Below are our page images taken from Webcomics. See also our subpages for Comic Books (A to L and M to Z) and Comic Strips, as well as other Internet sources.
- El Goonish Shive
- Girl Genius
- Ménage à 3 (includes Sandra on the Rocks and Sticky Dilly Buns)
- The Order of the Stick
- Penny Arcade
- Sinfest
- xkcd
open/close all folders
- The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
- Applied Mathematics
- Beard of Evil
- Beat It by Compulsion
- Benevolent Architecture
- Censor Box
- Computer Equals Monitor
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Died Happily Ever After
- Forgot to Feed the Monster
- The Gunslinger
- Incendiary Exponent
- Minor Flaw, Major Breakup
- MockGuffin
- Newspaper Dating
- Non Sequitur
- Sky Pirate
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome
- Talking to Themself
- A Twinkle in the Sky
- What Did I Do Last Night?
- Awkward Zombie
- Age-Inappropriate Dress (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Alternative Character Interpretation (Fire Emblem)
- Badasses Wear Bandanas (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
- Beauty Equals Goodness (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
- Big Eater.Webcomics (Yakuza)
- Cast from Money (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Chronic Hero Syndrome (Mass Effect)
- Easy Communication (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Forced Tutorial (Pokémon X and Y)
- Furry Reminder (Star Fox)
- Guilty Until Someone Else Is Guilty (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice)
- Horrible Judge of Character (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
- Hot Skitty-on-Wailord Action (Pokémon)
- Huge Rider, Tiny Mount (World of Warcraft)
- Interchangeable Antimatter Keys (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- I Regret Nothing (Kingdom Hearts)
- Jailbait Taboo (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Just Add Water (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
- Living Distant Ancestor (FireEmblem)
- Made of Phlebotinum (Mass Effect)
- No Such Thing as Dehydration
- Offscreen Teleportation (Shadow of the Colossus)
- One Extra Member (Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days)
- Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions
- Popularity Polynomial (Pokémon)
- Preemptive "Shut Up" (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
- Pull Yourself Down the Spear (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
- Reaction Shot (Golden Sun: Dark Dawn)
- Resources Management Gameplay (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
- Reward from Nowhere (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
- Sidetracked by the Gold Saucer (Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver)
- Socketed Equipment (World of Warcraft)
- So Much for Stealth (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
- Sound of No Damage (Fire Emblem)
- Stupid Sacrifice (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Summon a Ride (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Telefrag (World of Warcraft)
- Thinly-Veiled Dub Country Change (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies)
- Too Awesome to Use (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
- Too Dumb to Live.Webcomics (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
- Unnecessary Combat Roll (Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U)
- Bob and George
- Above Good and Evil
- Audience? What Audience?
- Berate and Switch
- Didn't We Use This Joke Already?
- Don't Make Me Destroy You
- I'm Thinking It Over!
- Look Behind You
- Nothing Can Stop Us Now!
- Nothing Exciting Ever Happens Here
- Offscreen Villain Dark Matter
- Overclocking Attack
- Overdrawn at the Blood Bank
- Pink Is for Sissies
- Reading Ahead in the Script
- Scrappy Mechanic
- Brawl in the Family
- Boss-Arena Idiocy (Super Mario Bros.)
- Cap (The Legend of Zelda)
- Casual-Competitive Conflict (Super Smash Bros.)
- Critical Annoyance (The Legend of Zelda)
- Destructive Saviour (The Legend of Zelda)
- Duels Decide Everything (Pokémon)
- End-of-Series Awareness
- Fake Platform (Super Mario Bros.)
- The Good Guys Always Win (Super Mario Bros.)
- Grin of Rage (The Legend of Zelda)
- High-Tier Scrappy (Super Smash Bros.)
- Hostile Show Takeover
- Inexplicable Treasure Chests (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Infinity +1 Element (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
- Memes.Webcomics
- Non-Lethal K.O. (Pokémon)
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You (Kirby)
- Photography and Illustration
- Platform Hell (Super Mario Bros.)
- Power-Up Letdown (Super Mario Bros. 3)
- Skewed Priorities.Webcomics
- Small Parent, Huge Child (Pokémon)
- SNK Boss (Punch-Out!!)
- Sticky Bomb (Super Smash Bros.)
- "Stop Having Fun" Guys (Kirby, Super Smash Bros.)
- Throwing the Distraction (Super Mario Bros.)
- Trick Boss (Metroid)
- Un-Robotic Reveal (Super Smash Bros.)
- Voice for the Voiceless (The Legend of Zelda)
- Wallbonking (Pikmin)
- We Have Reserves (Nintendo Wars)
- What Measure Is a Mook? (Super Mario Bros.)
- Who Would Want to Watch Us? (Kirby)
- You Are Who You Eat (Kirby, Mega Man)
- Bug Martini
- 0% Approval Rating
- Abuse Mistake
- Accidental Art
- Baby as Payment
- Bathroom Search Excuse
- "Better if Not Born" Plot
- Brutal Honesty
- Cassandra Truth
- Desk Sweep of Rage
- Dramatic Drop
- Fan Hater
- The Gods Must Be Lazy
- I Know Mortal Kombat
- Murderous Malfunctioning Machine
- Never Speak Ill of the Dead
- Not the Fall That Kills You…
- Parental Abandonment
- Spanner in the Works
- Tied Up on the Phone
- Uranus Is Showing
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?
- Zombie Gait
- Cyanide and Happiness
- Animal Wrongs Group
- The Beard
- Bestiality Is Depraved
- Better to Die than Be Killed
- Broken Echo
- Cut the Safety Rope
- Geeky Turn-On
- Hypochondria
- I Owe You My Life
- I Will Only Slow You Down
- Kinky Role-Playing
- Late to the Punchline
- Nipple and Dimed
- Objectshifting
- Outgrowing the Childish Name
- Overly Pre-Prepared Gag
- Parody of Evolution
- Phony Degree
- Poor Communication Kills
- Saw It in a Movie Once
- Slip into Something More Comfortable
- Spontaneous Human Combustion
- Stylistic Self-Parody
- Talking to the Dead
- That's What She Said
- The Virus
- Watch It Stoned
- When Life Gives You Lemons...
- Wishing for More Wishes
- Dracula Everlasting
- Vampire Fiction (bottom-right)
- Freefall
- Can't Use Stairs
- The Chessmaster.Webcomics
- Classically-Trained Extra
- Clue, Evidence, and a Smoking Gun
- Comically Missing the Point.Webcomics
- Genre Blindness
- I'm Going to Hell for This
- "It" Is Dehumanizing
- Kansas City Shuffle
- Less Disturbing in Context
- Little Girls Kick Shins
- Mirror Chemistry
- Motivation Index
- My Instincts Are Showing
- The Needs of the Many
- Note to Self
- On a Scale from One to Ten
- Reduced to Ratburgers
- Reverse Psychology
- Stupidity Tropes
- Teach Him Anger
- Tempting Fate.Webcomics
- That's an Order!
- There Are Two Kinds of People in the World
- This Is No Time to Panic
- What Are You in For?
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
- What Measure Is an Index?
- Gourmet Hound
- Food Porn (bottom-left) left)
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- Absurd Cutting Power
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg
- Animalistic Abomination
- Appearance Is in the Eye of the Beholder
- Body Surf
- Buffy Speak
- Chew-Out Fake-Out
- Colour-Coded Timestop
- Cosmetic Catastrophe
- Digging Yourself Deeper
- Epic Fail.Webcomics
- Exposition Cut
- Failed Dramatic Exit
- Flashback Effects
- Gender-Blender Name
- The Guards Must Be Crazy
- Happy Rain
- Hug and Comment
- Interrupted Intimacy
- Just a Machine
- Line-of-Sight Name
- The Matchmaker
- Metaphorgotten
- Monster Clown
- Narrative Profanity Filter
- Noodle Incident
- No, You
- Open Mouth, Insert Foot
- Paper-Thin Disguise.Webcomics
- Perspective Magic
- Popcultural Osmosis Failure
- Prefers Going Barefoot
- Psychic Link
- Sanity Slippage
- Sealed Evil in a Teddy Bear
- Secret Relationship
- Shapeshifting Trickster
- Snooping Little Kid
- Sound-Effect Bleep
- Spiders Are Scary
- Strange Minds Think Alike
- Super-Powered Robot Meter Maids
- Super Prototype
- Suspiciously Specific Denial
- Sword Tropes
- Tall Tale
- Techno Babble
- Time Abyss (collage)
- Tortured Monster
- Translator Buddy
- When Trees Attack
- Witch with a Capital "B"
- Hiimdaisy
- Continue Your Mission, Dammit! (Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty)
- Convenience Store Gift Shopping (Persona 4)
- Crotch-Grab Sex Check (Metal Gear Solid 2)
- Cutscene Power to the Max (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
- Government Conspiracy (Metal Gear Solid 2)
- Inferiority Superiority Complex (Metal Gear Solid 3)
- Infodump (Persona 4)
- Lecherous Licking (Metal Gear Solid 2)
- Meaningless Meaningful Words (Metal Gear Solid 3)
- Nobody Here but Us Birds (Metal Gear Solid 3)
- Pungeon Master (Persona 4)
- Real Men Take It Black (Persona 4)
- The Resenter (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
- Secret Handshake (Metal Gear Solid 2)
- Shipping Goggles (Persona 4)
- Some Call Me "Tim" (Metal Gear Solid 2)
- Surprise Incest (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
- Unsafe Haven (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
- humorbonil / Xavier Bonilla
- League of Super Redundant Heroes
- Alternate Personality Punishment
- Ambadassador
- Distracting Disambiguation
- Drop-In Landlord
- Eating Pet Food
- Framing the Guilty Party
- Home-Early Surprise
- Instantly Proven Wrong
- Masquerade
- Red Sky, Take Warning
- Required Secondary Powers
- Some of My Best Friends Are X
- Transformation Is a Free Action
- We Will Meet Again
- Worth It
Left 4 Dead Webcomics
- Lily Love
- Queer Flowers (top half)
- Litterbox Comics
- Animal Occupation Stereotypes (bottom-left)
- Constantly Curious
- My Succubus Girlfriend
- Demon Works (bottom-left)
- Succubus in Love
- Nazzquipit
- Nedroid
- Forgotten Birthday
- Gift of the Magi Plot
- I Will Show You X!
- Meaningful Rename
- Mixtape of Love
- Money Spider
- Mood Whiplash.Webcomics
- Not Evil, Just Misunderstood
- Outhumbling Each Other
- Puzzling Platypus
- To Know Him, I Must Become Him
- Was Once a Man
- We Are Not Going Through That Again
- You Meddling Kids
- Nerf NOW!!
- Adam Smith Hates Your Guts
- And the Fandom Rejoiced.Video Games
- Cultural Translation
- Curb-Stomp Battle
- Green Boy Color
- I've Heard of That — What Is It?
- I Was Told There Would Be Cake
- Morton's Fork
- Seen It All
- Sex for Services
- Short-Range Shotgun
- The Simple Life is Simple
- Situational Sexuality
- Tautological Templar
- Would Rather Suffer
- The Non-Adventures of Wonderella
- Blasphemous Boast
- Clandestine Cover
- Comeback Tomorrow
- Do Not Adjust Your Set
- Double Standard: Rape, Divine on Mortal
- Dropped a Bridge on Him
- Enemy to All Living Things
- Friendly Enemy
- Grenade Tag
- Hates Everyone Equally
- Ironic Hell
- Kid from the Future
- Mid-Life Crisis Car
- Mistaken for Profound
- Nerds Are Virgins
- Orifice Evacuation
- Photoshop Filter of Evil
- Pity the Kidnapper
- Relationship-Salvaging Disaster
- Shooting Superman
- Superheroes Wear Capes
- Take That!
- Oglaf
- Acquired Poison Immunity
- Armor Is Useless
- Best Her to Bed Her
- Blessed with Suck
- But Now I Must Go
- Chained to a Rock
- Crying Wolf
- Derailed Train of Thought
- Do You Want to Copulate?
- Dungeon Maintenance
- Emotion Eater
- Evil-Detecting Dog
- Fearless Fool
- Flock of Wolves
- God Is Inept
- Go into the Light
- "Help! Help! Trapped in Title Factory!"
- Incest-ant Admirer
- It's the Journey That Counts
- Jerkass Gods
- "Just So" Story
- Loony Laws
- The Man They Couldn't Hang
- Obstructive Bureaucrat
- Playing Cyrano
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner
- Rage Quit
- Rampage from a Nail
- Riddling Sphinx
- Reveal Shot
- Revenge by Proxy
- Scheherezade Gambit
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong
- Sex God
- Sexy Dimorphism
- Shapeshifter Baggage
- Skull Cups
- Spare a Messenger
- Thread of Prophecy, Severed
- You're Not My Father
- Outsider
- Catching Some Z's
- Space Elves (top-left)
- Questionable Content
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Behind the Black
- Break Them by Talking
- Can't Tie His Tie
- Cuteness Overload
- Death Glare.Webcomics
- Dropped in the Toilet
- Drowning Our Romantic Sorrows
- Forceful Kiss
- Happy Place
- High-Pressure Emotion
- House Amnesia
- I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me
- I Need to Go Iron My Dog
- I Read It for the Articles
- Mistaken for Cheating
- Neat Freak
- New First Comics
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business
- Overcomplicated Menu Order
- Pink Elephants
- Toilet Humour
- Unfortunate Search Results
- Verbal Business Card
- Rusty and Co.
- Boisterous Weakling
- Captain Colorbeard
- Convenient Questing
- Evil Gloating
- False Innocence Trick
- Hybrid-Overkill Avoidance
- Monster Adventurers
- Off with His Head!
- Parody Product Placement
- Prompting Nudge
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here
- Spin to Deflect Stuff
- Stock Scream
- Vancian Magic
- Violence Really Is the Answer
- Wardrobe Wound
- Sandra and Woo
- Ascended to Carnivorism
- Almost Kiss
- Creator Career Self-Deprecation
- Don't Ask
- Fille Fatale
- Heartbreak and Ice Cream
- Hide the Evidence
- Longing for Fictionland
- Loves Me Not
- Music/Age Dissonance
- No Biochemical Barriers
- No More for Me
- Parental Neglect
- Shipper on Deck
- Soccer-Hating Americans
- Stock Animal Name
- That Makes Me Feel Angry
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
- Ad Hominem
- Administrivia.TV Tropes Customs
- Alternate Aesop Interpretation
- Beneath Notice
- Birds of a Feather
- Briar Patching
- Canary in a Coal Mine
- Censorship by Spelling
- Comically Inept Healing
- Create Your Own Villain
- Cue the Flying Pigs
- Delusions of Eloquence
- The Film of the Book
- Gambit Pileup
- Good Cop/Bad Cop
- Gravity Is Only a Theory
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act
- Hollywood Hacking
- Inherent in the System
- Insufficiently Advanced Alien
- Lethal Harmless Powers
- Logical Fallacies
- Love Dodecahedron
- Loving a Shadow
- Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex
- Mistaken for Pregnant
- More Insulting than Intended
- Parody Retcon
- Percussive Pickpocket
- Prophecy Twist
- Prisoner's Dilemma
- Robotic Reveal
- Romantic Hyperbole
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Something Only They Would Say
- Third-Act Misunderstanding
- This Isn't Heaven
- Trojan Gauntlet
- Wants a Prize for Basic Decency
- Who's on First?
- Schlock Mercenary
- All of Them
- And There Was Much Rejoicing
- The Cake Is a Lie
- Don't Answer That
- Explosive Stupidity
- Expressive Shirt
- Field Promotion
- Human Resources
- Kill It Through Its Stomach
- Life-or-Limb Decision
- Lodged-Blade Recycling
- Might Makes Right
- Multipurpose Tongue
- My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That
- On Three
- Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud
- Right Behind Me
- Screw the Money, I Have Rules!
- Screw the Rules, They're Not Real!
- Silicon Snarker
- Sonic Stunner
- Space Is Noisy
- Stumbling in the New Form
- Verbal Backspace
- With Due Respect
- Sluggy Freelance
- Agent Mulder
- Barely Missed Cushion
- Blunt Metaphors Trauma
- Cerebus Rollercoaster
- Come with Me If You Want to Live
- Confusing Multiple Negatives
- Driving Stick
- Empathic Weapon
- False Camera Effects
- Fantastic Time Management
- Filler Strips
- The Great Whodini
- iProduct
- Kissing Under the Influence
- Lame Rhyme Dodge
- The Man Behind the Curtain
- Mistaken for Racist
- Never Found the Body
- One-Hour Work Week
- Pass the Popcorn
- Projectile Spell
- Record Needle Scratch
- Sdrawkcab Alias
- Show, Don't Tell
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick
- Snowy Screen of Death
- Starstruck Speechless
- This Means War!
- With This Herring
- Wrong Genre Savvy
- Subnormality
- Adam Westing
- Attractiveness Isolation
- Earth-Shattering Kaboom
- Godwin's Law of Time Travel
- Like Parent, Like Spouse
- Make Wrong What Once Went Right
- Our Slogan Is Terrible
- Parental Incest
- Periphery Demographic
- Pragmatic Villainy
- Psychological Projection
- Railroading
- Reconstruction
- Speech-Centric Work
- Vocal Minority
Team Fortress 2
- Team Fortress 2
- Awesome Aussie
- Character Filibuster
- Conveniently Placed Sharp Thing
- Flirting Under Fire
- The Hilarity of Hats
- Impersonating an Officer
- I Need a Freaking Drink
- Monster Roommate
- Parody Commercial
- Putting the Band Back Together
- Talking Weapon
- Testosterone Poisoning
- Title Drop
- Twist Ending
- Unsound Effect
- Toonhole
- Automated Automobiles
- Bait-and-Switch Accusation
- Casting Couch
- Crime After Crime
- Death by De-aging
- Death by Falling Over
- Do Wrong, Right
- Exactly Exty Years Ago
- First Period Panic
- Goodbye, Cruel World!
- Hard Work Fallacy
- Help Yourself in the Future
- I Have Your Wife
- ...In That Order
- The Loins Sleep Tonight
- Mid-Suicide Regret
- Out of the Frying Pan
- Speak Ill of the Dead
- Take Me to Your Leader
- Waiting for a Break
- Water Torture
- Turn Signals on a Land Raider
- Awesome, but Impractical.Tabletop Games (Guest Strip 02/14/07
by James Ward)
- Friend or Foe?
- Awesome, but Impractical.Tabletop Games (Guest Strip 02/14/07
- VG Cats
- Animesque
- Arbitrary Equipment Restriction
- Attack Backfire
- Atomic F-Bomb
- Black Comedy Rape
- Call a Human a "Meatbag"
- Com Mons
- Crazy Homeless People
- Cruel Player-Character God
- Deadpan Snarker.Webcomics
- Deconstruction
- Double Subversion
- Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong
- For Science!
- General Failure
- Geo Effects
- Gone Horribly Wrong
- Head Hat
- I Love the Smell of X in the Morning
- "Instant Death" Radius
- Just Friends
- The Loonie
- Oh, Crap!.Webcomics
- Olympus Mons
- Organ Drops
- Phony Veteran
- Pick-Up Group
- Real Is Brown
- Speech-Bubbles Interruption
- That Came Out Wrong
- That One Level
- Trauma Inn
- Victory Is Boring
- Video Game Cruelty Punishment
- You Have Researched Breathing
- You Have to Burn the Web
- Roomies!, It's Walky!, Joyce and Walky!
- Shortpacked!
- Appeal to Worse Problems
- Ass Shove
- Chosen Conception Partner
- The Comically Serious
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check
- Fake-Out Make-Out
- Forgotten Fallen Friend
- Freud Was Right
- The Graph Shows the Trend
- Insane Troll Logic
- The Knights Who Say "Squee!"
- Quotes.Batman
- Robo Ship
- That Satisfying "Crunch!"
- Who Are You?
- You Fool!
- You Need to Get Laid
- Dumbing of Age
- The Wotch
- Mirror Self (El Goonish Shive crossover)
- Wasteful Wishing