Players: Question everything.
This about sums up roleplaying gaming.
The role playing and strategy games that one sees on computers and video game consoles are one permutation of a much older legacy. The originals were played with a book of rules, pencils, paper, dice, models and imagination — a form of low-tech virtual reality. D6 dice are Older Than Dirt, while D20s are apparently
Older Than Feudalism, though no one knows what they were used to play. These are still popular today, in many forms, the most widely known of which are tabletop RPGs and tabletop Wargames.
The default format for a tabletop RPG is for one player to be selected as the Game Master while the others each create Player Characters who will collectively act as the heroes of the game's plot. Individual sessions or "episodes" of the game are commonly called "adventures", and the ongoing game story itself is usually called a "campaign," a holdover from these games' own heritage from tabletop wargames.
These tabletop RPGs have historically been the subject of much controversy — usually due to misinformation or simply misunderstanding. Common myths included that roleplaying games lead to devil worship, that players (and not their fictional personae) carry out magical spells, and that players actually become their characters. Inexplicably, the stigma remains even after World of Warcraft and its ilk have made it seem almost normal for the guy at the water cooler to insist on telling you about his elf.
Another permutation of tabletop RPGs are live-action role-playing or LARP. LARPs are similar to tabletop RPGs in how they play, but instead of sitting around the table, players actually act out the story physically. Since these situations don't lend themselves very well to long stat sheets or rolling dice, most LARPs use greatly simplified game mechanics, ranging from the "rock-paper-scissors" system used under White Wolf's first-edition Mind's Eye Theatre rules to semi-contact boffer-weapon systems clearly influenced by the Society for Creative Anachronism and other recreationist groups. These games vary greatly in size, from intimate affairs similar to traditional RPGs, to massive events such as those run by the International Fantasy Gaming Society or Mythodea
Tabletop RPGs have their origins in the Older Than Radio Turn-Based Strategy tabletop Wargames, tracing all the way back to Chess (invented in ancient India) and Go (invented in ancient China). According to Dave Arneson (a co-creator of D&D), the modern concept of an RPG — players being represented in the game by actual characters with unlimited potential to act, as opposed to countries, pawns, or other abstract entities with well-constrained abilities — came about in the mid-1960s with David Wesley's "Braunstein" game, a Napoleonic wars-era scenario where players took roles as city officials, soldiers, citizens, and students in the fictional German university town of Braunstein. Arneson adapted the concept to his own scenarios which eventually became known as the Blackmoor
campaign; this, in turn, eventually merged with Gary Gygax's Chainmail
wargame and Greyhawk campaign to become one of the first RPGs, Dungeons & Dragons.
Related are Tabletop RPG Tropes. See The Role-Playing Game for licensed works adapted to Tabletop RPGs. See also Forum Role Plays (which can feature rules from various RPG systems), Role-Playing Game 'Verse, RPG Episode, and RPG Mechanics 'Verse. For real people actually playing tabletop RPGs, see Actual Play. Compare Narrative Board Game, an evolutionary offshoot that (usually) doesn't require a Game Master.
Works licensed from Tabletop RPGs can be found below this list. For Fan Works, see FanWorks.Tabletop Games.
Tabletop RPGs include:
- 1%er
- 7th Sea
- 7th Sea: The East
- 2300 AD
- Aces and Eights: Shattered Frontiers
- Active Exploits
- Against the Dark Yogi
- Age of Aquarius
- Age of Steel
- Albedo: The Role-Playing Game
- Alice Is Missing
- Alternity
- Ammo
- Anathema
- Anima: Beyond Fantasy
- Ani-Mayhem
- Aquelarre
- Arcane Codex
- Arduin
- Aria: Canticle of the Monomyth
- Ars Magica
- Ascendant RPG
- AT43
- Atlantis: The Second Age
- Base Raiders
- Basic Action Super Heroes
- BattleTech & MechWarrior
- Beyond the Pale
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth
- Blackbirds RPG
- Bleak World
- Bliss Stage
- Blood of Heroes (previously DC Heroes)
- Blue Planet
- Blue Rose
- Boldly Go
- Boot Hill
- Breaking the Ice
- Broken Gears
- Buck Rogers XXVC
- Bulldogs!
- Bunnies & Burrows
- Burning Wheel
- Call of Cthulhu
- Achtung! Cthulhu
- Delta Green (First a campaign setting, later became its own standalone game)
- The House of R’lyeh
- Masks of Nyarlathotep
- Secrets of San Francisco
- World War Cthulhu
- Cartoon Action Hour
- Car Wars
- Castle Falkenstein
- Champions / Hero System
- Chill
- Chronopia
- Chthonian Stars
- Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
- Cities Without Number
- Codex
- C°ntinuum: roleplaying in The Yet
- Coriolis The Third Horizon
- Corporation
- CthulhuTech
- Cyberpunk (R. Talsorian Games)
- Cypher System
- d20 System
- d20 Modern
- 13th Age
- Arcanis
- Cerulean Seas
- City of 7 Seraphs
- Damnation Decade
- Delvebound
- DragonMech
- Dragonstar
- Etherscope
- Fan Adv
- Iron Heroes
- Kingdoms of Kalamar
- Legend System
- Microlite 20
- Midgard
- Midnight (2003)
- Mork Borg
- Mutants & Masterminds
- Northern Crown
- Oathbound
- Pathfinder
- Ptolus
- Scarred Lands
- Spheres of Power
- The Dark Eye
- Deadlands
- Degenesis
- Desolation
- Die Laughing
- Dishonored Roleplaying Game
- Dogs in the Vineyard
- Don't Rest Your Head
- Don't Walk In Winter Wood
- Double Cross
- Dragon Age
- Dragon Quest
- DragonRaid
- Dragonlance: Fifth Age Dramatic Adventure Game
- Dungeon Crawl Classics
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Systems
- Birthright
- Blackmoor
- Council Of Wyrms
- Dark Sun
- Dragonlance
- Dungeons And Dragons Encounters
- Dungeons Of Drakkenheim
- Eberron
- Epic Level Handbook
- Forgotten Realms
- Jakandor
- Greyhawk
- Isle of the Ape
- Grim Hollow
- Humblewood
- Keep on the Borderlands
- Mystara
- Nentir Vale (Points of Light)
- Planescape
- Ravenloft
- Spelljammer
- Spellslinger
- Tal'dorei
- Odyssey of the Dragonlords
- Wilderlands of High Fantasy
- City State of the Invincible Overlord
- Dungeons And Mobs
- Earthdawn
- Eclipse Phase
- Edgewalkers
- Electric Bastionland
- Empire of Satanis
- Empire of the Petal Throne (Tékumel)
- Engine Heart
- The End of the World
- Eon
- Everway
- Everyone Is John
- Exalted
- The Expanse
- The Fabled Lands
- Fabula Ultima
- Fading Suns
- The Fantasy Trip
- F.A.T.A.L.
- Fate
- Fate Of The Norns: Ragnarok
- Feng Shui
- Fiasco
- Fight
- Fighters United
- Fighting Fantasy
- Fireborn
- Forged in the Dark
- Forsooth!
- Fragged Empire
- Gamma World
- Gear Krieg
- Genesys
- Giant Guardian Generation
- Grimtooth's Traps
- Gobblin'
- Goblin Quest
- Godbound
- Godlike
- Golden Sky Stories
- Good Society
- Gratuitous Anime Gimmick
- GUMSHOE System
- GURPS Settings and Genre Expansions:
- Age of Gold
- Alchemical Baroque
- Alternate Earths
- Banestorm
- Bio-Tech
- Britannica-6
- The Broken Clockwork World
- Discworld Roleplaying Game
- Dragons
- High-Tech
- Infinite Worlds
- The Madness Dossier
- Reign of Steel
- The GURPS Space Atlas series
- Supers
- Tales of the Solar Patrol
- Technomancer
- Thaumatology
- Transhuman Space
- Ultra-Tech
- GURPS Settings and Genre Expansions:
- Hackmaster
- The Hard Way
- Harnmaster
- Hc Svnt Dracones
- Heart: The City Beneath
- Heavy Gear
- HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone
- Heroine
- HoL
- Hollow Earth Expedition
- Honey Heist
- Hong Kong Action Theatre
- Houses of the Blooded
- Hulks And Horrors
- Immortal The Invisible War
- Icons: Superpowed Roleplaying
- Infernum
- In Nomine
- In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas
- Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined
- Invisible Sun
- Ironclaw
- Iron Kingdoms
- JAGS Wonderland
- Jovian Chronicles
- kill puppies for satan
- Kill Sector
- Kobolds Ate My Baby
- Lace & Steel
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Lancer
- The Laundry
- Legend of the Five Rings
- Legend Quest
- Legends of the Wulin
- Legionnaire, the Renegade Legion role-playing game
- Lejendary Adventures
- Little Fears
- Lone Wolf Adventure Game
- Lords of Creation
- Macho Women with Guns
- M.A.G.U.S.
- Maid RPG
- Mazes and Minotaurs
- Mechanical Dream
- Meddling Kids
- Mekton
- Metal Opera
- Metamorphosis Alpha
- Microscope
- Monsters and Other Childish Things
- The Morrow Project
- Mothership RPG
- Must Be Tuesday
- Mutant (1984)
- Mutant (1989) (aka New Mutant)
- Mutant — Heirs of the Apocalypse
- Mutant — SPACE
- Mutant — Year Zero
- Mutant Chronicles
- My Life with Master
- Myriad Song
- Mystic Empyrean
- Mythender
- Nechronica
- Nephilim
- Neuroshima
- New Horizon
- Nibiru
- Nobilis
- Normality
- Noumenon
- Oko Yrrhedesa
- The One Ring
- On Mighty Thews
- Over the Edge
- Palladium
- Pandemonium (1993)
- Pandemonium (2007)
- Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium
- Spite: The Second Book of Pandemonium
- Pandemonio
- Paranoia
- Pendragon
- Planet Mercenary
- Plüsch, Power & Plunder
- Pokéthulhu
- Powered by the Apocalypse
- Prose Descriptive Qualities
- Psionics: The Next Stage in Human Evolution
- Puppetland
- Racial Holy War
- Red Dwarf
- Red Markets
- The Riddle of Steel
- Risus
- Rocket Age
- Role Master
- RuneQuest
- Rym
- Ryuutama
- Savage Worlds
- Scion
- Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game
- Sins
- SenZar
- Shadow of the Demon Lord
- Shadowrun
- Shotguns and Zombies
- SIGMATA: This Signal Kills Fascists
- Silver Age Sentinels
- The Singularity System
- Skyrealms Of Jorune
- SLA Industries
- Sorcerer (2001)
- Space 1889
- Sparks Of Light
- Spawn of Fashan
- Spears of the Dawn
- Spire
- The Splinter
- Star Frontiers
- Stars Without Number
- Star Trek Adventures
- Star Wars: Roleplaying Game
- Stick Guy
- Stormbringer
- Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game
- Strike Legion
- Sufficiently Advanced
- Summerland
- Superlatives
- Swordbearer
- Sword World RPG
- Tails of Equestria
- Tales from the Floating Vagabond
- Tales from the Loop
- Tales from the Wild Blue Yonder
- Talislanta
- Teenagers from Outer Space
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness
- Tenra Bansho ZERO
- Tephra
- Thieves' World
- They Came From Beneath The Sea!
- Timemaster
- Toon
- Torchbearer
- Traveller
- Tribe8
- Trinités
- Trinity Universe
- Trudvang Chronicles
- Tunnels & Trolls
- Twilight: 2000
- U Realms Live (Originally Unforgotten Realms Live)
- Unhallowed Metropolis
- Unisystem
- Unknown Armies
- The Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG
- Urban Jungle
- Victoriana RPG
- Villains & Vigilantes
- Violence™: The Roleplaying Game of Egregious and Repulsive Bloodshed
- Visigoths vs. Mall Goths
- Wanderhome
- Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- Warhammer 40,000
- Warriors Adventure Game
- The Whispering Vault
- Wicked Fantasy
- Wicked Ones
- Wild Talents
- Witch Girls Adventures
- Wolsung Steam Pulp Fantasy
- The World of Darkness
- The World of Darkness gamelines:
- Chronicles of Darkness gamelines:
- Monte Cook's World of Darkness
- World of Synnibarr
- Worlds Without Number
- World Tree (RPG)
- Zweihänder
Licensed works related to a Tabletop RPG:
- Chaos Dragon — licensed adaptation of the RPG Red Dragon.
- Cyberpunk: Edgerunners — anime spinoff of Cyberpunk 2077, itself set in the setting of Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk.
- Legend Of Crystania — a Record of Lodoss War sequel licensed from the Sword World system.
- Night Wizard — licensed from the FEAR system game Night Wizard!.
- Dungeons & Dragons (2000)
- Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Not only does the film use the D&D lore, its plot and situations were also conceived to resemble a RPG game in itself.
- A number of RPG campaign settings have their own book series set in them. Dragonlance is series of books with a campaign setting.
- Endless Quest was a D&D Gamebook series.
- Pathfinder Tales
- Cyberpunk (R. Talsorian Games)
- Dungeons & Dragons
- The Dark Eye
- HeroQuest / RuneQuest
- Mutant Chronicles
- Numenera
- Pathfinder
- Shadowrun
- The World of Darkness