Alternate title: What Do You Mean, Our Jesus and Cthulhu Are Different, So Screw The Sliding Scale of What Measure Is Good and Evil True Art vs. Chekhov's Nightmare Phlebotinum! Everything's Better with Adverbly Adjective Hollywood-Gambit Moments of Doom Ex Machina, BITCH! (IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!)
It's a fairly common practice in the wiki to make puns based on pre-existing trope titles. Outside of this wiki, this is called a "snowclone", where in a sentence "X is the new Y", anything the speaker wants to use can be substituted for X and Y.
The term "snowclone" originated on Language Log, from multiple examples of people claiming "[Culture X] has [Y] words for [concept Z.]" based on the statement that "Eskimos have 50 words for snow."
But very often, this new trope will have nothing whatsoever to do with its namesake. (And that's bad.)
The Title Bin was the place where silly wordplay used to go if it couldn't be justified by the trope description, as more creative ways of Naming a Trope should be used. It was eventually deleted as too few of the entries displayed any actual humor.
See also Everything's Worse with Snowclones for more reasons that you shouldn't name tropes this way.
Index of Snowclones:
- Adaptation Deviation (Adaptational X)
- Adverbly Adjective Noun
- Anime Reality
- Archaic Weapon for an Advanced Age (from Elegant Weapon for a More Civilized Age)
- Artistic License
- From Bizarre Alien Biology:
- Blood Is Squicker in Water
- Did You Just Index Cthulhu?
- Doomy Dooms of Doom
- Fairy Devilmother (from Fairy Godmother)
- Foo Fu
- From Garnishing the Story:
- God-Karting with Beelzebub (from Go-Karting with Bowser)
- Good and Evil for Your Convenience
- Heel/Face Index
- Hollywood Style
- Humans Are Indexed
- Ind ex Machina
- [Index Name]
- Index of the Week
- Infauxmation Desk (from Information Desk)
- Literal Money Metaphor
- MacGuffin Snowclones
- Made of Index
- From Moral Event Horizon (X Is a Special Kind of Evil):
- Nice Job Breaking It, Herod (from Nice Job Breaking It, Hero)
- No Badge? No Problem! (from No Plot? No Problem!)
- No Export for You (from Seinfeld's "no soup for you" meme)
- Our Tropes Are Different
- The Power of Index
- Punk Punk
- Real Award, Fictional Character (from Real Trailer, Fake Movie)
- Revolutionaries Who Don't Do Anything (from The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything)
- Rule of Index
- Screw This Index, I Have Tropes
- Setting Gimmicks (Kitchen Sinks / World of X)
- Sorting Algorithm of Tropes (Mohs Scales / Sliding Scales)
- Suspiciously Similar Song (from Suspiciously Similar Substitute)
- That One Index
- "This Index" Indices
- This Index Barks — tropes about dogs
- This Index Blows — tropes about air and wind
- This Index Broke Up — tropes about break-ups
- This Index Does Not Exist — tropes on existence
- This Index Earth — tropes about earth
- This Index Fights Dirty — tropes about fighting dirty
- This Index Glows — tropes about light, glowing, or illumination
- "This Index Has" Indices
- This Index Happened Offscreen — tropes about things that happened offscreen
- This Index Has a Mind of Its Own — tropes about 'living' inanimate objects
- This Index Has A Point — tropes about characters that make a good point
- This Index Has Had a Hard Life — tropes about characters who have had a hard life
- This Index Has Left the Building — tropes about character exits
- This Index Has Magic Properties — tropes about magic items and their properties
- This Index Hits for Massive Damage — tropes about massive damage attacks or weak-point exploitation
- "This Index Is" Indices
- This Index Is a Bitch — tropes about antagonistic or villainous women
- This Index Is a Clue — tropes about clues
- This Index Is Anachronistic — tropes about anachronisms
- This Index Is a Joke — tropes about jokes
- This Index is a Real Pain — tropes about pain
- This Index Is Brown — tropes about brown things
- This Index Is Copypasted — tropes about copycats
- This Index Is Cursed — tropes about curses
- This Index Is Expendable — tropes about the expendable
- This Index Is Having a Cow, Man! — tropes about cows
- This Index Is in the Way — tropes about object, place, and character obstacles and methods
- This Index Is Not an Example — tropes with names that differ from their meanings
- This Index Is Not My Girlfriend — tropes about insisting characters are not in a relationship
- This Index Is Not To Scale — tropes about the scale of things in real life
- This Index Is on Fire — tropes about fire or combustion
- This Index Is On Purpose — tropes about deliberate authorial choices
- This Index Is Ready To Rumble — tropes about boxing, fists, or fistfights
- This Index Is Stuck — tropes about being stuck somewhere or with something/someone
- This Index Is Useless — tropes about things that are useless in fiction though probably not Real Life
- This Index Is Unstoppable — tropes on characters who are tough to stop or slow down
- This Index Is Not Like His Family — tropes about familial differences
- This Index Knows Kung-Fu — tropes about In-Universe martial arts
- This Index Knows What It's Talking About — tropes about experts in their fields of knowledge
- This Index Means Trouble — tropes that almost always lead to conflict
- This Index Meows — tropes about cats
- This Index Quacks — tropes about waterfowl
- This Index Touches Itself — tropes about masturbation
- This Index Will Be Important Later (Chekhov's Tropes) — tropes about foreshadowing
- This Index Will Kill You — tropes about things that can injure or kill
- This Index Will Live Forever — tropes about immortality and cheating death
- This Trope Is X
- A Troper Is You
- Tropes on a Bus
- Tropey the Wonder Dog
- TV Tropes "How to" Guides
- We Will Not Use an Index in the Future
- What Do You Mean, It's Not an Index?
- What Measure Is an Index?
- Where Everybody Knows Your Flame (from the Cheers Theme Song, "Where Everybody Knows Your Name")
- Wings Do Nothing (from Goggles Do Nothing)
- With Great Power Comes Great X: