Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Dark Kaizer is one of those kinds of guys. Essentially, The Internet's Jack Sparrow;you can always trust him to be dishonest. A Rebellious Spirit, he may be, but you can always count on him to fight for the good guys, even if he is kind of bad at it. The self-proclaimed master of awesome, and one sexy motherfucker.
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This Troper Is A Fan Of
- Awesome Things in General
- Bleach
- Digimon
- Inuyasha
- Final Fantasy
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Invader Zim
- Zim
- Dib
- Gaz: Yet so lovable...
- The Almighty Tallests
- Professor Membrane
- Tak
- Johnny The Homicidal Maniac
- Jurassic Park
- Kingdom Hearts
- Manly Tears
- Mortal Kombat
- The Slender Man Mythos
- Yuyu Hakusho
- Waffles
This Troper Shows Examples Of
- Animal Motifs: Wolves
- Badass Longcoat: And you thought his elements were edgy...
- Badass Longhair: Defied. He's still badass when he cuts it short.
- Berserk Button: Messing with his Nakama is a BAD idea.
- Blue Eyes: Type 1, can change to type 2 when angry.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: His MO when it comes to jokes.
- Elemental Motifs: Dishing Out Dirt -> Character Development -> Dark Is Edgy
- Five-Man Band: Big Brother Mentor
- The Hero: Like America, he thinks he is.
- The Lancer: To more Idealistic Heroes.
- The Smart Guy: Of the Mad Scientist variety, Played for Laughs.
- Foot Focus: His personal choice of Fetish Fuel.
- I Take Offense to That Last One: Played for Laughs
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Towards his youngest Siblings.
- The Woobie:
- Jerkass Woobie: His usual behavior.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: At his absolute worst.
Compare Lovable Rogue, contrast Emotional Bruiser.
O Cs (Conflict: Parts 1 - 5)
- By the Power of Grayskull!: In order to defeat Oblivion, he essentially had to invoke this trope to become like him. Cool Mask was even cranked up to 11.
- Cool Mask: Not so much a mask as it is a visor, but it still counts.
- Cool Sword: Which is then passed on to Elliot, and then later passed on to Cody.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The incantation he uses to become as Oblivion is at the end of Part 1. By becoming a nearly demonic entity,he was forced to struggle to keep control of his sanity, but he also had to sacrifice his life to destroy the artifact keeping the Big Bad in tact. He was well aware of how the struggle would end, but still went through with it.
- Flash Step
- Frickin' Laser Beams
- Heroic Sacrifice: Pretty much saves everyone on Earth by destroying Oblivion and making sure he can't reform.
- Lawful Good
- The Obi-Wan: To all of the teens training under him, until he dies at the end of the first part.
- Eldritch Abomination: In his final form.
- Names to Run Away from Really Fast
Cody Achliss
- An Ice Person / Making a Splash
- Badass Longcoat: Wears it in memory of Johnathon after Part 1.
- Battle in the Rain: In his fight with Dylan in Part 4, which gives him a huge advantage.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Alex.
- Chaotic Good
- Cuteness Proximity: Played for Laughs around Raphael at first... and then it's reavealed that the kid is The Big Guy in his group...
- Determinator: "I won't die here... I CAN'T DIE HERE."
- Oblivious to Love: Morgan can beg and plee all she wants, but Cody never notices her affection until Part 4.
- Primal Fear: Cody is deathly afraid of the dark. Not just any dark space does it however. He will only cower in fear from total darkness.
- Shiny Midnight Black: His hair color throughout the entire series.
- Tears of Fear: This happens in the first book after he is attacked by Jessen.
Elliot Hunt
- Artificial Limbs: His left arm is one now, after having it ripped from his body by Oblivion at the end of Part 1. Not only does it allow him full function of the lost limb, but it also has the capability to transform into a claw when he goes werewolf.
- Badass Bookworm: He took a level in badass after Part 1, and stopped relying on Edsel so much.
- Conveniently an Orphan: His parents died in a car accident, leaving only him and his twin brother to look out for one another.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Extra-ore-dinary: Shown on a few occasions, but not enough to have it as a second element.
- Diving Save: To stop Cody from hitting the ground after he passes out and reverts from his Half-Dragon form.
- Dye or Die: He had to not only dye his bangs blue, but grow them out longer to look different, to keep Everith off his tail. Didn't really work too well, considering that the Big Bad was able to sense his power.
- Enemy Within: The werewolf curse leads to this in Part 1.
- The Glasses Come Off: He always wears them in the lab, but never durring a mission.
- Identical Stranger: Looks a lot like Ob, even though Ob has been around FAR longer than Elliot. They seem to have nothing connecting them to one another though.
- I Got Better: You thought he died when Dylan ran him through in Part 3? Nah, his soul was just transported into Pandora's Box. Comes back in the Part 5 to kick some more ass.
- Neutral Good
- One-Hit Kill: Sure, he was able to destroy a few Mooks with his blast of metal shards, but don't expect it to do massive damage against the Big Bad. Everith actually dodged it.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: He was cursed by Everith. Sure, it may seem like Cursed with Awesome, but he had a hard time learning to control his transformations, and was left bedridden for quite a while.
- Peek A Bangs: Type II and IV.
- The Short Guy with Glasses: In the beginning he's only 5' 4 (15 years old). By the end he is 5'11 (31 years old).
- Soulless Shell: His body when the Four Horsemen decide to use it as one of their hosts.
Edsel Hunt
- Bully Hunter: When he and Elliot were younger, Edsel would track down and beat up anyone who picked on his twin brother, making many believe he was Elliot's big brother.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: When he fights Neal in Part 4.
- Extreme Doormat: After he goes blind in Part 2.
- Teach Him Anger: How Everith was able to bring out his inner beast in Part 3. It's not that Edsel couldn't fight, mind you, but he just didn't have enough hate to become a werelion.
- Neutral Good
Alex Haynes
- Chaotic Good
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Sure, he seems like The Scrappy, and a total moron when you first get to know him, but when he starts to fight...
- Playing with Fire
- Wreathed in Flames: In his Phoenix form.
Everith Hart
- Go Mad from the Revelation: This happens multiple times within the series, the first being when he made his first kill using the dark power granted to him by the Oblivion Artifact. The most notable is when he sees Death, in Elliot's body, right before Jessen takes his life in Part 4.
Johnathon Hart
- The Archer
- Badass Longcoat
- Blow You Away
- Lawful Good
- Power Gives You Wings
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Played straight in Part 1, in which is power over wind grants him white, angelic wings. Averted in Part 5 when he comes back with Mixed Angel/Devil wings, the top two being large and black, the other four being white like his originals.
- Razor Wind: He focuses the air around him to create the "arrows" for his bow.
- Too Cool to Live: According to WWHS's Writing Club of '09 after reading the novelization of Part 1.
Dylan Carlisle
- Berserk Button: Never call him stupid. Ever.
- Blood Knight
- Cool Mask: In Part 3 and 4 when he works for Everith.
- Green Thumb: Flowers and vines. No trees though, because that's Morgan's thing.
- Heel–Face Revolving Door: Performs a Face–Heel Turn at the end of Book 2. He then later performs a Heel–Face Turn at the end of Book 4. He is executed by his team at the beginning of Book 5 when his vampire form begins to take control, but it appears that he simply made another Face–Heel Turn. Turns out that his body is just being used as a host by Plague of the Four Horsemen.
- Neutral Good: When good.
- Chaotic Evil: When bad.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: It is revealed that he was just toying with all of his opponents until Part 4, when he switches his BFS to his right hand in his fight with Alex.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: After becoming a vampire in Part 2.
Jessen Melara
- The Atoner
- Because You Were Nice to Me: The main reason for him joining the Gear Warriors was because Edsel saved him from plummeting to his death outside of Everith's castle in Part 1.
- Cloning Blues: Being a clone of the Big Bad doesn't help much for this.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Or at least... not at first.
- Flash Step
- Heel–Face Turn
- Chaotic Evil: Pre-turn
- Lawful Good: Post-turn
- Master of Illusion: He is able to create doppelgangers of himself and others from darkness.
- Super OCD: In Part 5.
- Younger Than They Look: At his "birth", Jessen already appeared to be a teenager. In the final part of the series, while he is truly only 16, he looks to be in his late forties.
Nicole Cooper
- Cute Little Fangs: One pokes out on the left side of her mouth. Exagerated a bit when drawn as a chibi.
- Neutral Good
- Shrinking Violet
- Zettai Ryouki: In her school uniform.
Morgan Haynes
- Action Girl
- Cool Big Sis: Alex's older sister... Who is madly in love with Cody.
- Chaotic Good
- Green Thumb
- When Trees Attack: A girl who brings trees to life? Yeah, this can get scary, especially when it's type 4.
Rose Melara
- Yandere: Up To Eleven, and towards Alex. She is obsessed with him to the point that she thinks they are a couple even though they obviously are not, and believes the only way they can be happy together is if Alex is dead... Yeah.
- Alex: *being chased down by Rose* WHY DO I ALWAYS GET THE CRAZY GIRLS?!
Michael Vinje
- Ascended Fanboy: Introduced in Part 5 as a sort of butler to the Gear Warriors. He is then given Dylan's Zero-Gear, and thus becomes part of Jessen's brainchild, "The Archangels".
Conflict Tropes
- Anyone Can Die: Played straight throughout the series, until Part 5...
- Apocalypse How: The end of Part 2, Class 1.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: This happens several times throughout the series, and each time it is one of the main characters fighting with their inner beast.
- Death Is Cheap: In Part 5, every main character who has died throughout the series (the only exceptions being Gauntlet and Neal) turns out to still be alive... technically. Their souls were still living in the realm inside of Pandora's box.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Hmm... normal humans, vampires, werewolves, a werelion, demons, a Cyborg werewolf, Pandora's Box... Need I go on?
- Five Bad Band: Up until the end of Part 4, Everith puts a very good one together.
- The Big Bad: Everith
- The Dragon: Ob (later replaced with Neal)
- The Evil Genius: Neal (after he becomes the Dragon, Biowolf takes his place)
- The Brute: Ion (later replaced with Alphonse)
- The Dark Chick: Rose
- Sixth Column: Liv
- Five-Man Band: Part 3 does a really good job with this.
- The Hero and The Smart Guy: Elliot
- The Lancer: Cody
- The Big Guy: Edsel
- The Chick: Morgan
- The Sixth Ranger: Jessen
- The Bumblebee: Alex
- In Part 5, The Archangels form one as well.
- The Hero: Michael
- The Lancer: Gabriel
- The Big Guy: Raphael. Subverted. He's 12.
- The Smart Guy and The Chick: Uria
- Team Dad: Jessen
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Subverted in the sense that they don't show up because of sin, but the lack thereof.
- Masquerade: The entire main cast in Part 1, trying not to bring attention to themselves.
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