Hi, I'm a troper, and Dcoetzee is my uncreative username formed directly from my real name D Coetzee (yes my first name is just the letter "D"). In real life I'm a software developer, and I was also a long-time user on The Other Wiki (User:Dcoetzee). I've wasted lots of time here reading, adding examples, and on YKTTW - not only is TV Tropes fun, but I think it's also serious business, a collaborative effort to pioneer names and descriptions for many a widespread pattern in fiction that no other project could pull off. I love to hear from other tropers so if you stumble across this, feel free to e-mail me at dc@moonflare.com. Here's a complete list of tropes I originated on YKTTW and subsequently launched.
Trope pages
- Dual-Meaning Chorus
- Peek A Bangs
- The Constant
- Painful Rhyme
- Title-Only Chorus
- Listing Cities
- Age-Progression Song
- Shipping Goggles
- Comically Small Bribe
- "Days of the Week" Song
- Consistency
- Past in the Rear-View Mirror
- Love Will Lead You Back
- We Didn't Start the Billy Joel Parodies
- Love Nostalgia Song
- Lyrical Cold Open
- Hashtag Rap