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Tropers / Dama Momus

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Dama Momus is a sockpuppet account for Lady Momus. I created it so I could keep my edits on the English portion of the wiki separate from the Spanish namespace. (Also, so I could have a "To Do" list and a Watchlist specifically for Spanish tropes.) If you want to contact me, PM my Lady Momus account.

Included on this page are notes I made to myself that help me with typing and editing Spanish.

List of all Spanish namespace pages: here.

    How to type Spanish characters 
A list of Spanish characters and how to type them. (ALT+# means to hold down ALT while typing the number on the keypad.)

ALT + 160
ALT + 130
ALT + 161
ALT + 164
ALT + 162
ALT + 163
ALT + 129
ALT + 0193
ALT + 0201
ALT + 0205
ALT + 165
ALT + 0211
ALT + 0218
ALT + 154
ALT + 168
ALT + 173

    How to fix strange symbols in the middle of an article 
Smart quotes are an abomination unto the LORD and should be removed on sight. - Micah

Ever run into odd symbols in the middle of text? Well, this can happen when copying/pasting text from a Word Processor into a page on the Wiki. Non-English characters, smart quotes ("curly" quotes), and punctuation marks are the main culprits.

Here are the original symbol(s) and the corrected symbol. Or at least, the ones I've figured out. Ones I'm not 100% sure on have ** beside the entry.

Symbol ALT Code Formatting Mistake
ALT + 0138 Š **
ALT + 0140 Œ **
ALT + 0154 š **
ALT + 0156 œ **
ALT + 0158 ž **
ALT + 0159 Ÿ
ALT + 0161 ¡
ALT + 0189 ½
ALT + 0191 ¿
ALT + 0192 À
ALT + 0193 Á
ALT + 0194 Â
ALT + 0195 Ã
ALT + 0196 Ä
ALT + 0197 Å **
ALT + 0198 Æ **
ALT + 0199 Ç
ALT + 0200 È
ALT + 0201 %
ALT + 0201 É
ALT + 0202 Ê
ALT + 0203 Ë
ALT + 0204 Ì
ALT + 0205
ALT + 0206 Î
ALT + 0207 **
ALT + 0208
ALT + 0209 Ñ
ALT + 0210 Ò
ALT + 0211 Ó
ALT + 0212 Ô
ALT + 0213 Ñ
ALT + 0214 Ö
ALT + 0216 Ø **
ALT + 0217 Ù
ALT + 0218 Ú
ALT + 0219 Û
ALT + 0220 Ü
ALT + 0221
ALT + 0222 Þ **
ALT + 0223 ß
ALT + 0224 + SPACE
ALT + 0225 á
ALT + 0226 â
ALT + 0227 ã
ALT + 0228 ä
ALT + 0229 å
ALT + 0230 æ
ALT + 0231 ç
ALT + 0232 è
ALT + 0233 é
ALT + 0234 ê
ALT + 0235 ë
ALT + 0236 ì
ALT + 0237 note 
ALT + 0238 î
ALT + 0239 ï
ALT + 0240 ð **
ALT + 0241 ñ
ALT + 0242 **
ALT + 0243 ó
ALT + 0244 ô
ALT + 0245 õ
ALT + 0246 ö
ALT + 0248 ø
ALT + 0249 ù
ALT + 0250 ú
ALT + 0251 û
ALT + 0252 ü **
ALT + 0253 ý **
ALT + 0254 þ **
ALT + 0255 ÿ

Some other weird character problems I've run into: � is mangled code that can be pretty much any character. (Thanks to Random832 for that info.)

The band name Allsng p Skansen displayed as Alls? p?kansen. The "" (ALT+0229) ended up displayed as a question mark with the two letters after it being erased.

The phase "The Dutch band Blf always" became "The Dutch band Bl?lways." Again, "" (ALT+0246) was replaced with a question mark and the next two characters erased.

    My Sandbox 
This is just a folder for me messing around with formatting/foreign language characters.

    Vandalize Here 
If you want to vandalize my page, this is the place to do it.

—-Note � can be ANYTHING. It's the mangled code of that "question-mark-in-a-diamond" that stuff sometimes turns into.

Thanks for the info. :) I fixed it above.
