Hi! I'm Darth Saturnina!
I've been lurking on TV Tropes, making anonymous edits, for about a year, but then I got these annoying messages that told me not to start conversations on pages and if I wanted to bypass that page I could make an account. So I did.
I write fanfiction on the infamous Fanfiction.Net, and can be found here.
My deviantart account can be found here
Tropes present within my life:
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Fascinating Eyebrow
- Heterosexual Life-Partners: until it turned out we weren't so hetero, and are now dating. Mistaken for Gay never happens.
- Jewish Mother: well, grandmother.
- Sophisticated as Hell
- Stealth Hi/Bye: try it, it's fun!
- You Do Not Want To Know