Scifi fan, computer guy, Does Not Like Shoes, Knight in Sour Armour, Badass Longhair metalhead, with tattoos of awesome. Strongly interested in transhumanism and space. Likes Avatar more than anything else.
Provides Real Life examples of:
- Anti-Hero: Generally a type 3 on the Sliding Scale Of Anti Heroes, but with more than a few 2 and 4 moments.
- Amusing Injuries: Tends to attract a few, the funniest of which was probably a scrape down the forehead, exactly in the middle, sustained during a moshpit.
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Longhair
- Berserk Button: Quite a few, usually relating to common misconceptions or general stupidity.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Eater
- Bioluminescence Is Cool
- Brilliant, but Lazy
- British Accents: generic one with a tiny bit of southern. Justified by being British and living there. For some reason, most Americans who have heard it seem to really like it.
- Broken Base: On the 'that Abrams thing was an absolute travesty' side of Star Trek fans, as well as the 'DS 9 was meh to bad', 'Voyager was good' and 'Enterprise was kind of bad, but had potential if only it hadn't been Screwed by the Network' ones.
- Body Paint: For cosplaying and Turisas gigs.
- Category Traitor: According to some.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, but leaning towards Chaotic Good.
- Conlang: Speaks some Na'vi.
- Crapsack World: Lives in one.
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Deadpan Snarker
- Does Not Like Shoes - very much so. Barefoot anywhere he can get away with it, helped by living in a relatively alternative/permissive area, and able to run barefoot over roads and pavements without flinching, often drawing stares from other people. Shoes are generally only for when there is a risk of injury to feet.
- Drunken Master
- Fandom Rivalry: Trekker; Star Wars is overrated. Being a metalhead, Nu Metal and metalcore are of course right out. Dislikes Dr Who mostly due to bad experiences with several hardcore fans.
- Good is Not Nice
- Genius Bruiser
- Hacker Cave
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Half-Human Hybrid: Kind of.
- Heavy Metal: with subgenres, essentially 99% of everything listened to. Particularly Power Metal, Folk Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal and Viking Metal.
- Humans Are Bastards
- I'll Take Two Beers Too
- I Need a Freaking Drink
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: Zig zagged.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight in Sour Armour: often pissed off with everything up to and including humanity in general, but still somehow finds reasons to care about the people that matter.
- Longing for Fictionland: Pandora... Pandora... just... Pandora :(
- Madden Into Misanthropy
- Mathematician's Answer
- Mohs Scale Of Rock And Metal Hardness: Listens to things between 6 and 11, concentrated mostly in 7 to 9.
- Myers Briggs: INTP with a decent proportion of additional INTJ traits.
- Not Quite Human: Likes to feel this way, and physically appears it thanks to tattoos.
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist
- Perverse Sexual Lust: Neytiri... goes further than just physical though.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Just about every group of friends counts.
- Shipping: Averted heavily. In general, thinks shipping is idiotic.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot
- Sliding Scale Of Anti Heroes: Type 3, leaning towards 2 and 4 at times.#
- Sophisticated as Hell
- Storyboard Body: All tattoos have a meaning (the same one, having the same consistent overall theme).
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech
- The Snark Knight
- Transhuman
- Transhuman Treachery: Viewed this way by at least a few people, despite not having any direct transhuman change (yet...), just aspirations.
- Wild Hair
Favourite things
- Avatar
- Star Trek First Contact
- Paul
- The Abyss
- Serenity
- Galaxy Quest
- Real Steel
- Skyrim
- Terraria
- Deus Ex Human Revolution
- Mass Effect
- Minecraft
- Left 4 Dead
- Star Trek The Next Generation
- Star Trek Voyager
- Star Trek Enterprise
- Firefly
- Heavy Metal
- Power Metal
- Folk Metal
- Battle Metal
- Death Metal
- Melodic Death Metal
- Black Metal
- Thrash Metal
- Dark Metal
- Symphonic Metal
- Inheritance Cycle
- Cryptonomicon
- Old Kingdom series
- Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
- Titan and Stephen Baxter's other books