In a world teaming with superheroes, Izuku Midoriya and Metuki, despite not possessing Quirks, will still rise to the challenge and become some of the world's greatest heroes.
Invincible is a My Hero Academia/Invincible (2021) fanfic by Avatar Conner. Currently ongoing.
Invincible contains the following examples:
- Adaptational Badass: Cecil possesses a Quirk that lets him open portals wherever there is reception for communications.
- Adaptational Early Appearance: Melissa and David Shield show up early on when Nolan asks them to make Mako's costume.
- Armor-Piercing Response: Mako and Izuku argue over the latter continuing to excuse Bakugou's poor attitude before their midterm exam together, with Izuku insisting he Used to Be a Sweet Kid and has what it take to be a hero. Mako flatly replies that heroes don't tell people to commit suicide, which brings Izuku up short.
- Ascended Extra: Melissa shows up early and appears much more frequently as both a friend of Mako and the one who repairs his suit.
- Both Sides Have a Point: The discussion between the UA staff and Mako regarding Bakugou after the midterm exam has this in spades. Mako is understandably upset that he is apparently being singled out when it was Bakugou who refused to cooperate, as well as the fact that the teachers haven't disciplined him to curb his obnoxious behaviour since he arrived. He also shows dissatisfaction at the leeway given towards the explosive teen for his potential, bringing up how that same reasoning is what let him getting away with bullying him and Izuku over the years and his current Jerkass attitude. For their part, the staff note they've had plenty of students with ego problems before, and more time in the school will help iron them out of Bakugou. Nedzu in particular notes that expelling a student before giving them a chance to do better wouldn't be very heroic of them, something Mako concedes.
- Childhood Friends: Izuku and Mako became friends in the time period after the former was diagnosed as Quirkless.
- Commonality Connection:
- Izuku and Mako both bond over the shared experience of not having a Quirk.
- Mako also reaches out to Todoroki upon discovering Endeavours treatment of him, relating it to his own violent falling out with Nolan.
- Composite Character: Melissa takes up Art's role as the one who designed Mako's suit and Ambers as his Love Interest.
- Cutting the Knot: After Shigaraki reveals the Nomu is just a mindless monster, Mako decides to just fly it into space while it has him in its grip before leaving it drifting in orbit.
- Eating the Eye Candy: Melissa appreciates the view of a sweaty, shirtless Mako when he uses a machine on I-Island for weight training.
- Fantastic Racism:
- While other students bully Izuku and Mako over their lack of quirks, even the teachers snub them over the issue.
- Sinclair looks down on the Quirkless, and sees him turning them into Reanimen as the most meaningful thing they could do with their lives.
- Fire-Forged Friends: Izuku and Mako Metuki became good friends over the shared experience of dealing with bullies.
- Hypocrite Has a Point: All Might expresses concerns to Izuku about Mako's growing tendency to ignore orders to do what he considers the right thing. When his successor asked if he followed the law closely in his early career, the Number One hero admits that he didn't, but adds that times were much different then, being close to lawless, and there is currently a much more stable and efficient support network for heroes that Mako is undermining with his current actions.
- Jerkass: As in canon, Bakugo Katsuki takes this to a horrible level, even burning Izuku's notebook and telling him he's a loser who should never get a chance.
- Keeping Secrets Sucks: Izuku is not happy having to keep the secret of One for All from his best friend, and regularly debates telling him.
- Loophole Abuse: When Mako kisses Melissa before heading off on a mission from Cecil, Iida protests that such an act is forbidden on school grounds. In response, Mako cheekily points out he was floating, and was not "on school grounds".
- Mundane Utility: Mako makes great use of his Flight to pick up food orders from around the world.
- Not Me This Time: While Sinclair admits to creating the Reanimen from several students he killed, he clarifies that he did not kill the most recent victim. Rather, they discovered his underground lab and tripped and snapped their neck on their stairs on the way out. He did decide to use his body as another test subject though.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Rare case where it's applied to an antagonist. Angstrom Levy stops the alternate Maulers from killing Invincible, only wanting to use his powers to explore the multiverse and not wanting to hurt anyone in the process. Doing so interferes with the machine the Maulers set up for him and the resulting explosion leaves him horrifically mutated, and was implied to have caused some Sanity Slippage as well.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Mako outright admits that he considers doing what is right to be a bigger priority than following laws, reasoning that doing so would have allowed Stain to get away if Izuku and the other students hadn't interfered, and later on disobeys Thirteens orders to retreat from the invading aliens.
- Also discussed and deconstructed in a conversation between Izuku and All Might. The latter agrees that prioritizing the morally correct choice is an admirable quality, but points out that the rules are there for a reason and that continuing to undermine them can have negative long term consequences. There's also the danger in a person growing too used to using their own judgement in deciding what is 'right', and thus worth breaking the rules over, which could lead to a slippery slope of insubordination.
- Shipper on Deck:
- Mina practically gushes over how cute Mako and Melissa are together.
- Mako notices Izuku's attraction to Uraraka, teasing his friend about his crush and playing wingman when the opportunity presents itself.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Katsuki rubs Mako the wrong way by being arrogant Jerkass who boasts about becoming a hero.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: The existence of aliens is treated with little more than a shrug of the shoulders from the government and general populous. Word of God is that after superheroes became real, people became a lot more open minded about what is and isn't possible.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Discussed and deconstructed by Mako in response to Izuku insisting it applies to Bakugou, noting that everyone was different when they were a kid, including some of the worst people in history.