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"Beware of occasional bad attitude."

Darkton, otherwise known as Darkton 93 where just Darkton is taken, is a frequenter of various communities. He varies between writing Fan Fiction, his animation-centric review series Assembly Line Theater, and easy-to-make art projects involving his computer.

In his early day on the internet, he was a loud, violent man who often got into arguments with others and spoke his mind harshly and clearly. 2015 saw him go through what he calls an "Awakening" which made him into a nicer, sweeter man, albeit snarkier and more cynical.

Mostly, Darkton is content to write Playing With articles, feeling that every other trope has already been covered and all that's left to do is come up with variations.

Tropes applying to Darkton include...

  • Asperger Syndrome: Oh my, yes. Kinda Downplayed in that his writing quality has been said to be quite good by others, unlike certain other writers with autism.
    • It's not as obvious Post-Awakening, but he will take offence if it's used in a negative way.
  • Berserk Button: Hating on autism. Whining. Take That! jokes. Double Standards. Hating on America. Hating on conservatives and republicans. The things to set him off are many and unsubtle.
    • He really seems to have something against Mega Man. He wants it to die so that the fans can "understand what whining gets them."
      • Actually, it's more complex than that. He views Megaman fans as being completely incapable of feeling joy. He himself likes Megaman, but he views the fans as even worse than the Sonic fanbase. He says he's trying, really, just that "you guys are making it VERY. HARD."
      • He's acknowledged, however, that they're "getting better" as of the release of Street Fighterx Mega Man.
      • ...and he's retracted that with the release of the 25th Anniversary Pack.
    • Hating on fans is another big one. He uses the phrases "DISSENTING OPINIONS NOT WELCOME" or "EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO MY OPINION" when this crops up.
  • Catchphrase: Several.
    • Pre-Awakening:
    • Post-Awakening:
      • Variations off the phrase "What we call "(simple statement)." to sardonically point out flaws. Example being: "What we here in Review-Land call 'a problem.'"
      • "(lololsomature)" His response to name-calling.
      • "Who the HELL do you think I am?" When someone harshly mistakes him for something he's not, like a typical internet critic.
      • "Part fools from their money." Variation off the proverb "A fool and his money are soon parted."
  • Chivalrous Lolicon: He appreciates the young form and finds it cute, but he doesn't advocate pornography and prefers drawn children with private parts hidden or invisible.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Post-Awakening.
  • Defrosting Ice King: His Awakening made him nicer and sweeter, albeit more sardonic.
  • Fan Hater: Downplayed. He won't fault you if you like something. He just hates you if you're an obssessive fan of something.
    • Case in point, Megaman. He's willing to acknowledge when Megaman fans are nice. He just hates the majority of them for being "completely incapable of feeling joy".
  • Genre Shift: He's had numerous different hobbies. Most of his Pre-Awakening work was writing, Post-Awakening he goes in and out between pixel art, critiquing animation, and coloring art that had no colors before.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Some of his fics involve this. Curiously, he tends to apply this to female characters, especially young girls, as a reaction to the frequency of this trope being used on young boys.
  • Original Flavor: Very stern about this when it applies to fanfics, believing they should read like an episode, for better or worse.
  • Out of Focus: Believes this way about Mega Man, compared to Ryu, who he believes has become Capcom's new mascot.
  • Perpetual Poverty: Often talks about his lack of money. Maybe because he keeps spending it...
  • Purple Prose: No, not his fiction, but a lot of his dialogue involves extended metaphors, especially relating to Assembly Line Theater.
  • Self-Deprecation: Consider that this article is almost entirely negative. Also consider that most of it was written by him. Indeed, he seems to have no problem realizing when he's shot his own mouth off.
  • Single-Issue Wonk: Get him started on the Mega Man fanbase. There will be accusations of whining and "being incapable of feeling joy".
  • Spell My Name with an S: The official subtitles are his most commonly used terms for Anime characters. Don't expect him to hate you for using the wrong term, though.
    • Post-Awakening, he tends to come up with unusual spellings based on his own interpretations of what the meaning should be. It's most noticeable in Dragon Ball related manners, where he has all sorts of unusual spellings not reflecting any dub or sub ("Reacm" instead of "Recoome" or "Rea Coom.", but still pronounced like the latter two.)
  • The Spock: Post-Awakening, his best friends are logic, psychology, and sociology backed by a lot of research. He doesn't like to argue based on emotion.
  • Team Switzerland: Mostly neutral on controversial matters. In fact, the thing he hates most is not the decision itself, but the reaction to the decision.
  • You Keep Using That Word: Fan Boy, to refer to an irrational fan (of which he thinks there's a lot of). In contrast, he uses Fangirl to refer to someone who's obsessed with a particular Character.
    • "Whining" seems to be common to him. However, what he deems as whining is usually more like complaining.

Notable works by Darkton include...

Tropes Darkton uses a lot in his work include...

  • Deconstruction Fic: Lots of these play off of common fan tropes and twisting them. One example would be his Powerpuff OC Belle, who has a familiar look to what Bunny would look like if she were "normal." However, because she was born a different way and was created by someone other than the Girls, she has none of her traits and is essentially someone who looks a little like her. The Aesop seems to be "You're not really including Bunny in your story, so stop pretending!"
  • Inverted Trope: Especially Gender Inverted Tropes.
  • Let's See YOU Do Better!: Much of his work is basically him saying "Okay" to this challenge.
  • Original Character: Often to include something the series couldn't have before.
  • Tropes Are Flexible: Loves to use unusual variants of tropes. Note a majority of his articles are Playing With articles.
  • Universal-Adaptor Cast: Has a set of characters who appear in multiple different works, one lent out to one of his friends.

Goku: 'No! I must kill the Saiyans!'

Raditz: "No Goku, you are the Saiyans!"

And then Goku was an alien.
