Specific to assorted wikis (and a few may appear specific to This Very Wiki)...
See also Administrivia, Index-Index, Predefined Messages, and Trope Talk.
- Data Vampires
- Edit Stomp
- Entry Pimp: Adding a particular trope or work to every page one can think of.
- Fan Myopia
- Pot Hole
- Retconning the Wiki
- Thread Mode
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life: Browsing TV Tropes too much will have an adverse effect on you.
- Walkthrough Mode
- Wall of Text
- The Wiki Rule: Just about anything you can think of has its own wiki.
- Wiki Vandal: An editor who vandalizes pages by adding (or replacing the content with) false information or inflammatory statements just to see how everyone else on the wiki will react.
- Wiki Walk