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Web Original

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"They said that came from the press. And the press it came from was what I call The Prestigious Internet."

A work that originated on The Internet.

May be "original" or derivative in nature. Subsets include Web Animation, Webcomics, Web Video, Online Games, and audio or video Podcasts. Fan Works such as Fan Fiction tend to be distributed online rather than in print, but some readers may reckon them as a category apart from web original given its derivative nature.

It is common for Web Original works to spawn Shared Universes as other would-be writers think the original work is pretty neat and contact the writer for permission to play in their sandbox.

There is a Web Original Recs page. See New Media Tropes for tropes specific to these media.

Note that Web Serial Novels are now placed in the Literature namespace, and not here.

Types of Web Original works include:
