Someone delivers a speech to another character on all the reasons why that other character sucks or is a horrible person. There are several contexts in which this can happen.
Frequently a brand of Evil Gloating and/or Break Them by Talking. In a well-done speech, the villain will state things that the hero (and audience) can't argue with and when the fight is done, the hero stays troubled because the Villain Has a Point. However, maybe they're total BS, but it's delivered with such conviction it almost makes the hero (and audience) agree that they were wrong to have dared challenge the villain in the first place.
Sometimes, it makes the point that the people the hero are trying to defend aren't worth the trouble. An especially arrogant Big Bad will use this to let the hero know they're just a lesser version of the Big Bad himself and the only difference is they're not saddled with morals. A villain going for a low-blow might bring up some previous encounter between the two when they overpowered the hero, as to state that the same thing will happen again. What You Are in the Dark can (and often does) follow.
A hero worth their salt might respond with their own speech along the lines of a "No More Holding Back" Speech or a Picard or Kirk Summation, among others. If it's an action movie, the hero will usually say "Shut Up, Hannibal!" and then declare what and who they truly are. Sometimes the hero survives only because they're Not Worth Killing, in which case they'll invariably prove that they are later in the story. Often a Moment of Awesome if a Jerkass gives this to someone and they respond with a better one.
A villain will usually respond by entering a Villainous Breakdown upon realizing the hero's words have a grain of truth to them and being unable to stand it. The Well-Intentioned Extremist may acknowledge it, but then state I've Come Too Far. Sometimes the villain will say "Shut Up, Kirk!" and mock them for thinking they could be swayed by mere words.
Alternatively, it could take the form of Even Evil Has Standards if the other villain did something they find completely unnecessary and appalling. If two or more Professional Killers are hired to track down the heroes, a Psycho for Hire can get this from a Hitman with a Heart, who voices their disgust at the former's capacity for torture, rape and enjoyment of destruction and killing, or a Consummate Professional, who loses patience with how their psychotic tendencies draw unwanted attention and their distaste for taking the simple approach makes the mission needlessly complicated. If the Big Bad crosses the Moral Event Horizon, the Noble Top Enforcer may drop one explaining how they were let down by their boss and feel betrayed by the one they looked up to before they quit. A Defector from Decadence may give one against their entire country before they leave, and if two villains team up to fight the heroes, one of them may eventually break off their partnership with one of these as a way of establishing them as the Lighter Shade of Black. Either way it can be a Moment of Awesome when the person on the receiving end has it coming.
This form often doubles as a way to explain the reasoning behind a Villainous Rescue without Leaning on the Fourth Wall too hard.
One thing all seven types of speech have in common is that the speaker has a point, even if they're villains. To give a speech about it, the speaker has to have thought it through and can usually have more than one reason why you suck. This is because the writer of the story has also thought it through. This is a sister trope to Calling the Old Man Out (or Calling the Old Woman Out). Compare Talking the Monster to Death where this is meant to kill or redeem a villain. Could also be a Take That, Scrappy! where someone tells a hated character what the audience feels about them. This can lead to failure if the character receiving the speech Can't Take Criticism. Can also overlap with a Cowardice Callout, which is when someone calls someone else for fear-based shortcomings.
Compare and contrast the "No More Holding Back" Speech, which may incorporate elements of this. See also Did You Actually Believe...? and You're Nothing Without Your Phlebotinum. An Armor-Piercing Response can provide a short, but effective way of calling someone out. Put to music, this is The Diss Track, and can become a "The Villain Sucks" Song or "The Hero Sucks" Song.
Contrast Minor Insult Meltdown, where just the tip of the "you suck" iceberg can sink someone to tears. Contrast also You Are Better Than You Think You Are and Grade System Snark. See also Compassionate Critic and Constructive Criticism.
Lastly; no, this isn't the trope that's about the reasons that characters are bad at speaking. Neither is it a meta Justification for This Loser Is You. Finally you'll find that some of these can be used to serve as Dare to Be Badass speeches too.
For a deadlier variation of this trope, see To the Pain.
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