Hello TVTropes!
I'm a 24 year old Knight in Sour Armor from Croatia, New Meat to the site and hopeless World Of Warcraft addict. I've been 40 before I learned 'oral sex' does not mean 'talking about it'. I stopped chewing furniture, but it seems nobody wants to adopt this troper. (Lonely member of the tender gender, aged 16-32, into World of Warcraft, killing people, animals, eating their babies and and skinning them for profit? I'm your guy!)
Anyway, my interests/favorites include:
- Airplane, and the Sequel.
- DOOM & DOOM II - brings back memories, especially Skulltag DOOM II days. Anyone remember Alien Vendetta? Scythe I & II? Memento Mori? Invasion UAC series? The list goes on...
- Dragon Ball: Z up to the Buu saga.
- Epic Rocking - just about any hard rock, and heavy/thrash metal gets my ears ringing, my head banging and my blood boiling!
- Full Metal Jacket
- The Green Mile
- Gundam Wing
- Little Big Adventure, especially 2
- The Matrix: Huge fan of the first movie.
- The Naked Gun, all three (or rather, 33 and 1/3?) of them. R.I.P. Leslie :(
- Raptor
- See No Evil, Hear No Evil - aiming to add a page about this movie, but still new to TV Tropes. Anyone willing to help out?
- StarCraft: Brood War, and more recently the sequel, though not as much as the original.
- ThreeHundred: Watching this movie fills me with Testosterone Poisoning, Manly Tears and makes me want to play my shouting, charging, BFS-wielding warrior. But, the DK usually does the job.
- Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny were awesome back in the day
- World of... didn't I mention this?
- Zeliard. Wrote a book on this one...
Tropes about myself:
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: I live this trope.
- Badass Long Hair: Somewhat shorter now, and well...
- Berserk Button: Good luck finding one. Go on, try. But when someone does on occasion, run. Usually related to poking me about a ''certain condition''
- Broken Bird / Troubled, but Cute: Depending on your point of view.
- Brutal Honesty
- Buffy Speak: Prone to this due to trouble concentrating, usually caused by The Voices in my Head (aka: large amounts of random, unrelated thoughts swarming me no matter how focused I'm supposed to be on what have you).
- Cannot Spit It Out: A rather weird form of it. More like, Cannot Start a Conversation or Meet New People. I simply have no idea what to say, nor what's appropriate/a good idea to say. By the time I intend to spit it out, I have no problem doing so.
- Crosses the Line Twice: Take something I say/do. ANYTHING I say/do. Especially my choice of sometimes out of line humor.
- Deadpan Snarker: Very, very guilty of this.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: I can and will dish it out; I do understand it, but generally fail to recognize sarcasm and humor in interaction. Sometimes responsible for certain misconceptions.
- Face Palm: Usually on the receiving end of this, but I do it whenever I cringe as well.
- Geeky TurnOn: Guilty on so many levels. Geeks, especially those sharing my interests/field of cognition immediately appear twice as interesting. Females double in attractiveness, friends become twice as trustworthy, and conversations actually become INTERESTING. Oh well... Where do I sign?
- Gratuitous Latin: My RL nickname comes from a croatian idiom translated to latin... Which does not have a figurative meaning in that language. Thankfully, it was not my idea, and it's a circumstance of Rule of Cool which I adopted. What do you mean, it's not awesome? (Not the trope)
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Usually does not apply to pants, but jackets whenever possible.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Guilty of this as well. Most of my characters are/were named this way, winner goes to Unstoppa Bull, my Tauren Blood DK.
- Jade-Colored Glasses: Regretfully. I was always nostalgic, but recently that has been taken Up To Eleven with changes in my life and mind, among other things.
- Memetic Mutation / Verbal Tic: I regularly spout memes/quotes in conversations, which would be cool if I wasn't Croatian. Thankfully, mostly happens in ONLINE conversations, where at least speaking english isn't an Epic Fail.
- No Social Skills
- Not a Morning Person / Sleepyhead: Partially due to insomnia. This makes my every working day pure hell.
- Refuge in Audacity: I love to see the looks on people's faces when I spout something ridiculous / outrageous, because I'm not serious. I mean no harm though; hell, I'll even snark/tease a drop dead gorgeous girl (even about her appearance) for a little fun/defrosting if I can fish out that jaw drop/baffled look.
- Spikes of Villainy: My Killers.
- Stalker with a Crush: Occasionally. I guess it's fitting for a Rogue to love from the shadows.
- The Snark Knight: I don't hate people, per se (well, except loud/annoying children). That said, I do usually feel Surrounded by Idiots, and quietly moan about it. But nothing is spared from my witty remarks, not even myself or people I genuinely respect/rely on.
- The Stoic: Usually, and especially so in my 'earlier years'. However, all it takes to negate years of mental discipline is a pair of long legs (heaven help me in case of stockings and/or high heels), or a ridiculously cute voice.
- What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Lately I find myself too broken at times to appreciate/understand the concept/purpose of romance. How the Mighty Have Fallen.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: At least in the past. But I was always serious beyond my years. Anyone here pondered about God, life, the Universe and everything... At age 7? Sigh...
In-character Tropes (mostly World Of Warcraft characters):
- Accidental Pervert: I should stop mentioning that I need to do it from behind. It gets worse when I back it up with statements like "the frequency of applying my poison", or such. Oh, go die in a fire!
- All Blue Entry: My Wowhead profile
. Pure art.
- Awesome, but Impractical: What my Blood DK amounts to. Made of Iron, but lacks control, mobility and can generally be outmanouevered by almost anything. Has trouble killing anything with good healing/kiting capabilities. However, simply being there and bashing something is awesome enough for me to overlook this flaw.
- Blood Knight: Blood DEATH Knight, actually. And all I need is a hammer, and a skull to bash for the rest of my life. My "Blood Bath" arena matches feature two of these (which means we can HELP each other healing, as if that's necessary), usually engaging the other team as two duels, and enjoying it immensely.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: My Youtube material
uses this. Particularly in the Blood Bath vids, I insist on reuisng Money for Nothing. The song is awesome itself, but listening to the lyrics slightly metaphorically, one can't help but imagine them sung by the enemy team lamenting how overpowered what we're doing is, and thus how easy it is to win (and get currency and gear associated with Arena).
- Curb-Stomp Battle: I tend to do this to people with said character. And this tends to happen to me when fighting an Elemental Shaman.
- Gradual Grinder: Both Rogue (Do T-based sustained damage) and DK (hitting it is like hitting a brick wall; me hitting you is like you getting hit with a rubber toy).
- Gratuitous Greek / Theme Naming: More like BUTCHERED greek. My rogue is named Lykoskia (Lykos + skia = Shadow Wolf) and my DK (now that he's no longer Tauren) is named Lykosaima (Blood Wolf)
- Master Poisoner: My rogue.
- Mighty Glacier: DK. I may not move very fast, but I'll eventually get my hands on you, or maybe my feet. And when I do, you're dead. Eventually..... (To be fair, with the recent removal of Vengeance from Pv P, now it's more of just a slow Stone Wall (type: Berserking) than a Mighty Glacier.
- SideEffects Include My rez macro: "Wasting (amount) mana on (target)... Side-effects may include: Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, erectile dysfunction, loss of apetite and death. Please consult your healer before dying."
- Solo Class: Main reason why I love playing BDK. Crowning moment was when I actually soloed half of an entire battleground team, twice. With a little help from our faction boss. We ended up winning a hopeless IOC game thanks to it :).
Troper Namer is a portmanteau of damnation and domination. This is also the name of my priest, although my rogue is my main, and death knight my PvP god of death.
This space is for you fellow tropers. Anything goes, but please be nice :). /dami out