
- In The Famous Five, tomboy George is proud of her freckles and thinks they are boyish, especially in Five on Kirrin Island Again.
George: I've far more freckles than you have, for one thing, and better eyebrows. And I can make my voice go deep.Dick: You're just silly. As if freckles are boyish! Girls have them just as much as boys.
- Julianne Moore's children's book Freckleface Strawberry is about a young girl who wants to get rid of her freckles.
- Freckles in Gene Stratton-Porter's Freckles.
- Tash Arranda of Galaxy of Fear.
- In Victoria Forester's The Girl Who Could Fly, Piper dislikes her freckles.
- Pepper of Good Omens, the red-headed, short-tempered, only girl member of Them who has "a face which was not so much freckled as one big freckle with occasional areas of skin".
- Go to Sleep (A Jeff the Killer Rewrite): Ben, Jeff's small blonde friend, has Pubescent Braces and is described to have a fair freckled face. He still has a childlike face as a ghost, but it's unclear if the freckles are still there in the illustration.
- All of the Weasley kids in Harry Potter.
- Ron: Unlucky Everydude
- Percy: Butt-Monkey
- The Twins: Class Clown
- Ginny: Girl Next Door
- Deconstructed lightly in the Stephen King novel Insomnia. Due to the strange abilities the protagonists are gaining, one is briefly able to see inside the head of a woman in her thirties who covers her freckles with makeup and dislikes them because she feels like nobody takes her seriously or treats her like an adult because of them.
- Evil Redhead Jack Merridew in Lord of the Flies.
- In The Man Who Got Off the Ghost Train, eight-year-old Vanessa has red hair and freckles. The freckles emphasize her youthfulness, as this story is a prequel to a series featuring the adult Vanessa as a glamorous Action Girl with a flawless complexion.
- Of Fire and Stars: Mare is eighteen, with noticeable freckles over her face. She's also a redhead, as is usual for this.
- In Överenskommelser by Simona Ahrnstedt, Beatrice Löwenström has red hair and freckles. Not to mention that's she's a Tomboy and a Plucky Girl.
- Pippi Longstocking has Girlish Pigtails and is a Tomboy.
- In Samhain Island Skyler Hornbostel, despite being a Krampus, has white freckles against his grey skin.
- Nyumba in Someone Else's War.
- In Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note, Kozuka sports those. He's the local dork character.
- In Ruth Frances Long's The Treachery of Beautiful Things, Jenny has them. Which marks her out from the Sidhe, whose beauty is perfectly pale skin.
- Howdy Doody's titular character is a red-haired, freckle-faced marionette, who started out with 48 freckles for each of the United States, which was later increased to 49 and 50 when Alaska and Hawaii joined the Union.
- Punky Brewster is a Tomboy with brown hair and Girlish Pigtails.
- Alo from Skins series 5 is a boy type #1.
- Harriet on Small Wonder.
- Maeby Funke in Arrested Development, definitely very adventurous/rebellious and something of a tomboy.
- Stranger Things: (In order of appearance) Mike, Barb, Max, and Robin (at the end of Season 3 especially) all seem to possess a few sprinkles on their complexions and are all very young.
- Dean Winchester in Supernatural possesses freckles, which become less obvious after the first couple of seasons. In the episode "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part One" (S02, Ep21), the Acheri demon, who poses as a child, also has freckles.
- Bellamy Blake in The 100 has freckles, despite being the oldest of the 100 sent to Earth.
- Luke Ross from Jessie is noted for his freckles. Despite being the second oldest of the Ross kids, he's not the most mature.
- Willow: Jade has brown freckles all over her face which serve as a mark of her youth.
- Ginny and Georgia: Ginny has a few freckles high up on her cheeks, which helps to show her as a teen (despite being played by a woman in her mid twenties).
- Inverted with Nikki Roxx, who was very pale in her youth and referred to as "La Gringa" while wrestling for LLF in Monterrey. She got more freckles as she aged, likely due to Arena Femenil being an outdoor venue. The Hollywood Homely aspect was used in TNA when she dyed her hair brown and became a target of The Beautiful People, though given she was the baby face in the feud it might have also been a subversion.
- The Friendly Freckles Blythe doll.
- Barbie's Hollywood Homely friend Midge has red hair and freckles.
- In Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus and Butterfly, Riona is a young adult banshee with a freckled face.
- Nina Cortex from the Crash Bandicoot series, who fits the black hair and tomboy types and is occasionally a Butt-Monkey. Whether she has the freckles or not tends to vary, though.
- In Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Junko Enoshima has a light dusting of freckles over her nose, which she tells Naegi is one of the things that gets airbrushed out of her glamour shots. It's a plot point, actually: the girl who presents herself as Junko and has freckles is not Junko, but her twin sister and decoy Mukuro Ikusaba. The real Junko, the Big Bad behind the evil Monokuma, has no freckles.
- Fire Emblem:
- In Fire Emblem Fates, Scarlet and Mozu are young women with freckled faces.
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses also has Ashe, a sweet and idealistic Nice Guy.
- Galaxy Angel has Creta Biscuit, the chief engineer of the Elsior. While she's already an adult woman in her twenties, she has a rather jovial personality and is the only member of the Elsior's crew who has freckles.
- Shishido from Inazuma Eleven, a red-headed Butt-Monkey and one of the youngest characters in the main cast, has freckles.
- Yuuko Shirakawa of Katawa Shoujo, a college student who works part-time as a librarian and waitress and isn't much older than Hisao or his classmates, has them. The same applies for one nameless girl in Lilly's route who is said to be an underclassman, the only student not in third year apart from the April Fool's Day character Rika.
- Mass Effect
- Liara T'Soni. She's 106 when you meet her, but that's still pretty young by the standards of her species. They're olive green because her skin is blue.
- The default Female Shepard for Mass Effect 3 has them
◊ as well, fitting the red hair and green eyes part of this trope.
- In Roots Of Pacha, Illoe, one of the romanceable characters, has freckles to highlight her sweet, innocent youth.
- Saints Row: One of the protagonists in Saints Row: The Third can be given freckles in the gamer customization. In Saints Row IV this can occur as well.
- In Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007 the template 1 male character has freckles on his face.
- Gemini Sunrise in Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love, who's also a redheaded Plucky Girl.
- Toothy from Happy Tree Friends, with a Butt-Monkey trait to match.
- Penny is a cheerful, positive person who wants to explore the world and make new friends. She wants help people and takes her job title as a protector of the people very seriously. Her face is sprinkled with a faint dusting of freckles, which helps create the image of an innocent girl with an abundance of youthful energy.
- Oscar has freckles all over his cheeks. As a fourteen-year-old boy, he is the youngest main character in the show but carries the greatest burden of them all. The freckles help contrast his youth with the weight of a responsibility that has been shown to break adults. He is the inheritor of both Ozpin's soul and responsibility to protect humanity from Salem. Compared to the old headmaster who knew everything about the threat the world is facing, Oscar is a Farm Boy with no combat background and limited life experience.
- SMG4's Mario Bloopers: Meggy gets these after turning into a human. Her redesign still has them but they're a lot more subtle.
- Cecily's 7-year old Cheerful Child son Lachlan from Aerial Magic is a redhead with freckles.
- Rae from Always Human possess glowing gold freckles due to one of the nanotech "mods" available in the setting.
- Tamaura of Blindsprings. More a Girly Girl, with an impressively long mass of red hair.
- Alexander Hamilton from The Dreamer.
- Eerie Cuties: Chloe the succubus.
- Gifts of Wandering Ice: Elie the ice gift girl.
- Mac in Impure Blood.
- Marcy from PvP.
- Stand Still, Stay Silent: Reynir, who might as well be The Baby of the Bunch. Sigrun even nicknames him "Freckles".
- Ava von Hall from Superego. In this case, she's more of an Manchild.
- Rachel from Tower of God as a Tomboy Next Door. She is definitely not innocent as we discover.
- Weak Hero:
- Though Rowan changes a lot between middle and high school, what doesn't change is his spattering of freckles or the immaturity they're associated with.
- Lily's spattering of freckles, alongside her twintails and round spectacles, make her appearance as childish as her romantic thoughts about Gray.
- In Yokoka's Quest, Raya has fur markings on her cheeks which resemble freckles, contributing to her Ridiculously Cute Critter appearance.
- Amphibia: Maggie has freckles on her face to go with her red hair.
- Tiny Pteranodon and Annie Tyrannosaurus from Dinosaur Train have spots on their beak and muzzle respectively that resemble freckles, and they're both quite outgoing and energetic.
- The Owl House: The Collector is shown to have freckles on their left cheek. Not only does this fit their youthful appearance, but being on the "eclipse" side of their face invokes stars in the night sky.
- The titular character of SpongeBob SquarePants has three cute little freckles on each cheek. He's implied to be about 27 years old, but he has a naive, child-like demeanor with babyish eyelashes and dorky freckles to go with it.
- Jeremy Freedman, the squeaky-voiced teenager, and Shauna, Superintendent Chalmers' rebellious teen daughter from The Simpsons both have freckles to demonstrate their youth.
- Smoky Quartz, the fusion of the two youngest Crystal Gems Steven and Amethyst from Steven Universe.
- Kim Possible has several:
- Ron Stoppable — Unlucky Everydude
- Kim Possible when she was younger — Tomboy Girl Next Door
- Joss Possible — Bratty Half-Pint
- The Fairly OddParents!: Arthur Lebowitz and Dwight, who both also have red hair in a bowl cut, wear glasses, have buck teeth, and a nasally voice.
- Chuckie from Rugrats: Chew Toy and dorky redhead.
- Henry from KaBlam!: Chew Toy/Butt-Monkey.
- Sheila and Bobby from Dungeons & Dragons (1983).
- Recess
- T.J. Detweiler, who doesn't really fall under any archetype, though he has shades of Class Clown here and there.
- Gretchen as well, to go with her Girlish Pigtails.
- They're barely noticeable, but Libby from The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius has some in her season 2 redesign.
- Eugene and Lila from Hey Arnold!.
- My Little Pony
- Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
- Applejack and Bowtie from the My Little Pony TV Specials to go with their rural aesthetics.
- Evangelyne and her sister Cleophelia, from Wakfu.
- Michelangelo was given freckles in the 2012 TMNT series to emphasize his role as the youngest and most childlike of the brothers.
- Velma on Scooby-Doo. Interestingly enough, she DOESN'T have them in the Pup show - even though in this one, she and the rest of the gang were early teens at best.
- Elsa Frankenteen from Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School.
- Penny Tompkins from The Critic.
- Captain Crandall from Teamo Supremo.
- Both 11-year old and 16-year old Gwen Tennyson on Ben 10: Omniverse are both freckled.
- Tilda from Farhat.
- Tupu, the Fiery Redhead Feral Child from Tupu. Some other kids as well.
- Chuck from Motorcity.
- Ilana in Sym-Bionic Titan.
- Danny Phantom: Danny had these when he was eight years old, as shown in "Maternal Instincts"
◊. Youngblood, the bratty ghost boy, and Johnny 13, the biker ghost who spreads bad luck, also have freckles.
- On Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Prince Wednesday's cousin, Chrissie, has these.
- Wendy from Gravity Falls has red hair and freckles, as a Girl Next Door-type.
- Lincoln, Luna, Lynn, and Ronnie Ann from The Loud House all possess freckles.
- Big City Greens: Tilly Green possesses freckles.
- On the PBS Curious George, Allie
is a spunky girl with red hair in a ponytail and freckles.
- On Ready Jet Go!, Sean, Mitchell, and Zerk all have freckles.
- Total DramaRama: Owen and Izzy have these in this series, unlike their teenage counterparts. Courtney also does, but that's because her teenage self has freckles as well. Curiously, Harold actually loses his faint freckles, but gains a Childish Tooth Gap instead.
- In The Crumpets, the young twins Bother and Blister have freckles in addition to some of their numerous siblings like the childish young adult Grownboy. They also have red hair.
- What About Mimi?: Mimi has freckles on her cheeks.
- The Tale of the Great Bunny: Abigail has freckles on her cheeks.
- Joey from Atomic Puppet has these. Interestingly, they disappear when he enters his superhero form. His neighbor/classmate Warren also has some freckles.
- Dez from Wishfart has these.
- Kaeloo: Pretty and Eugly, who are preteens, have these. So does Lavanade, a toddler. A photograph of Kaeloo herself as a child shows that she used to have these when she was younger.
- AndrAIa (even as an adult) from ReBoot.
- On Holly Hobbie and Friends, Holly Hobbie is a homely Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold type and has a streak of freckles underneath her eyes going all the way across her face.
- Star Trek: Lower Decks: D'Vana Tendi is the youngest member of the main cast, and her freckles reflect this.
- Truman X from The X's posses them, and also red hair, green eyes, and buck teeth. His past love interests also have them, along with braces: Andrea (Tomboy with Girlish Pigtails) and Kimla (Redheads Are Uncool with Nerd Glasses).
- Arcane: Sisters Vi and Powder both have freckles as kids and grow out of them as they become adults/teenagers.
- Rosie's Rules: Several young characters have freckles such as Rosie, Iggy, and the Liu twins.
- Work It Out Wombats!: All of the crab kids (Carly, Cece, and Clyde) have freckles.
- Molly of Denali: One of Molly's classmates, Jake, has freckles on his face.