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Menacing Stroll

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Alucard: I take enthusiastic walks through the woods.
Integra: And kill homicidal vampire priests.
Alucard: Very enthusiastic walks.

The Menacing Stroll is the lithe, athletic walk of the perennial badass. Not quite a strut, it is a subtle, confident gait that lets everyone know that the walker could kick the collective ass of everyone in the room without breaking a sweat. It is a message expressed in Body Language, an unspoken but clear statement that they are just that awesome. It can be found in assassins, thieves, and the leaner species of badass. A Feet-First Introduction can ensure that the first detail revealed about a character is the powerful way they walk.

Compare Unflinching Walk when it's coupled with Stuff Blowing Up. Team Power Walk is when multiple heroes do this together. A little bit faster than the Slow Walk. Compare Ominous Walk, which is more monstrous and predatory.


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    Anime and Manga 
  • Cell from Dragon Ball Z practically oozes evil as he walks.
  • Ghost in the Shell's Major Motoko Kusanagi. It helps that she can walk through walls and anyone stupid enough to stand in her path.

  • This, in addition to their larger size, is what separates soldiers from the workers in the Kalash93 story, You Obey.
  • Child of the Storm sometimes has Harry do this in the sequel, particularly when looking to make a point. However, it usually manifests as a menacing, predatory stalk that's a bit too graceful to be human, and promptly makes the observer's instincts stand up and scream.
  • In the Discworld, the Shades of Anhk-Morpork are a place where normally no woman would dare to walk alone by night. Given sufficient reason and fired by anger, Miss Alice Band conveys via body language that of all the dangerous scary things that could be encountered by night in a dark badly-lit Wretched Hive, a Lady Assassin with vengeance on her mind and anger to burn off is pretty much the scariest. Other denizens of the night notice this and give her a wide berth and lots of personal space.
  • When You Love It (Here Are My Upturned Hands) by RayShippouUchiha, Ichigo comes home from the store to find Kisuke has been taken. He takes the time to collect the dirty tea cups and put away the ice cream(to enjoy when they return) before calmly annihilating everyone who gets in his way when he goes to get him back.

  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie: In the opening scene, Bowser's Castle lands in front of the penguin's castle and Kamek introduces Bowser, the King of the Koopas, followed by Bowser slowly walking out of the statue of his head attached to the front of his castle while being backed by fire.
  • Sword Of Doom Ryunosuke never moves faster than a sedate walk, even while fighting his way through a horde of enemies.
  • The various models of Terminator can pull this off even when buck naked. Robert Patrick was even cast as the T-1000 for his ability to do this at a very brisk pace.
  • Valkyrie does an impressive example in Thor: Ragnarok as she prepares to join battle with Hela's forces on the bridge.
  • Lockdown of Transformers: Age of Extinction has this down pat.

  • The Wheel of Time calls this "Cat Crossing The Courtyard". In New Spring, Lan does one of these unconsciously when agitated called "Leopard in High Grass". A horse groom who sees this runs away.
  • The Dresden Files: Harry Dresden walks like he's "heading to tear someone's face off" when he is in a bad neighborhood to avoid looking like a good target for some mugger. Granted, he most certainly is not a good target for mugging, usually being outfitted with a variety of magical defenses, but having a gun shoved in his face is still a liability.

    Live-Action Television 
  • Done very well multiple times in the miniseries The Deliberate Stranger, about the exploits of Serial Killer Ted Bundy. A happy-go-lucky unsuspecting victim would walk past, the camera would pan down to the ground, and the viewer would get a shot of Bundy's feet as he slowly stalked her.

    Video Games 
  • Altair in Assassin's Creed. It's genetic - Ezio, Connor, and Desmond walk the same way. Altair's traditional robes make it the most obvious out of the four though. Alternatively, it's only Desmond that has the walk, and he's projecting it into the others when he's in the Animus.
  • Commander Shepard in Mass Effect. Particularly notable when Shepard walks into the Shadow Broker's lair despite knowing that he is "very large" and that anyone who has gone in there has never come back out. And then Shepard points a gun at the Broker's head from 10 feet away.
  • How we are introduced to the Pyro of Team Fortress 2 in the video Meet The Pyro. His menacing stroll sends the others running. Of course, s/he assumes s/he's just skipping in a Sugar Bowl world.
  • Kingdom Hearts has Master Xehanort and his various selves. When he's not invoking Power Floats, he's usually just walking slowly. And it's terrifying.
  • In Dragon Age: Origins, during the Fade portion of the Circle quest, the Spirit transformation engages in this when you're walking. It's a very slow way of moving, but damn if it doesn't look awesome. When you move faster or enter combat, it switches over to Power Floats.
  • The Burnt Ivory King from Dark Souls II is introduced as an ominous silhouette quickly walking out of the massive Hellgate that appears in the middle of your fight against the Charred Loyce Knights in the Old Chaos. As soon as he completely emerges from it, his boss theme starts blaring and he joins the fray by sprinting towards you and your allies. He is by far the biggest threat in this boss battle.
  • Wesker moves with a menacing, confident stride when he isn't Flash Stepping in Resident Evil 5's The Mercenaries mode.
  • Resident Evil 2 (Remake): Mr. X's main form of locomotion; neither concentrated gunfire, nor zombies, nor walls can halt his slow, but constant stride towards you, and he searches the area in much the same speed if he loses you. He will only sprint after you if you make the mistake of blasting his hat off.

    Western Animation 

    Real Life 


Video Example(s):


There's no need to rush

You don't need to be flesh and blood to make use of this trope - even if you're a mecha, taking your time on the approach will ensure everyone knows you are fully capable of cracking skulls before the first blow connects.

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