Any trope belongs in this index if the description is written as though the description itself is an example. For instance, No Indoor Voice looks like it was written by someone who has no indoor voice. The text on the tropes featured in this index is informal, due to many capital words and exclamation marks. While we mainly do this as a means of having fun, it's also a useful tool when naming tropes: an uninformed reader, when looking at a self-demonstrating trope title, can understand what it's about much faster than if it wasn't. Thanks to the Grelling–Nelson paradox, whether this very article counts as a self-demonstrating article depends entirely on whether we say it is.
Properly indexed self-demonstrating articles indicate themselves with an icon of an orange. An orange fruit is the color orange, see. It's not exactly self-demonstrating, but it's close enough.
Self-Demonstrating Pages:
Related Indexes:
Self-Demonstrating Indexes:
- Accidental Index
- Added Alliterative Appeal
- Anger Tropes
- Apathy Index
- Bigger Is Better
- Blame Tropes
- Complaining Index
- Compliment Tropes
- Competition Index
- Counting Tropes
- Disgust Tropes
- Envy and Jealousy Tropes
- Fear Tropes
- Game Show Tropes
- Gray Tropes
- Happiness Tropes
- Hard-Drinking Tropes
- Humility Tropes
- Ignored Index
- [Index Name]
- It Sucks
- The Jerk Index
- Oh Great, a Snark Index
- The Only Righteous Index of Fanatics!
- A Polite Index
- Prejudice Tropes
- Prideful Tropes
- Recursive Index Index
- A Reluctant Index
- Repeat Index Index
- Revenge Tropes
- Sadism Index
- Screaming Tropes
- The Secret Index
- Selfishness Tropes
- A Serious Index
- Sublime Rhyme
- That Which Must Not Be Indexed
- This Might Be an Index
- Threatening Tropes
- Tiny Tropes
- Translation Tropes
- We Interrupt This Index
- What Is This Index?
- Absent-Minded... What did I forget again? I knew there was something...
- Absurdity Ascendant
- Accent Upon The Wrong Syllable
- Accentuate the Negative is a terrible article and those who like it have no taste in quality content.
- AAO (Acronym and Abbreviation Overload)
- Advert-Overloaded Future, made of all-natural Adverts!
- A Dungeon Is You
- Advanced Tech 2000
- Aesop Amnesia
- I can't be on this page. It's Against My Religion.
- The Alcatraz
- Alcatraz Series
- אני לא יכול להרשות לעצמי להיות בעמוד הזה.note
- all lowercase letters
- All-Blue Entry
- In this free trope called "Allegedly Free Game", you must pay $1.99 for each word after the first ten.
- All Green Entry
- My page was All Just a Dream
- All Orange Entry Discussion
- All-Red Entry
- Ancient Keeper
- And There Was Much Rejoicing
- Antiquated Linguistics
- I'm sorry about this entry for Apologises a Lot. There really should have been a much better line than this one. Sorry it's so long. We apologise for it being so overwritten.
- How can you say Appeal to Worse Problems is bad when the tropes on the Darth Wiki are in a worser shape?
- Applied Mathematics + Self-Demonstrating = This
- archy and mehitabel
- Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?
- Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?
- Armed Blag
- This is a trope... and I! HATE! TROPES!
- Thiso Asian Speekee Engrish erz the bestoh!
- If you Ask a Stupid Question... are you saying something obvious?
- Lincus Pagina Mainosum. Definitely sounds foreign to me!
- As you know, we have a page that is called As You Know, right here.
- Attack of the The Eye Creatures
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!
- Auction. We'll open the bidding at five dollars.
- Egregious Author Vocabulary Calendar
- Tomato Insect
- Visit the unabridged version HERE.
- Front To Back
- The Backwards Я
- Bad Liar has no link on this page, I swear..
- The Beast of Yucca Flats
- Beam Up Me, Scotty!
- Be as Unhelpful as Possible
- Beat
- Beige Prose. It's simple and plain. That's what it is.
- Better Than It Sounds — The folder names.
- Big Brother Is Employing You
- Big Brother Is Watching
- Big Brother Worship
- I am the very model of a modern major general, I've information vegetable, animal and mineral. Generally, no one in this work who saw me will speak of me again.
- Bônus für les bilingües
- Bilingual Dialogue
- There is an excellent specimen of T. autodemonstrans on display at Binomium ridiculus
- Biting-the-Hand Humor. Man, these tropers are terrible.
- Bizarro Universe isn't on this page.
- Blackout is a word association game show hosted by Bob Goen and created by Jay Wolpert.
- blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- This does not link you to Blatant Lies.
- Bl**p Dammit
- The thief blind, as they say, finally,note
- :( A problem has been detected and the link to this page has been removed to prevent damage to your life.
- To open the page on Bold Inflation, press the bolded blue text on this sentence.
- Bookcase Passage
- Book Ends
- Bowdlerise
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs
- Hey, you out there in front of the computer! Stop just browsing this index and click on Breaking the Fourth Wall!
- Hey, reader. You should also consider reading Laconic.Breaking The Fourth Wall. Sorry about the rude entry above; it was written by That Troper.
- Brick Joke
- British Accents, love!
- British Humour
- Broken Base
- Broken Masquerade
- Broken Record Broken Record Broken Record Broken Record *scratch* Broken Record Broken Record
- Brüno (2009)
- That Buffy Speak article thing looks tropey.
- …But He Sounds Handsome-This isn't the actual page, but I heard that the actual page is really great. Probably the best page ever.
- But Wait, There's More! If you call now, we'll throw in this free sandwich!
- Buy or Get Lost
- This page will give you a delicious cake.
- Silly old trope. Silly silly silly WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
- Caligula's Horse
- CamelCase
- Camera Abuse
- Tropes, Eh.
- Candle Ja
- Canis Latinicus
- Captain Obvious — This links to the Captain Obvious trope, which is about the Captain Obvious trope with relates to someone stating the obvious.
- Captain Obvious Aesop
- I see you're looking for various self-demonstrating articles. I'd like to show you one, if you pay me... um... 400 trope points?
- cat planet!
- Censored For Comedy
- [Insert 15 minute speech on Character Filibuster here]
- The Link to This Page and the Examples
- Chekhov's Gun
- Everything Wrong with CinemaSins in 100 tropes or less
- Circular Redirect: Click here to read about it!
- Class Clow—ROBERT! Stop throwing paper airplanes!
- Classified Info-------
- Laconic.Clickbait Gag
- Close on Title
- Cocomelon
- Colon Cancer: The Article: The Link
- I like pudding.
- Common Meter
- Compliment Fishing isn't an interesting trope at all, waste of space really, I can understand why you don't want to read it....
- This has never not been no link to nowhere except Confusing Multiple Negatives
- And don't forget about Conjunction Malfunctions.
- Sorry, you didn't win the big prize, but here's our Consolation Prize.
- Conspiracy Theorist (or at least that's what they want you to think!)
- WARNING: The following trope may contain self-demonstration
- CorectionBait
- We wish we could talk about Could Say It, But..., but…
- Counting to Potato in three, pizza, eighteen, capital-D, Rushmore...
- Counting to Three — I'll give you to three to click that link. One … One and a half …
- "cough" *Cough* Snark *Cough* "cough"
- Crazy Survivalist
- Creepy Changing Painting
- Crowing Moment Of Funny
- Cue Card Pause
- Here's a link to Curse Cut Short, works like a son of a b-
- Dada is egg
- Dateline
- Deadline News
- Deadpan Snarker: Oh geez, these tropes are soooo original.
- Dead Person Conversation
- Dear John, I think we should start reading other tropes instead of just "Dear John" Letter.
- Death Trap
- Visit Déjà Vu HERE. Visit Déjà Vu HERE.
- Don't click on the link to Delicious Distraction! We made you a cake!
- Demonic Possession
- This is the Department of Redundancy Department trope. Click on it to access the Department of Redundancy Department trope. To click on the Department of Redundancy Department trope …
- Describe Describe Topic Here here.
- Derailed for Details
- Destroy the Product Placement
- Dialogue Tree
- Dictionary Opening
- Did Not Do the Bloody Research, like an arse.
- Did you actually believe there would be no link here?
- Dinosaur Comics
- Disorganized Outline Speech is four. Now G or possibly B is…
- Visit the Disproportionate Retribution page or we'll put your fingers through a meat grinder.
- The Dissimile page is kinda like a dog that talks, only it's not a dog, doesn't talk, and is actually a trope.
- Distracted By My Own Se-Well hello there, handsome!
- Doctor Who: The Gunfighters/At the Last Chance Saloon
- Whatever you do, don't take your eyes off the Angel, and don't blink!
- Don't Explain the Joke. (Get it? This link takes you to Don't Explain the Joke.note )
- Don't Touch It, You Idiot!
- Doomy Dooms of Doom
- Double Toasted
- Do Well, But Not Perfectt
- Dramatic... Ellipsis!
- cl*1*ck +h3 -l1nk
- Ear Trumpet: ("Huh?! WHAT!?") EAR TRUMPET!!!
- Wow!! This Easily Impressed link is the best thing ever!!
- This link is Egregious.
- Either/Or Title, or: A Title by Any Other Name
- Guess what Elmo's thinking about today?
- Elevator Floor Announcement 6th Floor: Self-Demonstrating Articles
- The Elmuh Fudd Syndwome page is a gweat exampo, as wehw.
- Emphasize Everything
- Nothing to see here.
- The End (or is it?)
- Ending Fatigue
- Enforced Plug forced us to advertise this here.
- #EngineeredHashtag
- Epigraph
- to link Click the access page this.
- Hey, Vern! It's me, Ernest P. Worrell!
- Eversion
- . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . -.- -. --- .-- ... -- --- .-. ... .note
- Evil Twin
- Example as a Thesis
- Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
- Faction Paradox
- Visit Fake Charity today to support the Widows and Orphans fund.
- Would you like to see Fake Interactivity? Beat You would? Then let's go, go, go!
- Fang Thpeak
- Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids
- <tropename>Faux Computer Code</tropename>
- Filk Song
- Hello, I'm Sigourney Weaver. Thank you for joining me!
- Finnegans Wake againe, the triptroptrope o' himshelf to demon-strait, isit to be o'er naught to writtenby Seamus choice?
- First-Person Smartass
- Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
- Footnote Fevernote
- Wait, wait, wait! You can't go on, you haven't learned how to browse a page yet! You should check the Forced Tutorial page first!
- Foreigner for a Day
- For Inconvenience, Press "1"
- What are tropes?
- Framing Device is a trope that goes way back. You see, it all started with a storyteller long ago...
- Freudian Slit … er, Slip.
- Freudian Slippery Shi— er, Freudian Sickening— no, I mean Freaky Sex— NO WAIT
- From the Latin "Intro Ducere"
- The Fundamentalist is the only true trope while the other tropes are wrong! Visit here or burn in Fire and Brimstone Hell!
- Funetik Aksent
- Fun with Acronyms is Totally Radical And Cool, Kids.
- Gadsby
- Game Show Tropes
- Get a Mac
- Gilded Cage
- Girls vs. Boys Plot
- Glad You Thought of It
- A Gnome Named Gnorm
- Gradius
- All you had to do was click the damn trope, Troper!
- The Real Troper Simulator
- Gratuitous Vreemde Lingua
- Español Gratuito
- Français gratuit
- Italiano Gratuito
- Gratuitous English, the page of the England and language!
- Gratuitus Latinus
- Adikaiológitos Elliniká (Αδικαιολόγητος Ελληνικά)
- Russkiy Yazyk Bez Povoda (Русский язык без повода)
- Mushō washoku (無償和食)
- Überflüssiger Deutsch
- Gratuitous Iambic Pentameter — The link at left will take you to this trope.
- Green
- "Groundhog Day" Loop
- "Groundhog Day" Loop
- "Groundhog Day" Loop only a bit different this time.
- "Groundhog Day" Loop
- Grumpy Old M—YOU ROTTEN KIDS!!! What did I tell you about not saying disingenuous and disrespectful things about your elders?! Get off my lawn!
- Haiku-Wiki
- How many times have you told me to visit the Hair-Trigger Temper page? BECAUSE I'VE HAD ENOUGH WITH THIS ANNOYING BULLSHIT, AND NOW YOU MUST SUFFER!
- Ham and Cheese, cheeeeeeese I say!
- [Troper adds a self-demonstrating joke about Harpo Does Something Funny.]
- #HashtagForLaughs
- I hate every single trope in this page!
- Heävy Mëtal Ümlaut
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today??
- Heh, heh, you said "Heh Heh, You Said "X"."
- Hello!
- "Help! Help! Trapped in Title Factory!"! Really! Let me out!
- Her Code Name Was "Mary Sue"
- Let's talk about an article, but you don't have to actually see it.
- Hey, maybe you should go into the Hiimdaisy article. Hmm…
- Hint Dropping (wink, wink)
- We're walkin', we're walkin', we're readin' this wiki page!
- Hitler Rants
- Statement: HK-47's Character folder for Knights of the Old Republic is written entirely in his eccentric verbalisms. Suggestion: You should visit it, master.
- Hollywood Apocrypha
- Hollywood Tourette's! FUCK! ASS!
- Honest Trailers
- A book about a house.
- Hostile Show Takexpecting a complete link? Too bad! Waluigi Time! (See Brawl in the Family)
- How Do I Used Tense?
- How Not to Write an Example
- HowToBasic *smashes egg*
- I tried to link to Hurricane of Excuses, but then my computer crashed, and when I got it back on, I couldn't log in. When I did, some ninjas showed up...
- Is Husky Russkie, da?
- Laconic Hulk Speak page self-demonstrating, too!
- Humanity's Wake is an article about the legacy of the currently extinct Homo sapiens sapiens, a major spacefaring civilization...
- I Am Not Spock
- I am the Trope!
- I, Noun
- If on a winter’s night a traveler
- Image Links Wiki's own Image Links Wiki
- Immune to Jump Scares
- Incriminating Indifference
- Index Decay
- Inheritd Iliteracy Titel
- In Medias Res
- Insane Troll Logic
- It's called "Insistent Terminology", not "the particular expression you want to use"!
- Intentional Engrish for Funny
- ʍǝɹɔS ǝɔɐɟɹǝʇuI
- The Internet. You know, the thing you're using right now.
- Click the link to- *roll credits*
- Introdump
- In Which a Trope Is Described
- iProduct
- Hello? Is this thing still on?
- It Came from Beverly Hills, brought to you by a Troper of Beverly Hills!
- This link to I Thought It Meant has nothing to do with the protagonist of The Legend of Zelda.
- It's All About Me, so kneel!
- It's the best trope, ever!
- It's a Good Life! It really is!
- I've Got an X, and I'm Not Afraid to Use It!
- This is not I Was Never Here, and there was never an entry made to link to it.
- I will show you Tropes!
- Japanese Ranguage
- You will click on the link to the page for Jedi Mind Trick note .
- Jeff … um … er … Goldblum … yeah…
- Jerkass: All of these tropes suck ass and I bet a whole lot of people do too!
- Jews Love to Argue
- No, we don't!
- I'm pretty sure we do.
- I'm pretty sure we don't.
- I'm pretty sure we do.
- No, we don't!
- Joywave (Features the spoken-word samples from the beginning of their song, "Destruction")
- Just a Face and a Caption
- You have sixty seconds to tell us about Just a Minute without hesitation, repetition, or deviation, starting NOW!
- Just for Pun
- Haha, very punny.
- Waiting for tropers...
- Yo, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Kanye West is the best Self-Demonstrating Article of All Time!
- Kazuhiko Inoue
- Killed Mid Sent— GAKKK!!
- We really do have everything on this wiki, because we have Kitchen Sink Included!
- Knuckle Cracking
- Krazy Kat
- Why should we care about Lack of Empathy anyway?
- Laconic
- This is the page that doesn't end...
- Lampshaded Double Entendre... That's what she said!
- Lampshade Hanging
- *audience laughs*
- The Lazy Bum Playing With pa... Whatever. I don't really need to edit that much. People will know that it's that page.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall
- Leer—Alright chum's up, let's click this! LEEROOOOYY!! JEEEENKIIINSS!!!—oy Jenkins.
- L337 L1ng0
- Legends of the Hidden Temple
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
- Let Me Get This Straight.... There's a page about this?
- Let's Duet
- Letters 2 Numbers
- Letting The Air O-o-ou-u-
- Like Is, Like, a Comma
- Limerick
- Lingo. L-I-N-G-O.
- Linking to an Article Within the Article is a Self-Demonstrating Article
- Loads … (buffering) … and Loads … (buffering) … of … (buffering) … Loading
- Locked Pages
- lelcatz
- Long-Runners has existed since at least 2006, making it old enough to qualify by its own definition (if it were a work).
- 4 8 15 16 23 42
- Lost In Tran
- Lucky Charms Title
- Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra Madness Mantra…
- Read the motherforking article for Magical Profanity Filter!
- And if You Visit this Page, as do All Who Come Here Afore Long … You'll Find Self-Demonstration of the Modern Major General Song.
- Malaproper
- Mark Does Stuff
- Hey tropers, how's it goin? So you're on the Self-Demonstrating Index, what's that all about? OK, well it was great to meet you. Say hi to your mother for me okay?
- Mordin's portion of Mass Effect 2 character sheet. Idiosyncratic speech patterns. Tough to describe, takes too long! [sharp inhale] Demonstration faster. Enjoy.
- Can you please tell me your name? This Troper. What is the name of this programme? Mastermind.
- "I left the Max Payne page bleeding in the gutter, the fourth wall slowly draining from it."
- Meat-🍔-Vision
- This index may be obsolete and under threat by that evil new media! Media Scaremongering seems to be working!
- otnemeM
- Men In Bla—*FLASH*—
- Merlin Sickness
- Metaphorgotten is an article which explains how the process of explaining metaphors can be derailed like a train on steel tracks that can travel at an optimum speed over some 100 km/hour on a good day assuming steady maintenance as a result of decent technical, accountancy, and managerial practice conducted in the manner of a pedestrian or series of pedestrians trying to make their way through one of those hedge-maze things which are always home to a variety of small but rather vicious and/or poisonous wildlife which you have to set poison and traps on a regular basis, in much the same way that a navigator must constantly check their charts and their position to fulfil their navigator-ial duties, kind of like how a security company which employs ex-military personnel in an attempt to break into the 'private military contractor' market has to ensure they are properly paid like your old aunt Saoluan and the way she used to wear those lovely Petunias in her hair that she used to get from ol' Alice's gardening center down the back of Niddrie, 'til Alice became more like a platypus to the place's currawong than a mole to its mongoose…
- Metroid; the main article is playfully mocking the English instruction manual.
- Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory (click) (click) (click) (click)
- Michael McConnohie
- You will need money to view this article. Please fill out your credit card info.
- These other tropes may be valiant, but none so mighty as Miles Gloriosus!!
- Military Alphabet
- Mind-Control Conspiracy
- Mission Control Is Off Its Meds
- Mister Miracle (2017) always knows that Darkseid is watching.
- Mission: Impossible
- Mister B. Gone
- The Fakepicture
- molesworth artikle hav many GRATE THORTS about st custard's hem-hem.
- Monday's Green Gang
- Motor Mouth is a page on this wiki butI'mnotsureyou'dknowbecauseThisTroperistalkingsofastthatit'sstartingtogethardtounderstand whatthey'resayingbutitdoesn'treallymatterbecausewhyintheworlddidIwriteThisTroperanywaythat's completelybadforminthewikiifI'mnotonaTroperTalespagewhichI'mcertainlynotsowhyintheworlddidI writelikethatohdoesitreallymatteranyway noOFCOURSEitdoesn't! … (GASP … Deep breath …)
- The Mousetrap
- > Observe trope archive of MS Paint Adventures.
- > Start Jailbreak Adventure.
- > Initiate Bard Quest.
- > Pore over hard-boiled adventures of Problem Sleuth.
- > Begin reading excessively verbose document about Homestuck.
- Museum of the Strange and Unusual
- Muiscalus Inter-
- This wiki has a lot of great tropes, and My Friends... and Zoidberg.
- My Nayme Is
- Nails on a Blackboard
- Name-Tron
- Neglectful Precursors (styled as a court show)
- 'Hood-Friendly Gangstas
- You step onto a level teleport trap! You are momentarily blinded by a flash of light.
- Never My Fault, ever!
- Whoah, like, New-Age Retro Hippie, man.
- NGU IDLE (We're goin' meta bois!)
- Nicky the Nickmaster
- Hello, friend. I hope you enjoy these tropes.
- N Bud et
- No Fame, No Wealth, No Service
- Look above
- "Non Sequi– BONK! Land sakes alive, my nose is a kumaquat!
- –tur", *Thu– BONK! Uncle Calvin! This is such a pleasant surprise! THUD
- No One Sees the Boss
- Hello, Noddy!
- Non-Self-Demonstrating Article
- Non-Promotion
- no punctuation is funnier
- No Punctuation Period
- Normality — part of the natural population.
- We don't have a NOT! page. NOT!
- Note to Self: Edit more articles on TV Tropes.
- Nothing Is Scarier
- Only a true troper would click on the page No True Scotsman!
- Now Do It Again Backwards sdrawkcaB niagA tI oD woN
- No, you should go to the No, You article.
- Nu Speling: If yu wahnt to cee hau tha trohp wirks.
- Obsessed Are the Listmakers
- My name is Old School Introductory Rap and I'm here to say, these syllables don't fit in a major way!
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe
- Ominous Save Prompt. You should probably save your game now. I'm just saaaaying...
- Opium Den
- Yad Etisoppo
- Our lawyers advised us to mention that Our Lawyers Advised This Trope.
- Incredibly Long Name to Have to Try and Say
- Overused Running Gag
- Pardon My Klingon, petaQ
- This link to [CENSORED] is classified Security Clearance VIOLET.
- Parrot Exposition
- Patter Song
- No trope is too big, no pup is too small!
- Peace & Love Incorporated
- Everybody loves TV Tropes!
- Ig-pay Atin-lay
- Toying With: Shady Notreal Product
- Please Subscribe to Our Channel
- Plot Bunny
- Pluralses
- TV tropes! Trope trope, TV TV trope! t-tropes?
- P-p-porky P-p-p-p-ig Pron-n-n Pronun-nun-un Pron-n-n... uh, Talking
- Poverty Porn
- Click the fucking link!
- Prepositions Are Not to End Sentences With
- Present Day: Right now, the moment you read examples of this trope, the examples are happening as we speak.
- Previously on… TV Tropes: An article about Previously on…
- The Product Placement link is brought to you by TV Tropes.
- Promotional Consideration, brought to you by Trope Co.®
- Prompt Fic
- Protection from Editors: Go ahead, try to change the description. We'll wait.
- This link is a pun one.
- Punched Across the Room
- Pungeon Master
- Purple Prose: This device is elaborated on in a comparatively more florid parlance than most of its kin.
- Pygmy
- Questioning Title?
- Rage Against the Author, you bastards!
- Яandom⅃y revɘrsed ⅃etterƧ
- Rapid-Fir— Rapid-Fire Interrupting
- Back in my day, we didn't have any of them fancy links to Rambling Old Man Monologue!
- Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud. New bullet.
- Realistic Diction is, err, sounds fake
- Been a jerk to others and need to feel better about yourself? Click here!
- Recursion
- Recycled In SPACE
- RED ALERT — This Is Not a Drill!
- Tropers, if you don't click on this link, YOU'RE FIRED!
- Renamed Tropesnote
- Repeat After Me
- Repeat After Me
- Repeat to Confirm. Yes, repeating to say that this trope is indeed on this list, sir!
- Repetitive Audio GlitchRepetitive Audio GlitchRepetitiveaudioglitchreptitiveaudioglitch
- Lots of people love to reread the Replay Value page.
- Don't click on Reverse Psychology.
- TV Tropes would like to welcome you aboard the Rainbow Line.
- Rhymes on a Dime — It rhymes all the time!
- Rhyme and Reason — A game show of one season.
- Rhyme Tropes
- Rhyming Episode/Hope it's up to code.
- Rhyming List. So it doesn't work here. Don't get pissed. Hey!
- Go for a perfect, troper!
- Great music to be found here!
- Ridi … I'll do it later.
- A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do!
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: A trope discussing the apparent use of a lengthy lexicon by the excessively verbose.
- Robot Dinosaurs That Shoot Beams When They ROOOOOOOOOOOOARRR!!!
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show note
- Rouge Angles of Satin
- Running Gag (Overly-Long Gag; please report to the Department of Redundancy Department.)
- On this site, you visit Russian Reversal. In the Soviet Russia, Russian Reversal visits you!
- Samuel L. Jackson! IT'S MY MOTHERFUCKING TROPES! Yes, they deserve to die - and I hope they burn in Hell!
- Said Bookism, extrapolated TV Tropes eagerly
- Sarcasm Mode: The article for this trope is unique, in that it is neither written nor intended as a Self-Demonstrating Article, but the way it is being used by tropers has made it a demonstration of itself. Here on TV Tropes, editors have a tendancy to Pot Hole to Sarcasm Mode whenever they are being sarcastic; The Sarcasm Mode article opens with a simple description of the trope: "Marking text to indicate sarcasm"; The pothole to Sarcasm Mode marks text to indicate sarcasm, and is therefore an example of the trope it is linking to.
- Saw
- Say It with ♥
- "Scare Quotes"
- The Schizophrenia Conspiracy
- Do Not Click
- SCP-4445 - SCP Foundation
- The Scottish Trope: Don't say the name!
- P-O-T-H-O-L-E *poof*
- S***horpe Problem
- Sdrawkcab Name
- Sean Connery
- Selfdemonstration, troper, selfdemonstration!
- You find yourself reading a trope about Second-Person Narration.
- Self-Demonstrating Article describes itself... but only as long as you believe it does.
- Self-Deprecation, a page brought to you by the ding-dongs known as the tropers. We don't mean literally. That's just self demonstration.
- Die Sendung mit der Maus
- Sen...zzz...wuzzat? Oh, Senior Sleep-Cycle
- Rod Serling (The opening section is written in the style of the introductions for episodes of his famous show, The Twilight Zone (1959))
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness is a multifaceted and indubitably verbose entry concerning an infamous phenomenon well-documented among editors and fictional characters alike.
- Shaft SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! note
- Shall I Repeat That?
Yes ←
No - Shameless Self-Promoter
- The article for Shaped Like Itself really reads like, well, the article for Shaped Like Itself.
- Infant As A Magic Ring -- uh, Significant Anagram
- SiIvaGunner
- Shoo the Dog, go on, Shoo!
- The author has no comment about what this trivia page is about.
- A Fascinating Margin
- Hello, this is Sir Ron Lionheart and welcome to my page! Haha! FANTASTIC!
- I'm the motherfucking swearing dude who fucking enjoys swearing like a motherfucker! You got a motherfucking piece of shit faggot problem with that bullshit? The motherfucking cocksucker-fuck you gonna do?!!
- What do we want? Slogan-Yelling Megaphone Guy!! When do we want him? NOW!!!
- Slow Loading Inter
- This link will smurf you to the Smurfing article.
- Song Fic
- Sophisticated as Hell
- *RING!* Sound *HONK!* Effect *DING!* Bleep *CHOP!*
- Sound Off! One, two!
- Space Space "X"
- 01010011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01000010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001
- Special Friends
- Speech Bubbles
- S-S-S-Speech Impediment
- Spelling Bee, S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G B-E-E, Spelling Bee
- Spelling Song ♪ S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G S-O-N-G ♬
- Spell My Name with a _____
- The Spell My Name with a "The"
- IT'S-A-SPOOKY MONTH!! *proceeds to dance*
- Oonerspism
- Sssssnaketalk
- Stages of Monster Grief
- Staging an Intervention
- Stealing the Credit, created by me and me alone!
- I am believing that Stereotypical South Asian English is demonstrating beautifully!
- The Stinger
- Stop Poking Me! Stop Poking Me! Stop Poking Me! Enjoying Yourself Yet? Stop Poking Me! Stop Poking Me! It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This.
- "Strangers on a Train"-Plot Murder
- Strange of Speaker Syntax
- Strawman Product is just the quality you'd expect from buying generic brands.
- Streisand Effect: Don't click here! Don't look at this picture! Stop! No! Don't do it.
- Subliminal Seduction note
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion, can be quite the skeptical.
- Suddenly SHOUTING!!!
- I have embarked on this journey to discover the mythical land of Sugar Bowl.
- Then there's no time to waste! You should go to this link here.
- Superpower Silly Putty
- Dude, you should, like, totally visit the Surfer Dude page, man!
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute
- There is no Suspiciously Specific Denial link here. It does not exist in any which way, so you can't even try to look for it.
- hear is the artickle (page) FOR the halarious cortoon stripper Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff
- %&$#?@! Swearing
- Taboo: The Sixth Sense
- The page for "Take That!" Tit-for-Tat is just plain bad.
- Arr, Talk Like A Pirrrate, mateys!
- Talks like a Simile
- Talk to the Fist
- Te Lo Resumo Así Nomás
- They're finally making a movie about me!
- Telegraph Gag STOP
- Telepathy
- Time for Teletubbies! Time for Teletubbies!
- Terse Talker.
- > Parse Text
- Terrible Writing Advice
- Terse Talker
- Textless Album Cover (besides the link, of course)
- :the game: (2008)
- The Man Your Man Could Smell Like
- Shark Puppet tropes! YEAH!
- On the First Day of Tropemas, The Index Gave to Me...
- Theme Tune Rap, yo!
- There Is No Rule Six (Take a look at the "Radio" subsection)
- This Page Redirects To Itself
- Time Bomb, exploding in 10 … 9 … 8 …
- Time-Travel Tense Trouble is listed here.
- TV Tropes Title Drop
- Osiyo, Tipis and Totem Poles, mitakuye oyasin
- Thank you for reading the Thanking the Viewer page, fellow troper!
- That Troper
- The name is Tropes, TV Tropes
- Some say there are Three Certainties in Life: Death, Taxes, and Self-Demonstrating Articles.
- I shouldn't be telling you this, but These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know.
- There Are Two Kinds of People in the World
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!
- This Is My Story
- This is Spın̈al Tap
- This is the part where you click here.
- This Page Will Self-Destruct in 5 seconds.
- The Toblerone! Ha Ha!
- Thread Mode.
- Actually, the full stop at the end is unnecessary in an index
- Repair, don't respond.
- Top Ten List
- This trope is Totally Radical, dawg! Fo' shizzle!
- Tradesnark™©
- I Coach
- Translation: "Yes"
- This is not a link to The Treachery of Images.
- Trigger Phrase
- Trope Co.
- [Trope Name]
- Tropers Do It Without Notability
- Trrrilling Rrrs
- True Art
- "Truman Show" Plot
- Tsundere: You don't have to go on my page, I mean if you WANTED to click here you could, not like I care or anything, you don't have to. Well, not like you actually would want to. (I hope they go on the page~) … Huh? *blushes* I-I didn't say anything! Stop staring like an idiot and just go on the page!
- "TV Tropes"? More like "TV Quotes"!
- Two out of Three Ain't Bad
- Two Words: Added Emphasis
- Tyop on the Cover
Unconventional Formatting - Understatement, one of a few tropes on this page.
- Unusual Smegging
- Click here to upgrade the Upgrade Complete trope page
- *ssssshhh* Vader Breath *hooooooohhh*
- Like, Valley Girl, y'know? What-ever!
- Vampire Vords? Vhat the Vaste of time?
- Van (guitar solo) Halen
- Vanity Plate, a TV Tropes original presentation
- ヴェイパーウェイヴアー vaporwave
- We Will Use WikiWords in the Future
- Verbal Tic
- [Verb] This!
- Click this link to get to the Viewers Are Goldfish trope page... the link on the left, that link. It's a link to the Viewers Are Goldfish trope page, in case you forgot.
- This page has been supported by Viewers Like You.
- Visual Pun
- Voice of the Resistance
- Zzz... HUH!? Bluebirds took my graphing paper!?
- You don't understand my page! Nobody understands my page! Waaaahhhhhh!!
- Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma (The examples, are Self Demonstrating, not the description).
- WarioWare (ENTER!)
- Click Watch It for the Meme for some memes!
- When is Running Gag gonna get here? The Department of Redundancy Department has been waiting ages now!
- Many people say Weasel Words is one of the better tropes.
- This is a link! It leads to the Welcome to... page!
- We Didn't Start the Billy Joel Parodies, They Were Always Burnin' Since the World's Been Turnin'
- Well, This Is Not That Trope
- Wesley Willis! Wesley Willis! Wesley Willis! Wesley Willis!
- What is What Did I Do Last Night? doing here?
- What trope is this? It's a Brick!
- You darn kids these days! When I Was Your Age..., we read articles without all of this Self Demonstrating baloney! And we LIKED it that way!
- "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue married her high-school sweetheart, with whom she has eight children, has traversed the globe, became incredibly wealthy, and is a vaunted pillar of her community.
- [[:Wikipedia Behavior]][citation needed]
- Wiki Sandbox
- ⊂∈≥⊏>∈≥⊏⋄∈⊢⊐
- If you don't visit With Us or Against Us, you're against us!
- Should our educated taxpayer refuse the lying radio?
- The Word: TREE
- Worst. Tropes. Ever!
- Would Be Rude to Say "Genocide": Urges extreme caution on Real Life examples.
- A sultry dame walks in and asks Write a Film Noir
- I will not create a link to Writing Lines. I will not create a link to Writing Lines. I will not create a link to Writing Lines.
- "X" Makes Anything Cool
- Xtreme Kool Letterz
- Yandere: Please see my page, love... or it's the last thing you'll ever see.
- Your TVTropes account is already checked in.
- I told that horrible little nerd, wasting such time that could have been spent saving puppies instead of reading trivia on a page: You Bastard!!
- You Can't Get Ye Flask!
- You Don't Know Jack
- You know what's buuuuullshit?
- YOU!
- You No Take Candle
- You are on your way to Zero Wing
- >Zork
- These
Uncyclopedia articles. Lampshaded by the title of the category.
- Not included on the list is the site's article about anti-humor which demonstrates itself by delivering a straight-forward article on the subject of anti-humor (for Uncyclopedia, this is anti-humor in and of itself.)
- Look mindfully at an illustration of this topic from our sort-of rival wiki.
(Sadly, following a drawn-out discussion and conflict of contributors, its particular lipogrammatic quality is now lost in favor of "clarity").
- The Transformers Wiki has a lot of these:
- The first paragraphs of this Transformers Wiki article
- The entire articles on G1 Wheelie
, who Rhymes on a Dime (The article is also written like a poem), Canada
(eh?), the Void
note , a magnificent article on Animated's sycophantic Sunstorm
, and Animated Thundercracker
, who has a big ego, but not the article on Animated Ramjet
- The first paragraphs of this Transformers Wiki article
- This
Fan Fic Rant about blind synonym usage.
- Also, The Department of Redundancy Department.
- The Dragon Quest fan wiki's page for Robbin' Ood
- This video
about the conventions of British television news stories.
- This video
about the conventions of (American) film trailers that expect to win awards.
- In The Science Of Discworld, the chapter on the human brain describes it as self-referential, then leads the reader to consider how they are experiencing the reading of The Science of Discworld.
- This article
about the conventions of newspaper articles that report scientific papers.
- On the Kingdom of Loathing wiki, the page
for the Haiku Katana item is written entirely in haiku.
- This article
from the economist about Website.
- Wikipedia's article on Interventions
was evidently the subject of one
note .
- Also on Wikipedia, the article on compulsive hoarding
is long and rambling with lots of pictures, references and links to other articles, while the article on compulsive decluttering
is a stub.
- And another one: this
used to be the entry for "run-on sentence".note
- Because templates on Wikipedia are transcluded on their own pages by default, "Template:Lowercase title
" and "Template:Italic title
" were formerly self-demonstrating. Unfortunately, both of them were changed in October 2021 to be "include only", i.e. they only take effect when called on a different page.
- The BBC's guide
to scripting a Radio Drama.
- The entries on the Laconic Wiki, when linking back to the unabridged version, tend to be self-demonstrating with the links.
- One Real-Life handbook on English grammar, titled How Not To Write, uses this trope. Each of its chapters is about a particular grammar mistake, and has as its long title a sentence containing exactly the kind of error the chapter discusses.
- Try doing a Google search for "askew."
- Cracked's 2011 article, "8 Absurd Jokes That Predicted Real Life Events"
ends with this: "So, has anyone done a wacky 'Donald Trump as president' sketch yet? Laugh all you want, it may seem strangely prescient in, say, 2017."
- Extra Credits did an episode on "Awesome Per Second - Don't waste time"
which qualifies as this trope. It's less than two minutes long and conveys the point quite nicely.
- Any trope belonged that index if the description is written as though the description itself is an example.
The Stinger! The Brick!
Got Ending Fatigue yet? Easter Egg