My name is DJ Marred, and I'm a villain. I have an evil scheme. I want to make everyone on this very wiki LOSE THE GAME! Because I'm so EVIL!!! MUA HA HA HA HAAA!!!!!
You can also find me on the Google search engine. Only question is how the hell did I end up there?
Tropes that apply to me:
- Affably Evil
- Berserk Button: Editors who {{Like To Link To Tropes Like This} instead of Like This. I WILL SMITE THEE!!! AND IN HELL, I SHALL TORTURE THEE OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!!!
- Bishōnen
- Bunny-Ears Lawyer
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dark and Troubled Past: Don't ask me about it; it's dark and troubled for a reason. What, did you really expect me to suddenly reveal my troubled past to a bunch of freaks on the internet?
- Deadpan Snarker
- Ditzy Genius
- Even Evil Has Standards: I really don't like it when people poke fun at Britney Spears. Leave Britney alone! LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!!!
- Evil Is Hammy: Duh.
- Large Ham: Complete with an Evil Laugh. MUA HA HA HA HAAA!!!!!
- Tall, Dark, and Handsome
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life: Don't read TV Tropes! I beg of you! DON'T. READ. IT! It ruined my life, and I don't want the same thing happening to you good people! Why? Because I care about you. I care about you people? When did that start?
This space open to vandalism
REVENGE! -Gunthir
Did I lose The Game... Or did The Game lose you? Think about it, mull it over for a while, and when the uncertainty finally drives you over the brink, I shall simply smile and whisper... Checkmate. -Moerin~
You lost the game and the cake, despite the cake being a lie! Dragon573
go bananas, you maniac! - Crazy Dawg
This is your friendly Kirk, here to defeat you forever... -desdendelle
Hey, I'd like to refund my copy of "The Game". It doesn't seem to really work... every time I try to play, I lose. ~ [1]
You have a scheme? Tell me! >:D - Stolen By Faeries