A schmuck with a thirst for knowledge who puts his hands into a little bit of everything. To wit:
- Tsukihime / Melty Blood / Kara No Kyoukai / Fate Stay Night fanboy. Or hell, the Nasuverse in general, at that.
- Diehard Unreal Tournament guy.
- Puyo Puyo player. Likes Feli. A lot.
- Writer of Fan Fiction that doesn't suck; "Of Leaves and Lilac" is one of the recommended ones for Tsukihime by fellow troper Rivenscryr, for which he is thanked. Now with its own Fan Fic page, which you can access right'chere. Multiple other Nasuverse projects are in the works. Of note, the great Troper Works move gave him nearly a heart attack and made him think the page got blanked somehow, some way.
- One of the co-founders of Project2612. Yes, THAT Project2612
- Oldschool enough to use "Back in my day" to those kids who grew up on PlayStations with their fancy-pants 3D graphics, gouraud shading, and lightmapping.
More when I can think of them laterish... probably.