Dark Jester 94 is the series of a normal teenager, currently in his third season, who strives to find a normal live...Oh and become a millionare writer, of course. He is currently writing a novel, in which the main character is actually a writer. He can get a bit annoying at times, and he is normally a bit on the odd side, right now, the third season is looking VERY promising.
The main series include:
- Ax-Crazy: well, the main character (me) can get a little bit on the odd side after all, which leads us to...
- Berserk Button: never, EVER try to... well do many things that include public riddicule, as he can make sure the characters respomsible get screwed.
- Book ends: every Season Finale. In which a main song is provided by the main character's iPod.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: naturally.
- Darker and Edgier: the second season, leaving some Unfortunate Implications.
- Evil Counterpart: you'd be surprised at how many, some being The Mole and the Arch-Nemesis.
- Five-Man Band: most of the times it's a Power Trio, but right now the examples are:
- Foe Yay: mostly during the second season, to the main characters demise.
- Grand Finale: the third season looks like it's going to be this...
- Loners Are Freaks: well... You Should Know This Already.
- No Yay: to this troper's demise...
- Season Finale: in the first season, the main group had been officially stated, and the main character faced off against... the math teacher (take in consideration that the seasons go with the year: first one being 7th grade, the second one 8th, and third 9th) then, he managed to become more extroverted, and ended at the end of the school trip, the main song being listen to you heart by DHT (don't ask). The second one ended after he faced against The Mole and also his Foe Yay love interest. He came to terms as how he saw the world, and ended at the main garden of the school, th main song being New Divide by Linkin Park. The third season is in progress, with the main character going on a Secret Test of Character to find himself, and so far going well.