Trope Overdosed is when a series uses many tropes. The inverse, when a trope applies to many different series, is an Overdosed Trope. If you want a real challenge, look for a work page that doesn't use a single one of these tropes.
Many of these tropes are popular because they are used as a verbal shorthand (Squick, Oh, Crap!, etc.), and others are popular because they're more ways of discussing works than they are part of the work themselves (Nightmare Fuel, moments of awesome and funny). In any event, the only requirement to be included on this page is that a trope is referenced by at least 10,000 other pages, as listed in the "related" page.
The numbers given here are for rough estimation purposes only, since the pages will inevitably have changed since the trope was added or updated.
See Also: Omnipresent Tropes, Tropes of Legend, Trope Overdosed. For tropes that attract a lot of potholes, see Pothole Magnet.
Over 30,000
- Big Bad: 68911
- Shout-Out: 64426
- Lampshade Hanging: 42564
- Jerkass: 41062
- Oh, Crap!: 38779
- Running Gag: 37550
- Played for Laughs: 35747
- Word of God: 35160
- Deadpan Snarker: 35100
- Nice Guy: 32214
- Berserk Button: 31437
- Meaningful Name: 30785
- Heroic Sacrifice: 30278
- Foreshadowing: 29694
- Heel–Face Turn: 29632
- Subverted Trope: 28906
- Call-Back: 28749
- Butt-Monkey: 27783
- Expy: 27192
- Curb-Stomp Battle: 26375
- Ax-Crazy: 26308
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: 24179
- What Could Have Been: 23997
- Large Ham: 23986
- Character Development: 23935
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: 23567
- Eldritch Abomination: 23222
- Cloudcuckoolander: 22833
- Memetic Mutation: 22657
- The Reveal: 22445
- Tear Jerker: 22411
- Action Girl: 22239
- Big Damn Heroes: 22091
- Take That!: 21874
- The Dragon: 21811
- In-Universe: 21609
- Heroic BSoD: 21254
- Determinator: 21108
- My God, What Have I Done?: 21079
- Kick the Dog: 20876
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: 20645
- What the Hell, Hero?: 20639
- Blatant Lies: 20427
- Abusive Parents: 20213
- Continuity Nod: 20147
- Mythology Gag: 20025
- Pun: 19984
- It Makes Sense in Context: 19796
- Only Sane Man: 19762
- Driven to Suicide: 19632
- Pet the Dog: 19558
- Manipulative Bastard: 19528
- Nightmare Fuel: 19409
- Noodle Incident: 19365
- Too Dumb to Live: 19080
- Even Evil Has Standards: 18989
- Hilarious in Hindsight: 18899
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: 18729
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: 18713
- Title Drop: 18678
- Hidden Depths: 18331
- Disproportionate Retribution: 18092
- Hoist by His Own Petard: 17980
- Took a Level in Badass: 17946
- Chekhov's Gun: 17871
- Mad Scientist: 17626
- Darker and Edgier: 17497
- Fantastic Racism: 17483
- Blood Knight: 17354
- Bittersweet Ending: 17038
- The Hero: 16985
- Body Horror: 16936
- Irony: 16870
- Ho Yay: 16755
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: 16675
- Tempting Fate: 16622
- Karma Houdini: 16521
- The Dreaded: 16506
- Would Hurt a Child: 16353
- Fridge Brilliance: 16194
- Face–Heel Turn: 16191
- Sarcasm Mode: 16046
- Laser-Guided Karma: 15951
- Mood Whiplash: 15907
- All There in the Manual: 15856
- Downplayed Trope: 15828
- The Stoic: 15826
- Brick Joke: 15799
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: 15622
- Downer Ending: 15613
- Beware the Nice Ones: 15604
- Mooks: 15573
- Squick: 15508
- O.O.C. Is Serious Business: 15453
- Dark and Troubled Past: 15442
- It's All About Me: 15441
- Ship Tease: 15408
- Wham Line: 15247
- Justified Trope: 15195
- Asshole Victim: 15137
- Black Comedy: 15090
- Averted Trope: 14982
- Evil Counterpart: 14936
- Anti-Hero: 14813
- Hypocrite: 14801
- The Cameo: 14707
- The Woobie: 14544
- Affably Evil: 14519
- Enemy Mine: 14503
- Exact Words: 14534
- What Happened to the Mouse?: 14279
- Final Boss: 14191
- Awesome Music: 14185
- Fridge Horror: 14135
- Freudian Excuse: 14105
- Ms. Fanservice: 14056
- And I Must Scream: 14001
- Harsher in Hindsight: 13960
- Ensemble Dark Horse: 13764
- Back from the Dead: 13747
- Villainous Breakdown: 13735
- Everyone Has Standards: 13730
- Establishing Character Moment: 13661
- Eye Scream: 13626
- Hypocritical Humor: 13504
- Arch-Enemy: 13463
- Reasonable Authority Figure: 13463
- Moral Event Horizon: 13442
- Foil: 13358
- Alternative Character Interpretation: 13355
- Despair Event Horizon: 13258
- Big Eater: 13224
- Truth in Television: 13155
- The Mole: 13149
- Papa Wolf: 13147
- Bad Boss: 12922
- Badass Normal: 12910
- Comically Missing the Point: 12898
- Killed Off for Real: 12796
- Badass Boast: 12760
- Sanity Slippage: 12742
- The Ace: 12737
- No-Sell: 12728
- Smug Snake: 12695
- The Chessmaster: 12693
- Playing with Fire: 12606
- Ascended Extra: 12588
- For the Evulz: 12577
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: 12570
- Tsundere: 12547
- Undying Loyalty: 12537
- Big Brother Instinct: 12530
- Fate Worse than Death: 12491
- Invoked Trope: 12464
- Crapsack World: 12398
- Never My Fault: 12364
- Anti-Villain: 12352
- Book Ends: 12286
- Wham Episode: 12265
- The Atoner: 12200
- Inverted Trope: 12077
- Punny Name: 12051
- Put on a Bus: 12035
- Break the Cutie: 11963
- Groin Attack: 11950
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: 11927
- Mama Bear: 11918
- Bait-and-Switch: 11907
- Beat: 11901
- Player Character: 11773
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: 11745
- Villain Protagonist: 11728
- Batman Gambit: 11666
- The Bus Came Back: 11663
- Monster of the Week: 11660
- True Companions: 11620
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: 11569
- Didn't Think This Through: 11571
- Fridge Logic: 11567
- A Day in the Limelight: 11539
- Early-Installment Weirdness: 11534
- The Stinger: 11448
- Deal with the Devil: 11356
- Narm: 11335
- Worthy Opponent: 11330
- Dirty Coward: 11326
- The Ditz: 11298
- Big "NO!": 11294
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: 11276
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: 11256
- An Aesop: 11253
- Brainwashed and Crazy: 11244
- Genki Girl: 11205
- Humongous Mecha: 11202
- Jerkass Has a Point: 11197
- Fanservice: 11095
- One-Man Army: 11087
- Time Skip: 11083
- Knight Templar: 11074
- Love Interests: 11059
- Hope Spot: 11028
- Serious Business: 11009
- Faux Affably Evil: 10978
- Shock and Awe: 10959
- Combat Pragmatist: 10957
- Older Than They Look: 10939
- Serial Killer: 10907
- The Rival: 10904
- Happily Married: 10893
- Greater-Scope Villain: 10852
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: 10781
- No Name Given: 10751
- Big Good: 10750
- Hot-Blooded: 10739
- Spiritual Successor: 10739
- One-Hit Kill: 10722
- From Bad to Worse: 10678
- Shipper on Deck: 10658
- Moment of Awesome: 10641
- Death Glare: 10604
- Tranquil Fury: 10590
- Evil Laugh: 10578
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: 10544
- MacGuffin: 10488
- Mind Rape: 10441
- The Big Guy: 10410
- Epic Fail: 10387
- Troll: 10385
- Trademark Favorite Food: 10383
- Names to Run Away from Really Fast: 10374
- Trope Namers: 10333
- Executive Meddling: 10329
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: 10319
- Zig-Zagging Trope: 10316
- Alpha Bitch: 10312
- Damsel in Distress: 10286
- Vitriolic Best Buds: 10284
- Physical God: 10200
- Mind Screw: 10183
- Lighter and Softer: 10033
- Crazy-Prepared: 10009
- Demoted to Extra: 10002
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: 10001