Appearance Tropes
- Black and White Beauty
- Brown Eyes
- Curtains Match the Window: Brown hair and eyes.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Goth: My fashion sense tends to fit this or punk most of the time.
- Psychotic Smirk: The closest to a smile I usually get.
Personality Tropes
- Adorkable: The opinion of some, moreso that I'm a dork than adorable.
- Berserk Button: Loads.
- Bi The Way
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dark and Troubled Past: Not talking about it.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Manipulative Bitch: When situations call for it.
- Ms. Imagination
- One Of Us: And how. I embrace it.
- Sad Clown
- Sophisticated as Hell
- Troubled Child
- Wise Beyond Their Years