Discontinuity is when something that was a part of the continuity is no longer regarded or completely changed. There are a number of reasons for this happening (fixing a Plot Hole, changing it to cater to the fans, etc.) and whether or not the changes are canon depends on the person. Discontinuity is separated into three categories:
- Alternate Continuity: When adaptations are treated as their own separate universe.
- Canon Discontinuity: Where the creators decide to write off something as no longer existing.
- Fanon Discontinuity: Where the fans want to pretend something doesn't exist.
- Negative Continuity: Where nothing sticks even within a single series.
Usage may also refer to:
- Audience-Alienating Era: An overhaul, reboot or retool to attract new fans that is generally considered a failure by both fans and creators.
- Discontinuity Nod: Whenever any of above is referenced in-universe as a Mythology Gag.
- Retcon: A story alteration to serve the plot.
One of the meta-causes of Alternate Universe.
This is a disambiguation page. If you can, correct the link that brought you here, or leave a comment there that the link has changed to one of the above. If it was Fanon Discontinuity, then move it to the Subjectives.