Tropes sorted by topic. Compare Media Tropes and Works by Subject.
- Abuse Tropes
- Accent Tropes
- Accidental Index
- Admiration Tropes
- An Aesop
- Afterlife Tropes
- Aging Tropes
- Alien Tropes
- Angelic Tropes
- Alternate History Tropes
- Animal Tropes
- Annoyance Tropes
- Anxiety Tropes
- Apathy Index
- Apocalyptic Index
- Aquatic Animal Tropes
- Architecture Tropes
- Artistic License
- Attraction Tropes
- Authority Tropes
- Autonomous and Artificial Appendage Index
- Backstory Index
- Badass Tropes
- Banishment Tropes
- Barbarian Tropes
- Bargain Tropes
- Beach Tropes
- Betrayal Tropes
- Beverage Tropes
- Big Trope Hunting
- Bigger Is Better
- Biology Tropes
- Birth Tropes
- Blame Tropes
- Body Language
- Bookish Tropes
- A Bouncy, Springy Index
- Box Tropes
- Bravery Tropes
- Building Tropes
- Bushido Index
- Celebration Tropes
- Censorship Tropes
- Character Flaw Index
- Character Reaction Index
- Character Resemblance Tropes
- Characterization Tropes
- Characters as Device
- Child Abuse Tropes
- Circular Definition (recursion tropes)
- Circus Index
- Class Relations Index
- Cleanliness Tropes
- Clown Tropes
- Coats and Jackets
- Cohabitation Tropes
- Combat Tropes
- Competition Index
- The Courtroom Index
- Cranium Coverings
- Creation Tropes
- Crime and Punishment Tropes
- Criticism Tropes
- Crowd Tropes
- Currency Tropes
- Cynicism Tropes
- Dancing Tropes
- Dating Tropes
- Death Tropes
- Dialogue
- Dignity Tropes
- Disability Tropes
- Disaster Tropes
- Discord Tropes
- Disguise Tropes
- A Dishonorable Index
- Disproportionate Index
- Distraction Tropes
- Doctor Index
- Does Not Like This Index
- Door Tropes
- Doppelgänger
- Dream Tropes
- Drug Tropes
- Dueling Tropes
- Duo Tropes
- Dragon Tropes
- An Eggcellent Index
- Ego Tropes
- Elf Tropes
- Emotion Tropes
- Empowerment
- Entitled to This Index
- Episodes
- Espionage Tropes
- Exceeding Limits Tropes
- The Ex Index (Ex-"significant other" tropes)
- Excuse of an Index
- Extraversion Tropes
- Failure Tropes
- Fairy Tropes
- Fame and Reputation Tropes
- Family Tropes
- Fanservice
- Fantastic Flora
- Fantastic Sapient Species Tropes
- Faster-Than-Light Index
- Fate and Prophecy Tropes
- Fear Tropes
- Fictional Culture and Nation Tropes
- Fictional Media
- Filthiness Tropes
- Flirting and Courtship
- Flying Tropes
- Food Tropes
- A Forgiving Index
- Freedom Tropes
- Frenemy Tropes
- Friendship Tropes
- Furniture Tropes
- Futuristic Tech Index
- Gambit Index
- Gambling Tropes
- Gender and Sexuality Tropes
- Genie Tropes
- Geometry Tropes
- Gift Tropes
- Glasses Tropes
- Glove Tropes
- Goals and Objectives Index
- "Going to See a Show" Index
- Gratitude Tropes
- Gravity Tropes
- Grocery Store Index
- Had the Silly Index in Reverse
- Hair Tropes
- Hatred Tropes
- Haunted Index
- Healing and Curing Tropes
- Heat Index
- Height Tropes
- Heliotropes
- Hippie Index
- Hobby and Pastime Tropes
- Hocus Tropus
- Holiday Tropes
- Hollywood Style
- Homophobia Index
- Humans Are Indexed
- Hyperspace Index
- I Can't Find My Index
- I Have Your Index
- I Need an Index by Monday (Office Tropes)
- Idealism Tropes
- Identity Index
- Ignored Index
- Immaturity Tropes
- Immigration and Diaspora Tropes
- Immortality
- Incest Is Relative
- Incoherence Index
- Indebted Index (Debt Tropes)
- Index Backfire
- Indexed For Success
- Index in the Sky (Clouds and sky tropes)
- Index Making an Entrance
- Index Myopia
- Index of Apologies
- Index of Fictional Creatures
- Index of Hated Characters
- Index of Industry
- Index of Lists
- An Index of Ladies and Gentlemen
- Index of Solutions
- Index on the Moon
- Index to the Rescue
- Indexitis
- Indexed and Nerdy
- Infauxmation Desk
- Infernal Tropes
- Infidelity Index
- Information Desk
- Injury Tropes
- Innuendo Tropes
- Insecurity System
- Intelligence Tropes
- Internal Conflict Tropes
- The Internet
- Interracial and Interspecies Love Index
- Introversion Tropes
- Ironic Index
- The Jerk Index
- Juxtaposition Tropes
- Karma
- Kissing Tropes
- Knight in Shining Tropes
- Language Tropes
- Legacy Tropes
- Length Tropes
- Let This Index Be Your Umbrella
- Locked Up Tropes
- Locomotion Superindex
- Logic Tropes
- Love Tropes
- Loyalty Tropes
- Luck Tropes
- Luxury Tropes
- Madness Tropes
- Magical Computer
- Magic and Powers
- Magic Hat
- Mail and Delivery Tropes
- Make My Index Live!
- Map Tropes
- Marriage Tropes
- Master of the Index
- Math Tropes
- Maturity Tropes
- Meat of the Index
- Media Diversity Tropes
- Memory Tropes
- Mer Tropes
- Metallic Tropes
- Military and Warfare Tropes
- Mind Control
- Money Tropes
- Morality Tropes
- More than Meets the Eye
- Motivation Index
- Movie-Making Index
- Mummy Tropes
- Murder Tropes
- Naming Conventions
- The National Index
- National Stereotypes
- Necessary Drawback
- News Tropes
- Ninja Tropes
- Number Tropes
- Obsession Tropes
- Obvious Index
- Occupation Tropes
- Oh Great, a Snark Index
- Older Is Better
- The Oldest Profession
- One with the Index
- The Only Righteous Index of Fanatics!
- Organization Index
- Otherness Tropes
- Our Clones Are Identical
- Paper Tropes
- Paranormal Tropes
- Party at My Index
- Paternity Tropes
- Personal Appearance Tropes
- Philosophy Tropes
- Phone Tropes
- Pirate Tropes
- Plant Tropes
- Please Reflect on This Index
- Plots
- A Polite Index
- Politics Tropes
- Poverty Tropes
- Power
- Pragmatism Tropes
- Precociousness Tropes
- Prejudice Tropes
- Prideful Tropes
- Princely Tropes
- Prison Tropes
- Probability Tropes
- Protective Tropes
- Psychic Index
- Psychology Tropes
- Quitting Tropes
- Race Tropes
- Radioactive Tropes
- Rainbow Tropes
- Rarity Tropes
- Reality Is Unrealistic
- Realization Index
- Rebel Tropes
- Recognition Tropes
- Recruitment Index
- Rejection Index
- Religion Tropes
- A Reluctant Index
- Repeat Index Index
- Responsibility Tropes
- Rest and Relaxation Tropes
- A Restrained Index
- Restriction Tropes
- Retirement Tropes
- Return of the Index
- Reunion Tropes
- Revenge Tropes
- Rewarded with an Index
- Rituals and Ceremonies
- Rivalry Tropes
- Robot Roll Call
- Royalty and Nobility Tropes
- Sadism Index
- Scenes
- School Tropes
- Screaming Tropes
- Seaborne and Submersible Vehicles
- The Secret Index
- Selfishness Tropes
- Selflessness Tropes
- Sensory Index
- Series Tropes
- A Serious Index
- Settings
- Sex Tropes
- Sexual Harassment and Rape Tropes
- Shapes and Symbols Tropes
- Show Business Tropes
- Shroomy Tropes
- Shyness Tropes
- Sidekick
- Silence Tropes
- The Singles Index
- Signature Tropes
- Sir Index of Tropes
- Skills and Training Tropes
- Servant Tropes
- A Slave to the Index
- Sleep and Wakefulness Tropes
- Slippery Tropes
- Sociology Tropes
- Solitary Tropes
- Sour Grapes Tropes
- Spacecraft
- Spectacular Spinning
- Split Personality Tropes
- Sports Tropes
- Stealth Tropes
- Stellar Index
- Stereotypes
- A Sticky Index
- Stock Room (stock tropes)
- Stock Puzzle
- Stock Visual Metaphors
- Strength Index
- Stupidity Tropes
- Substitution Tropes
- Subterranean Index
- Sword Tropes
- Sympathetic Index
- Technological Tropes
- Teleportation Tropes
- Television Tropes
- Terrorism Tropes
- Test and Trial Tropes
- Text Tropes
- That Which Must Not Be Indexed
- The Creators Forgot About This Index
- There Are No Indexes
- These Tropes Are Equal
- These Tropes Should Help
- This Index Does Not Exist
- This Index Earth
- This Index Happened Offscreen
- This Index Has a Mind of Its Own
- This Index Has A Point
- This Index Has Had a Hard Life
- This Index Has Left the Building
- This Index Has Magic Properties
- This Index Is a Bitch
- This Index is a Real Pain
- This Index Is Expendable
- This Index Is in the Way
- This Index Is Not Like His Family
- This Index Is On Purpose
- This Index Is Stuck
- This Index Is The Best
- This Index Is Unstoppable
- This Index Is Useless
- This Index Knows What It's Talking About
- This Index Touches Itself
- This Index Will Be Important Later
- This Index Will Kill You
- This Index Will Live Forever
- This Might Be an Index
- This Used to Be an Index
- Threatening Tropes
- Time Tropes
- Time Travel Tropes
- Tiny Tropes
- Title Tropes
- Toxic Tropes
- Toy Tropes
- Tragedy
- Transhuman
- Treasure Tropes
- Tropes About Perverts
- Tropes About Taboos
- Tropes at Sea
- Tropes for Sale
- Tropes in Shining Armor
- Tropes in Space
- Tropes of Awkwardness
- Tropes of the Divine
- Tropes of Innocence
- Tropes of the Living Dead
- Tropes of Nature
- Tropes of the Soul
- Tropes of Tradition
- Tropes of Wisdom
- Tropes on Science and Unscience
- Tropes Out on a Limb
- Tropes to Cope
- A Trusting Index
- Truth and Lies
- Undead Index
- Underwater Index
- Values Dissonance
- Vampire Tropes
- Vandalism Tropes
- Vehicle Index
- Velocity Index
- Victory and Defeat
- Violence Tropes
- Virginity Tropes
- Walking Tropes
- Weakness Tropes
- Weather and Environment
- Wedding and Engagement Tropes
- We Interrupt This Index
- Werebeast Tropes
- We Will Not Use an Index in the Future
- Who Was That Masked Index?
- Will and Inheritance Tropes
- Witches and Wizards
- You Would Not Want to Live in Dex