—Inferno, canto 34
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
Satan is the Greater-Scope Villain or Big Bad of most varieties of Christianity and Islam (and by extension of most settings in which he is confirmed to exist), and a fair amount of fiction with religious influences, and other religions have similar variants. Traditionally, he is the single most evil being in existence, period.
Known also as... Helel (supposedly his original angelic name, which in Hebrew literally means "shining one" and metaphorically means "morning star") or Lucifer (Latin translation for the word Helel, which literally means "light bringer"), Samael (another angelic name often attributed to him, Hebrew for "Poison of God"), Beelzebub (Hebrew for "Lord of Flies"), Iblis, the Father of Lies, the Prince of Darkness, "the Other Guy", Old Scratch, Old Nick, the Quare Fellow, Lucifer Morningstar, Spooky Electric, Basement Cat... or simply the Devil. Also has a number, which is 666. Should you encounter someone with any of these names, run away.note
Satan's backstory casts him as a Fallen Angel, originally the light-bearing archangel of Heaven, who is damned to spend eternity in Hell due to his rebellion against God. By virtue of his once-grand celestial position, Satan is depicted as the ruler of Hell and the demons that dwell, even if he's as much a prisoner there as any of the damned. This backstory is derived from the Book of Revelation in The Bible.
No matter what version of Satan is employed, he is usually a shapeshifter, capable of taking any form — physical or not — that he cares to. In human form, he is often shown with red or blond hair. His true form is often that of a Big Red Devil, or perhaps a snake or dragon. All things that hide or distort the truth are in his province, making him also the master of deception and illusion. Consequently, his most common incarnations are wheeler-dealers, bargainers, and con-men.
Due to this, Satan is frequently used to represent any threat (real or perceived) to a community's stability and its moral integrity, often appearing as an Unreliable Narrator who seeks to trick mortals into thinking that sin, various vices, and other "evil" beliefs are in fact harmless, or even good all along despite what God wants them to think. Far too often, however, he tends to be used as a strawman by Moral Guardians for the purpose of invoking Hitler Ate Sugar, whether claiming that any opinions they consider subversive of the social order are evil and wrong by default because Satan supposedly put them in the troublemaker's head (even when they aren't actually wrong in themselves), or demonizing whatever hobby of yours they don't like by claiming they are Satanic because he is involved in them. note Rock & Roll, drugs, new media, homosexuality, any foreign culture with a different set of values that goes against the Moral Guardians' beliefs, and generally any new fad that becomes popular among youngsters are especially prone to this, while the Everyone Is Satan in Hell phenomenon practically runs on it.
Despite an overwhelming overconfidence (he represents the Deadly Sin of Pride, after all), he almost always possesses a keen sense of enlightened self-interest. In keeping with the belief of the "most beautiful angel" who fell, Satan takes a handsome face whenever possible, but behind it is often rage and hatred; tearing away that mask, either intentionally or not, is possibly one of the most suicidal things a character can do.
In his more modern incarnations, he is often a charming Man of Wealth and Taste with a taste for the offerings of humanity's cultural achievements, from wine to music to poetry and stories. His interpretations do not always accord with the official ones. Despite this however, Satan is usually shown — for all his enjoyment of the finer things — to have a pathological hatred of humanity, blaming them for stealing the rightful place of the angels as God's children.
One of his favorite ploys (it's at least Older Than Steam, as seen in Faust and earlier) is to essentially grant one or more wishes in exchange for the wisher's soul. It's a classic lopsided deal in the Devil's favor — short-term corporeal gain in exchange for long-term infernal torment. This is almost always handled via a physical contract which is usually composed entirely of torturous legalese. Single wishes are almost always handled Literal Genie style, if not perverted outright. In some versions of the story the contracted victim may be able to free himself via a redemptive act or the intervention of God; in modern takes, especially Super Hero comics, the hero may take revenge against the Devil via a Faustian Rebellion. In any case, his goal is to lure as many souls to his side as possible, making him an example of The Corrupter.
In recent depictions, Satan is sometimes subverted by giving him an unexpected soft spot that renders him a bit more "human" and less supernatural—he likes kittens, or snowcones for example. It doesn't make him any less dangerous (if he's dangerous at all); it just lets the audience think they understand him.
Another common plot revolves around Satan's son, presumed to be The Antichrist. Some common subversions are that this child's just a normal person, or that he's smoking hot.
Satan is traditionally associated with a host of archdemonic sidekicks, among the best known of which are Mephistopheles, Azazel, Belial, Mammon, Moloch, Baal, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Lilith. These are sometimes seen as servants of Satan (often with more effective power over humans, presumably because their actions are not so closely watched), but are also (with the obvious exception of Lilith) often conflated into alternate names for the same being. Most of these names, as with "Lucifer", derive from supernatural figures from pre-Jewish beliefs in the Middle East, who were changed into devils as the new Abrahamic faiths took over.
To learn more about the history of Satan, visit the Analysis page.
Related to Satan is the Satanic Archetype, which is a (usually) original character explicitly modeled after him. They tend to have features such as being the lord of all evil in the world, rebelling against the supreme deity they served or the celestial beings that they were once a part of, or leading some race of demons or other evil creatures. If a series revolves around gods and goddesses, usually there will be one cast as a Satan figure in spite of how they were portrayed in the original mythology; this is a phenomenon called Hijacked by Jesus. This is why Everybody Hates Hades from the Greco-Roman pantheon, because he is assumed to be like Satan.
A common twist is that Satan Is Good, a victim of propaganda; see God Is Evil. Of course, sometimes God and Satan Are Both Jerks. A common portrayal in Western Media is also to cast Satan as The Anti-God, as God's Evil Counterpart, in contrast to most Christian theology, where Satan is a far lesser being than God. It has also become popular to portray the Devil without any reference to God.
He is generally the leader of The Legions of Hell and is an essential component of a Fire and Brimstone Hell. When hiding under an alias, usually a pretty transparent one, this becomes Louis Cypher. If there's more than one, we're talking about Demon Lords and Archdevils. You might be interested in his brothers as well, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Uriel.
For when Satan rocks out, see Rock Me, Asmodeus!. If Satan threatens heteronormative gender roles in addition to your soul by being a Sissy Villain, Camp Gay, or a Creepy Crossdresser, see Flaming Devil.
Remember, this trope is about the use of Satan as a Public Domain Character. If the character shares several significant features with him but isn't at least implied to be the abrahamic Devil, they go under Satanic Archetype. If the character claims to be Satan when they literally are not, then it's a case of Devil Complex.
- A freshly cast out of Heaven Lucifer (the one from Christianity) is the subject of Alexandre Cabanel's oil on canvas painting The Fallen Angel.
- The Sin: The snake is the Devil in disguise, the beast that introduced and tempted Eve into committing the original sin.
- The antagonist of Christianity is notably lacking from the Sistine Chapel's art, even when Hell is depicted alongside a host of demons in The Last Judgement. Out of the hundreds of images in the Chapel, only two show man's greatest enemy:
- The first depiction is in The Temptations of Christ, where Satan's evil is visualized with a hideous beard, bat-like wings, and a black cloak that hide his most inhuman figures, hoofed feet and furred body. His hairiness and hooves call to mind the pagan god Pan, subtly demonstrating Satan's role as a deceiver.
- The second depiction is on the Chapel's ceiling, which adapts the first parts of the Book of Genesis, where the is Devil depicted as a beautiful, scaled woman with a tail in the place of legs. It's unlike most other depictions of Satan, but it does have much in common with images of Lilith. In any case, the beauty of the woman acts as a reminder of the seductiveness of evil, while her scaled tail, which she hides from Adam and Eve, reveals that the Devil is hideous no matter how appealing he may seem.
- Witches' Sabbath (1798): He is portrayed as a garlanded goat, acting as a Jesus-esque role to a coven of witches. His appearance draws from the Baphomet archetype.
- Infernoid Shaitan in the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG is based on Satan. In fact, its effects could be a reflection of Satan's actions in the Book of Job. In the Book of Job, Satan challenged God that Job (a pious man with a righteous life) would turn from God if he were allowed to plague the man undeterred by God's protection. Job had his possessions and wealth stripped from him and his family killed by plague, but stayed faithful. In a similar fashion, Infernoid Shaitan strips the opponent of their "niceties" by throwing their Set cards back to the deck– disregarding the "protection" of their other effects.
- Dilbert has a toned-down version of Satan, called the Prince of Insufficient Light. He carries a giant pitchspoon. When he curses you, he says "I darn you to heck!"
- Angus Og: The Devil shows up in many incarnations throughout the run of the strip, but usually defaults to the classic goat-legged, horns, goatee, and pitchfork motif. He regularly tangled with protagonist Angus either attempting to snare his soul or with one of Angus' schemes causing havoc with one of his own, such as when Angus accidentally created giant demonic midges (a type of swarming biting black fly) which then got dumped in hell right on top of the Devil himself.
- The Devil appears as the villain in a few stories from The Brothers Grimm, like "The Grave Mound", "The Girl Without Hands". He also has a small role in "Godfather Death", "The Devil with Three Golden Hairs", and "The Juniper Tree".
- The Scholomance, in Romanian mythology, is an evil school for dark wizards and witches and is run by this guy. As befitting his evil nature, Satan keeps one of the students for all eternity in payment for the whole class's tuition, and he puts the enslaved student to work riding a terrible dragon while controlling the weather.
- Empath: The Luckiest Smurf: Lucifer the shining angel appears in "The Smurf Village Revival" as the mastermind behind the "revival", using his servant Benedictus to deceive the Smurfs into receiving a false spirit that he claims is the "Holy Spirit".
- Halloween Unspectacular has the Devil appear in the story "Come and See" from the eighth edition, manifesting as a woman with pale skin, wearing a white dress, and with an angelic aura.
- To Hell With Gaz
sees the Devil guiding Gaz through Hell after she dies. He appears in the typical form of a ruddy-skinned Horned Humanoid in a black hooded robe with a thick mustache, and keeps an affable air about him, even as he uses explanations of the various tortures throughout the Circles of Hell to berate Gaz for her sins. After eventually trapping her in the ice of the ninth circle as her final punishment, he lets his cool temperament drop, transforming into the monstrous Beast to angrily rant at her, before returning to his previous form.
- Manchester Lost: He is a menacing figure who mostly considers the archangels to be idiots (Raphael: too nice, Michael: too boneheaded, Uriel: completely out of it most of the time) with the possible exception of Gabriel. There is a great deal of Foe Romance Subtext between him and Michael and in the sequel he and Gabriel work out a custody agreement for Michael. This is somewhat unnerving since he had recently killed Michael in a 3 way battle with Michael against Satan and the new Anti Christ.
- Pony POV Series: Morning Star, one of Celestia's siblings, is presented as a clear Satanic Archetype as is. However, it's eventually revealed the pantheon have counterparts in the human world of Equestria Girls, Morning Star included, and Christianity also exists, implying Morning Star may in fact be Satan, or at least his human world counterpart inspired him.
- Sonic X: Dark Chaos: Lord Maledict is the titular Devil. Ruler of the Demon Empire, he's also the maker of the Chaos Emeralds, and helped create the entire universe. And he also created Sonic the Hedgehog. Uniquely for the setting, Maledict is portrayed as far stronger than Jesus as he proves in Episode 75 — while Jesus is simply a powerful (but technically mortal) Angel, Maledict is literally divine.
- Wings Of The Fallen: Rastapopulus' ultimate goal is to summon Satan and have him destroy the entire world. When Satan does show up, he is a pretty chill guy who doesn't want to destroy the world yet.
- The Adventures of Mark Twain: In a segment based on Mark Twain's The Mysterious Stranger, Satan is a shapeshifting Reality Warper wearing a white mask who lives in an empty void on a Baby Planet, where he experiments with creating life before destroying it in disgust.
- Belladonna of Sadness: He seduces formerly innocent Jeanne, has sex with her, and turns her into a Hot Witch.
- Fantasia: The large demon of the "Night on Bald Mountain" sequence, Chernabog, was originally noted by Walt Disney, as well as Deems Taylor in the roadshow footage, as being Satan himself. Disney hired Bela Lugosi to come and be filmed as a model for this scene. They photographed him in his cape to capture his movements, flourishes, facial expressions and signature hand gestures to bring their Satan to life.
- The Point: This version appears as a "man" called the Pointed Man
, with three different heads, much like Dante's depiction in the Inferno, one of whom is female. "His" purpose throughout the film is trying to convince Oblio that nothing has a point, citing "a point in every direction is the same as no point at all."
- Naturally, Satan appears in several Biblical films about Jesus.
- King of Kings depicted Satan as a disembodied voice during the temptation of Jesus in the desert. The 1979 Jesus film did so as well.
- In The Greatest Story Ever Told, Donald Pleasence portrayed Satan as a "Dark Hermit" who tempts Jesus in a mountain cave. Later, he helps stir up a crowd to proclaim Jesus king, forcing Jesus to escape; Judas passes by him on the street when he goes to betray Jesus; he makes Peter deny Jesus; finally he leads the crowd in calling for Jesus's death.
- In The Last Temptation of Christ, Satan appears to Jesus in the desert as a talking snake, a talking lion, and a talking pillar of fire. Later when Jesus is crucified and the titular Last Temptation happens, Satan appears as an angel in the form of a young girl and finally as the pillar of fire again.
- The 1999 television movie Jesus had Satan played by Jeroen Krabbe in a modern suit and tie and a female model in red. The male Satan is more prominent, and he tries to dissuade Jesus by showing future events like the Crusades.
- Satan appears as an androgynous person (portrayed by a female actress) in The Passion of the Christ. Notable for three scenes: the initial temptation of Jesus in the beginning of the film, a truly disturbing scene during Jesus's torture where Satan is seen cradling a demonic baby, in a mockery of the Virgin Mary, and a shot of Satan screaming in Hell, enraged at Jesus' sacrifice for humanity's sins and spiritual triumph.
- In Last Days In The Desert, set during Jesus's desert sojourn, Ewan McGregor plays both Jesus and Satan. The latter is dressed nigh-identically but wears jewellery.
- In The Young Messiah he's a blond, bearded man wearing a Black Cloak who torments Jesus at various points in the story, such as the beginning of the film when the bully is killed, and when Jesus is ill.
- In The Ninth Gate, Johnny Depp looks for a book cowritten by Satan, is stalked by a (female) Satan who helps him on his quest, and then later has sex with her to gain immortal power.
- Two of a Kind features a Sodom-and-Gomorrah plot, with God about to destroy the earth and bring all humanity into heaven unless a small band of angels can make two people fall in love with each other. The Devil hassles the angels throughout most of the film, until the nature of God's challenge is explained to him...
- Oh, God! You Devil retells the Faust story, except that God (George Burns) is the hero riding to the rescue of the mortal in distress.
- The Devil's Advocate was a feature film that cast Al Pacino as Satan, undercover as the head of the world's most powerful law firm.
- End of Days has Satan trying to mate his chosen bride, while possessing a Wall Street banker, played by Gabriel Byrne.
- "Pitch", a minor devil from the Mexican film Santa Claus, became a recurring guest character on Mystery Science Theater 3000.
- Seraphim Falls: The snake oil saleswoman played by Anjelica Huston appears out of nowhere in the desert to tempt both protagonists. As her wagon rolls away we see her full name written on the back: Louise C. Faire.
- The "Louis Cypher" joke was done in Angel Heart, in which Robert De Niro played the role. In one scene, he remarks that in many cultures eggs are seen as a metaphor for the soul. He then promptly devours one.
- In O Brother, Where Art Thou?, the Devil appears as a white Bounty Hunter with a hound dog and sunglasses that are always reflecting firelight. Before the start of the film, he gives Tommy Johnson the ability to play guitar "real good" in exchange for his soul. Throughout the movie, he hunts Ulysses and his group.
- In Bedazzled (1967), the Devil is more in line with the Book of Job version, in which it's his/her job to test humanity with sin. Peter Cook plays the role as a Deadpan Snarker and a Trickster, while Elizabeth Hurley plays a seductress in the remake. Both seem to enjoy their job a lot.
- Lucifer is played with a chilling, vicious malevolence by Viggo Mortensen in The Prophecy. Here he is an uneasy ally to the protagonists, but he makes it clear that he's helping them for entirely self-serving reasons, not for their benefit. Mortenson actually manages to out-creep Christopher Walken. While they share a scene.
Lucifer: [hissing to the main characters while chewing on Gabriel's heart] I love you, I love you, I love you more than Jesus!
- Simon of the Desert: An ascetic has spent 6 1/2 years standing on a pillar in the middle of the desert praying to God. Satan appears in the form of a beautiful woman, with the express purpose of tempting him off of his perch.
- In Constantine (2005), Peter Stormare plays the Devil as a dapper middle-aged gent in a pristine white suit... save for his bare feet and pant cuffs, which are covered in steaming tar. His behavior is more in line with your average child molester than a suave prince of darkness or a roaring demon. In a rather fine example of outbargaining the devil for a favor, Constantine cuts his wrists and calls the Devil. After some idle chitchat, with the Devil helping John light up a cigarette, Constantine points the Devil to the fact his son and an angel are planning on releasing Satan's son onto earth. This irks the Devil as he feels Earth will be his in time and sends his son back to hell and, with God's blessing, turns the angel to human. The Devil returns to Constantine and offers him some more time as thanks. Instead of that, Constantine asks him to release the soul of the heroine's sister, who was damned for her suicide. The Devil does so easily. As the Devil is about to take him away, Constantine starts getting pulled up into heaven (and flips him off), and the Devil realizes that his "suicide" was really a self-sacrifice as he took no personal gain from the reward given. However, thinking quickly, he decides to use his powers to heal both Constantine's wrists and his cancer, using the logic that he's giving Constantine more time to damn himself again. Whether this works or not is left to the viewer.
- In John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness Satan is revealed to be only The Dragon to someone much, much worse... The Anti-God.
- In The Devil and Max Devlin, the devil is played by Bill Cosby.
- In The Witches of Eastwick, the character Darryl Van Horne is implied several times to be the devil. He is definitely the suave sophisticated kind, though—at least until the end.
- John Ritter's blink-and-you'll-miss-it mild-mannered Satan cameo
is one of the best things in the biblical parody Wholly Moses!. How did he become the Devil?
Devil: It was very simple. God comes over to me and said, "Here, try this on." [indicates red devil outfit with horns] - The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus features Tom Waits as the sinister Mr Nick. He gives an interesting Alternate Character Interpretation of the Devil as an Affably Evil compulsive gambler who is always willing to give another chance for the good Doctor to win their Faustian deal as a sort of double or nothing-clause, since he really loves the game more than winning.
- The Devil's Carnival has Lucifer running a carnival for the damned.
- In Crossroads (1986), Willie sold his soul to Scratch years ago for his skill on the harmonica, prompting classical-cum-blues guitarist Eugene to go double-or-nothing to get it back.
- Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny: The eponymous pick turns out to belong to the Devil; Tenacious D challenge him to a rock battle to save their hides.
- At the end of Tales from the Hood, Mr. Simms reveals this as his true identity, in all his Large Ham glory: "THIS...AIN'T NO FUNERAL HOME!!"
- Cloud Atlas: In the post-apocalyptic portion of the movie, "Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After," the devil, played by Hugo Weaving, is portrayed as a character called "Ol' Georgie" and is depicted with green pockmarked skin and wearing a stovepipe hat. Ol' Georgie appears several times throughout the story to taunt and tempt the story's protagonist Zachry (played by Tom Hanks).
- The eponymous villain of Warlock (1989) considers Satan his father, and conjures him in a human vessel to receive further orders.
- He appears in towering form over the apocalyptic Los Angeles landscape at the climax of This Is the End.
- In The Blood of Jesus he shows up, in the standard Halloween costume with horns, and attempts to lure Martha into a life of sin.
- Les Visiteurs du Soir: Satan sends two "envoys" out and about in order to spread misery and despair. When one of them screws up, by falling in love with the woman he was supposed to seduce and abandon broken-hearted, Satan himself shows up to take charge. He manages to provoke a duel that gets another person killed, but he does not crush the central romance thanks to The Power of Love.
- The Dark Side of the Moon (1990): The monster in this space horror turns out to be, in fact, the Devil himself. He somehow uses The Bermuda Triangle as a portal to get onto unsuspecting vessels to kill their crew by possessing and turning them against each other before dumping the derelicts on the other side of the moon.
- In The VVitch, Thomasin at one point accuses Satan of speaking through the goat Black Phillip. She's absolutely right. And later on, he speaks to her as well.
- In The Annunciation, Satan appears in the form of Lucifer, played by a 12-year-old girl. He leads Adam and Eve to sin, causing them to get banished from the Garden of Evil, then takes Adam on a tour of the future.
- Angel on My Shoulder: He's "Nick", played by Claude Rains, and he recruits a recently murdered gangster to go back to the land of the living and impersonate a do-gooder crusading judge, in order to destroy the judge's good works.
- The title character in Mister Frost, played by Jeff Goldblum, appears to simply be a wealthy, charismatic serial killer who tortured and murdered 24 people before he was found out — or, rather, let himself be found out. After two years of silence, being shuttled from one mental health facility to another, he reveals to his latest psychiatrist that he is actually Satan. She initially brushes this off as a common claim she hears in her line of work; besides, she doesn't believe in God or Satan. But during one of his first meetings with her he takes off her ring and melts it in his hand, and not long afterward exerts psychic control over one of her other patients — the most innocent person in the asylum — and turns them into a serial killer as well, specifically targeting men of the cloth to boot. Mister Frost explains to her that humanity chalking evil up to mental illness/deviance rather than believing in him has cost him the power he once held over them, and his master plan to reassert himself is to not only convince her that he is Satan, but to drive her to cross a Godzilla Threshold and kill his human form, which would ruin her life and stop him from sowing further chaos. He explains his relationship to God (and theirs to humanity) as a simple Cosmic Chess Game: "It used to be simple, good on one hand and evil on the other. There was a struggle. We had a game, and yes, we made it up."
- In Hunk, Dr. D. (James Coco), the president of Devil Itself, Inc., is actually the Devil himself.
- In Six Gun Savior, Eric Roberts plays the Devil, who claims that the Bible has greatly exaggerated his powers, which is why he needs to recruit human agents to act for him on Earth.
- Paradise Lost features perhaps the most famous fictional depiction of Satan in Western literature. John Milton's deep characterization has lead to hundreds of years of critical analysis.
- There are at least two major literary versions of the Faust legend: Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and Goethe's Faust. There are also several major operas based on one or the other of these, all with varying views as to whether Faust can be saved. Wikipedia has a list
. Incidentally, Mephistopheles was originally just a demon serving under Lucifer/Satan; he became Satan in Goethe's version.
- In Johannes Cabal the Necromancer Satan is presented more or less as the Biblical version-though he's a point in his immortal life where he's become jaded, bored and slightly snarky. He makes a wager with the titular character just to be entertained and doesn't much care to win or lose-but he does still have a bit of a temper.
- In Johannes Cabal and the Fear Institute, the third book in the series, it is implied though not totally confirmed that Satan may be an aspect of Nyarlathotep.
- The classic story The Devil and Daniel Webster has been dramatized for television and film countless times. Satan is often Affably Evil in these depictions, and takes the (actually rather hard to argue with) position that he's not doing anything evil by trying to claim the New Hampshire farmer's soul, since he held up his end of the deal and all he's asking is that the other man do the same.
- Subverted in the Arthur C. Clarke novel Childhood's End, where the devil-like aliens really are the Good Guys, there to help the human race to reach the next stage of evolution, the twist is that the process is so traumatic that it resonates back through time, causing them to become a diabolical archetype in the human collective unconscious.
- Robert A. Heinlein:
- Subverted in his novel Job: A Comedy of Justice, where Satan is one of the nicer characters.
- In Magic, Inc., the heroes reach Hell and its king, whom custom demands that he let them review The Legions of Hell to find their enemy.
- Played with in the Russian classic The Master and Margarita. Woland causes mass mayhem in 1930s Moscow including but not limited to driving hack writers insane, beheading someone (he got better) and sending thousands of Muscovites into the streets naked. Yet despite his deviousness, the novel shows a Soviet Russia so screwed up that Woland and his entourage come across as Manipulative Bastards at worst. By the end of the novel, Woland's even in league with Jesus to grant a young couple peace (essentially send them to Dante's first level of heaven). Woland isn't seen perpetrating evil at all. He and his ilk are shown handing punishments right and left to those who deserve them, which just happen to be everyone. While Woland doesn't agree with Yeshua on some key philosophical points, he's actually shown as a force of good (with a twisted sense of humor).
- The Dark One (whose real name is Shai'tan) in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series, who is seen as somewhat less powerful than The Creator, but also vastly, infinitely more powerful than any being in the material world. This series also gets bonuses in that many of The Dark One's top ranked minions have names based synonyms for Devil (Asmodean, Bel'al, Ba'alzamon, et al), and several pseudonyms for The Dark One are obviously based on real world names meaning the same thing.
- The Devil's Storybook (and sequel) has ten short stories about the Devil trying to do things. He wins roughly half the time; a few stories push him to the background to dwell on the affairs of Hell or such. Examples:
- The Devil encounters a perfect girl, one who never pouts or has a temper or does anything wrong at all. He throws everything he's got at her, trying to make her imperfect, but it never works. Until finally he hits on a plan that has her losing her temper a dozen times a day: He gives her a perfect husband and a perfect home, then sends her an average child.
- A demon brings a rose to Hell, and plants it; when it blossoms, its aroma fills Hell, disgusting the Devil, who investigates. He finds the rose and orders it destroyed, but the demon at least gets some comfort when he finds a piece of broken crockery with a picture of a rose (no scent!).
- A man dies and gets cremated, but his housekeeper ends up spilling his ashes and sweeping them up together with the ashes of a roast pig. The pig ends up in Hell, following the man around and nuzzling him. Once the man determines the problem, he gets the Devil to bring him the ashes, and painstakingly separates the ashes flake by flake. Over time, the pig grows distant. When the man has almost completed his task, the housekeeper dies and ends up in Hell...
- An incarnation of the devil appears to Ivan in The Brothers Karamazov (in the form of an impoverished country gentleman) and carries on a long conversation with him about the cruelties of the world. Because the narrator warns us that Ivan is suffering from Brain Fever, we're left uncertain as to whether the conversation is real or a demented hallucination. Ivan tries to prove that he's a hallucination several times, only to have the devil trump him by proving that he could very well be real.
- In the Betsy The Vampire Queen books, Betsy's half-sister is Satan's daughter. In this case, Satan is her mother. "She's" only made one non-flashback appearance, in which she scolds her daughter for "rebelling" (In this case, consciously being the biggest Pollyanna possible).
- In Inferno section of The Divine Comedy, Satan is a gigantic, monstrous idiot at the lowest point of hell, which is also the center of the earth. He's trapped waist-deep in ice, which is kept forever frozen by the wind of his flapping wings as he tries to escape. This factors into the common Christian theme of sinners placing themselves in hell, rather than God or Satan sending them there. Arch-sinners Cassius, Brutus and Judas are forever getting chewed up in Satan's mouth.
- Inferno (Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle) and Escape From Hell, based on Dante's work, have a somewhat more articulate Satan who talks to the protagonists when they are climbing down him to escape, suggesting sardonically that God "could take lessons in morality from Vlad the Impaler" and that "He could have made a better universe by throwing dice".
- In For Love of Evil, a priest named Parry becomes Satan after his corruption by the forces of Hell goes a bit too well. However, he's something of a Punch-Clock Villain, choosing to manage Evil rather than embody it. This is just fine with the other Incarnations, and we eventually find out why.
- Hungarian playwright Imre Madách's The Tragedy Of Man features Lucifer as a guide of Adam in his dream through ages from Ancient Egypt to The Future. He appears as a benevolent character, but his ultimate goal was to corrupt humanity and drive Adam to suicide because of a wager with God (a very unique case of Deal with the Devil indeed). He fails.
- Satan is (naturally enough) the central character of Jeremy Leven's novel Satan: His Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr. Kassler, JSPS* (*Just Some Poor Schmuck), in which he undergoes seven sessions of therapy that leave him increasingly better off, but which don't quite work out so well for the poor Dr. K.
- In a similar vein, in Clark Ashton Smith's short story Schizoid Creator, a psychiatrist tries to cure Satan, under the belief that Satan and God are just two sides of a split personality. This theory turns out to be true.
- In Operation Chaos, by Poul Anderson, the hero is not certain whether he's actually met Satan or merely one of his higher-ups (or lower-downs as the case may be). He's certainly met an extremely powerful devil.
- Good Omens has Satan, but he never actually appears, leaving the work to various underlings, including Beelzebub.
- Lucifer stars as a major character in Lilith Saintcrow's Dante Valentine series. He is an androgyne, meaning a demon who can reproduce.
- C. S. Lewis:
- In Perelandra, Satan appears as the main villain, possessing the body of the previous book's villain. Lewis goes out of his way to deconstruct the popular image of the Devil—while he is truly brilliant and can be incredibly charming when he wants to, he seems to derive his deepest pleasures from acting like an annoying five-year-old or torturing small animals to the brink of death without actually showing the mercy of killing them. In short, he's The Dark Knight's Joker, only without the entertaining sense of humor.
- In The Screwtape Letters, Satan is called "Our Father Below" by Screwtape, a mirror of "Our Father, in Heaven".
- Mark Twain's book Letters From The Earth is told from Satan's point of view. Despite being loyal to God, he gets banished to Earth for a day in angel time for speaking unwisely. However, because of Time Dissonance this means he is stuck there for what seems to us a long time during which he sends back letters on humanity, their nature, and Christianity. In the book he comes off as not at all evil though possessing a refined sense of irony and a slight bafflement at humanity.
- The Sorrows of Satan (1895), by Marie Corelli, centers on the premise that Satan actually wants people to resist his temptations, because every human being who rejects him moves him that much closer to being allowed back into Heaven.
- I, Lucifer by Glen Duncan has Lucifer being granted a second chance for redemption by living life as a mortal. The book is told from his perspective with all the dark humour, sex and charm you'd expect from the devil himself. Deals with his side of the story.
- The Vampire Chronicles: Anne Rice toys with the concept of Satan several times:
- In "The Tale of the Body Thief", one character imagines Satan not as a single entity but instead as a specific duty assigned to various entities throughout history, the job presumably entailing tempting and testing humankind ala Job.
- In "Memnoch the Devil", vampire anti-hero Lestat actually meets the title character (apparently "Memnoch" is his original name and he dislikes being called "Satan" or anything else) and learns that while he is indeed a rebellious angel thrown from heaven, he's not at all evil (although he's not really exactly good either) and is involved in some sort of cosmic wager with God on whether or not wicked souls can be rehabilitated.
- In The Guardians, the throne of Hell is currently held by Lucifer Morningstar, but Beliel is waging an Enemy Civil War to take it from him.
- Satan makes an appearance at the end of The Monk to claim Ambrosio's soul personally.
- In The Descent, after a vast underground realm populated by demon-like hominids has been discovered, a group of scholars infer by a priori reasoning (ie. guessing) that if this has been the inspiration for hell and demons, the figure of Satan in mythology must also be based on a real person who has been reincarnating over the ages. They're right, and he's one among their own number.
- In The Dresden Files he doesn't physically appear but does exist. He seeks to unleash the Apocalypse onto the world but cannot physically get involved with the mortal plane without drawing Heaven's attention, which will act to counter his influence with equal force. So he cursed the Thirty Pieces of Silver paid to Judas to allow thirty of his followers a chance into the mortal world. These Fallen can inhabit a mortal and give them access to dark but awesome magic and power (See Demonic Possession for more about them). He gave his men access to Super-hellfire in order to bind a Physical God. And he is on the short list of Fallen who lied to Harry Dresden, who spoke a dark untruth for the purpose of destroying Harry and succeeded in making Harry kill himself.
- In Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain, Lucyfar claims to be the Archangel Lucifer, Princess of Lies. Initially, this seems like an obvious lie, especially since her only power appears to be summoning floating black knives—which is cool and all, but not exactly on Lucifer's level. When she gets annoyed, however, she conjures an elegant black dress, skeletal wings, and a crown of black fire, all while completely no-selling some pretty hard-core magic. Lends a bit of weight to her claim.
- In Ro.Te.O, Lucifer isn't actually Satan...that's Terrafer's job. The usual tropes of Satan are split pretty evenly between the two though. As for powers, fellow devil Kira gets light, Lucifer gets the firepower (in more ways than one) and Terrafer's is a given.
- Dora Wilk Series similarily splits the position between two fallen. Lucifer has the name, the psychic and magical might and the rulership over Hell, while Sammael (another name of Satan) is in charge of department of punishments and is extremely hostile towards Dora while Luc is a Cool Old Guy to his grandson's girlfriend.
- He's in charge of hell in The Grim Reaper's Apprentice. He's a fairly nice guy, and apparently there is a story behind how he ended up in charge of hell, though he decides to postpone said story to a later date when Jax asks.
- The Shadowhunter Chronicles: Lucifer is mentioned to be the first of the demons, a Prince of Hell, and a fallen angel. He has yet to appear, but is said to be a powerful being. He is also unpredictable and rarely grants favors for anyone. According to The Eldest Curses, he has been MIA for a while, something that the other Princes of Hell are rather anxious about. An interesting tidbit is that Lucifer and Sammael (a name used to refer to Lucifer in the Kabbalah) are separate beings; Sammael is one of Lucifer's top lieutenants, the Serpent who caused the fall of man, led the Incursion alongside Lilith, and is the archenemy of the Archangel Michael.
- Appears midway through the Left Behind series, challenging God and attacking Him with his army of angels before he and they were cast down to Earth in time to resurrect Nicolae Carpathia so he could fulfill his role as The Antichrist. He appears again near the end of the Tribulation as he briefly departs from Carpathia to remind him of his place as a servant, then later is cast out by Jesus Himself and forced to stand trial for his crimes against humanity before he is sent into the bottomless pit for a thousand years, only to be released in time to lead The Other Light's coup against the people of God, which fails spectacularly when God incinerates the whole army in seconds before Satan joins the Antichrist and the False Prophet in the Lake of Fire.
- 7 Days (1998) has the Devil show up disguised as a chrononaut from further in the future, tricking the team into assassinating a diplomat and provoking an international crisis that would result in nuclear war. His identity is revealed when Parker stops him, provoking a rant at how Parker and the team keep screwing up the plans he makes for human misery.
- In American Gothic (1995), Sheriff Lucas Buck apparently is or is possessed by the Devil.
- Ashes to Ashes (2008): In the Grand Finale, one of the characters is tentatively revealed as the devil: DCI Keats. Creators involved have been inconsistent, and Keats is never explicitly identified as Satan except by Matthew Graham in one interview. Also, if you read his letters on the BBC website, they're addressed to his superior, "Nick Callaghan". So, definitely demonic, maybe or maybe not Satan.
- Satan appears in the short-lived series Brimstone as Anti-Hero protagonist Ezekiel Stone's Trickster Mentor.
- The First Evil in Buffy the Vampire Slayer is notably not Satan. The First's right hand man Caleb refers to Satan as a "little man". Satan, or, at least, someone resembling him, later appears on Angel — "Izzerial the Devil", a tennis partner of Angel and a member of the season's Big Bad group "The Circle of the Black Thorn", although he is killed by a Eldritch Abomination in human form.
- The comics following After the Fall feature another devil who is constantly being mistaken for a demon. He's also blue, but has a human form.
- The Angel episode "The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco" mentions an incident where "the devil built a robot."note
- However , while many satanic looking figures appear, the notion of The Devil seems to be averted in the Buffyverse, notable in that there is no one, singular Hell, rather a series of dimensions, each with it's own Satanic archetype, such as the Hellgod Glorificus, it seems to be a universe of Angels, Devils and Squid with no single God or Devil, with leanings towards more Demon Lords and Archdevils and any Big Good is usually portrayed as more grey than white.
- In Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Satan is worshipped as the true god by the witches of the Church of Night, who try to present him as a champion of free will who is the victim of Christian propaganda. However, he clearly expects full obedience from his worshippers or else they suffer. He also able to manifest on Earth at will, either through possessing people or taking on a physical form similar to Baphomet. Until the end of Season 1, when Sabrina is tricked into fulfilling a prophecy that allows Satan to fully emerge on Earth in his original angelic form (minus the wings God tore off during the Fall). Satan also reveals at this point that he's Sabrina's real father and intends for her to rule Earth by his side. Instead he ends up sealed inside Nick Scratch and taken by to Hell by Lilith.
- The Collector: The Devil is a central character; He is omniscient, his relationship with God(who is not heard from) is adversarial but otherwise unclear, and he claims that he only seeks to do good. Each episode has him played by a new actor, actress, or in one memorable case puppet, and his main activity as seen through the series is making standardized deals with mortals.
- Doctor Who has several monsters identified as the basis for Satan:
- The Dæmons (of the planet Dæmos) are identified in the eponymous serial as a race of advanced aliens who formed the basis of human demonic mythology. The whole thing is a slightly shameless rip-off of the earlier serial and movie Quatermass and the Pit (Five Million Years to Earth in the US).
- Sutekh in "Pyramids of Mars" is explicitly noted by the Fourth Doctor to be the real Satan.
- Tom Baker also conceptualised another Whoniverse Satan, Scratchman (Played by Vincent Price), for his Doctor to battle in a film, but nothing came of it. However, Baker later turned the screenplay into a book, Doctor Who Meets Scratchman.
- "The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit" would reveal the "real" Satan, the Beast, a big scary monster bound since before the dawn of time by an ancient race and the origin of every mythology's Devil. What makes it considerably more worrying is that it has enough telekinetic power to resist the pull of a black hole for billions upon billions of years, and it's a cruel Manipulative Bastard with a mind that even the Doctor admits is brilliant, one fully capable of reading minds and pulling Demonic Possession (and hiding that fact frighteningly well), very nearly pulling off a successful and nigh impossible escape by hiding most or all of its mind in Toby, its host - how much the Beast retains is unclear, but it laughs when the Doctor realises that something is up. Of course, the Doctor's skeptical, since he's met so many "real" versions of mythological beings, though as he acknowledges, the stories have to start somewhere and this particular entity is a much better candidate for that than most. The Dæmons are mentioned in passing as a Continuity Nod.
- The Torchwood first season finale goes on to feature Abaddon, the son of the aforementioned Beast.
- On Dominion, Lucifer's existence is confirmed in the first season finale, when Michael and Gabriel discuss how "The Son of Morning" was born alone, unlike the other Archangels, who were born in pairs. Near the end of the second season, his presence in the setting is confirmed, as Michael realizes that he's the mysterious force keeping the angels out of Mallory. Why he's doing this is unknown, but Michael doubts his apparent benevolence.
- In the miniseries Fallen, Lucifer, the last fallen angel still on Earth, asks our hero to redeem him and send him back to Heaven. Notably, he was played by Bryan Cranston, best known as the goofy dad from Malcolm in the Middle... at the time, anyways.
- Occasionally appears on Good Eats, most memorably in the Devil's Food Cake episode in the form of Louis Cypher.
- Henshin Ninja Arashi has the Great Demon King Satan. He looks like your standard angelic depiction of Lucifer, and he has a Flying Saucer that he rides around in.
- In Joan of Arcadia, Satan appears to Joan as sinister versions of previous God incarnations. Or it could've been hallucinations based on Joan's bout with Lyme Disease. It could be that this was simply God testing her, like Job. The second (and final) season finale, however, introduces Ryan Hunter, a person who it's implied previously talked to God and may now be talking to the Devil (or is the Devil). We'll never know though.
- The Bonus Round of the 70s-80s game show The Joker's Wild had a devil (allegedly modeled after series creator and host Jack Barry) that popped up — here he functioned as a Whammy during the round — if he showed up, you lost all the cash you had accumulated in the round. (This was Barry & Enright's first Luck-Based Mission style bonus round- their other shows had different "villains"— a dragon, a bolt of lightning, a stop sign...)
- Lucifer on, well, Lucifer (2016) presents himself as the victim of Bad Press. Since it's loosely based on Gaiman's comic series, he's actually somewhere between an Anti-Hero and a Reasonable Authority Figure who happens to have a really nasty job. Also, he's considerably nicer than most of the people opposing him.
- Married... with Children: Al Bundy sold his soul to Lou(cifer) for NFL glory. When it came time to collect, Al found he liked Hell, so Lou brought down the rest of the Bundys, and the Darcys.
- On the season 5 premiere of Misfits, Finn gets turned into Satan through someone's power and turns several of the other Misfits into agents of Satan as well.
- In an episode of Northern Exposure, Satan comes to Cicely as a short, wimpy little man played by Charles Martin Smith (Toad from American Graffiti). With the world already in shambles due to war and ethnic cleansing, Satan now amuses himself by tempting good people into making very small concessions of morality. He offers Shelley a more glamorous life if she will only burn her husband's favorite sweater, but she refuses.
- Penny Dreadful has Vanessa Ives plagued by a "demon" that eventually identifies itself as Satan, and always appears in the form of a human she knows, usually doing an excellent job of pretending to be that human and having a decent conversation with her until it decides it's time to bring out the Black Eyes of Evil.
- Season 2 gives us a major reveal about this version; when Lucifer rebelled, God split him in half, and sent one half to Earth to feed on blood (the as-yet-unnamed Dracula), and the other down to Hell to feed on the souls of the damned (Satan), and Satan needs Vanessa, the "mother of evil", to submit to him to bring about the apocalypse.
- Season 3 then gives us the even more shocking reveal that Satan is the weaker of the two brothers; as a spiritual being that requires people to believe in him to maintain his strength, he is at a disadvantage in the age of science and enlightenment, while the terrestrial Dracula only needs blood and so has grown stronger and more dangerous over the centuries.
- Satan is the main character's unseen father in Point Pleasant.
- In the memorable "Halloween" episode of Quantum Leap, the Devil impersonated Al in an attempt to trap and punish Sam for the "fixes" and improvements he'd made in the timeline (unless it was All Just a Dream). Later, it is implied that Satan is (perhaps indirectly) in charge of the organization responsible for the "Evil Leapers" Sam encounters.
- Ray Wise is the charming, smooth-talking Devil on Reaper. He's also quite funny.
- Saturday Night Live: A recurring bit on "Weekend Update" has the Devil (played by Jason Sudeikis) invited on to comment on something heinous in the news, only for him to be appalled when he hears the act described and disavow having any part in it.
- Satan appears in the final episode of Sleepy Hollow, as an old man in a white suit, with a beard, and a mass of scars on the left side of his face that glow along with his red eyes when he's being menacing.
- Stargate SG-1 eventually met Sokar, allegedly the first Goa'uld to take a humanoid host, master of a hell-like prison planet, who is proposed to be the indirect inspiration for the Christian notion of Satan. Interestingly, actual Egyptian mythology does have a number of gods similar to Satan—the evil Set is one, as is the monstrous Apep, known better to Stargate fans as Apophis, the Big Bad of the first five seasons. Notably, after Sokar's death his domain is taken over by Apophis.
- Sokar also owned a moon, Netu, that he terraformed into a Fire and Brimstone Hell to imprison his enemies on.
- In Supernatural, he's the Big Bad; ultimately responsible along with Azazel and Lilith for the events up to Season 5. Surprise.
- Lucifer refused to bow down to humans on God's command, believing himself to be superior to the "murderous hairless apes". According to Gabriel, Lucifer was the family favorite and became envious when God "brought home the new baby [humans]". To prove the unworthiness of the human race, he tortured and twisted a human's soul, creating Lilith, the first demon. For this, he was cast into Hell and imprisoned in a Cage until an epic Xanatos Gambit was conducted to free him. His endgame in Season 5 is to eradicate humans and demons from the world and return it to the original masterpiece it used to be. He is also affable and acts in a very calm, collected, and calculating manner. While he genuinely wants you believe that Satan Is Good, he is every bit the monster you'd expect.
- Curiously, only Famine and Pestilence refer to him as "Satan". He is usually called either "Lucifer" or "the Devil".
- In season 7, Sam's hallucination of Lucifer calls him "stupid Satan".
- Death calls him a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum and Gabriel remarks that, because Daddy isn't paying attention to him anymore, he's retaliating by breaking Daddy's favorite toy. Humans.
- Shows up in Tokusou Exceedraft as the Big Bad later on. Here he takes the guise of businessman Iwao Daimon and concocts various schemes to destroy the Exceedraft team and win his Cosmic Chess Game against God.
- In Touched by an Angel, Mandy Patinkin plays a surprisingly subtle, low-key devil, trying to make friends with an angel questioning her faith. And he sings.
- He's appeared several times in The Twilight Zone (1959).
- In "Escape Clause", a hypochondriac makes a Deal with the Devil to avoid death.
- In "The Howling Man", a man must decide whether to release the title character. Once he does, he finds out who the captive really is...
- In "Printer's Devil", our favorite demon tries to get a newspaper owner to sell his soul by giving him a linotype machine that can make things come true by printing them. Here he's played with utter relish by Burgess Meredith.
- Satan has never been sexier than when she was played by Julie Newmar in "Of Late I Think of Cliffordville".
- The Twilight Zone (1985):
- In the episode "Dealer's Choice", the Devil crashes a poker game to collect on the soul of one of the players. However, he's a pretty affable guy, not even revealing himself for a while because he's having such a fun time playing, and when he's discovered, he gives his target a chance to win his freedom in a game. When he's exposed as a cheater, he basically says "My bad", forfeits, and leaves peacefully, but not before restocking the players on food and beer.
- In "I of Newton", he brags that he knows everything and can do anything. His target gets rid of him by coming up with something he can't do: "Get lost".
- In Xena: Warrior Princess, Xena had killed the previous ruler of hell and is supposed to be the successor. Lucifer comes down from heaven and attempts to force her to accept her new role. However, Xena manipulates him into committing the seven deadly sins, causing him to mutate into a devil-figure, and then kicks him into hell.
- The X-Files:
- The episode "Die Hand Der Verletz" (translation: "The Hand That Wounds") features a woman (Phyllis Paddock) who comes to town and begins killing the Devil worshipers there. It's implied that she's the devil, and is killing them for not taking the rituals seriously. As Mulder puts it "Did you think you could just summon the Devil and then ask him to behave?"
- Perhaps the best candidate (though there's no reason they can't all be him) is Aaron Starkey in "All Souls". He's after the souls of Nepholim (children of Seraphim and human women) which a Priest claims the Devil actually would be after, is capable of setting people on fire with a glance, his shadow has horns, he can't enter churches, and speaks with Voice of the Legion when angered. It's heavily implied an actual Seraph finally defeats him.
- In the episode "Signs and Wonders", Reverend MacKay, the killer, is implied to be Satan.
- A Year at the Top featured a pair of musicians who made a deal with Satan's son for a single year of rock'n'roll success. They appear to have gotten it, but the series didn't...
- Black Sabbath Mentioned frequently in their works, notably in War Pigs, described as laughing at the corrupt souls left to rot on Judgement Day, and then spreading his wings in satisfaction.
- Voltaire has a few that include Lou in one way or another:
- There's "Almost Human" which makes the devil into The Woobie.
- "Blue Eyed Matador", where a soul in the afterlife mistakes the bull he's fighting for the devil and the girl in the stands for an angel (guess how that works out).
- "Goodnight Demon Slayer", in which a father is telling his son not to worry about monsters (the devil among them) because he's tougher than any of them.
- "Death Death", where he jabs the narrator in the schlong with a pitchfork.
- Heather Dale's adaptation of The Black Fox. A group of hunters go out and chase a suspicious black fox, which turns into the devil and chases them home.
- The third act of Fireaxe's 4-hour Rock Opera Food for the Gods centers around the devil leading an army of demons and damned souls in an attempt to invade heaven. He sings a number of the tracks, most notably "Welcome to my Realm", in which the screams of the damned are used as part of the background music.
- It is not made very clear whether the titular pick of destiny from Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny is the chipped-off tooth of a demon or Satan himself. He claims in his song near the end of the film to be the devil, but different sources in the film say he was just a demon.
- In one of his songs, singing comedian Stephen Lynch portrays Satan as completely and flamboyantly gay, complete with stereotypical high-pitched, lisping voice, and makes remarks that imply that he himself is Satan's son, who wastes all his time singing songs about "special kids named Fred" instead of spreading evil.
- Frank Zappa's "Titties & Beer" from Zappa in New York and Läther features the devil as a little guy with a red suit and widow's peak, quite capable of swallowing a 'big titty girly' whole (and then regurgitating her unharmed afterwards).
- "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" from the Charlie Daniels Band shows the typical Deal with the Devil as a contest: I bet a fiddle of gold Against your soul Cause I think I'm better than you!
- "Sympathy for the Devil" fromBeggars Banquet by The Rolling Stones works the Wicked Cultured line: "Please allow me to introduce myself/I'm a Man of Wealth and Taste".
- Gets a few cameos in Don McLean's "American Pie" from American Pie. 'I heard Satan laughing with delight/ The day the music died.'
- The song also implies that Mick Jagger is Satan, or at least the generation of rock he embodies is Satanic.
Jack be nimble, jack be quick,
Jack Flash sat on a candle stick,
Because fire is the devil's only friend.
- The song also implies that Mick Jagger is Satan, or at least the generation of rock he embodies is Satanic.
- The "Damien" songs by DMX. Each song is a one-man duet between X and the titular character (X raises his pitch for Damien's parts), where Old Scratch is represented as a friend constantly trying to coax X to the darkside. Marilyn Manson sings the hook in one of the songs.
- Symphony X created an album based off of John Milton's Paradise Lost and was released in 2007. The vocalist spends a good amount of time as Satan.
- Running Wild's song "Satan" is more anti-heroic portrayal of him.
- Music/Manowar has a song where Satan is on the other side of the "Bridge of Death".
- Esham. AKA, "The Black Devil".
- Natas: Nation Ahead of Time And Space, or "Satan" backwards?
- The Insane Clown Posse album Hell's Pit refers to Satan as "the Witch". Interestingly, at no point is he depicted as having any supernatural power other than lies and deception.
- Esham used "the Witch" to refer to Satan earlier, on his 1992 song "Acid".
- According to Morrissey, Satan has rejected his soul. As low as he goes, he never quite went that low!
- Pick a
Slayer song.
- Sum 41's song "Pain For Pleasure" is about the Devil. its displays him in a somewhat negative light
- Trans-Siberian Orchestra's album Beethoven's Last Night features Mephistopheles as one of the main characters.
- Don Henley's In the Garden of Allah has the devil. "It's just like home—so damn hot I can't stand it..."
- Black/Death Metal band Behemoth usually actually references various mythological demons, usually from Sumerian, Egyptian, or Roman mythology:
- "Christgrinding Avenue" features the line "I'm on my way. Destination, Hell. By the power of will, I shall complete the Devil's work."
- Their most recent album has a song that is simply titled "Lucifer
," the lyrics of which are an old Polish poem sung from his perspective.
- Celtic Frost, particularly the song "Synagoga Satanae," which, as you may have guessed, is Latin for "The Church of Satan."
- A OFWGKTA song includes the lyrics, "Somebody tell Satan that I want my fucking swagger back."
- The Italian heavy metal band Power Symphony has an album titled Lightbringer, featuring the song "Lucifer," in which Satan recalls his beautiful brilliance as Lucifer as well as his fall into darkness.
- The song Son of the Morning
by Oh, Sleeper is written from Satan's point-of-view. In it, he challenges and mocks God to His face. The album's final song
implies that God completely destroys him in response (Oh, Sleeper IS a Christian band after all).
- Kamelot's albums Epica and The Black Halo feature demonic temptation(by "Mephisto"), with Descent of the Archangel
being the most prominent example.
- U2 has a character named Mr. MacPhisto, who is essentially a sad old Satan that tries to set himself up as a rockstar despite clearly being past his prime.
- Elvis Presley's (You're the) Devil in Disguise and Aerosmith's Devil's Got A New Disguise are both about girls who the singers claim are the devil in disguise.
- Tell That Devil by Jill Andrews (best known as the theme song from Wynonna Earp).
- Take The Devil by Eagles.
- He shows up to tempt Kendrick Lamar in To Pimp a Butterfly as Lucy, most prominently on "For Sale?"
- The Trope Maker and Trope Namer is The Bible:
- The Book of Genesis introduces the first character that is considered to be the Devil, the Serpent. Identified as the most cunning of the animals, the Serpent speaks to the first Woman and convinces her to ignore God's warning of death and take the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil by claiming the fruit will make her and her husband equal to God, even though all it does is doom them to do evil and die. Because of his evil, God curses the Serpent by pitting humanity against him, telling of how the offspring of the woman will crush the Serpent's head.
- The Book of Job introduces its exploration of the problem of evil, the idea that an infinitely good God could not exist if there is no evil, by painting a scene where the satan, or "the accuser" in English, goes to God's court and wagers that God's most righteous follower, Job, can be turned away from Him if he was faced with evil and suffering. With God's allowance, Satan strips Job of his property, his wealth, his family, and his health, and goes unmentioned as Job questions why God would allow such a thing.
- As Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days, The Four Gospels attest that the Devil tempted him by quoting Scripture to try and get him to break his fast, test God by jumping from the top of a temple, and bow to Satan in exchange for rule over the kingdoms of the world. Christ has a Scriptural response to deny Satan at every turn and leaves the desert completely unfazed by everything the Prince of Lies threw at him.
- The Book of Revelation gives us the image of a great red dragon with seven heads, one who leads one-third of the angels in Heaven against God and his Archangel Michael, only to be thrown out of the Heavens, as the narration reveals that the Dragon would come to be known as the Serpent of Genesis, the Devil, and Satan. However, this time Satan goes to the lake of fire for his immense evil.
- The Qur'an mentions Shaitan as another name for Iblis, itself likely derived from the Greek word for Satan, Diabolos. Depending on interpretation, Iblis is either an angel or a jinn who refused to kneel before Adam. (And by extension humanity) As a result, he was cast out of Heaven and became the first infidel (kafir). Unlike the Bible, Iblis is explicitly described as being responsible for goading Adam's wife to eat the forbidden fruit, as he had vowed to tempt humanity following his expulsion.
- Some religions are based around him. As a general rule though, they don't sacrifice goats or anything. In fact, many don't even worship him specifically. La Veyan Satanists don't even strictly believe in Satan, but rather hold him up as a symbol of humanity adhering to our nature. The idea being that one should do whatever makes them happy, both altruistically and not. As a general rule, most flavors of Satanism are atheists who don't believe in the supernatural. They are more anti-religions that focus on "worshipping" one's self or humanity rather than the actual devil.
- A competitor in Lucha Libre Internacional during the 1970s, best known for teaming with Ciclón Mexicano. They had some Evil Versus Evil matches against members of Ku Klux Klan and a terrorist.
- He also made appearances on the Argentine "Titanes En El Ring" TV show, under the name Diábolo.
- Has been seen wrestling in no rope barbed wire matches for Onita Pro and Super FMW.
- "A Night Of Hoopla" had an edition of Truth Martini's "Hooplas Uncut" where he claimed to own the souls of everyone in Chicago and took full responsibility for QT Marshall's employment in Ring of Honor. This earned him profane chants from the crowd, a punch below the belt from Scarlett Bordeaux and being dropped on his head by Seleziya Sparx.
- Harlow O'Hara's Backstory includes being so powerful and evil that Satan himself decided to knock her down a peg. Seeing magic could not defeat him, she turned to the Church, and to pro wrestling.
- In Welcome to Night Vale, there's The Good Boy, a beagle puppy who claims to "Rule over the dark, wet pits... of HELL!"
- In the BBC series Old Harry's Game, the Devil is portrayed as a weary, existential figure, tricked into rebelling against God and thereafter condemned to supervise Hell. This is shown to be an extremely arduous task, because almost all human beings have committed a sin of some kind. On one occasion, God accepts that Satan's punishment was out of proportion to his crime, but refuses to pardon him, as the existence of Satan is necessary for reasons that God will not reveal. In the fifth series, the Devil subverts his usual role by trying to convince Humanity to act in a moral manner, in order to ease the congestion in Hell.
- In Ars Magica, the influence of (the Christian) God and Satan is pervasive in Mythic Europe. The Big Guy himself is the source of Hell's power, the False Empyrean, and personally oversaw the creation of the first Dark Churches despite being bound in the deepest corner of the Pit.
- The French game In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas has you playing either demons (INS) or angels (MV). It is a subversion of Christianity in that devils are not all bad, and angels...well, there is an Archangel of the Inquisition, and you would not want to meet the Archangel of the Sword, either. Kinda short on the tolerance and all-inclusive love, these guys are. Anyway, Satan is either your Big Bad, or the boss of your boss. A campaign revolves around him getting depressed and wanting to quit his job.
- The American adaptation by Steve Jackson Games, In Nomine, maintains much the same feel, but its version of Satan is as remote and unknowable as God. In his very few appearances, it's made clear that he's not funny, friendly, charming, suave, honorable, or quirky. His defining traits are that he's very powerful, very smart, and hates you, along with everyone else in Creation.
- Lucifer was a prominent figure in the Old World of Darkness. In Demon: The Fallen, he led one third of the Heavenly Host to rebel against God, believing this to be the only way to prevent a vague impending cataclysm, which his friend Ahrimal had foreseen and which God refused to do anything about. It turned out, said cataclysm WAS Lucifer's rebellion in the first place. Interestingly, Lucifer is not the Big Bad in the game: in fact, he is probably the staunchest believer in humanity the World of Darkness has ever seen. His former lieutenants, however, are Eldritch Abominations...In modern times, however he's, by all accounts, missing in action...as is God, leaving the newly-escaped Fallen to wonder what to do next.
- Rather shockingly, the Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game allows players to create Witch characters who receive their powers from Satan. Take that, moral guardians!
- Retconned in later editions. Witches now get their powers from alien intelligences.
- In KULT, his name is Astaroth (but he has 666 avatars walking around using different names).
- In first and second edition Nobilis, Lucifer is the Imperator of Pride and Persuasion. Once, he was the greatest leader among the angels, but following the creation of humanity, he formed a particular loathing for humans (no-one knows why, save maybe Lucifer himself) and rebelled against Heaven, rejecting the angelic belief in Beauty as the highest principle and championing Corruption in its place. He and the angels who followed him were cast into Hell, a place of corruption incarnate—yet despite that, he apparently remains true to his beliefs, untouched by Hell's corruption.
- This was changed for third edition: the fallen angels now fell because they felt everything deserved love, even the monstrous and wicked, as opposed to the angels, whose belief in justice meant they felt the wicked had no place in things. Lucifer is mentioned in passing, still first of the fallen and Imperator of Pride and Persuasion, but what he's like is unknown.
- The Adversary in Shadowrun is an Idol/Mentor Spirit for Shamans to follow. Despite its dark connotations (the Adversary is outright said to equal Satan in the Judeo-Christian tradition) the Adversary isn't toxic and is about as "evil" as any of the other mentor spirits—it is a legitimate mentor for Shadowrunning anarchists. Following The Adversary means you're physically incapable of Just Following Orders, and don't think he'll let you off easily if you spurn the shadows in order to work for The Man.
- The D&D 5th edition Science Fantasy setting, Satanic Mars. Mars is revealed to be the prison of Lucifer himself. After awakening, he conquers and destroys humanity's interstellar empire until a mysterious alien Titan leads the remnants of free humanity in destroying his physical form, but civilization is left in ruins. The remnants of Lucifer's empire fight each other for control of the martian surface, while the Titan's followers (as well as those who just don't want to be ruled by the Luciferan Church) live mostly in orbit in the dead Titan's hollowed out skull and other scattered colonies.
- One of the main characters in Damn Yankees is Mr. Applegate, the Devil, who strikes a bargain with baseball fan Joe Hardy to let him play for his team and win the pennant.
- Lucifer is the main character of The History of the Devil, where he is sympathetic but still not a nice guy. He is put on trial for causing human suffering; the main theme of the play is whether the devil really is responsible for human suffering or we brought it on ourselves.
- Broforce: Since the whole game is an exaggerated parody of action movies and early 2000s American foreign policy, Satan is the Big Bad behind all the Terrorists and Illegal Aliens in the game, and their bases sport Satanic iconography everywhere. Obviously he is the Final Boss who shows up in the flesh after bringing Hell itself to America, is insanely ripped with a Carpet of Virility and has a One-Winged Angel form accompanied by an electric guitar theme.
- In the series Shin Megami Tensei, Lucifer is always around the corner, pulling strings in his quest to defeat YHVH. He often appears as a blonde human, named (groan) Louis Cypher (or in one entry, Louisa Ferre.). But nobody ever seems to get it anyway, so to Hell with it...his posse in Shin Megami Tensei I includes Beelzebub, Asura, Arioch, the gender-confused Astaroth, and Norse baddie Surt.
- Satan, on the other hand, is God's servant (of the hasatan flavor in the original Hebrew tradition), as showcased in Shin Megami Tensei II; needless to say, Lucifer and Satan do not get along. The kicker: God manages to be such a massive jerk in Shin Megami Tensei II that Satan gets fed up and joins the player should he choose the Law path.
- In the Persona series, you can summon Satan. And Lucifer. And Lucifer's prettier version (usually called Helel). Put two of the three (it changes depending on the version) into the main character's lineup in 3 and you can use Armageddon, which kills...anything and everything, really. In 4, Satan is "merely" a persona of the Judgment Arcana, whilst Helelnote and Lucifernote are the ultimate personas associated with the Star and Judgment Arcanas, respectively.
- Persona 5 has the fallen angel Lucifer, the old testament Satan, and Satanael from Gnosticism. Satanael is the ultimate Persona of Joker, and the 11th-Hour Superpower needed to take down Yaldabaoth. Satan, the Ultimate Persona of the Judgment Arcana, is used to fuse Lucifer, the Ultimate Persona of the Star Arcana, which is then used to fuse Satanael on a New Game Plus.
- In Digital Devil Saga 2, Satan is present as the ultimate hidden Superboss. Aside from being as insanely powerful as you'd expect from a Superboss in an SMT game, he only appears in Hard Mode.
- Mundus from Devil May Cry, who was originally intended to be named Satan. He comes in white and looks somewhat like an angel (that is, until Dante messes him up but good, revealing the Eldritch Abomination within). He's not quite omnipotent, though, but it does seem thus far that he cannot be permanently killed, even with the power of Sparda, so Dante eventually has to seal him away like his father did long ago.
- In the Diablo video game series, the protagonists must fight the three Prime Evils: Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal. All are alternate names for Satan.
- In Diablo III Diablo "becomes" Satan with the Black Soulstone, which combines the Soul of the Seven Evils into Tathamet, the personification of all evil in the Diablo universe.
- In Final Fantasy II, the final boss goes to Hell and becomes Satan by killing him. Beezlebub, however, is a miniboss that can be found in front of a certain treasure chest, and as a bonus boss in the Bonus Level, in which you play as the characters that died during the main storyline.
- You work for Satan in the first Deception, plotting to resurrect him. At least, at first; whether you continue working for him through the story is up to you. In the fifth game, Deception IV: Blood Ties, you play as his daughter with the same goal of bringing him back.
- Obligatorily the Big Bad of Dante's Inferno. From some of his rants, it seems that he was locked up because he refused to bow down to humans, who were created in God's image, rather than because he tried to overthrow God (though that does seem to be his goal by the time the events of the game roll around).
- This is actually the reason for the fall of Iblis, Islam's version of the Devil.
- Red Dead Redemption features a series of Stranger missions with an obviously wealthy and intelligent man who sends John on bizarre missions that only an omnipotent being could know of, always making the options quite clear to John, such as whether to rob or help a nun, or to stop or encourage a man to cheat on his wife. He also makes remarks that he is an "accountant" and that he hopes his son grows up to be "like John." It gets even more bizarre, after John shoots him in the back of the head three times and he continues to walk away, unharmed. Later on, he can be seen both at the execution of John Marston and then once more at his funeral. And the spot of his last encounter? The future location of John's grave. Though by his accord, it's "Quite a nice place."
- Though there is a bit of a debate amongst players as to whether he is The Devil, The Grim Reaper, or God. All three view points have compelling evidence, and it was probably Rockstar's intention to make it ambiguous enough that it could be whichever one you think it is.
- Death Smiles decided that plain old Satan was too boring, so its final boss and head of the demonic invasion triggered by Jitterbug is Demonic Imperator Tyrannosatan
- And the sequel has as its final boss a bizarre mash-up of demon and Santa Claus called..."Satan Claws".
- Tekken has the Devil Gene, which allows members of the Mishima family (Besides Heihachi) to turn into a Devil, and the Devil Forms of Kazuya and his son Jin are usually considered the strongest combatants in the game as far as story goes. Jinpachi, Heihachi’s father the Big Bad of Tekken 4 was initially thought to have the Devil Gene as well, but Word of God stated Jinpachi was under Demonic Possession from a different powerful evil spirit.
- Note: this was passed over to them through at least one (Kazuya) Faustian deal with an evil winged Manipulative Bastard called…Devil.
- Tekken 7 explains the Devil Gene actually comes from Heihachi’s wife and Kazuya’s mother Kazumi and her family the demonic Hachijo clan. Kazumi in her Superpowered Evil Side tries to kill her husband, revealing her plan to wipe out the Mishimas who she deemed as a threat. Heihachi reluctantly kills Kazumi in self defence and chucks his son Kazuya off a cliff so that he’ll never become a Devil like his mother... but ironically awakens the Devil Gene in Kazuya as result of his actions.
- Mortal Kombat has a backstory character named Lucifer who is in charge of the Netherrealm (an infinite, fiery, wasteland where evil goes to rot, blatantly Hell).
- And he's apparently overthrown by Shinnok, a fallen Elder God, a high ranking divine being who fell from grace.
- In Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) we have Mephiles the Dark (named after Mephistopheles from Faust) and Iblis (named after the Islamic version of Satan). The former is a Manipulative Bastard and Consummate Liar acting like the False Prophet and the latter is a mindless destructive monster acting like the Beast of Revelation. They are revealed to be the two separated aspects of Solaris, a sun god who has the power AND desire to destroy all of existance (or at least the space-time continuum). What makes them so terrifying is that they actually succeeded in their plan even after the heroes defeated them by a Cosmic Retcon.
- When they first fuse back into Solaris, the initial result is a creature with 6 stones on his back, 6 claws, and 6 horn segments on his head.
- After 06 ended up creating a Cosmic Retcon of its own that struck it from Canon, the next closest thing to Satan in Sonic appears to be Dark Gaia
. A being born before time, and an "incarnation of darkness, night and destruction". It also has a suitably demonic design, corrupts anything its energies touch, lives within the Earth's core, has control over a list monsters that attack people on the surface during the events of Sonic Unleashed, and is in a constant war of death and rebirth with Light Gaia, the Divine counter to the Demonic. When Eggman awakens it in Unleashed, it tears the world into fragments and corrupts many within it - including Sonic himself.
- In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Satan in The Man Behind the Man, responsible for a long list of atrocities humankind has been witness to. First, he manipulated the heroic Founders of the Brotherhood of Light into performing an Angelic Transformation ritual that separated them from their evil sides. Satan brainwashed and possessed one of the titular Lords of Shadow, and under that guise, accompanied the protagonist, Gabriel Belmont, waiting while the latter assembled an artifact that would allow him to re-enter Heaven and take revenge upon God. Gabriel thwarted Satan's plan, and with God's help, banished him back to Hell.
- Satan returns in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, this time around, however, with a different motive: he wishes to enslave both Gabriel and Zobek following his humiliating defeat. This prompts the two mortal enemies to join forces and use their combined powers to locate and eliminate Satan's Acolytes on Earth. Ultimately — intentionally — Gabriel fails, and the last surviving Acolyte summons his father. But despite all of his prowess and cunning, Satan is defeated once more, and Gabriel pierces his heart with the Vampire Killer, putting an end to the original Prince of Darkness.
- There is a theme among the Ghosts 'n Goblins villains, as they're all named after some variant of Satan. The actual Satan is The Dragon to Astaroth, the most common recurring villain. Other villains include Beelzebub, Lucifer, Samael, and Hades.
- Bayonetta:
- Queen Sheba is the ruler of Inferno, the realm of demons that Bayonetta often taps into for her most stylish finishers. In fact, Bayonetta summons Sheba herself in order to finish off the Creator God Jubileus by punching her all the way throught the solar system and into the sun.
- Rodin himself also counts all of the character art for Rodin in the unlockable extras never uses that name, giving his name as "Mephisto", the name of a German folklore demon most prominently mentioned in the Faust legend and occasionally has been used as another name for the Devil himself. Appropriately, Rodin's role is broadly similar to the traditional devil: a fallen angel who is thwarted and punished from trying to conquer Heaven (and is feared by it) who rules his own "sub-basement" location after his punishment, and jokes about the "deals" he provides Bayonetta.
- Bonechill from Super Paper Mario is an Expy of Satan, specifically the Satan from The Divine Comedy, being a giant six-winged ice dragon who was imprisoned in the bowels of the Underwhere with his army. His plotting to take over the Overthere in the wake of an apocalyptic event also brings the Book of Revelation to mind.
- Satan is the bad guy of the first Puyo Puyo game, and a regular character in the series. Tends to be the Final Boss (or at least one of them), as well as a cheater. However, this seems to be Played for Laughs; Satan liked Hawaiian T-shirts, wanted to marry Arle instead of killing her, and his plans were absolutely harmless (without the Fridge Horror). Even in Sega's run, he never actually did anything evil, and he even became a technical big brother to another horned character.
- His presence actually dates back to the earlier RPG series, Madou Monogatari, where he's the final boss of the second game. He also has a bit part in SFC remake of the original, where he's noticeably charmed by the 5-year-old Arle.
- Oddly enough, in Sega's run, they did add a Big Red Devil that was a spirit, sealed in a book for a long enough time for the text about it to fade. Though, this spirit was also harmless, as the most it did when it was the villain was try and bring its former body back for something.
- The ninja from The Ninja Kids deal with a bunch of satanists, terrorists and assorted evildoers who want to "resurrect" Satan. They succeed, and you have to fight him as the final boss.
- The old arcade game Psychic 5 features statues of a demon sit upon a throne (referred to as Satan in the manual) that you have to destroy in order to finish the levels.
- Manages to be subverted in Fate/hollow ataraxia: The guy who is claimed to be the Devil was actually just some villager who was completely powerless but earned the title of the local devil by being blamed for all the evils in the world and sacrificed to achieve peace.
- In Graffiti Kingdom, the devil is a horned, purple guy-looking-thing named Medium. When freed from his imprisonment, he takes over Canvas Kingdom and plans to rule the world. His son Tablet overthrows him and becomes the new devil, so "devil" is probably just a title for "ruler of demons" rather than an actual entity.
- The Binding of Isaac features him as one of the final bosses (in the vanilla version, anyway). He also has an absolutely badass theme song.
- Rebirth includes the optional encounter of MEGA SATAN, the True Final Boss. His theme song has also gotten an even more badass upgrade.
- Rebirth includes the optional encounter of MEGA SATAN, the True Final Boss. His theme song has also gotten an even more badass upgrade.
- Most Twisted Metal continuities that go into the backstory of Manipulative Bastard Big Bad game master Calypso have it that he either stole his wish granting power from a demon or got it in a Deal with the Devil. But the latest game's story goes further than that. It has the Preacher convinced that Calypso is the devil himself, and the details on the differences between him and the other versions of Calypso make this allegation hard to argue against.
- Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell has a Big Red Devil version of Satan as the main villain, who plans to marry off the Boss to his daughter, Jezebel, in Hell.
- Whereas the other Alone in the Dark games focused on Lovecraftian horror, the 2008 reboot instead has Lucifer as the Greater-Scope Villain. He's the light bringer. He's the fucking universe.
- In Pony Island, Lucifer ("The Beast, Lucifer Almighty, Satan etc.") is the sole proprietor of Satantech Incorporated (d/b/a Systemtech Incorporated), a company which develops video games such as Pony Island and Pony Galaxy in a scheme to tempt players into selling their souls.
- Puzzle & Dragons has Satan in three flavors. There is the descended version of Satan that disables healing but has one of the biggest damage nuke skills in the game. There is also two versions of Lucifer, one as an Archangel and the other as an Archdemon from the REM machine.
- The Outsider from the Dishonored series is not a proactive force of destruction, but much closer to the original Hebrew definition of Satan as the accuser/tempter from the Book of Job, as instead of being a proactive force of destruction, he grants pieces of his power to a select few individuals at any time and watches what they do with it. A strong argument can be made either way that this is meant mainly as a test of his chosen's moral character (and one he prefers his subjects pass, even if he doesn't expect them to), or that the Outsider knows damn well how quickly power goes to their heads and relies on their fallibility to sow chaos and misery in the world without getting his hands dirty. Regardless of his actual nature, the local church in the game treats him as essentially an Expy of Old Scratch.
- In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Geralt encounters Gaunter O'Dimm, a seemingly ordinary merchant of mirrors who proves to be a terrifyingly powerful master of strange magics and who forms pacts with others to give them gifts, in exchange for eventually taking their souls through manipulating the hell out of the wordings of his contracts. A conversation with a scholar who researched O'Dimm reveals him to be an ancient, malicious being who goes by many titles, but the most consist one was "Evil Incarnate." Much like Old Scratch, he uses classic tropes associated with Satan, such as making deals and bargains for souls and often striking those bargains at crossroads. And ultimately, Geralt cannot kill him; the only way to beat O'Dimm is to beat him in a game of wits to win back the soul of the man he had condemned.
- The Devil is the main villain of Cuphead, to whom the protagonists end up owing their souls after an unlucky roll of the dice at his casino. He forces them to go out and collect the soul contracts of others in order to pay off their debt.
- For a series about going to Hell to kill demons with face-fulls of hot lead and plasma, DOOM has been quite coy about depicting Old Scratch himself, likely to avoid pissing off the Moral Guardians even more than the game's premise will. It took five games and a DLC to reveal Satan in the flesh; previously, expies include the Icon of Sin in Doom II: Hell on Earthnote , the Maledict from Doom³note , and the Titan from DOOM (2016)note .
- DOOM Eternal's first DLC reveals the backstory behind the Doom universe's version of Satan: Davothnote was the first experimental creation of the multiverse and given domain over paradise, but God could only give immortality to a few of his creations, so Davoth had to watch the mortals he loved and watched over die constantly. Davoth became obsessed with discovering the secret to mass-producing immortality, creating experimental monsters, driving himself mad, and turning paradise into literal Hell, until he waged war with The Father and lost. Since then, his essence has been sealed in an orb of divine power, but his ghost is so powerful that he still commands the armies of Hell. Even after decillion years, he is still obsessed with achieving true mass-produced immortality and getting revenge on all of his enemies in the process, even if it causes the slow and painful extermination of all other life in the multiverse, which has driven the plot of the entire series. Also, his physical form is physically identical to the Doom Slayer's, he intentionally orchestrated the Doom Slayer's journey so that Doomguy would kill all his enemies for him, and technically, he is God. Maybe.
- The Secret World features Eblis Dominus Inferni In Profondis as the main villain of the game's Hell arc. Having helped create the Hell Dimensions while still a member of the Host, in the millennia since his fall from grace, he's used his superior technological knowledge to enslave the Hellspawn and use them as a means of eventually taking over Earth. Character-wise, he's an Evil Colonialist who considers himself superior to both humans and demons alike, and spends most of his time onscreen abusing his demonic servants and belittling humans. However, despite being one of the toughest Dungeon bosses in the entire game, he's just a Big Bad Wannabe that wouldn't have been able to begin invading Earth if he hadn't captured Theodore Wicker early in the arc, and ends up being forced into a humiliating retreat when Wicker is able to beat him in a Wizards Duel. Plus, he spends most of the game being hopelessly overshadowed by more powerful villains, most prominently the Dreamers.
- Both Lucifer and Satan appear in Rage of Bahamut, though Lucifer plays more of an active role as the incarnation of the Fallen Angel that terrorizes Mystaria. While initially believed to be a Jerkass that was evil for the sake of being evil, his backstory reveals that he is fairly sympathetic. As it goes, he was a former Arch Seraph that was loyal to his “God”, the goddess of justice and eternity Arbiter Mortis who would send him on missions to wipe out those who disrupt the peace of the world and the heavens. As it turns out, she would also send him to wipe out innocents that she felt disrupted the peace, even framing a young boy who was capable of summoning monsters as the murderer of an entire village so as to trick Lucifer into getting rid of him. After being unable to save the boy and finding out he’d been used, Lucifer questioned his faith and fell, thus rebelling against the God’s, having a curse placed upon him that fueled his evilness until the protagonists travel through time to reverse everything and change him. By the end of everything, he becomes an Anti-Hero that fights on the side of the protagonists, but still hates the God’s.
- Lucifer and Satan also appear in Granblue Fantasy (Both using their Rage of Bahamut designs) but as different entities. Despite this, they are connected:
- Lucifer is an import of the Rage of Bahamut character of the same name, but his with role vastly reimagined as of the story event "What Makes the Sky Blue" in order to distinguish the two games' worlds from each other. In this games universe, Lucifer is the Big Good who serves as the supreme primarch, an entity that exists on a higher plane due to his power level and protects the Sky Realm from threats they would otherwise be incapable of handling. He commands the other angels, though particularly the tetra-element primarchs (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel)note and acts as a Cosmic Keystone for the elements Light and Dark, keeping them in balance and regulating them. In terms of personality, he is quite serious, especially about his duties, oblivious to various things (jokes, hatred, and even love) but is ultimately shown to be a benevolent, selfless and self-sacrificing entity. as well, unlike most depictions of Lucifer, he is quite a sympathetic character, whose duty made him incapable of forming genuine connections with those he commanded. In fact, a big part of his character is how desperately he wanted to have a friend. Lucifer doesn't fall in this universe though a character named Lucilius note was created to fill that aspect of the mythological characters descent.
- Satan (renamed Black Beast) appears in this universe, however he is much less of a character and more of a screaming, mindless beast. This is due to his being a mass of fallen angel cores sealed into one being with the purpose of one day destroying the world as a part of his creators plan. He was sealed away by Lucifer, who himself acted as a living seal for the character which would remain intact for as long as his powers were.
- Trillion: God of Destruction: While his name was never specified, the one whom rebelled against God and was banished to the Underworld would later be known as Satan, the first Great Overlord and leader of the Fallen Ones.
- Afterparty revolves around two teens who end up in Hell and try to escape by beating Satan in a celestial drinking tournament. The game heavily parodies and deconstructs the whole Man of Wealth and Taste portrayal; here, Satan comes off like a pathetic, drunken Fratbro.
- Helltaker: Lucifer appears as one of the demon girls of Hell, referred to as "Lucy" by Beelzebub. She's a beautiful white-haired and white-horned woman with red eyes and wearing a snazzy black and red suit. She's characterized as calculating bureaucrat and business woman (even going by the title of "CEO of Hell") who enjoys tempting humans with An Offer You Can't Refuse that result in Your Soul Is Mine!. Despite this, however, she's also a Tsundere who decides to join the Helltaker's harem upon being bribed with chocolate pancakes, and shows a surprisingly caring side when she even helps Helltaker make food for the rest of harem in the ending.
- In Hades, one of the unlockable Aspects for the Exagryph (an Ancient Greek assault rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher) is Lucifer's laser rifle that he used in his war on God. While the Olympians don't actually know anything about Lucifer other than his name and that he fought his father, the fact that Zagreus is using his weapon in rebellion on his own father is something that is noted.
- Desperate Love Feast has him briefly appear in one scene where he calls the protagonist "cute" and promises to watch over him. It is also heavily indicated that he is the Greater-Scope Villain who drove Big Bad Chihiro insane.
- Oyadori No Ko has him as the Big Bad who directed his worshippers to kidnap nine people every year and send them to Hell in hopes of freeing himself. You play as one of the victims. Though in this case, "he" is a cute teen-looking schoolgirl named Emokinia. She's still just as evil and dangerous as one would expect.
- He's the main villain of Broforce. At first, he seems to just be someone to kill to end the level, and not very powerful, but come the final levels of the game, which take the Broforce to Hell, he's shown to be more powerful than previously thought, to the point that he becomes the Final Boss.
- Team Fortress 2:
- The 2013 Scream Fortress event reveals that the Bombinomicon became Satan at some point, and he appears in Hell when a match on Helltower goes into endgame. He's pretty glad to see the mercs and rewards them with their own spellbook if they survive.
- TF Comics #6 also features a more traditional Big Red Devil who Medic sold his soul to. Medic then proceeds to reveal he stole his friends' souls and grafted them onto himself in order to con Satan into giving him an extra half-century on Earth, and his pen.
- Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Giratina is the Pokemon universe's cosmic Satan right down to Lucifer's banishment from Heaven. Giratina along with the other members of the Creation Trio helped Arceus create and bring balance to the universe, with each of them representing a fundamental aspect of the cosmos; Dialga representing Time, Palkia representing Space, and Giratina representing Antimatter. However, for its violent tendencies, Giratina was exiled from reality and banished to the Distortion World.
- The Fear Hole has a biological manifestation of the concept of Satan in this episode
who functions as an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain. And then there's the real one...
- Retarded Animal Babies has Satan as a recurring character, often with his name screwed with to make other names for himself, such as "Stan" or "Santa".
- Bedrock Person's Gascot is the universe's Satan, while not the Biblical portrayal, more like a self-fabricated rather akratic sociopath.
- Hazbin Hotel
- Charlie's father, Lucifer Morningstar, is Hell's "head honcho". While there are overlords in Hell and criminals fight in turf wars over parts of Pentagram City, everyone recognizes Lucifer as the man on top. Though most denizens of Hell don't respect authority, they fear Lucifer's power enough to show fealty.
- The top-tier Demon Lords and Archdevils in the show are rulers of rings of Hell based on the Seven Deadly Sins, and Lucifer's sin is Pride. Satan is a separate character from Lucifer, and is the ruler of Wrath, as per an old typology of demon lords corresponding to the seven sins that also mentions Lucifer and Satan separately.
- The Angel with Black Wings — An angel mentioned the name "Lucifer" in Chapter 12: Enemy, Page 27.
- Blip features variations on both the Jewish and the Christian versions of Satan, as separate characters. Lucifer is the angel who rebelled against God and currently rules Hell—he's also a Bishōnen and a surprisingly nice guy (who still wants to destroy the world). "The Adversary" fills the role of God's prosecuting attorney and Loyal Opposition; he's much less nice. In spite of being on opposite sides of a war, the two of them get along rather well.
- Beyond The End: Hal is on the run from Lucifer, after having lived with him for a few centuries. He's said that Lucifer was clingy to the point of being stifling and Death has said Lucifer has anger issues that he's not keeping in check. This is pretty confirmed with how much shouting and threatening to kill people and actually killing Mortis he does.
- Bob and George: He's Bob's grandpa. But he's only mentioned once. Does it mean that George is actually a demon?
- Satan appears in Casey and Andy not only as a woman, but as the girlfriend of one of the title characters.
- In College Roomies from Hell!!!, demons first appeared as throwaway characters who were summoned by the inept Satanists Waldo and Steve, but refused to do their bidding. Later, as the strip became more serious, they actually manage to summon Satan (as opposed to the previous nameless minor demons), and, after trying to take Dave's soul, he began showing a clear personal interest in the main characters, quickly proving to have been the Big Bad of the series all along.
- Parody: In Dinosaur Comics, Satan is seemingly a videogame-obsessed nerd. He's never seen directly, instead being represented by red text coming from below the panel border.
- Also, T-Rex is the only person who can hear Satan (or God, for that matter), leading the other characters to occasionally speculate that T-Rex is making up those voices he hears.
- Satan is a main character in Holy Bibble where he is a bit of a trickster, though several comics have implied that he has more up his sleeve than we're initially led to believe.
- Homestuck has a character named, well, Doc Scratch, who told the heroes that they could escape their current situation and the unstoppable villain hunting them if in exchange they would allow his master to enter the fray. He succeeds as he is omniscient, multi-dimensional, and an excellent host.
- And then there's Scratch's boss himself, Lord English. He's from an alien race known as Cherubs. He also kills God...or at least the author.
- Given the primary focus of Jack, it's not surprising that Satan makes occasional appearances, in a form similar to David Hopkins' furry persona (a blue skunk), only with all-black eyes.
- The Beast King from Magical Island is a giant version of Satan.
- Similarity, Hera from Ob Mil Yandere Games is a female version of Satan. As a child she'd pray to the beasts of Hell to give her a potion to make her into a demonic being superior than humans.
- Mag Isa: Though Satan isn't shown directly in this comic, the bad guys are admittedly in the service of Satan
. They masquerade as "good", though, since Satan masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)
- Lucifer's niece Cassiel (who, while not a fallen angel, is still distinctly petty and vindictive) is the resident Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain in Misfile. Lucifer himself is confirmed to exist within the comic's universe, but hasn't put in a personal appearance...yet.
- Narbonic: A while after Mell returns from Hell, she is having trouble getting interested in things, and asks her boyfriend the ex-demon if Satan ever got listless and unmotivated. He says it happened every eon or so, but they would just "wait for her to rediscover her drive."
Mell: Wait... her? Oh, of course...
Caliban: So you didn't get an audience, then? Good to know. - He's a main character in Satan and Me.
- The Devil appears as a main character in Sinfest. He operates a deal booth styled like Lucy's booth in Peanuts, and is antagonized by The Faceless God, who mocks him with a silly handpuppet. Aside from various taunts against God and attempts to tempt people or buy their souls, he is generally presented as a neutral or even sympathetic character compared to the petty and whimsical God.
- Satan has made a handful of appearances in Sluggy Freelance, most notably being summoned onto Riff's computer in the strip's first Story Arc, and for being the father of The Evil.
- In Manga Punk Sai's
The Story From Hell has Satan and Lucifer as two separate characters: loyal angel Satan is in charge of Hell, and his rather thankless duties include hunting down fallen angel Lucifer whenever he manages to run off to Earth. (On closer inspection, Sai seems to have taken down the main storyline, but there's still plenty of character art and Omake arcs there.)
- It can still be found starting here
, though it's pretty old now and nothing like what she plans it to be in the future.
- It can still be found starting here
- Satan is a minor character in the Magic: The Gathering webcomic UG Madness, usually working with Magic R&D director Mark Rosewater (portrayed as a comical imp). His first appearance was in this strip
- Being a webcomic about a student getting demonic powers, Underling features a rather dickish Satan.
- The folkloric devil is often discussed in West of Bathurst, a slice of life comic, as seen here
. The longer the comic goes on, the more likely it seems that one character actually is the devil.
- In Zoophobia, he is Damian's father and Jack's uncle.
- Kill Six Billion Demons has no actual satan-figure, but two very close ones.
- The Red Eyed King was a devil from the age of gods that tried to end existence itself out of a lust for destruction, a being so powerful and wicked that he matched the God of Evil Aesma in wickedness (she, obviously, fell in love with him at first sight). At the current stage of the universe he exists only in stories; Aesma, love-spurned, beat him into submission with the universe while they were both still inside it. Jagganoth is known as the Red-Eyed Heir, and is set on the same path of omnicide that the Red Eyed King followed.
- The entity known only as "Myself" is a strange devil, as they are simultaneously the King of all Devils and the most important prisoner kept by the Council of Thirteen, the ruling council of the Devils. As an Oxymoronic Being, Myself's existence breaks all the known laws of the universe and he is, as such, extraordinarily dangerous. Their face isn't seen throughout the comic, but they are partly-omniscient and their voice has the power to warp reality, things that, in theory, should only be possible with divine power.
- Lotus Cobra Is Evil: The first comic, "Lotus Cobra Is Evil"
◊, about "master of evil" Lucifer, wanting to be represented by said Lotus Cobra.
- Bennett the Sage. Are you really surprised?note
- He's at least able to make a good impression...
- Satan appears occasionally on Ask That Guy with the Glasses. Ask That Guy works for him, however Satan can be unnerved by what he says. Also, the Nostalgia Critic made a comment that Satan goes to the Devil Devil when he's not being evil enough.
- Satan has also made a debut in the Son of the Mask review, where it's revealed that he's married to Kim Kardashian and has a daughter with her, named Evillina (who is a My Little Pony fangirl who apparently chats with CR and is far less evil than her father would like). He makes another appearance in the Cat in the Hat review, where he's shown pitching the movie Planes to Pixar, and is a Papa Wolf when the movie's creator tries to subject the Critic and Evillina to a movie-marathon of the recently-made Dr. Seuss adaptations. As it turns out, the creator only had financial success because he sold his soul to the Devil.
- "The most frightening religious painting in the world," according to Bishop Barron's vlog on The Devil
, is a fresco which depicts The Antichrist speaking before a crowd with the Devil whispering to him. The Nightmare Fuel in the fresco is the Devil's hands, which he has put through the Anti-Christ's robes and out of his sleeves so the Devil's hand just appear to be those of another human.
"It's very clever way of influence us. Indirectly, clandestinely, by insinutation. In such a way that, heck, it looks like our activities, yet it's the dark powers having invaded." - Satan and Hmac from Epic Storytime were good friends in college. Lucifer had apparently been a real party animal and also loved to smoke tons of Marijuana. They became best friends near graduation and when they made it out of college, the two stayed drinking buddies and had went to the bar every Friday night since then. Hmac later returned to the underworld, seeking him for answers of who was attacking the U.S. and why.
- Heavily implied in the Mandela Catalogue. The "Alternate" who disguises itself as the Archangel Gabriel is stated in all but name to actually be the Devil in Disguise, and to have hijacked the world's major religions to secretly be the worship of himself.
- In Rosto AD's Mind My Gap, we have Virgil S. Horn
. As the series narrator and villain, Rosto and he don't exactly say he's the devil, but when Virgil covers the second "a" in his middle name...besides being a villain, he owns a TV show and is a (con)cept artist.
- In Mr. Deity, Lucifer is "Lucy", an ex-girlfriend of the titular Mr. Deity, who got stuck with the Hell gig after she did Mr. Deity a favour in stirring up things in the Garden of Eden. She's particularly annoyed by the constant "passive-aggressive" references to her being a "snake" in the "script", and would much prefer her avatar on Earth to be a bunny. She's not impressed by Mr. Deity's alternative suggestion of a goat.
- The short film "Raking Leaves"
by comedy troupe Stella and Bradley Cooper involves a rather unexpected appearance.
- Appears quite a bit in the first, Hell-centric book of The Salvation War. He's a colossal Jerkass, and a bit of an idiot. Hardly surprising that the human war effort wants to kill him with extreme prejudice.
- Dr. Clef of The SCP Foundation may or may not be Lucifer. A storyline involving both Dr. Clef and SCP-239 strongly implies it. His response when interviewed about it is to first claim he is, then claim he was lying, then point out there's no way to be sure whether he was lying about being Lucifer, or lying about lying about it. Oh, and if this is the case, SCP-239 may or may not also be the physical incarnation of God or the Second Coming of Christ. Word of God says that he's not Satan in the traditional sense, but he does rebel against God (Not to mention the Foundation's lore already has a more blatant Satanic Archetype in the form of The Scarlet King. Word of God also says that Clef's the one who cast Adam and Eve out of Eden, which either makes him the serpent or the Archangel Jophiel which, incidentally, would make Clef his own SCP-001 proposal.
- Satan Ira, also known as Wrath, from The Seven Sinisters
is a female Satan
- Although he has yet to physically appear in Shadowhunter Peril, there have been several references to his existence in the Infernal Worlds. The first Big Bad's last name is "Morgenstern" (which means "Morning Star", one of Lucifer's many names), and his One-Winged Angel form appears to be a subtle Shout-Out to the version of Lucifer depicted as having six wings. By far the biggest references would be Puriel flying into an Unstoppable Rage at the mention of Lucifer—he also states once or twice that he has fought in the war in Heaven, which could mean he and Lucifer actually did meet. So far, though, the closest thing SP has to a Satan-like figure is Asmodeous, who is the first son of Lilith, and the only demon to have a fallen angel (Samael) for a father—in fact, the only demon to have a father at all. He's currently king of the Infernal Worlds, so where that leaves Lucifer in the hierarchy is unknown.
- Seen here burying dinosaur bones to confuse the minds of men in this ironic Teach the Controversy t-shirt
- The Whateley Universe has something that claims to be Satan. Merry has even been spiritually sent to 'Hell' and tortured by him. He claims God exists, and the two of them are trying to keep eldritch abominations from bursting into their universe.
- Sataniel is a minor character in Unsong, the first angel Thamiel corrupted, who died during the War in Heaven. Thamiel himself, the Left Hand of God, is the actual Devil and ruler of Hell.
- Daniel Thrasher: Stan claims he isn't Satan, but he clearly is.
- Dokki.doodlez has a personal Original Character named Sarvente. In the lore, she is the ruler (or Lucifer) of Hell since a very young age, which makes her the equivalent of Satan in her universe. However, she eventually left the throne as she no longer cares about Hell or even maintaining her power as Lucifer, and instead wants to help people go to Heaven. She has softened over the years due to being with Ruvyzvat.
- Sarvente shows off both her nun and demon forms in the Friday Night Funkin' Game Mod she got featured in, Mid-Fight Masses.
- Looney Tunes:
- In the cartoon "Satan's Waitin", he is depicted as a Hector-esque bulldog, as Sylvester, a cat, is the one sent to Hell.
- "Now Hear This" has Satan appear in a more simplified form due to the cartoon's use of Limited Animation.
- Satan as depicted on South Park varies between a genuine lord of all evil and the wussy gay bottom to Saddam Hussein. He's settled on Affably Evil. And he's got a luau!
- Canada has its own version of Satan, called Beelzaboot. Unlike the standard Satan, he is genuinely evil.
- The Devil is the explicit identity of the villain in the pilot episode of Cow and Chicken. This gets Bowdlerised for the series proper, and he's only called "The Red Guy" from there on out, even though it's glaringly obvious he's the Devil; they might have a point, though, because as the series goes on, he was turned from outright evil to an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain.
- "The Red Guy" is also a regular character on I Am Weasel. In the series, he is also referred as "I.B. Red Guy", an allusion to I.M. Weasel's and I.R. Baboon's names.
- Him from The Powerpuff Girls is an effeminate expy of Satan (except in the original script, in which he was directly Satan) with pincer hands in place of goat hooves.
- The Simpsons:
- "Treehouse of Horror IV" has Ned Flanders as Satan, selling Homer a donut in exchange for his soul.
Ned: It's always the last guy you'd expect, isn't it?
- The Devil appeared in an early episode where Bart had a near-death experience. He seemed quite affable.
- "Treehouse of Horror IV" has Ned Flanders as Satan, selling Homer a donut in exchange for his soul.
- Futurama has the Robot Devil. He lives in Robot Hell...which is in New Jersey.
- He was one of the three main characters in the short-lived God, the Devil and Bob where he's a whiny neurotic with a Vitriolic Best Buds relationship with God.
- Rocko's Modern Life had Peaches the Dark Lord, who regularly showed up to try claim Heffer's soul, although a few of the episodes he appeared in have gone missing.
- Satan appears in Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil, as the father of the main character. He's not as evil as you might think, but he hates his daughter's boyfriend...a DJ called Jesús.
- A version of him is the Big Bad on Jimmy Two-Shoes. That is Lucius Heinous VII, ruler of Miseryville, which is implied to be Fire and Brimstone Hell (although he and Miseryville are explicitly Satan and Hell in the pilot). While Lucy (as Jimmy calls him) isn't very dangerous, his family line gets nastier as it goes back to Lucius I, who looks something like a traditional depiction of Satan in a suit and is feared by even his descendants.
- On The Critic, Satan is responsible for many of Hollywood's problems (such as unnecessary sequels and Marisa Tomei winning an Oscar). The cast of Wings once asked him for another season on the air ("There are limits to even MY powers!"). He also appears in the episode "Siskel & Ebert & Jay & Alice" with Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert when Gene is interviewing possible replacements:
Satan: [transformed as a reviewer] Tim Allen gives that same likeable performance we always love, once again proving Disney Pictures have the magic touch that may not win awards, but keeps America smiling. How was that?
Gene Siskel: You're Satan, aren't you?
Satan: [transforms back into himself] You win another round, Siskel, but we shall meet again! [growls angrily and disappears through the floor] - On the [adult swim]-era Space Ghost Coast to Coast episode "Sweet for Brak", featuring Tenacious D, Satan is revealed to be Yogi Bear, and wears "a necktie and a crown of femurs".
- Satan appears in ReBoot as a Player Character for the User in a Mortal Kombat-ish game. He is also the first User character to be truly menacing, and he wins. When Satan gets spawned in Mainframe during System Crash Matrix gets to have revenge against him. The character's official name is Zaytan, but that's just some Executive Meddling since his name is clearly pronounced as Satan in the show.
- Satan made an appearance on an episode of Darkwing Duck, going by the name of Beelzebub. The episode predictably went missing.
- He appears briefly in the Ren & Stimpy episode "Sven Hoek" after Ren ends up killing everyone when he takes a leak on the Electric Fence board game. Which was the number #1 thing you must not do when playing the game. Satan's cheerful admonishment as they arrive in Hell: "So, you whizzed on the electric fence, didn't ya?"
- According to some of the sketches done for "Sven Hoek", Satan was apparently supposed to be George Liquor in a devil costume. In the final cartoon, he still looks more than a little like George and is even voiced by Michael Pataki.
- In The Boondocks, Satan trains Stinkmeaner in martial arts, sends his spirit back to Earth as a reward, and gets called a "BITCH ASS NYUGGA!" for all his trouble.
- In the Superfriends episode "Swamp of the Living Dead", the Legion of Doom makes a Deal with the Devil with a malevolent floating head called the Evil Being. Word of God confirms that the Evil Being is Satan.
- In the Animaniacs episode Hot, Bothered & Bedeviled, the Warners mess with the Devil himself.
- Satan is a good guy in the Australian satire Go to Hell! (1997) by Ray Nowland; which has fun with the Ancient Astronauts trope. God (actual name: G.D.) is an alien Corrupt Corporate Executive planning to set up a colony on Earth and rule it, but is opposed by his rebellious teenage son Red who helps the apes evolve and teaches them free will.
- The short-lived Cartoon Network series Class of 3000 had an episode where Lil' D signs a contract to become famous with a large man with a goatee and a red suit referred as "Big D". As if it wasn't obvious enough, "Big D" has supernatural powers, a pair of creepy snake-like men accompanying him, and a company located miles below the surface.
- In Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Satan is never seen onscreen, but usually sets MC Pee Pants on fire for failing him, to the point that MC Pee Pants's last exploit was to try to become a vampire to avoid going to hell.
- A proposed episode of Sealab 2021 called "Ronnie" would have Satan show up to try to make a Deal with the Devil with Murphy. He's shown as a blond man, sometimes with the goat hooves. Stalin and Hitler pop by and address Satan as Ronnie, hence the episode title. The episode was rejected for not being funny.
- In the Rick and Morty episode "Something Ricked This Way Comes", Lucius Needful operates a store that gives mystical items with some curse attached to them. Rick immediately calls him out as the Devil, causing Needful to drop any attempts at being mysterious, and proceeds to humiliate him throughout the entire episode.
- Unicron is pretty much the Transformers equivalent of Satan, and even kind of looks like a robotic version of the stereotypical Big Red Devil. He's a planet-eating Eldritch Abomination that's literally powered by concepts like hatred and strife. He seeks to corrupt or destroy all existence because he finds it personally offensive. Sometimes he makes deals with mortals, promising power or some other such thing in exchange for their service, but these deals never end well for the mortal. He's also notably more successful then the typical Satan-figure; he's destroyed at least 20% of the local multiverse and he apparently once succeeded in destroying all reality. The only reason anything exists now is because he missed a few fragments and went dormant, allowing reality to reform. He wasn't happy when he woke up.
- Believe it or not, he actually appeared in the Martin Morning episode "A Good Little Devil", although since it's a kids' show he was referred to as Lucifer rather than Satan. In the episode, he was depicted as a Corrupt Corporate Executive who almost tricked the show's titular character into signing a pact with him so that he could become a normal boy and not be subject to his daily Just Woke Up That Way condition anymore, by having a demoness impersonate his Love Interest Roxanne and having her try to convince him that it's the right thing to do and would make her happy. Thankfully, the real Roxanne arrived just in time to expose the demoness and prevent Martin from signing the pact, and Martin used his trident (he was a demon himself on that day) to turn Lucifer and the demoness to stone.