Most of us can never be completely satisfied with a work. Sure, you love your favorite movie, but you've seen it enough times that you've started to notice some of the inevitable technical errors, and they irk you. Or perhaps there's that one character that just gets on your nerves and seems to serve no purpose for the plot. Or maybe you watch the deleted scenes and wonder why they were removed.
In any case, this probably sounds familiar. Most people don't do anything about it because they don't know how, and if they did, well, it's an awful lot of work. This, on the other hand, is what happens when obsessions are fueled by motivation and skill. Fan edits are usually labors of love, whether their intention is to file down the rough edges on a beloved classic or to polish a diamond out of a rough.
Fan edits (especially film fan edits) are in a legal grey area when it comes to copyright. Sites dedicated to them warn that you shouldn't pick one up unless you own the original movie, which is a good rule of thumb, though it's highly unlikely that someone who doesn't own the film would even be looking at fan edits of it in the first place. There are sources to download them, most of the fan edits themselves can be found with just a google search, but due to copyright paranoia, distribution methods are rarely user-friendly. Because of this, it's quite common for people to trade fan edits like concert bootlegs.
For the Video Game equivalent, see Game Mod. Compare to Fan Film.
- Ah! My Goddess (1992 OAV series) is recut as a full-length movie removing bothersome stupidity and childish behaviour while focusing much more on the main couple.
- Angel Cop received a Movie Recut that focuses exclusively on the main characters, removes lot of cheesiness such as random laugh bursts from otherwise down-to-earth characters and cuts the occasional padding.
- Another received a Movie Recut that cuts the teen drama massively making it a much more focused pure psychological horror story.
- The Area 88 2004 anime has a Movie Recut version that removes all footage that did not help with the development of the focus character and story.
- The hilarious Back Street Girls: Gokudolls received a Movie Recut that focuses mostly on what develops the main plot, speeding up by cutting padding and removing the grossest bits that at the end led to nowhere.
- Bartender received a Movie Recut that focuses only on the 2 most important and recurring patrons the protagonist tends to, while also swapping the ending for a Christmas Themed one.
- Berserk Redux Chapters 1-4, created by by ApostleBob, attempt to combine Berserk: The Golden Age Arc with footage from Berserk (1997) to create a fan-made "director's cut" that follows the manga more closely while including highlights from both adaptations. Berserk Redux Chapter 5 aims to similarly "complete" Berserk (2016) by splicing in footage from Berserk (1997), Berserk: The Golden Age Arc, and Berserk and the Band of the Hawk.
- The Black Lagoon Season 1 Anime has received a Movie Recut that focuses on the "Chinese Sea\American Army" plot alone with just a couple of secondary adventures before it, removing the "Maid Roberta"'s Arc and a couple of lesser episodes.
- Blood-C the series received the "Blood-C Zero - Movie Recut", which cuts a lot of a massive amount of irrelevant to the end high school drama and padding, functioning as a prequel movie to the official one.
- Blood Will Tell: Dororo received a Duology Movies Recut that cuts anything annoying, unnecessary, padding, stupid and childish while only keeping what helps the main characters to develop and let the story develop without pointless interruptions.
- Claymore anime has a Movie Recut that puts away all the overly excessive talking between fights, re-arranges the order by placing a flashback arc at the beginning to then start in-media res, covering up to the first half of the manga (as the rest of the anime is mostly original), working as a 1st half to the 2nd half of the manga.
- Corpse Party - The Animation has a "Movie Recut" that unites all the episodes together (including an extra OAV prologue) cutting anything that just slows the pacing to a crawl
- Cowboy Bebop has a Movie Recut which focuses only on the bits about the main characters (while leaving some of the footage out to add up to the mistery around them), starts with a build up to then focus on the Vicious plot alone.
- Darkstalkers 1996 OAV Series has recently received a Movie Recut that removes well over one hour and half of filler that does nothing to the plot, focusing the story on Donovan, Anita, Hsien-Ko, Mei-Ling, Dimitri and Morrigan only.
- Death Parade has a Movie Recut that includes the plot-important prologue "Death Billiard" and focus exclusively on the main plot point, with the side characters used minimally for world and lore building.
- Death Note received a movie recut that streamlines everything, reduces the overly amount of over explaining and over talking and makes the ending much more satisfying and thematically fit.
- Demon Prince Enma unites four OVAs in a single feature movie removing excessive pettiness by a female character and removing lot of padding from the 2 latter episodes
- Denpa Teki na Kanojo has a "OAV Recut" that uses and trims footage from the first episode alone to work as a stand-alone introduction to the Light Novel without presenting plot-points left hanging but still stimulating for more.
- Desert Punk the anime received a Movie Recut that focuses only on one single important story arc, cuts the overly done comedy where not necessary and changes the ending.
- Devilman - Perdition of Self is a Movie Recut of three Devilman OVAs from the late 1980s and a couple of scenes from "Violence Jack - Hell Town" in one single movie that works as a prologue to the Violence Jack manga by Go Nagai.
- Devilman Lady anime (whose story is more of a reimagining of the OG Devilman than a sequel to it) has received a Movie Recut that only keeps the essentials, keeps the origins of the real antagonist more mysterious, cuts the padding and velocizes the overall flow.
- Devil May Cry: The Animated Series received a Movie Recut that removes annoying bits from the child character, cuts the padding and focuses on the main characters and main plot arc alone
- Dragon Ball Recut is a rather popular fan edit that attempts to remove as much filler from the 1986-1989 Dragon Ball anime as possible, similarly to what Dragon Ball Z Kai was to Dragon Ball Z. While some filler is still present (mainly scenes that were impossible to remove due to how deeply integrated they were into the main story, such as the Pilaf gang's appearance in episode 1), the edit overall cuts out a significant portion of the anime's extra material. To put things into perspective, the original anime ran for 153 episodes, while the recut lasts only 82. The author of Dragon Ball Recut is also currently working on a filler-free edit of Dragon Ball Z and an edit of Dragon Ball Kai that tries to remove what filler did remain there. No links will be included for obvious legal reasons, but information about Dragon Ball Recut can be found in this
Kanzenshuu thread.
- Another fan edited the Universal Survival Arc of Dragon Ball Super and condensed it into the 48 minutes it took in canon by showing multiple fights at the same time. The timer even freezes when Hit does his time skips.
- The Elfen Lied anime has received a Movie Recut called "Test Subject Duality" removing anything that was not necessary and was left hanging
- DEEN's Fate/stay night - Fate Route Fan Edit is a fan edit of Studio DEEN's Fate route adaptation that removes shoehorned elements from the Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel routes which also removes their major respective spoiler reveals inside of that adaptation. The first two episodes of the Fate/stay night's anime are replaced with the Prologue and first episode from ufotable's adaptation of Unlimited Blade Works except removing the Unlimited Blade Works logo and the first episode of the anime ends earlier to be faithful to the Fate route's events. The only remains of the first two episodes of the DEEN's Fate route anime adaptation are three scenes that are used for some of the later episodes.
- Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals has received a Movie Recut subtitled "No Stupidity Recut" as it removes what the editor saw as padding, the excessively presence of unnecessary attempts at humour and some scenes that are too gross for an adventure animated film.
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited has a Movie Recut that cuts over 65% of content that just padded the story and adds web links to the summary of the continuation to the anime story (which is just half of the complete package) in the description of the video file.
- Flourishing Showa - A Rakugo Double Suicide has been recut as a short OVA by focusing the story on the redemption of the punk character alone.
- Freedom received a Movie Recut that speeds up the pace considerably, making everything much more gripping, while also omitting a 2 episode long filler arc.
- The anime version of Great Teacher Onizuka (aka GTO) has received a Movie Recut Edition titled "GTO - Messiah of Young Souls" that trims everything up to just leaving two hours of footage, removing around 95% of the content by making the movie focusing on Onizuka, the main character teacher, in his quest to help the most problematic students of his (the ones that will become his friends) while enduring the bad pranks and misunderstandings aimed at ruining his loafy but good nature.
- Golden Boy miniseries has been recut into a single movie that makes the main character less annoying, way less gross and much more relatable.
- Hakuouki Sekkaro is recut as a feel good samurai-themed slice of life movie.
- The 2001 TV anime version of Hellsing has received a Movie Recut called "The Undisclosed File" that changes the plot by making it a side-story of sort to the manga by using the original anime-only footage that does not contradict the canon.
- The six episode long anime Karas has received a Movie Recut that streamlines quite lot of time wasting padding.
- Kurozuka has a Movie Recut that streamlines a lot while keeping the core action, pathos and drama intact.
- Mad Bull 34 has a full-length movie recut that makes Daizoburo not a wuss (except at the very beginning), is uncut and uncensored and cuts anything that just steals minutes, working as a much better introduction to the followup manga now
- MegaMan NT Warrior received a movie recut that uses footage from the early season 1 and from the latter part of the season 2 to create a brand new story, removing around 95% of filler content and making the story less childish.
- Mezzo Forte DSA, the direct sequel series to the bloody action with bits of hentai cult classic movie, received a Movie Recut that removes anything unnecessary to the main plot, cuts overly long gags down and removes anything that would hint at a further sequel that has never been produced
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam received a Movie Recut where a massive amount of pointless to the main plot footage has been cut, focusing the story on main char Domon's quest alone by connecting the second half of the plot with a summary explanation of what happened during a one year time-skip in the mid of the movie
- Monster Girls Doctor has a "Wholesome Movie Recut" that streamlines everything while removing any amount of idiocy and gross/distasteful fanservice, only leaving what really is humorous and heartfelt.
- Nightsong Of Splendor has been recut as a feature film, removing what the editor saw as excessive theatrics, such as the Large Ham yells and screams.
- One Pace is a fan edit of the One Piece anime, which intends to cut back the filler and padding that has caused the pacing of the story to drag, especially since the Time Skip. While not all arcs have not been fully recut, there have been significant reductions in episode count in some of the completed recuts. The Dressrosa arc? Originally 118 episodes cut down to 48. Whole Cake Island? 101 to 39.note
- Onihei has been recut as a samurai themed slice-of-life movie with a more positive, family context ending
- Naruto Kai is a fan edit in the same vein as the aforementioned Dragon Ball Recut. This series, however, also adapts Shippuden, and each episode covers the same amount of content that would be found in one volume of the manganote . As of writing, the series has 70 episodes, and plans to end with 72. For comparison's sake: the first Naruto series ended with 220 episodes, and Shipuuden ended with 500, for a total of 720 episodes, ten times the number of episodes Naruto Kai plans to have.note
- The Neon Genesis Evangelion concurrency project is a fan edit that aims to splice Episodes 25 & 26 of the original series with The End of Evangelion in chronological order. Several versions of this edit exist on the web.
- There is a fan edit
of the entire Re:Zero anime which removes all the time loops, giving an outside perspective of how insane Subaru looks when he resets.
- Odd Taxi received a recut that focuses only on what is important and makes some changes so that the most annoying characters get what they deserve without going away scot free.
- Please Save My Earth received a full-length recut that improves the pacing.
- Pokémon: The Series:
- The series has an edit which consolidates footage from the Orange Island and Johto region finales into one cohesive narrative, Ash secures a Pokémon League victory by besting Gary Oak in a 'tournament final' and eventually parts ways with Misty and Brock, leaving him free to take the next step in the path of a Pokémon master without having to spend decades in real time trying to win the 'big one'
- An edit exists that attempts to frame Pokémon 2000 as the Series Finale of the franchise, using specially filtered footage borrowed from the original Japanese trailer for Mewtwo Strikes Back.
- The Queen Emeraldas anime has been recut as "Galaxy Express 999 - Queen Emeraldas", which streamlines everything and makes the tone darker.
- Rec! received a movie recut that leaves out very little but some moments where the main character gets bashed by somebody he already is intimate with
- The ReLIFE anime has a Movie Recut that focuses the plot only on the main character and his "Support Observer", ending while the experiment is still one with a glimpse of hope for the hero of the story
- Samurai 7 has received a Movie Recut that cuts around 70% of the footage and streamlines the story by cutting subplots that were pointless and by trimming overall padding
- Samurai Champloo recently received a Movie Recut that just covers the essentials and removes lot of the plot-irrelevant episodes (even the very good one that unfortunately could not work in a movie recut)
- Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water has received a Movie Recut that cuts around 70% of padding (and also 3 episodes that don't continue the story) and covers the first 22 episodes (out of 39), ending in a more ambigous, sad but hopeful way (episodes 31, 35-39 that conclude the story have too much fo a stark shift in tone and genre to fit with a Movie Recut)
- Ozuma/OZMA is recut a full-length movie removing padding and excessive childish humour.
- Sailor Moon: The first English Dub by DIC Entertainment had a few episodes cut during its first run due to syndication rules. Consisting of Sailor Moon-only episodes from the first season, the Origins Episode focusing on Minako/Sailor Venus, as well as the Beach Episodes from the first two seasons (including R's infamous beach episode). Dedicated fans have come together to give these "lost" episodes the DIC-style treatment, complete with the DIC intro, lingo, name changes, the theme song, soundtrack and cues exactly like in the 90's version, as well as their very own "Sailor Says" PSA's note . Fans have also come together to unabridge/de-bowdlerise the first season finale "Day of Destiny" back into a two-episode finale as it was originally with everything intact. Finally, there is an ongoing effort to finish the series and give the last season Stars a DIC/Cloverway styled makeover in vein of the original dub.
- Shiki received a Movie Recut Duology that cut away a massive amount of padding and development for minor characters that at the end just brought nothing to the focal plot
- Street Fighter II V received a 2 Movie Recuts, the first called "The Way Of Hadou" that ends at the end of the 1st arc of the series and the second called "Forever Friends" that picks up from the 2nd arc and ends with a darker and sinister ending
- TerraforMARS received a movie recut that cut a lot of over explaining and focuses exclusively on the most important characters
- Tokkô received a Movie Recut that cuts off almost all humor to make it a full-fledged action-horror romp
- The anime version of Trigun received a Movie Recut called "Trigun - Phantom Brother" that changes the premise of the much different anime story by making it a prequel to the second half of the original manga and the Trigun Maximum sequel manga
- Wolf's Rain received a Duology Movies Recut that cut so much filler, padding and overtalking now it can be enjoyed in just 4 hours and half (total lenght of both movies combined)
- The Yu-Gi-Oh! (pre-Duel Monsters) series (aka Yu-Gi-Oh Season 0) has received a Movie Recut that focuses on Yugi obtaining his split personality, the two times where Anzu is really at risk of death and the Seto Kaiba plan to kill Yugi and obtain the marvelous "Blues Eyes Dragon" card through his "Death-T" plan, removing everything unnecessary.
- Garfield Minus Garfield is the comic edited to remove its title character.
- Amazing Spider-Man: The Night Gwen Stacy Lived, by Zarius, is a re-telling of the notorious Amazing Spider-Man#121 only using pages from a vintage 1970s edition of What If...? to change the ending to well...the title is self-explanatory
- Amazing Spider-Man: New Ways to Die Recut, by the same editor, attempts to show how seamless it really is to integrate Spider-Marriage material into a Brand New Day era Spider-Man story without contradicting continuity.
- There have been at least three major attempts made by fan artists to finish Tintin - Tintin and Alph Art, the final Tintin adventure that was left unfinished when Hergé Died During Production:
- The first version, by Serge Brouillet, effectively just finishes up the work that was already done on the story, and adds in an abrupt Downer Ending where Haddock and the Thom(p)sons break into the villains' workshop, but are too late to prevent Tintin from being turned into a statue.
- The second version, by "Ramo Nash", expands the story out to the full length of a Tintin album, and reveals that Akass is indeed Rastapopoulos, with Allan also briefly showing up. While a more complete story, it suffers from Wall of Text dialogue, and the entire last third of the book essentially just being Tintin and Haddock making their way home to Marlinspike, with Rastapopoulos being foiled off-page by the Thom(p)sons.
- The third version, by Yves Rodier, is the most well-known edition and nearly became Ascended Fanon, though this ultimately fell apart due to legal issues. This version is treated as a Grand Finale to the whole series, with Rastapopoulos appearing again — though in this version Allan only appears in a one-page cameo, having pulled a Screw This, I'm Outta Here — and finally meeting his end at the story's climax.
- A film student made Inside Out: Outside Edition
, which shows the film's events from outside Riley's mind.
- An edit of The Lion King II: Simba's Pride added some deleted unfinished animation, including Nuka's infamous last line before dying ("I finally got your attention, didn't I?") and Zira committing suicide rather than losing her grip on the ledge, and completely removes Timon and Pumbaa from the final battle.
- The Thief and the Cobbler has the Recobbled Cut, which combines deleted scenes, line art, concept art and audio in an attempt to create the film Richard Williams originally envisioned before it was meddled with to death.
- There exists at least one edit of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier that recuts the film down to a 40-minute TV episode length, and others that simply excise the more infamously crappy moments.
- The Man Behind the Mask also gave us Jaws: The Sharksploitation Edit. It was his first grindhouse edit and came before War of the Stars, and turned one of the greatest thrillers of all time into a B movie.
- The Terminator franchise attracts a lot of editors, especially those who were given Rise of the Machines and are looking to make lemonade.
- The 70's/80's Superman films also tend to be given a lot of attention, given the controversial nature of Richard Donner and Richard Lester's different takes on Superman II, resulting in many hybrid cuts. Selutron has attempted an edit of II into what he thinks would've been the version released had Donner stayed on. Selutron felt the existing "Richard Donner cut" had too many issues (using worse takes, copy-and-paste music, odd-looking effects), and sought to fix them with this version.
- Floating around somewhere on the Internet is an edit of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, which restores the deleted scenes included on the home release, and changes the ending to Scott ending up with Knives.
- One brave soul on YouTube edited the original Planet of the Apes into a 24-minute episode
of The Twilight Zone, which makes sense, since Rod Serling was one of the original film's writers. Using original Zone background music, re-tinting the episode in greyscale, and adding opening and closing narration from two original Zone episodes. It has been well received by many die-hard Zone fans, including Marc Scott Zicree, author of The Twilight Zone Companion, who basically called it the 157th episode of the series.
- The Hobbit's mixed reception led to a number of these, generally with the goals of hacking down three films and nine hours of screentime into something less ponderous, and removing elements seen as unfaithful to the book or padding. The subplots of Gandalf investigating the Necromancer and Kili and Tauriel's love triangle are usually first on the chopping block, and Bilbo's character arc tends to receive priority in scenes that stay. The two most well-regarded, both clocking in at around four hours, seem to be the Bilbo Edit, which tries to hew as close to the book as possible (even featuring a "chapter"-style division), and the Maple Films edit, which aims more for cohesion and pacing to create something professional. The creator of the latter even had enough footage left over to create an hour-long film about Gandalf, the White Council and Thorin's family, called Durin's Folk and the Hill of Sorcery.
- A 20th anniversary edit of the infamous Super Mario Bros. (1993) was made in 2013. Another edit dubbed the "Morton Jankel Cut" came out in 2021, combining newly-recovered deleted scenes with rearranged footage from the theatrical cut.
- Steven Soderbergh put together an "immoral and illegal" edit
of Heaven's Gate that trimmed the five-and-a-half-hour epic to under two hours. He tightens up the narrative, ditches the epilogue and puts the Harvard scenes at the end as a flashback.
- Avengers: Endgame edits usually combine it with Avengers: Infinity War to form one epic length adventure. A recent edit, dubbed Endgame 3000, takes an altogether different approach, drastically altering the outcome of the final battle with Thanos so he is defeated by Steve Rogers wielding Thor's hammer, allowing Tony Stark to live.
- Justice League: Up until the Zack Snyder's Justice League recut, a number of DC Extended Universe fans loathed the questionable modifications brought to it by Joss Whedon and Danny Elfman during the infamously troubled post-production after Zack Snyder's departure. Said modifications broke the thematic continuity and tone that were established by Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and, as a result, a number of fan edits came about, concurrently with the fan calls to Warner Bros to release a director's cut of the film (the latter eventually happened). Typical edits include the removal of quips and dodgy comedy bits (such as Flash faceplanting on Wonder Woman), removal of some scenes that featured the infamous CGI-recreated face of Henry Cavill (including the opening's phone footage where he talks to a bunch of kids), removal of continuity errors, removal of the Russian family, inclusion of the few deleted scenes available as well as some missing trailer scenes, and heavy rescoring
with soundtracks from Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Wonder Woman (with also some additions from other Junkie XL soundtracks at times). Some edits end up as short as 90 minutes, to remove as much Whedon reshoots as possible. Some fans managed to woven Darkseid (as he was supposed to appear in the Snyder version) in it using his Injustice 2 cinematics version, others darken Superman's suit, as the famous black suit was hyped up before the film's release and ultimately not shown.
- Justice League: The Elite Edition is one of these.
- Shortly after the poor performance of Justice League, Ben Affleck distanced himself from the role of Batman, putting a halt to the spin-off he had been developing with Matt Reeves, which led to a relaunch of the franchise with Robert Pattinson in the role. Fans took to splicing footage of Affleck's existing material as Batman, as well as his Suicide Squad cameo and some appearances in other non-DC films to try and bring his Batman spin-off to life. Some of these even use fan film footage for the fight scenes with Deathstroke, who was intended to be the antagonist. Footage of the streaming-exclusive series Titans is also used to include Dick Grayson.
- An edit of the 2017 Netflix adaptation of Death Note is currently in production by a YouTuber called Declan Corey. This edit will remove most of the ham, make it more faithful and even give L his iconic voice changer in one scene!
- LastSurvivor edited the James Bond film Die Another Day into Icarus to remove the more ridiculous elements, such as the CGI tsunami, the Aston Martin's invisibility function and the Madonna theme.
- A Memento edit rearranges the scenes in chronological order.
- An interesting variation is described in Nerdwriter1's essay on Passengers, as seen here.
Writer Evan Puschak describes his view that the film is fundamentally both the wrong genre and from the wrong point of view, and how the film makers basically dropped the ball by not focusing on the more disturbing overtones of the film. Instead of being a sci-fi romance from Chris Pratt's viewpoint, it should be a sci-fi thriller from Jennifer Lawrence's perspective. He then proceeds to demonstrate how this can be accomplished with amazing ease by just changing the order of scenes and cutting the ending.
- Gamera the Brave - Retro Edition
, helped to improve the original film by adding in new credits that celebrated the Heisei trilogy the film is a spiritual sequel to and, most significantly, changed some sound design to give the heroic turtle kaiju back his iconic roar instead of the generic monster noises he had in the original film.
- Godzilla 1985: HD Restoration
by Red Menace, helped get the highest quality edition of the US recut that had been extremely elusive for decades and synchronize it back up with the Japanese scenes.
- Never Say Never Again: Given its status as an unofficial Bond filmnote , Never Say McClory Again
seeks to add in elements from the main film series the original film couldn't use. This includes adding a gunbarrel opening, Maurice Binder title sequence, and a score with the iconic Bond theme.
- With the X-Men series, several edits exist that try to sort out the persistent continuity issues with the franchise, while others are made to help try to 'redeem' entries perceived to be flawed. To this end, attempts have been made to merge the plotlines of Dark Phoenix and X-Men: The Last Stand to create a new narrative for Jean, where she gains the Phoenix force as a teen and grows with it into an adult.
- Harry Potter And The Deathly Weapons replaces all instances of wands and magic in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with guns, as well as changing Hogwarts to the NRA and setting the film in the United States.
- Batman Forever has had several fanedits released, some of which have courted a large amount of press:
- The "Red Book Edition", created by Scaperat, was one of the first major fanedits made for the movie, going back to 2007, and integrated several deleted sequences while integrating music from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and Alien³. Notably, it cuts down on ridiculous moments like Chase Meridian's... less-gracious behavior, and some of the more over-the-top action sequences. It even had a 15th anniversary "enhanced" edition, from fellow editor INIGHTMARES, that improved the visual fidelity of the cut and added in film grain to make it closer to a "noir" experience.
- The "Virtual Workprint" (a cut that deliberately tries to simulate the look of an early version of the film by hewing closer to early scripts and integrating material from the deleted scenes and trailers) received praise when it was released in 2011, both for making the film flow more logically (the film opens with a re-ordered sequence of events that begins with Bruce's visit to Wayne Enterprises, where he meets Edward Nygma, before the bank robbery), but also integrates parts of composer Elliot Goldenthal's score from Batman & Robin to enhance sequences that were originally devoid of music.
- Raiders of the Lost Ark: Steven Soderbergh has made a version which is desaturated to black and white, and replaces all of the original sound with electronic music from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011). The intention is to allow the viewer to concentrate on how director Steven Spielberg sets up his shots.
- Prison Break's first season was trimmed down into a 'movie' trilogy, its open ending tied off to offer closure.
- There's a version of Knight Rider 2000 where Devon Miles isn't killed. The editor recently went back and created a new version of it which can be viewed here
- The Last Son of Krypton by editor Souperboyx, is a mammoth five-hour supercut merging a condensed and fresh take on key story beats from Smallville with the narrative body of Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, utilizing rotoscoping to impose Tom Welling's face on many shots of Henry Cavill.
- Power Rangers has received some fanedit treatment, particularly where the infamous fan hoax "Scorpion Rain" is concerned, with several attempts at making the "episode" resulting in ten minute, twenty-five, and even forty-five minute versions. Most recently, the much reviled output of the Johnathan Tzachor helmed "Neo Saban" seasons have encouraged various fan remixes and edits. There are also edits that cut down several multi-parters from season two, reducing them to just one episode.
- Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Turbo is a bold limited mini-series overhaul of the poorly received fifth season of the franchise Power Rangers Turbo, it repurposes several episodes and changes the narratives (example: the rescue zords are now made by Billy), and even provides fans with the Zeo/Turbo crossover that never came be on the show. The season ends with an epic four part version of Countdown to Destruction, which includes, amongst other things, a scene where the Space Rangers destroy Dark Spectre rather than a rogue Darkonda.
- Doctor Who:
- Whoflix (a subproject of superfan blogger Whopix) has edited all of the existing episodes of the Classic Series (including orphan episodes and audio-only edits of missing stories) and series 1-10 of the New Series (heavily disliking the Thirteenth Doctor).
- Season 26B Productions has created 15 edits for the 8th Doctor and 2 edits for the War Doctor under the unfinished continuation, Season 26C. These projects took footage from other films and television that feature Paul Mc Gann and John Hurt, combined them with extra dialogue and narration from impressionists, footage of monsters from the classic and modern series alike, and scenes with companions that have never been in the show, using footage with the Big Finish voice actresses for Lucie Miller and comic companion Izzy Sinclair.
- There have been several efforts by fans to colorize the first six seasons of the Classic Series, which were shot on black and white videotape; while no known efforts to colorize a full serial have ever seen success (the closest anyone's gotten so far was coloring episode 2 of The Daleks' Master Plan in its entirety), various colorized clips of variable quality have emerged on the internet. Perhaps the most notable and most well-done colorization efforts have come from the channels Babelcolour
(who actually ended up leading the BBC's official color restoration of The Mind of Evil's first episode) and WhoColour
- Babelcolour is also working on The Timeless Doctors, a full length feature edit that includes footage of all thirteen doctors and cleverly integrates them into different settings by themselves or with each other, with an original story connecting it all. The film will also include appearances from the controversial Morbius Doctors, some of which will be portrayed by their respective 'actors' in newly recorded scenes.
- An edit of the twelfth series episode Can You Hear Me? exists that deals with the controversial ending differently, and The Doctor gives Graham words of comfort rather than give in to social awkwardness. However, as this edit was created by a fan who ships Graham and 13, the new cut has The Doctor admitting she likes Graham and adds that she really likes kissing him. These bits were all done using genuine audio samples from a short film Jodie starred in a few years ago.
- The Doctor Falls No More is an edit of the 2017 series finale The Doctor Falls, which removes all indications of a regeneration as well as The Doctor meeting one of his earlier incarnations. It ends with the final scene of The Husbands of River Song, with the Twelfth Doctor and River Song enjoying their twenty four year stint on the planet of the singing towers.
- There's an edit of Daredevil called The Señor Foggy Show that cuts out everything Foggy isn't privy to.
- Several fans edited the last episodes of How I Met Your Mother, removing the controversial divorce of Barney and Robin as well as the mother's death and Ted's kids urging him to go after Robin. The official alternate ending released later on DVD made the latter canon.
- A fan of Sherlock? A fan of the Sherlolly 'ship? Dissatisfied with series three and four? If so The B*llocks Edition (aka The Sherlolly Cut)]] might just be your edit of choice. This edit integrates Anderson's implausible tumblr bait theory from The Empty Hearse and uses it as the actual climax to the episode (Lestrade refusing to buy it as a plausible explanation is retained however), the edit concludes with Sherlock proposing he and Molly solve crimes together now that they're a couple
- There are least two
of the controversial Sliders two-parter The Exodus in an attempt to remove some of the hokier sci-fi elements and give Arturo's demise more dignity or make it look more needless and tragic. One of the edits even repurposes the outcome of the story as The Sliders helping the doomed Pulsar world's population move to Earth Prime, only they choose to continue sliding afterwards in order to bring Rickman to justice.
- As a reality show subject to Manipulative Editing, there's no surprise that Survivor sees the occasional fan edit. The most well-known is of the Samoa season, which cuts the extraneous Russell Hantz confessionals and replaces them with deleted scenes that were cut from the official edit.
- Chronological Once Upon A Time
, a fan project where all the scenes from Once Upon a Time are put in chronological order. The fan also skipped season 7 and some redundant scenes and added deleted footage.
- Stephen Fry's audiobooks for Harry Potter have "Enhanced Editions" by a user who felt the barebones nature of the original audio didn't do the stories justice. The narration is unchanged, but sound effects and music from the video games and films are added.
- Fan edits exist for Volume 4 of RWBY, to separate each of the four main characters' arcs into their own mini-volume.
- Dark Simpsons takes the approach of taking unrelated scenes from The Simpsons and editing into short videos that create a simple narrative. They lean towards the Black Comedy angle, and usually involve moments of murder, rape, incest, and suicide. The host site also allows fans to submit their own entries as well. They currently have two youtube channels can be found here
and here
- The feature-length 'series finale' edit of the Centurions animated series combines the already epic five parter 'Man Or Machine' with the two-parter To Dare Dominion and some footage from the episodes Operation: Starfall and The Better Half to tell the definitive last chapter in the Centurions saga
- Masters of the Universe: Revelation: The He-Man sequel series produced by Kevin Smith was the subject of a cultural firestorm for its perceived bait-and-switch tactics and deconstructive characterization. One editor, while impressed with the second half of the series, also felt all of it wasn't exactly necessary and made an edit of episode five which ends the run of the series there and then to demonstrate this. It was accompanied by an edit of episode one which tried to prove the whole thing needn't have existed at all if Adam had just lived and Teela chose to be more understanding of his secret due to her love for her best friend and hero.
- M.A.S.K.: The M.A.S.K series finale edit combines the first season episodes Assault on Liberty and Eyes of the Skull, cutting out both of the episodes Status Quo Is God endings, to create a more fitting high-stakes conclusion to the series.
- Superman: The Animated Series has a few edits to its name, two versions of Brainiac Attacks, one feature length, one the standard runtime of an S:TAS episode, which removes the bait-and-switch twist towards the end, allowing Lois to retain knowledge of Clark's duel identity, and an edit of the JL episode 'Heareafter' which uses footage from the movie Superman: Doomsday to provide more of an insight into Clark and Lois' relationship as well a 'reaction' from Lois to Clark's perceived death.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) ended on its tenth and final season with Splinter telling his students they are now equal to him after they vanquish their Red Sky era nemesis Lord Dregg for good. Three episodes earlier, in the conclusion of a five part story, the Turtles and their past selves fought back against Dregg and their long-running enemies Shredder and Krang. Feeling as if the final moments of the finale would have been better served at the end of this one, and dissatisfied with how abrupt the end of this particular episode was, a fan editor put together Turtles To The Second Power-Finale Fanedit which adds the final scene of the official finale ''Divide and Conquer" to the end of "Turtles To The Second Power" to give more fitting closure to the epic five part event and make the story a worthy finale to the classic TMNT animated series.
- Only two days passed following its premiere before the new series of Animaniacs got the fanedit treatment, as a cut exists of the first half of the premiere story "Suspended Animation" and episode five's "Good Warner Hunting", combined to form one epic 22 minute story.
- In a prominent case of Memetic Mutation, the Steamed Hams segment from The Simpsons episode The Simpsons S7 E21 "22 Short Films About Springfield" has been made subjects to various recuts and mashups with other pieces of fiction.
- This
version makes the story exceedingly mundane and void of any conflict.
- This
version makes Chalmers even more compulsively suspicious.
- This
version mixes it up with Chernobyl.
- This
version turns the scene into a dark, 19-minute art film in which Skinner's mother dies in the fire and he gradually loses his grip on reality.
- This