Um...welcome to my contributor page.
You can usually find me editing video game pages, or on the Forum Games and Video Games sections of the forum.
Works I like
In no particular order...
- Sailor Moon Abridged
- Dragon Ball Z
- The Life And Times Of Scrooge Mc Duck
- Persona
- Final Fantasy (I-IX, XII)
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Duck Tales (the show and the Remastered game.)
- Sonic The Hedgehog
- Sherlock
- Avatar The Last Airbender
- Kirby (particular favorites are Super Star Ultra and Canvas Curse.)
- The Time Machine
- A Tale Of Two Cities
- Harry Potter
- Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
- Dangan Ronpa
- Pulp Fiction
- Toy Story (all three movies.)
- The Godfather
- No Country For Old Men
- Se7en
- Five Nights At Freddys
- Grand Theft Auto (San Andreas, the "Stories" entries, and V.)
- Audiosurf
- Beat Hazard
- The Binding Of Isaac
- Undertale
- Hellsing
- Life Is Strange
- Civilization
- XCOM Enemy Unknown
- Advance Wars
- Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number
(there's quite a lot more - building this list one part at a time)
Vandalisms here!
Did you look or did it open for you?
- What a cute plushie you have there. His smile is gorgeous. Tomodachi
- I do say, can I vandal here? ~Rockonman
- Greetings from fellow Indonesian! Armored Fury
- The faeries come to destroy things! - Stolen By Faeries
- Thank you for trying out my forum game,so I will spare this page. Mhua ha ha ha-Xiphos Orochi 666.
- PKD is dead, alas. -the I Kid You Not
- Do a Robo-Roll
-Xiphos Orochi 666
- Uh... 'Sup? -Art92
- Welcome your overlord and emperor.-Xiphos Orochi 666