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The Only Righteous Index of Fanatics!

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"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

This is the one true index! All other indexes are heretics!

We are not fanatics, oh no, we are simply righteous!

Sadly, this index also contains a lot of heresy, and heresy of the worst kind: The fanatics, those who believe their lies just as strongly as we believe in the truth. And since they are the majority here, we grudgingly accept the title "index of fanatics". Also, our hands are tied: We cannot say which one of the tropes listed below is the one and only true path that expose all the others as lies. Why? Because that's the only way we could all agree on this text, that's why!

For an index where this is on a governmental level, see Help! Help! This Index Is Being Repressed!.

Adding tropes to this index: Do not include any trait that a fanatic can have, only traits that are intrinsic to how they are fanatic or is the only thing the fanatic cares about. Examples of traits that are common among fanatics but shouldn't be included anyway is The Fettered, For Happiness and For Great Justice. Also please note that far from everyone who fits a "who" or "how" trope is a fanatic. Having those tropes listed here means that fanatics usually fit these tropes, but in the other direction it merely means that characters who fit these tropes at least somewhat often are fanatics. Knight in Sour Armor and The Fettered are both borderline cases. The former barely makes the list, the latter barely stays out.

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    What the One and Only Thing We Care About Is 
  • Bomb-Throwing Anarchists: Chaotic anarchy is everything! Pass it on!
  • Fan Dumb: We adore some work or genre of fiction (or some person or whatever else can be adored) to the exclusion of all else, and anyone who doesn't do likewise is wrong!
  • The Fundamentalist: Our beliefs, whether they are religious, ideological, or academical, are top priority.
  • The Gadfly: If we're the hedonistic variant, we just want self-enjoyment from provoking people's reactions.
  • Hate Dumb: We abhor some work or genre of fiction (or some person or whatever else can be abhorred) to the exclusion of all else, and (when we're also Fan Haters) anyone who doesn't do likewise is wrong!
  • Obsessively Normal: Anything even the slightest bit unique is evil!
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Who cares about your country? Or about the less-than-moral aspects of ours?
  • Principles Zealot: Our abstract principles are all that matters.note 
  • Schedule Fanatic: You must be here in precisely 5.8 minutes, and then spend no more or less than a half hour editing! Afterwards, you are to take a one-hour walk outside, arriving ready to engage in exactly 44 minutes of relaxation, ten of which shall involve yoga, five minutes involving...
  • Single-Issue Wonk: We obsess over one issue, even if others intersect they don't matter.
  • Totalitarian Utilitarian: It's all about the end result. If you don't have that, it's all a waste.note 

    Who We Are 

    How We Go about Our Business 
  • Abomination Accusation Attack: Combined with Ad Hominem below, because why debate the issue when you can smear?
  • Accentuate the Negative: There can be nothing good about our opponents or their goals. Feeding starving children? Helping little old ladies across the street? There has to be a bad reason or ulterior motive.
  • Accomplice by Inaction: The criminal can wait. We are inclined to chop off the heads of those who did nothing to stop the criminals.
  • Activist-Fundamentalist Antics: Repent, you foul sinner!
  • Ad Hominem: Combined with Abomination Accusation Attack above and/or Demonization, Dehumanization, and Everyone Is Satan in Hell below, a good way to make people hate our opponents.
  • Against My Religion: We refuse to partake in certain activities because it's against our holy religious standards. Even more, none of you should be doing them either.
  • Aggressive Categorism: You must be a stereotype!
  • Aggressive Negotiations: Negotiations? Peace talks? Screw that, let's just kill everyone who shows up.
  • All Crimes Are Equal: It doesn't matter how evil the crime is, whether it's murdering people, stealing money, or thinking sexual thoughts. Evil is evil and it must be punished within the same degree!
  • All Issues Are Political Issues: Because once we're in power, we can make every wrong right!
  • All of the Other Reindeer: As a group, we have the right to hate, despise, and mistreat you because you are different from us in every aspect!
  • Ambition Is Evil: People who wish to live to better standards than those they are born in are amoral and evil social climbers!
  • Anarchy Is Chaos: Anarchy leads to chaos, and only by bringing in order can we keep things in check!
  • Appeal to Force: Obey, or else we'll beat you up!
  • Appeal to Inherent Nature: You disapprove of the way we righteous people act? Tough; it's how we are, and you ought to get used to it, fool!
  • Appeal to Nature: Anything that is natural is good, and anything that is not is evil.
  • Appeal to Novelty: If we're left-wing or Bomb-Throwing Anarchists, the old ways must be destroyed by any means available, and the old structures must die because they're evil!
  • Appeal to Popularity: How do we know we're right? Because there's lots of others who think just as we do! If we were wrong, somebody would have realized it by now.
  • Appeal to Tradition: If we're right-wing, we say all modern thought and novelty is destroying society, and that only in traditional values and the past can we find security and truth.
  • Appeal to Worse Problems: Why should we care about your petty, First World misfortunes?! Don't you know children are starving in Africa?
  • Argument of Contradictions: THE LOUDER WE SCREAM, THE RIGHTER WE ARE!
  • Asshole Victim: We will generally start with these to raise our appeal to more of society (and not because we actually want to make bad people pay for their actions). After all, who wants to defend an animal abuser or a rapist?
  • At Least I Admit It: Sure, we may have done very terrible things (which are for the greater good, by the way), but that doesn't make us any worse than the next hypocrite!
  • Attack on One Is an Attack on All: If you harm even one of us, you better be ready for war.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: Having a baby is the only way to solve every couples' problems, and if anyone doesn't have one, then woe unto them.
  • Because I Said So: We don't need to explain to you ignoramuses why it's right or wrong! If we say it's right or wrong, then it is, without question, right or wrong, so accept it!
  • Big Brother Is Watching: If we gain enough institutional power to invoke this, we will. Anything from a camera or a minder on you to constant monitoring of all behavior.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: There are no shades of gray, no exculpatory or mitigating circumstances, no differences. The person who stole a $1 candy bar is just as evil if not more so than the one who stole $100,000,000 from old people's pensions.
  • Blackmail: We will often use this to humiliate someone or make them bow to our demands. Never mind that it's also one of the most effective weapons against us.
  • "Blackmail" Is Such an Ugly Word: If we are doing things that you find offensive, for instance blackmailing you, always know that you are taking things out of proportion.
  • Blaming the Victim: If horrible things happen to you, just understand that you must have done something to rightfully deserve it. With that, you get No Sympathy from us!
  • Blatant Lies: If Will Not Tell a Lie is not in effect, this often is instead. And the bigger and more outrageous the lie, the more unrelenting the BS onslaught, the better.
  • Blind Obedience: We will do whatever our leaders say. We will not question, we will not debate, and we will never say "Screw This, I'm Outta Here".
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: You non-zealots find our actions and behavior atrocious because we have a sense of morality that you can never comprehend. Nevertheless, our morality is far more valid and reasonable than yours!
  • Book Burning: These books promote immorality, spread falsehoods, and serve as a distraction! Let's burn them in the bonfire!
  • Brainwashing for the Greater Good: Because people are evil, no matter what, we believe that brainwashing them against their will will make a better society! Who cares about free will, anyways?!
  • Brutal Honesty: It's better to tell truths that hurt everyone's feelings than it is to tell lies that please them. Never sugarcoat the truth!
  • Burn the Witch!: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." So let's burn everyone with magical powers!
  • Bury Your Gays: Or "just" Cure Your Gays and reeducate the ones who aren't cured!
  • Can't Take Criticism: How dare you call us "fanatics?" We are the purest, truest expression of what we believe and you are in no place to criticize us!
  • Category Traitor: How dare you join a group that you shouldn't be a part of! Aren't you ashamed?!
  • Children Are a Waste: Our society is better off without bratty, annoying, stupid, and useless children. How dare anyone make babies!
  • Circular Reasoning: Who are you to question our worldviews?! Our morals are right because they are!
  • The Complainer Is Always Wrong: How dare you think differently from us! You will conform to our standards, whether you like it or not!
  • Condescending Compassion: We feel sorry for you morally inferior heathens because you fail to accept the reality of true righteousness.
  • Contempt Crossfire: Not only do our enemies hate you for being affiliated with our side, but we also hate you for not being devoted and zealous enough to uphold our standards!
  • Convicted by Public Opinion: You're guilty; we're sure of it.
  • Crushing the Populace: We've established control, now it's time to repress the people!
  • Cultural Posturing: Our culture is superior to all other cultures!
  • Culture Justifies Anything: Our culture permits and even requires us to do things like judging people who think differently from us, which is pure evil, forcing them to believe what we were taught to believe, and even killing them if they don't accept our beliefs!
  • Cartesian Karma: We sincerely do not care if you were unwillingly brainwashed to commit various crimes against our glorious society! We will still (badly) punish you, and show no remorse about it!
  • Day of the Jackboot: The glorious day on which we take over!
  • Defiled Forever: Your hymen has been breached before getting married? Then off to the whorehouse you go, you disgraceful skank! It's this or the convent, but we won't tolerate you blemishing the family's honor.
  • Dehumanization: Our opponents have no humanity, so kill them en masse!
  • Democracy Is Bad: Voting doesn't get anything done. And democracy is always chaotic!
  • Demonization: Accusing what you're against of being evil, or in some cases, literally having demons.
  • Deadly Euphemism: Because, you know, saying stuff like "kill" and "Final Solution" and "lesser race" could make it harder for us to call Nazi on people without having it turned back on us!
  • Diagnosis: Knowing Too Much: Someone being a thorn in our side? Have them forcibly medicated/committed!
  • Die for Our Ship: Should anyone impede our One True Pairing, they must die!
  • Digital Piracy Is Evil: Downloading videos, music, etc. is of the devil and anyone who does this deserves to be punished!
  • Disproportionate Retribution: We have the right to hand out extreme punishments for the tiniest offense!
  • Divide and Conquer: We'll keep our enemies divided in enmity, keeps them from allying and turning against us!
  • Divorce Requires Death: How dare you womenfolk wish to leave your men? Or alternately, how dare you men wish to leave your wives?
  • Double Standard: We have respective standards that one gender must adhere to, but the other doesn't have to.
  • Double Think: It's wrong to harm one another. It's also wrong to not harm one another.
  • Drugs Are Bad: You dare take one little smoke of that cigarette and your morality is thrown out of the window!
  • Dystopian Edict: If you break the edict, you suffer the government's wrath.
  • Easy Road to Hell: Don't do that small bad deed or you're going to hell!
  • Enemies Equals Greatness: What defines us as the only righteous people is the antagonism from the many lowly pathetic people who know we're better than them and can't stand it.
  • Emergency Authority: We want emergency dictatorial powers to destroy our enemies, suppress rebellions and bring in total order! Let's impose Martial Law and create a Police State after staging a False Flag Operation!
  • Entitled to Have You: If you're a good person, you are obligated to have romantic and/or sexual relations with me. No exceptions.
  • Everyone Is Satan in Hell: Twisting the Words and engaging in Ass Pulls are how we prove evil exists even where the lesser beings say it doesn't.
  • Everything Is Racist: Or if it isn't, then it's either sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, antisemitic, antidentitic, or otherwise prejudiced against whatever group we are or claim to stand up for.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Free will has bad consequences by letting suffering and evil to spread. Let's eliminate it and bring in total order!
  • False Dichotomy: Choose one or the other. There is no such thing as a third option.
  • False Flag Operation: Activist-Fundamentalist Antics, where we pose as one of a group we dislike to do anything from turning society against them to starting a shooting war between them and us, via anything from slighting us to crossing the Moral Event Horizon.
  • Family-Values Villain: Theft? Murder? Drug-dealing? All perfectly fine. Underage drinking? Not in my house, young man! You're grounded for a month! And control that dang potty mouth of yours or I'll make it two!
  • Fanatical Fire: YOU SHALL BURN!!!!
  • Fascists' Bed Time: A curfew has been imposed. Nobody is allowed to go out for a certain period of time!
  • Feeling Oppressed by Their Existence: Your existence is an anomaly. Disappear!
  • Felony Misdemeanor: It doesn't matter if what you're doing doesn't seem like it's evil, you're still a horrible person.
  • Final Solution: Kill everyone!! ALL of them!!
  • For Your Own Good: We are doing these cruel and horrible things to you because we care about you!
  • Godwin's Law: If you oppose our cause, you're a Nazi! Even if we're the ones calling for racial and moral "purity" and you're the one we're trying to kill.
  • Government-Exploited Crisis: When something bad happens, we won't bother helping our citizens, or we'll take advantage of it!
  • Guilt by Association Gag: Punishing one who has transgressed against a law isn't enough. Anyone who is associates with them are just as bad as them and they will be punished, too!
  • Guilt-Free Extermination War: Our war will only end with the complete extermination of the other side!
  • Hobbes Was Right: Humans Are Bastards And Morons as they have poor judgement, but fear and tyranny will keep them in line!
  • Homophobic Hate Crime: The evil gays and lesbians deserve to be injured or killed!
  • Honor Before Reason: Reason would suggest talking this out. Honor mandates we blow your brains out.
  • Honor-Related Abuse: Do things that are wicked, and we will abuse the hell out of you to restore the Family Honor!
  • Hypocrite: Because none of us can really be expected to live up to our own standards, now can we?
  • I Did What I Had to Do: We did that horrible thing because it was necessary, and have no regrets!
  • Illegal Religion: We forbid people from following their own religion, and make it mandatory for them to show their total devotion to the state.
  • Individuality Is Illegal: Anybody who doesn't conform to our norms needs to be cast out.
  • Information Wants to Be Free: Those who try to censor it are committing unspeakable horrors and must be dealt with swiftly and harshly!
  • Inspector Javert: We know without a shadow of a doubt that you're no good to the core and we will stop at nothing to make sure you get your proper punishment!
  • It Is Beyond Saving: This society is corrupt beyond redemption! We must destroy it and start over!
  • Jerk Justifications: We have justified reasons in being mean and insensitive! Don't like it? Deal with it!note 
  • Kangaroo Court: Thought you'd expect a fair trial, due process or an impartial jury? WRONG! Just accept the crime and we're going to throw you in jail.
  • Kill All Humans: Humans aren't worthy of existence. Kill them all!
  • Kill the Poor: Poverty is evil! Therefore, it is righteous to kill the homeless people for leeching off of our society!
  • Logical Fallacies: They sound good enough. Most people don't pay enough attention to see any flaws, they just eat it up.
  • Ludd Was Right: Our right-wing and a few of our most extreme left-wing (generally the Animal Wrongs Group and the environmentally-themed Bomb-Throwing Anarchists) strongly dislike technology and modern society.
  • Madonna-Whore Complex: Women are either respectable and prude virgins or disgusting whores! There is no such thing as a woman who is in-between!
  • Make an Example of Them: What better way to get people to follow our standards than to brutally punish one person for doing the opposite?
  • Mandatory Motherhood: Babies Make Everything Better, and this is why everyone will have children or else pay the dearest cost!
  • Misplaced Nationalism: Because our country is the best, and anyone who so much as questions it on the Internet must be destroyed!
  • Misplaced Retribution: Character X has wronged us! Something must be done! Hmmm...That's it! We must punish character Y since they may be associated with character X!
  • Moral Myopia: Whenever we do something that may seem heinous, it's perfectly justified. However, if you do the same things we do, you're evil!
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: The easiest solution to our enemies? Kill them!
  • Neutrality Backlash: You refused to side with either us or our enemy faction (although our side should always be the only side one must choose)! Therefore, we, along with our enemies, will make you pay the dearest cost!
  • Never My Fault: Whatever happens, it will always be your fault no matter what, not ours!
  • New Media Are Evil: This technology that you're enjoying is the work of the Devil. Get rid of it, or else!
  • No Sympathy for Grudgeholders: You Bastard!! How dare you not forgive that immoral bastard for making your life a living hell, even if they will continue doing that! You are just as bad (or worse) than them!
  • No True Scotsman: Nobody in my group of righteous fanatics would ever do such a thing like that! If they did, then they were never a true fanatic to begin with!
  • Not Wanting Kids Is Weird: Babies Make Everything Better and people who choose not to have children are not only missing out of true happiness, but are also selfish, inconsiderate degenerates who don't care about life and the future of the human race! Women (especially women) should want to give birth to children because it's their purpose to bear children! Men ought to want to have children to show how masculine they are in providing for their family!
  • N-Word Privileges: How dare you call us an inappropriate slur, you intolerant bastard! Only we're allowed to say that inappropriate slur to each other!
  • Offended by an Inferior's Success: Inferiors should have no reason to be better than us, who are born superior!
  • Off the Table: We will not give out offers that people have previously rejected. It's their fault for not accepting it when they had the chance.
  • Old Media Are Evil: You dare to enjoy previous technology?! You will be destroyed!
  • Omniscient Morality License: Our holy deity may have done some cruel and horrifying things in the world, but it's always for a good reason!
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: There will always be that very thing you've done that we will never forgive nor forget!
  • Opinion Myopia: Who cares about your opinions when you should care about ours?
  • Opinion Override: How dare they offend a group that we are not a part of!
  • Ordered Apology: You've wronged us by flaunting your immoral behavior! Apologize! And it better be a sincere one even if you really aren't sorry!
  • Outside/Inside Slur: You claim to be part of us, and yet you share many characteristics in common with that other group that we hate!
  • Pædo Hunt: Some of us will use "For the children!" as our rallying cry, branding everyone from LGBT people to photographers to the slightly weird-acting passersby as pedophiles and decrying even age-appropriate sexuality and abuse reporting information as "sexualizing children."
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth! Doing evil things to evil people is righteous!
  • People's Republic of Tyranny: People are idiots who can't be trusted to make a good decision. Let them believe they're free, forcing our agenda will just work better that way!
  • Persecuted Intellectuals: Scholars are considered a threat to the regime, and dealt with accordingly.
  • Playing the Victim Card: We are the victims, so we're justified in whatever we do!
  • Police State: State security is necessary to keep the citizens in lines.
  • Political Overcorrectness: We find that certain words and actions are very offensive and we will do anything in our power to prohibit anyone from saying or doing them! If you are not offended by any such words or actions, then you are an evil person that needs to be put away!
  • The Power of Hate: We are driven collectively by our hatred of something!
  • Prayer of Malice: We pray to our righteous deity that people like you disappear forever.
  • Pretext for War: So, that place we want to wage war against has done nothing to us? We'll find something, and if we can't do that, we will make it ourselves.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: If you're good to us, regardless of your actions, then we determine you as good. But if you don't agree with us, even if you're nice to us, you're unquestionably evil!
  • Propaganda Machine: Since the population is full of useful idiots and Gullible Lemmings, let's feed 'em lies about our enemies!
  • Propaganda Piece: How do we brainwash those Gullible Lemmings? Why, we can use ads, newspapers, TV and radio to spread our lies about our enemies!
  • Psychological Projection: We're not the evil ones, everyone else is!
  • Public Execution: What better way to kill a person than to do it with society watching?
  • The Purge: Let's get rid of the old regime's supporters, including their whole families, and install in our own allies through Kangaroo Courts.
  • Punished for Sympathy: How dare you show pity and kindness to the enemy! You are a true scum! You must be severely punished!
  • Realpolitik: In order to protect our interests, we must be ruthless!
  • Red and Black Totalitarianism: Hmmm, what colors should we put on our flag, to let people know where we stand?
  • Rationalizing the Overkill: We are completely aware that our punishments on those who do wrong may be extreme, but they are perfectly justified nevertheless!
  • Religion Is Wrong: Humanity should have Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions and moved on to greater, more material things. Anybody who promotes religion is nothing more than a right-wing fundamentalist and Bible-thumper supporting such outdated ideas!
  • Restart the World: This world is polluted by evil, low-life creatures. Let's just burn it all down and start over!
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: You oppressed us for so long, it's obvious your tribe/race/religion/class/what-have-you are Always Chaotic Evil and in desperate need of total eradication! The more violent and brutal the better.
  • The Right of a Superior Species: We are better than you, and so we can do things that would be considered evil if lesser beings like you did them! Related to Protagonist-Centered Morality and Omniscient Morality License.
  • Room 101: Let's subject a dissenter to their worst fears and brainwash them to follow our Dear and Great Leader!
  • Science Is Bad: The opposite of Religion Is Wrong: There's nothing more disgusting and wicked than technology. Anyone who uses it is nothing more than a Mad Scientist or an amoral media junkie corrupted by the media.
  • Self-Defense Ruse: We'll murder you, then justify it by claiming it was done in self-defense when it actually wasn't!
  • Serious Business: We take everything in the world very seriously and those who don't will face our wrath!
  • Sentenced Without Trial: The truly guilty don't deserve the mercy of a trial!
  • Sex Is Evil: How dare you have sex for any purpose other than procreation! It's not just not our taste, it's disgusting and evil and unclean!
  • Sex Is Evil, and I Am Horny: ...But if you provoke us with your lustiness, then you will satisfy our libido! It shall be your punishment for being a slut!
  • Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers!: If we are idealists, we believe that you debbie-downers who go on talking about how life is terrible are a bunch of whiny, ungrateful, low-life losers who are too stubborn to see that life is beautiful, even in its dark times. Take those Jade-Colored Glasses off!
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: If we are cynics, we believe that you happy-go-lucky buffoons who go on talking about how life is beautiful are naïve, childish, and brainwashed kids who need to get your heads out of the clouds and accept the hard truth that life is awful! Grow up!
  • Sins of Our Fathers: It's right to punish children for the shortcomings of their ancestors.
  • Slippery Slope Fallacy: We will accuse our opponents of this even if we are ourselves Jumping Off the Slippery Slope. See Hypocrisy and You Are What You Hate.
  • Slobs Versus Snobs:
    • If we are the snobs, we think you lazy, filthy, disgusting leeches should just get a job, pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, and until then enjoy a limited and painful existence as your just punishment for not being born a snob.
    • If we are the slobs, we think Aristocrats Are Evil and all rich people are Always Chaotic Evil and/or the Corrupt Corporate Executive planning to Take Over the World, and that any sign of appreciating or enjoying wealth marks you as an out of touch Upper-Class Twit who wants the poor to suffer and die.
  • Slut-Shaming: You had sex?! Shame on you, you whore! You deserve to die!
  • The Stateless: Dissenters are deported to an unknown region and are stripped of their citizenship or nationality for criticizing us.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: Women should never partake in any masculine activities!
  • Still Fighting the Civil War: That war may be long over, but we're still bitter about it!
  • Sub-Par Supremacist: Sure those other people are tall and smart and good-looking and well-adjusted and not overweight like we are, but they're others, inferior to us in every way!
  • Suicide Is Shameful: People who kill themselves or are thinking about killing themselves because life has been terrible to them are nothing but a bunch of selfish cowards who deserve to rot in hell! And, don't you dare say that suicide is not worse than murder, because it is!
  • Super Registration Act: We can force superheroes to register with the government (including their own identities), but face punishments if they don't.
  • Taught to Hate: Pass our hatred down to the next generation!
  • There Should Be a Law: Anything you do that we don't like is not only immoral, but also should be illegal.
  • Think of the Children!: This thing should be eradicated from existence because somewhere, somehow, at some point in time, a hypothetical child might see it and become scarred for life!
  • Thoughtcrime: The truth of our stand is obvious to anyone mentally competent. Therefore, those who deny it must be either stupid or driven by malice!
  • Torches and Pitchforks: Screw "justice" and "fairness"! If we want to repel the evil from our midst, we must do it ourselves!
  • Twisting the Words: Because anything anyone says can be made into something else entirely; it's Internet Rule 13, plain and simple.
  • Un-person: Since he's a dissenter, let's falsify the records and make them disappear from all documents!
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: We're going to make the world into a paradise! It doesn't matter how many people we have to kill, enslave, or torture in the process, it'll all be Worth It in the end, we swear!
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: To save humanity, all monsters must be destroyed. Why should we care if they're evil or not? Every single one of them deserves to die!
  • Van in Black: We're watching criminals and dissenters from a distance.
  • Vigilante Execution: When the criminals get off too lightly, we're the ones who will exact the punishment they deserve!
  • Vigilante Man: When the law won't punish those who need to be punished, we'll take the matter into our own hands!
  • Violence Really Is the Answer: As much as we hate it, violence is necessary to get things done!
  • Weakness Is Just a State of Mind: No, the goal isn't unachievable! You just gotta work harder! So do it!
  • What the Romans Have Done for Us: Yes, we're evil conquerors, but life before we came was much worse!
  • Wants a Prize for Basic Decency: We don't kill, steal, rape, or do drugs. Reward us now!
  • Weeding Out Imperfections: We will cut down the undesirables like we cut down weeds in a garden!
  • Wet Blanket Wife: We don't care what awesome feat or heroic battle our Love Interest needs to do! They need to think about the consequences of their actions and how it makes us feel!
  • When I Was Your Age...: We are disgusted with the modern generation for having it easy with things such as technology, recreational activities, and their ways of living their lives! Why can't they understand and appreciate the standards we uphold and the hardships we've endured back then?! We liked them better that way!
  • Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: It's your own fault for making us abuse you!
  • Would Be Rude to Say "Genocide": Killing millions of people is purely good! After all, they are all wicked and deserve to die!
  • Will Not Tell a Lie: Ever. No matter who gets hurt.
  • Witch Hunt: If you are in the minority, especially regarding religion, we will hunt you down!
  • With Us or Against Us: We are good and our enemies are evil. Anyone taking a neutral stance in our conflict or wishing to stay out of it entirely is therefore tolerating the existence of evil, making them just as evil!
  • You Are What You Hate: Many of us are exactly what we wish to not exist, whether in being the mirror image of our political opponents, our own race or sexuality not being "perfect" according to our rules, or similar. See Hypocrisy above.
  • You Can't Make an Omelette...: You can't make something great without destroying something!
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: We will dispose of you once you're no longer of use to us!
  • Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: It doesn't matter how many bad things the freedom fighters have done, because they are fighting for freedom. Likewise, it doesn't matter the cause of the terrorists, because they are causing terror.

    Kinds/Flavors of Works We Are Extra Likely to Write or Appear In 
  • And That's Terrible: We can't rely on Show, Don't Tell to get our message across to the ignorant, stupid masses. We must spell it out in black and white to make sure they know. And if they reject it afterward, well, then it's on them!
  • Anvilicious: Again, the audience is ignorant and stupid. Subtlety and nuance will just fly right over their head, and are purely detrimental to getting our message out there. We must beat the audience over the head with it instead, it's the only way those idiots will get it.
  • Author Tract: Who cares about telling a good story? We're here to preach, dammit! In fact, we should actively avoid telling a good story, since if people are enjoying themselves too much while reading/watching it, they'll be too distracted to pay attention to our message!
  • Disobey This Message: Don't believe the same dumbass things as everyone around you! Form your own, more intelligent beliefs! ...By which we mean the same beliefs as us, of course.
  • Easy Evangelism: If you're against us, we'll know if you're not a lost cause based on how quickly you realize the error of your ways once we make you aware of it.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: What do you mean, it's not a Happy Ending? It's in line with what we believe; therefore, it's a Happy Ending!
  • The Extremist Was Right: See? We told you our extreme solution was the only one!
  • Hitler Ate Sugar: Let's dissuade people from doing something we don't like by implying that they will be associated with an evil person if they do it.
  • Real Life: Appearance only but unfortunately, we appear there very often, so much that our appearances there often inspire our appearances in fiction.
  • Scare 'Em Straight: Kids won't remember "You'll be righteous and have good things happen to you if you go with us." as easily as they'll remember "You'll be evil and have horrific things happen to you if you go against us." Related to Easy Road to Hell and Accentuate the Negative.
  • You Bastard!: There's nothing like the audience's favorite fictional character saying they should agree with us to help them to do just that.
