Howdy, my name is Dark Cyber Wolf and I am a troper here. That is all the introduction I need. This website has been important to me for some time now, so I feel the need to give back. Tropes that apply to me include:
- All Myths Are True: I am an omnist.
- Ambiguous Disorder: For once, not self-diagnosed, but rather self-denied Asperger's syndrome.
- American Accents: I have a deep Southern accent, except when I don't.
- Arc Initials: The initials "M. C."
- Artistic License Psychology: My "brain attacks" that cause a nervous shudder every time I remember certain past events... really do not make any sense.
- Berserk Button: Hypocrisy and stupidity. Enough of either is enough to make me ignore my True Pacifist nature.
- Bully Hunter: When the option is presented, I don't like to leave others undefended.
- Damned by Faint Praise: In discussions, I often cite The Host as the greatest thing Stephenie Meyer ever wrote.
- Dark and Troubled Past: It's a long story...
- Fatal Flaw: See below.
- Genre Savvy: A side-effect of this wiki.
- For Want of a Nail: A single librarian recommended The Lightning Thief years ago, which directly led to my finding this website and changing my life forever.
- Her Codename Was Mary Sue: The origin of my username, my self-insert from a story I wrote years ago featuring most of my friends.
- Honor Before Reason: My Fatal Flaw. As a Bully Hunter, I get in the middle of heated clashes that I have no hope of actually doing anything positive in.
- Humans Are Special: A personal opinion, though notable in that it applies to each individual human rather than humans compared to other species.
- Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls: Averted. I am male.
- No, Except Yes: I have a tendency to use these, except when I don't.
- Poor Communication Kills: I am a strong believer in this, and evidence proves it.
- Single-Target Sexuality
- Thinks Like a Romance Novel: At times.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pringles potato chips.
- True Companions: Only kind of friends I have.
- True Pacifist: Until my Berserk Button is pressed.
- TV Tropes Will Enhance Your Life: As true as it gets.