- Born 1992. Born and raised in St. John's, Newfoundland. Troper since about 2010. I pretty much think in tropes by now.
- Keep my own stories with makeshift trope pages (wouldn't put any of them on the wiki, so don't worry). Hopefully, one day, some of them will make it out into the world and get their own pages.
- Love Johnny Cash, Neil Gaiman, Joss Whedon, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, and, of course, Star Wars.
- Deadpan Snarker. Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life. Apologises a Lot. Nice Guy (tryin' to be, anyway). Yuri Fan (not for the reason you might think... okay, a little bit that reason, but mainly for the romance angle and gorgeous fan art I've seen).
- Proud contributor to Complete Monster and Magnificent Bastard, with my approved candidates being listed here and here.
- TV Tropes turned me on to the following:
FollowingTropers / De Carta
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