A rare shot of Zeus and Hera not at each other's throats.
"I sing of golden-throned Hera whom Rhea bare. Queen of the Immortals is she, surpassing all in beauty: she is the sister and wife of loud-thundering Zeus,—the glorious one whom all the blessed throughout high Olympos reverence and honour even as Zeus who delights in thunder."
— Homeric Hymn 12 to Hera (translation: Evelyn-White)
This is when two god-like characters (be they actual gods or merely extremely powerful) become a couple.
If the two are related (and being gods, they likely are), there's the subtrope Divine Incest.
Might be a Battle Couple. Very likely experiences Eternal Love. For the other type of "couple," see Super Couple. A subtrope of Divine Date, which may only involve one actual god.
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Anime & Manga
- Ah! My Goddess: Hild and Kami-sama were one in the past until they were forcefully separated by the Judgement Gate. Kami-sama and his current wife Ansuz are a straighter version.
- Future Diary: In the end Second World Yukki becomes his world's Deus (God of Space and Time), and then Third World Yuno is given First World Yuno's memories and becomes her own world's Deus so that he doesn't have to spend any more time alone in an empty void, after he has already spent 10,000 years (without aging a day) moping over not being able to save First World Yuno.
- Kyousogiga: Lady Koto and Inari can be considered this as Lady Koto borrowed the form of a Bodhisattva and Inari is the god in charge of life/creation.
- Promotional materials for Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie: Rebellion depict Devil!Homura and Goddess!Madoka as this. The truth is more... complicated, as neither knows what the other is and the plot requires that they don't hold power simultaneously.
- Throughout the Marie de' Medici Cycle, Zeus and Hera (contrary to their usual depiction in the Greek myths) put on a harmonious display of approval of Marie's wedded life from Olympus, and Henry and Marie are consistently equated to Jupiter and Juno as a display of a ruling couple with a prosperous marriage. (In real life, their marriage was not quite as happy.)
Comic Books
- Quite a few DC What Ifs pair Superman and Wonder Woman. For example:
- The Dark Knight Strikes Again, possibly the first major example. Interesting because when Wonder Woman and Superman made love, it caused earthquakes, hurricanes, twisters, tsunamis, and other fun stuff.
- At the end of Kingdom Come, not only have Supes and Diana hooked up (Lois Lane's death is a major backstory point), but she's pregnant with a baby reality warper. (Or, at least, a baby. The Reality Warper thing is mostly in the sequel.)
- JLA: Act of God has them get together, though you can argue about whether it fits this trope, since they're depowered at the time.
- Superman Distant Fires also sees them get together and have a kid, though Diana doesn't actually make it to the end of the story.
- During the New52 it became canon until the next reboot retconned it away.
- Conner Kent/Superboy and Cassandra Sandsmark / Wonder Girl are, more often than not, together. Due to their heritages—half-Kryptonian and Amazon, respectively—they are two of the most powerful heroes of The DCU.
- In a Shout-Out to the above examples, PS238 revolves around the son of expies of Superman and Wonder Woman, with the twist that he has no powers. His parents are deep in denial.
- On Marvel's side, there was a What If/alternate universe story where Thor and Storm hooked up. God of thunder and goddess of the storms; their love literally cracked the world.
- In the CrossGen universe, every couple between the First, Secundae, Atlanteans, and Sigil-Bearers, with special nods to Altwaal/Raamia, Evinlea/God-Emperor Charon, and anything involving Miranda Cross.
- The Incredible Hercules Really Gets Around in general, so it's no surprise that several paramours have been of divine origin. He's been confirmed to have bedded Snowbird (divine servant of Inuit gods), Queen Alflyse of Svartheim (dark elf of Norse legend, and certainly well beyond mortal power level), and his wife Hebe (daughter of Zeus and Hera, Greek goddess of youth). It's strongly suggested that he's been with several female jotuns (Norse giants) simultaneously, and he has hit on other female divinities when the opportunity presented itself (including Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele... while the world was being consumed by the Chaos King).
- Wonder Woman:
- Hercules Unbound and Hippolyta tried dating briefly, before he betrayed her and enslaved her and her people. Despite this, centuries later she still finds herself attracted to him after he's begged forgiveness in some continuities.
- While Mars and Aphrodite were each other's enemies in the original comics they each were far more comfortable around each other than anyone else and would lounge together and flirt while arguing and setting their champions against each other. Starting in volume 2 the fact that they're in a somewhat strangled and antagonistic relationship but still love each other and have had children together is made explicit.
Fan Works
- TD and Celestia eventually strike one up in TD the Alicorn Princess, after he accidentally ends up taking Twilight's place and ascends as an alicorn.
- In the Hetalia: Axis Powers fandom, it's very common to see the Nations paired up together.
- Susabi and Miketsu are married in The First Saniwa.
- In the Pony POV Series, Strife, the Draconequus of Conflict and Natural Selection, and Mortis, the Alicorn of Death and Rebirth, fell in love and got married. Apparently Ponythulhu was the ring bearer at their wedding.
- In Call Me Kara, a The Flash (2014) and Supergirl (2015) crossover, Barry Allen and Kara Danvers are two of the most powerful beings in the multiverse, but that doesn't mean that there's nothing that can threaten them...
- In Superman story Superman of 2499: The Great Confrontation, Alan Kent -descendant of the first Superman- and Katherine de Ka'an -descendant of the first Supergirl- get together.
- TRON: Endgame Scenario: Alan and Lora-Ma3a end up as a Ruling Couple over much of the Program world after choosing to stay there. Lora isn't able to go back to the human world without dying. Alan would rather be with his wife in the system than a "widower" outside it. And they both plan to reform the whole Program religion so that humans and Programs are on more equal terms.
- In Hellsister Trilogy, Supergirl hooks up with Dev-Em, another Kryptonian hero just as powerful as her.
- In Blind Courage, gerudo tradition states that their patron goddess, the Goddess of the Sand, is the Child of Forbidden Love of the gods Hylia and Demise. The Golden Goddess' disliked their union and forcibly split the couple apart.
- In Codex Equus, Prince Stoltur Skjöldur, the Bogolenya Deer-Draconequus god of Pride, and his long-time friend and the Alicorn god of Humility, Blue Suede Heartstrings, eventually become this. At first, Blue Suede didn't like the idea of a god who encourages excessive pride due to bad experiences with arrogant people, but he gradually accepted it after Stoltur showed him exactly why he does it, causing them to become friends. However, after a particularly brutal Trauma Conga Line that leads to Blue Suede having a spectacular breakdown and coming out of the entire ordeal an extremely broken stallion, he finally comes to understand the beneficial aspects of pride, and accepts Stoltur as his coltfriend. After becoming Prince Caerulus Melodia and joining the Equestrian Pantheon, Caerulus and Stoltur would marry as husbands in a small ceremony. This has caused many puristic deities and mortals to try separate them in disgust towards a god of Humility marrying an 'evil' god of Pride, but everyone else is otherwise fine with it. And because Caerulus is much older and taller than Stoltur, he's mistaken to be the dominant partner in their marriage, when it's actually Stoltur who's dominant while Caerulus is submissive. That being said, Stoltur has been helping Caerulus build up his self-confidence by encouraging him to take lead, and taking turns in being dominant/submissive during sex.
- The central plot of Hope Springs Eternal is how Persephone (the goddess of spring) and Hades (the god of the underworld) fell in love, Disney musical style. It also features a few other god couples, such as Hera and Zeus, and Hephaestus and Aphrodite. Apollo tries to become this with Persephone, but she's unimpressed.
- Here There Be Monsters: Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel, Jr., two of the most powerful beings in their parallel Earth, have been dating for years. And wanting to get married.
- In the Miraculous Ladybug fic a brief history of everything
, the kwamis of Creation and Destruction fall in love with each other...eventually. Because of their immortality and preoccupation with improving the universe, their courtship is measured in eons.
Films — Animated
- Xibalba and La Muerte from The Book of Life, seem to swing in and out of this; they both love to make bets and Xibalba always cheats, leading to them becoming estranged until La Muerte takes him back.
- All-Star Superman featured Bar-El and Lilo who both have the same powers as Supes when they arrived on Earth.
- Hercules depicts Zeus and Hera as a far more stable couple than their incarnations from the traditional Greek mythologies.
Films — Live-Action
- Hancock deals with the titular character recovering his memory and being reintroduced to his ex-wife, who also has super powers.
- Orb/Gaia and Parry/Satan in Incarnations of Immortality. Also, arguably Fate's occasional affairs with Chronos or Mars.
- Almost all of the Valar in Tolkien's Legendarium are part of couples, Manwë/Varda and Aulë/Yavanna being the most significant. Out of the 14 Valar, only Ulmo and Niënna are single. The fallen god Melkor also never had a spouse.
- In the Tairen Soul series, truemates are always equal in power to their other half, so this happens comparatively often. One example is Shan and Elfeya—an incredibly talented warrior and healer, respectively—who were and are beloved heroes of the Fey. Their daughter, Ellysetta, was also this trope with her truemate.
- In The Dresden Files, the Summer Lady Lily and her Knight Fix become lovers. As living representations of the season, their power is vital to the continued function of the world.
- In The Kharkanas Trilogy Draconus and Mother Dark become a couple with godly powers, after he gifted the Terondai to her, making her the effective Goddess of Darkness, instead of just the ruler of the Tiste peoples.
- Kos and Seril in the Craft Sequence. After Seril's apparent death and decades of separation, they have a heartwarming reunion at the end of Three Parts Dead... which becomes a plot-driving problem in Four Roads Cross, as most of Kos' worshippers either don't believe in Seril or don't trust her, and this lack of worship makes Seril very weak, which attracts challenges from opportunistic sorcerers who see her as a liability to Kos.
- War of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the former Valkyrie Mrs War, in Discworld. Despite the fact Anthropomorphic Personifications don't age, marriage seems to have resulted in War shifting from a Boisterous Bruiser to something more like a comfortably retired general, who maybe used to be a Boisterous Bruiser in his distant youth. It's probably psychological.note
- The Stormlight Archive: Per Word Of Brandon, Tanavast and Koravari (the Vessels of Honor and Cultivation respectively), were romantically involved. They even had at least one child, the unique "godspren" known as the Sibling.
- The Unexplored Summon://Blood-Sign ends with this trope, the White Queen ("Material" of perfection) finally reconciling with Kyousuke (the newly-ascended Material of resurrection). Not long after, the worlds of Material and human merge, enabling several Liminal Beings to get happy endings.
- The Faraway Paladin: Top God Volt, god of lightning and rulership, is married to the Earth Mother deity Mater. They have two daughters: Gracefeel, goddess of flux and reincarnation, and Stagnate, goddess of undeath, who became estranged from her family out of her desire to rid the world of grief by making everyone undead.
- The lore of Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte involves the Magikoi world's Creation Myth: it's similar to the one used in Abrahamic religions, with the exception that The Maker divides into the god Kuon and the goddess Lirenna when descending. And it goes downhill from there. Specifically, Kuon develops a Mad Love with Eve, Lirenna gets corrupted into a demon and wants to murder Eve's reincarnates for it, and Kuon wanders into our Earth and attempts to "take" Eve back. Yes, this novel deconstructs the concept.
Live-Action TV
- Two Qs mated in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. They were in human form at the time, so their baby was also human (but matured into a Q as she aged)
- And another couple in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager. In this case it was, in fact, as Qs and their creation of a fully Q offspring was considered a much bigger deal.
- Tales from the Darkside episode "Let the Games Begin". An angel and a devil have a contest over who gets a dead person's soul. At the end they give into their growing attraction to each other and get together.
- On Dollhouse, this is Alpha's plan at the end of season 1. It doesn't go well.
- The Almighty Johnsons, a show about Norse gods secretly living in New Zealand, features several examples. Relationships between gods and goddesses tend to be volatile, though, so many of the pairings are brief.
- The main premise of the story is that Axl (Odin) is searching for his Frigg, so that they can become one. And, not incidentally, restore the gods to their former power.
- Anders (Bragi) is a notorious womanizer until he meets Helen, who is Idun, his destined wife. But things aren't destined to end well for her.
- Ty (who is Hod, god of cold and dark) marries Eva (Hel, goddess of the underworld). It doesn't end well either.
- Colin (Loki) hooks up with Michele (Sjöfn, a minor goddess with a major chip on her shoulder about it) for a while, till she gets sick of his antics and says goodbye with a knee to the groin.
- Mike (Ullr), whose mortal wife has left him, and Michele, who has just dumped Colin, end up forming one of the more stable god couples in the show. Possibly because there's no destiny involved—they just like each other.
- Olaf (Baldr, god of rebirth) and Ingrid (Snotra, goddess of wisdom) seem to be heading towards a loose, stoner version of a relationship, but it doesn't work out, and Olaf ends up in an equally loose relationship with Stacey (Fulla, handmaiden of Frigg).
- Kamen Rider Gaim had Rosyuo and his queen, who obtained the power of the Golden Fruit and thus achieved godlike power. By the end of the series, protagonist Kouta and his Love Interest Mai have done the same, and left Earth in the finale.
- The Twilight Zone (1985): In "Ye Gods", Cupid and Megaera were a couple in the late 19th or early 20th century until he cheated on her with a mortal woman named Drusilla. After Cupid convinced Jupiter to turn Drusilla into a demigod, Megaera turned her into a tree frog. Todd Ettinger realizes that the only way that he can either meet the woman with whom Cupid has made him fall in love or have his intense love for her lifted is to help Cupid and Megaera patch up their differences. When he lures the two of them into his office and traps them there with a smell given to him by Baachus, Cupid apologizes and they resume their relationship. As a reward, Cupid arranges for Todd to run into the woman once again.
Myths & Religion
- From Greek myth:
- Before he married Hera, Zeus had a succession of relationships, some of which sometimes were described as marriages, with various goddesses: Metis, Themis, Eurynome, Demeter (another sister of his), Mnemosyne, and Leto. But often the marriage to Hera was seen as the only 'proper' one (Hera being the goddess of marriage, among other things), and it certainly was the most enduring and was treated by the Greeks as the archetype humans should aspire to. According to myth, when Zeus and Hera married all other gods assembled to reverence them and give them presents. By all accounts, it was an impressive affair. As George O'Connor recounts it in the Graphic Novel Hera: The Goddess and Her Glory:
The wedding night of Zeus and Hera lasted three hundred years. For what meaning does time have to those who are both ageless and deathless? Those three hundred years were the happiest time for all who dwelled on the entire Earth. For when the gods are happy, all are happy.
- Zeus and Ganymede were often given offerings together by the Greeks. The relationship had more staying power than most of Zeus' innumerable other conquests, given Ganymede's ascension to godhood, his set place in Olympus and his evading a horrific end by Hera, so it's safe to say that they count.
- Another of Zeus' mortal lovers who was achieved godhood was Semele; here however it was largely because of the intervention of her son Dionysus who went down to Hades to bring her back. As an immortal her name became Thyone. Semele's sister Ino, who had acted as Dionysus' nurse, also became a goddess under the name Leucothea.
- Hades and Persephone. Despite the common myth of Hades abducting her, Hades and Persephone have one of the happiest and most loving relationships in the Pantheon. Hades in fact was one of the only Gods who did not cheat on his wife.
- Poseidon and Amphitrite (a Niriis, daughter of Nireus).
- The story of Apollo and Hyacinthus may have been this originally. While generally referred to as simply a prince of Sparta, scholars believe Hyacinthus originally was a minor nature deity of an early pagan religion that was replaced by the Greek religion.
- Aphrodite and Ares are often portrayed as lovers but sometimes termed man and wife. However, more usually it was said that Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, so it became pretty funny when he would catch them in the act with an unbreakable iron net.
- Typhon and Echidna, as children of Gaia and Tartarus, are a monstrous take on this.
- Before he married Hera, Zeus had a succession of relationships, some of which sometimes were described as marriages, with various goddesses: Metis, Themis, Eurynome, Demeter (another sister of his), Mnemosyne, and Leto. But often the marriage to Hera was seen as the only 'proper' one (Hera being the goddess of marriage, among other things), and it certainly was the most enduring and was treated by the Greeks as the archetype humans should aspire to. According to myth, when Zeus and Hera married all other gods assembled to reverence them and give them presents. By all accounts, it was an impressive affair. As George O'Connor recounts it in the Graphic Novel Hera: The Goddess and Her Glory:
- Roman Mythology as usual largely oriented itself after the Greek myths, thus Zeus' equivalent Jupiter is married to Juno, Pluto to Proserpina, and Neptune to Salacia. Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture, however, was somewhat different from his Greek counterpart Ares, and was usually paired with the war-goddess Bellona, who is variously described as his wife, sister or daughter.
- In Pacific Mythology, Pala-Mao and Kumi-Kahi, both of whom are male, as well as many others.
- Egyptian Mythology actually had each god and goddess being partnered up with a deity compatible to them. You don't find many single gods in Egypt.
- Isis and Osiris.
- Set, the god of desert, is married to Nephthys, the goddess of water. Also notable since Nephthys is probably the sweetest deity of the Egyptian pantheon, and she's paired with, well, Set.
- Another odd couple consists of Ptah (the wise god of creators, craftsmen and architects) and Sekhmet (the bloodthirsty goddess of war and slaughter).
- Norse Mythology: Óðinn and Frigg, Þór and Sif, Loki and Angrboða (this is God on Giant action technicallynote ). The giantess Skaði marries Njörðr (and seems to be placed in the role of goddess of hunting, skiing and mountains), but some stories indicate this does not last — at which point she instead becomes a consort of Óðinn.
- Hindu Mythology has many examples, but the best-known three are:
- Shiva (the God of Destruction) and Parvati (the Goddess of Strength and Family)
- Vishnu (the God of Protection) and Lakshmi (the Goddess of Wealth and Fortune). Oftentimes, devotees will make a request to Vishnu through Lakshmi, because it is said that he will not refuse a request from her.
- Brahma (the God of Creation) and Saraswati (the Goddess of Knowledge). In this case, Saraswati is the more popular one to invoke (especially for students and academics) compared to her husband, who people revere but almost never directly pray to.
- Izanagi and his wife, Izanami, the creator deities of Japan according to Shintoism in Japanese Mythology.
- Fu Xi and Nu Wa are the brother-sister and husband-wife deities in the Chinese Mythology that sired humanity.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: One belief of the church pertains to the wife of God, a maternal deity often referred to as Heavenly Mother
. The church's core beliefs on family and the nature/origins of God serve to support this concept.
- Some Buddhist Tantric deities come in pairs, often represented in very sexually explicit iconography.
Tabletop Games
- Given the nature of the game, this is practically inevitable in Exalted.
- It's also a major part of the roles of the Exalted in the First Age. Lunars were meant to be the consorts and companions of Solars, and Solar-Lunar marriages were the norm.
- There is also a divine couple with Plot Device level significance, namely The Ebon Dragon and the Scarlet Empress. Depending on what kind of Exalt you are, you might want to stop their nuptial, or prevent others from doing so.
- One of the more well-known pairings comes from the Forgotten Realms setting, Kelemvor, God of Death; and Mystra, Goddess of Magic, are a couple. An interesting example in that both deities were mortals who met and formed a relationship during the Time of Troubles, which carried over after they ascended. The relationship was public knowledge among the laity, going so far as to have joint ceremonies and rituals between their respective priesthoods. During the Trial of Cyric, though, the relationship was broken off after their competence and impartiality was brought into question: Kelemvor went out of his way to reward heroic souls who died and punish the cowardly and evil, leading to a break in the Balance Between Good and Evil; while Mystra began withholding magic from evil spellcasters, to much the same result.
- While several of the classic mythological pairings are featured in Scion, it's taken for granted that they're willing to overlook the occasional dalliances with mortals that lead to the title characters. In one case, however (that of Vishnu and Lakshmi), the book actually lists a few ways to produce Scions of either that don't require infidelity. (Shiva and Parvati... well, let's just say Parvati isn't thrilled about her husband's "yoga classes" in the World.)
- RuneQuest details many gods, but the most popular are Orlanth (god of storms) and Ernalda (goddess of earth), leaders of the Orlanthi pantheon. She grows the wheat to feed everyone, he fertilizes it with his rains and protects her from enemy gods. Conflict between their masculine/feminine philosophies forms a lot of Orlanthi myths and culture, though that has never stopped the gods themselves from maintaining a happy marriage.
Orlanth: Violence is always an option.
Ernalda: There is always another way. - Pathfinder:
- Most famously, the goddesses Shelyn (love and beauty), Sarenrae (the sun and healing), and Desna (travel and freedom) are canonically a thruple. Second Edition has a cult called the Prismatic Ray that worships them as a trinity.
- Pharasma, goddess of birth and death, is in a relationship with the minor deity Mrtyu, the psychopomp usher responsible for fallen soldiers and victims of murder and suicide. Mrtyu is said to have been the first mortal ever to die with love on his lips, which intrigued her enough to try wooing his soul when it reached the Boneyard; their relationship has helped her to understand the emotions of mortals better.
- Erastil, the god of hunting, agriculture, and community, is very family-oriented and is Happily Married to the minor agriculture goddess Jaidi, with whom he has two children. He frequently tries to set other Good-aligned deities up with partners, and considers Love Goddess Shelyn a friend for her support for marriage and family.
- The Tien deities Shizuru, goddess of the sun, and Tsukiyo, god of the moon, are Star-Crossed Lovers who are only able to be together during a solar eclipse after he was murdered by his brother Fumeiyoshi and then brought back to life.
- Two characters in Antiheroes are the twin sons of a God Couple, specifically a powerful fiend and an equally powerful celestial. The in-laws were not happy.
- Digger has (in the Backstory) She-Is and He-Is, parents of the hyena species. It did not turn out well, which is one reason male hyenas are unfairly treated.
- Kubera: Sagara, who used to be an item with Vasuki, as both are sura. It has been stated that many sura have had relationships with each other.
Video Games
- Vestoria and Aldius of Fantasia - Realm of Thanos. Too bad Aldius is killed.
- The Elder Scrolls
- In the series' mythology, the "dead" creator god, Lorkhan, was a couple with the Divines Kynareth and/or Mara depending on the religion. Sometimes both. This is most prominent in their old Nordic aspects as Shor and Kyne. Shor was a "bloodthirsty warrior king" (which was considered a good thing to the Proud Warrior Race Nords) and Kyne was his warrior-wife shield maiden.
- Mara also gets paired with Akatosh/Auri-El and, in the Yokudan/Redguard tradition, Ruptga. In some tellings, Mara is the concubine to one of them instead.
- Sithis, referred to as a "great void", is a force representing chaos, change, and limitation. He is coupled with the Night Mother in the religion of the Dark Brotherhood. There is evidence that the Night Mother may be an aspect of the Daedric Prince Mephala, who has strong connections to Sithis in the religion of the Dunmer. (The Morag Tong, off of whom the Brotherhood originally split, has Mephala as a patron deity while also having special reverence for Sithis.)
- Morrowind: Almalexia spent time coupled with each of her fellow Physical God members of the Tribunal. Neither coupling lasted all that long (at least, on the godly scale of time), with her relationship with Sotha Sil lasting slightly longer (though more intermittent due to his Mad Scientist nature). Almalexia did a lot of coupling, but considered Nerevar to be her lover long after his death. And Nerevar/Almalexia were a political God Couple while they were still mortal.
- In fanon, Yasaka Kanako and Moriya Suwako, literal goddesses at that. With Kochiya Sanae as their
daughtergreat-great-great-...-granddaughter. Sanae really is Suwako's great-great-great-...-granddaughter, but has no known blood relation to Kanako. - The Backstory for the Disciples series includes Gallean and Soloniel. Gallean planted the forests and populated them with elves, while Soloniel cried oceans and bore merfolk. Then they had to go and antagonize Wotan, known for his temper, who rips Gallean's heart out and throws it into the sun. Soloniel jumps after it but the sun burns her, turning her into Mortis, the goddess of death. Mortis revives Gallean, at which point he tells her it's over, since she's now fleshless.
- Muramasa: The Demon Blade gives the Tiny Guy, Huge Girl couple of Fuujin and Raijin. Raijin is a visibly and hugely muscular woman (seriously, she'd put any and all female bodybuilders to shame) about 3.5 times larger than the player with little in terms of clothing, a large chest, and monstrous thighs (think "tree trunk-sized") that'd make Chun-Li look like a twig. She's still very beautiful, especially when her "dere" side finally comes to the surface. Fuujin, by contrast, is a very mellow, very adorable little imp, usually calming down the thunder goddess in her less rational moments. He also states (in the original Japanese version and in the Aksys retranslation) that he loves her fat ass.
- Dissidia Final Fantasy: It's implied that once upon a time, Cosmos and Chaos, despite representing inherently opposite forces of nature, were lovers and peacefully ruled over the world together. And then came Garland, Chaos' own past self, who convinced Chaos to wage war against his significant other. Chaos himself does not remember this until he regains his memories near endgame. Considering that he just killed Cosmos moments earlier, Chaos is mortified. And to twist the knife further, if you obtain all of the Cosmos and Chaos reports, you find out that Cosmos is more or less Garland/Chaos' adoptive mother. Then again, since they have no blood relations and gods are ageless, they may as well be adoptive siblings or even have no familial ties at all.
- Super Paper Mario has Queen Jaydes, ruler of the lower part of the afterlife, The Underwhere, married to King Grambi, ruler of the upper part of the afterlife, The Overthere. They even have a child, Luvbi, though she isn't exactly their biological daughter.
- Septerra Core: Marduk and Kyra, according to the myths.
- Asura and Durga, from Asura's Wrath, which is tragically cut short in Episode 2.
- Inarius and Lilith, the angel and demon coupling that led to the birth of the Nephalem in the Diablo universe. The Nephalem were far more powerful than the angels and demons combined and were eventually de-powered into humans.
Western Animation
- Gargoyles featured literal God Couple Oberon and Titania. It's implied they split at some point, but clearly reconciled by the time Oberon appears near the end of Season 2.
- Mummies Alive! has an example in the form of Geb and Net. The spirts of the earth and sky respectively. In the show they are a married couple rather than brother and sister. There's also a clear case of Ugly Guy, Hot Wife going on.