Salutations, everyone and every-tropers! The name's Cxrxmel Choco but you can call me Haruna, Choco, Caramel, Cherry, Sakura, Haruhi, Haru, Hana, Honey or Nana. If you call me by my real name Hasya (pronounced as "hah-shah"), I'm fine with that too. I'm just a teenager and otaku who loves tons of anime and preschool shows! I've visited TV Tropes since February 2021 but never got the chance to make an account until the middle of April 2022.
Page is still WIP so stay tuned, peeps!
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Tropes about me, my facts, favourite franchises and characters!
Tropes About Me
- Acrofatic: YES, I'm fat in real life (heck, my weight is 115 kg lmao) but that doesn't stop me from being athletic. I can be exceptional when playing sports like badminton, handball, etc.
- Alliterative Name: My username, Cxrxmel Choco.
- Aloof Dark-Haired Person: I have black hair in real life and I'm an aloof person as well, though I can show a softer and kinder side.
- Animesque: My art styles have a lot of anime influences.
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: I am almost always distracted when I try to do my work. My high-functioning ADHD says it all. See "My facts".
- Author Appeal: I have a lot.
- I have an affinity for colourful and pastel colour schemes as most of my artwork have this kind of colour scheme.
- Ditto for cute or kawaii stuff. I also love Moe in general.
- As well as normal civilians transforming into heroes or any magical alter ego (a lá a magical girl show).
- Characters with Big Anime Eyes, just as long as their eyes don't take up more than 40% of their face. Otherwise, they might as well fall into the Uncanny Valley.
- I even love series that centre around school students and Gag Series.
- Characters with awesome Elemental Powers. I'm a huge sucker for these.
- I also have an accord for Fanservice, admittedly.
- Berserk Button: I have several of these. And they FUCKING piss me off to NO END!
- Jaxen Ross is b-a-c-k! Yes, that son of a fucking bitch who does nothing but destroy everyone's childhoods by destroying toys from our childhoods. I DESPISE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH I JUST FEEL LIKE I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FUCKING BALLS AND BREAK HIS FUCKING BONES! His content is just piece of shit! For example, he destroyed various toys from Little Einsteins, my favourite childhood show, such as a Rocket toy. He's such a huge fucking asshole for this! God, I can't fucking believe that I used to like him back in 2020! It was because I, at first, thought that his videos are entertaining to watch but not anymore now! I started hating him on 2021 and see his videos as offensive, unfunny and bullshit. I even declared him as my mortal enemy.
- Ptbf 2002, another mortal enemy of mine.
- Grounded videos, GoAnimate-styled rants. Basically, anything shitty that has to do with THAT FUCKING SHITTY WEBSITE! Although, a few can be my guilty pleasures sometimes, only if they are out of stuff I hate.
- Racism/Xenophobia
- People, especially fucking Vyonders, treating several preschool shows like shit.
- Anyone scolding me. Especially VERY LOUDLY! I always hate it when this happens.
- Homophobia, anti-LGBTQ+, biphobia, transphobia and enbyphobia.
- Child abuse. It's one of the reasons why I hate these tropes, Would Hurt a Child and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Child Hater (if they are abusive to children). I'll never forget that child abuse incident that happened in 2016 in my country..... note
- Ableism and jokes about it.
- Drama on EVERY websites.
- People talking shit about Singapore, my country. I know. I know. This sounds like I'm "overly protective" about my country. But me hearing people talking shit about it makes me offended at worst.
- Cats being abused/harmed by heartless people.
- Loan sharks.
- Spelling errors.
- Death/suicide jokes. I have suicidal thoughts myself (seriously) and these rub me off the wrong way.
- Someone misgendering me as female, unless they didn't mean to. I'm non-binary, bitch! Not trying to be rude, though.
- Someone mispronouncing my real name, Hasya. It's pronounced as "hah-shah", not "hah-siah" or whatever.
- R*pe and jokes about it.
- Bullies/bullying.
- P*rn and h*ntai.
- Bifauxnen: I look very andorgynous, especially that I have Boyish Short Hair.
- Big Anime Eyes: Whenever I want to draw a character, I cannot help but draw them with these. It's one of my author appeals as well. Also, whenever I draw this kind of eyes, I ALWAYS love to put lots of detail to it (e.g. sparkles, shapes, etc).
- Big Eater: Of course!
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: My eyebrows are quite bushy and thicc.
- Bile Fascination: YES, I suffer from this. Especially when High Guardian Spice was released, a lot of peeps say that the show is shitty. I gave it a shot and I hate it already (seriously) and these peeps are right.
- Blind Without 'Em: Since I'm myopic, I cannot see things that are far away very clearly when I'm not wearing my specs.
- Book Dumb: I know it's quite embarrassing to say this but... I'm not really good at school exams and stuff because I've always thought that they are really tiresome. Nevertheless, I'm talented when it comes to playing video games or drawing.
- Boyish Short Hair: My hairstyle. It's a pixie cut, by the way. That's because I hate having long hair nowadays.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: I can be quite smart but at the same time, I'm a lazy person who has a bad habit of procrastinating.
- But Not Too Foreign: My father is Singaporean while my mother is Indonesian but I was born in Singapore and identified as a Singaporean citizen, according to my identification card, though obviously I'm not going to show y'all my IC.
- Chuunibyou: I do have my own chuunibyou tendencies. I always jokingly believe that I'm Lucifer and Beelzebub's great-great-great grandchild who possesses magical powers and stuff like that.
- Cloudcuckoolander: I have a wild imagination and I'm a weird person in general, though obviously I'm not an overly stupid lunatic. In other words, I desbribe myself as "weird in a good way".
- Cluster F-Bomb: I have a habit of saying "fuck" a lot in almost every of my sentences, especially when I'm super pissed off. It's one of my verbal tics, too.
- Contralto Of Danger: My voice sounds quite, if not very, deep in real life. Though, I can make high-pitched voices as well.
- Deadpan Snarker: I can be this at times.
- Ditzy Genius: I'm very smart in real life but I can be quite dumb at times.
- Drama Queen: I can be very dramatic at times.
- Eating Lunch Alone: I always do this. I prefer eating lunch alone over eating lunch with friends and family. I'm a somewhat solitary person nowadays.
- Extreme Omnivore: Yes, really. I remembered that time when I was a baby, I ATE the outer fabric of the red-coloured hand-shaped armchair my family used to own. They noticed me doing it and when my mother wanted to give me a diaper change, she is shocked that there was red fabric in my shit. I don't know why but it's a hilarious memory of mine.
- Extreme Doormat: YES, I can be quite a doormat at times.
- Fan: Of anime (of course), cartoons, manga and comics. These 4 are the reason why I wanted to be an animator and digital artist in the first place.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: I'm both Choleric and Melancholic. In other words, Choleric-Melancholic.
- Gamer Chick: Playing video games is my hobby.
- Gasshole: I'm this person who always farts and burps a lot. Guess what? I'm never sorry and embarrassed for it.
- Girls Love Chocolate: Oh yes!
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: I have a lot of them, especially when I was a little kid who loved collecting plushies for fun, decorate them on my bed and cuddle them when I sleep.
- Guilty Pleasure: Hoo boy.
- The Save-Ums!. Although I like the show, I was ashamed to express this because I thought a lot of people would just bully me for liking a "weird" show like this one.
- Yall are going to kill me for this but I kinda like Barney & Friends, especially when I was a baby. A lot of people seem to hate this show mainly because it's "cheerful all the damn time", at least in my POV.
- A lot of Singaporeans dislike the 2017 NDPnote song "Because It's Singapore!" but I actually like it. It's also one of my favourite NDP songs. Ditto for "One Singapore", a 2013 NDP song. I know it's an unpopular opinion but still.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Yeah, I have a bad temper too. As a matter of fact. I have anger management issues, so this explains my bad temper. I can be calm at times, though.
- Hairy Person: YES, my body, especially my legs, is very hairy.
- Hot-Blooded: One of my defining traits, though not so much.
- The Insomniac: I often have trouble sleeping at night because I always have a habit of using electronic devices (e.g. my phone, my iPad, etc).
- Introverted Cat Person: Of course I am!
- Kids Hate Vegetables: I'm no longer a kid I know but I've ALWAYS hated vegetables since I was a very young kid, maybe at 3 or 4 years old.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold/Beware the Nice Ones: I can zig zag between these two at times.
- Kiddie Kid: I'm a 16 year old person but that doesn't stop me from loving kid shows and "childish" interests like plush toys, unicorns, etc and act childish. I don't care if I'm growing old! I'm still this way.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: I'm always a cat person since I was very young. Of course, cats always make my heart melt whenever I see them. I even own two cats (see My Facts below). But, once I heard news about cats being abused by assholes, I cannot help but feel EXTREMELY furious about it.
- Large Ham: I'm REALLY hammy, sometimes at least.
- Meaningful Name: "Cxrxmel" is a stylised spelling for "caramel". Since caramel is sweet and salty (at least, for salted caramel), this defines my kind and sweet yet salty personality. "Choco" refers to the fact that I LOVE CHOCOLATES SO MUCH!
- Mood-Swinger: I'm always prone to mood swings.
- Modesty Shorts: When I'm wearing a dress or skirt, I always wear black shorts under them. Especially when I have a habit of spreading my legs quite wide.
- Nerd Glasses: This is the type of glasses I wear in real life.
- Nervous Tics: When I'm feeling nervous, I always have the tendency to pull my hair and clench my teeth simultaneously. I also repeat words like "I", "why" and more. I sometimes even faint for only a few seconds.
- Nervous Wreck: HOLY SHIT, I always have the tendency to get nervous all the damn time. I know it's normal to be nervous (for some of you at least) but it just causes me to overthink a lot of things.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Somewhat. I have a thing for horror stuff like movies, shows, games and books. I also like things related to dark fantasy.
- Old Shame: That's how I feel about my old work, particularly my artwork, fanfiction and original stories. Because of it, either I decide to retool/redo them from scratch or simply abandon them and forget about it.
- Otaku: I enjoy anime, manga and Japanese culture A LOT.
- The Perfectionist: Everytime I want to do something, say draw or play rhythm games, I always wanted to be perfect. I know everyone's not perfect and I'm not perfect, but I wanted to be perfect.
- Picky Eater: Oh yes! Ever since I was in kindergarten in 2011 at 5 years old, I've always been this. Even now. I'm always anal when I want to eat food. If there's vegetables on food, I don't want to eat it because I don't like vegetables at all, to be honest. They taste kind of gross. For example, when I want to order some chicken cutlet with rice during recess, the stall owner asks me whether I want some salad on my chicken cutlet. Obviously, I would say no.
- Pink Means Feminine: I own a lot of pink stuff and pink is my favourite colour. Despite being a tomboy, I can be girly at the same time (see Tomboy with a Girly Streak below).
- Rail Enthusiast: I'm this ever since I was a baby. I was also very obsessed with Thomas & Friends when I was little.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator: One of my bad habits.
- Shrinking Violet: I'm very shy, soft-spoken and socially awkward in real life.
- Significant Birth Date: My birthday is on 9 August, which falls on Singapore's National Day. No wonder I'm called "National Day Baby" for this.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot: Bitch, I'm this person who loves to fucking swear a lot of shit.
- Statuesque Stunner: I'm 176 cm/5 ft 9.3 in tall in real life (even for my young age) and I'm the tallest student in my class. Needless to say, I'm proud of my height.
- Sweet Tooth: I'm VERY fond of sweet foods like chocolate, cake, cookies, ice cream, etc.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: I often end my sentences with "bitch", bitch!
- Tomboy with a Girly Streak: Even though I have a lot of "masculine" interests, be it shonen anime, sports, video games, etc, I do have a girly side too. I like wearing dresses, the colour pink (believe it or not, I own a lot of pink stuff) and magical girl anime. Hell, I even love playing Royale High in Roblox, which is very girly, at least to some male players. I prefer wearing sport shoes over high heels, though.
- Took a Level in Jerkass/Took a Level in Cynic: Sort of. I used to be so sweet and kind when I was a kid but nowadays, I'm being pessimistic and I can be quite an asshole sometimes. I'm still kind, though. But it's more emphasised on the latter trope.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Anything chocolate flavoured.
- Tsundere: Yes, I'm a HUGE tsundere. Ironically, I love and hate tsunderes.
- Weight Woe: I'm quite insecure about my body mass (mine is 115 kg in real life). Heck, I cannot find any pretty clothes that are my size whenever I want to shop for them thanks to my fat body, especially my pudgy belly. I'e always wanted to lose a lot of weight (maybe around 68 kg) but because of my Sweet Tooth tendencies, I simply cannot.
- Western Zodiac: Leo.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: I'm afraid of cockroaches, bees, dying and trypophobic imagery.
- Yaoi Fan/Yuri Fan: I'm both. Yaoi and yuri is life, bitch!
My Facts!
- I’m genderfluid and pansexual.
- My pronouns are she/he/they/ze but I'm also ok with any other pronouns, including neopronouns. But for consistency's sake, I mostly go by she/her.
- I'm from Singapore.
- I'm of Malay and Javanese descent.
- I'm 16 years old (as of October 2022).
- I was diagnosed with high-functioning ADHD.
- My MBTI is INFP-T.
- My Discord username is CxrxmelChoco#1001.
- I constantly edit my own Tropers page to fix errors, add new facts or update my facts (if you couldn't tell by my edits).
- I've always wanted to be an animator, storyboard artist and illustrator when I was around 12 years old because art has been my passion since 4 years old.
- My "dere" types are kuudere, dandere, tsundere and yandere, though subtle on the latter 2.
- I use ibisPaint and my Apple Pencil to draw on my 8th generation iPad.
- I'm a self-taught freelance digital artist.
- I'm also a freelance writer who writes fanfiction and original stories, though I didn't write stories much.
- Feel free to visit my Linktree
for more links.
- I'm also an aspiring animator who is willing to get a diploma in animation at a local art institute. It's at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (or NAFA for short), by the way.
- I have a Roblox account. My username is the same, just no spacing.
- I have 3 pet cats. Their names are Sora (male), Suki (female) and Shizu (female). I used to have a male pet turtle named Billy. He died at 2014 when I was only 8 years old.
- My Troper Types are the Trope Editor, Trope Browser and Casual Example Adder.
Franchises and media I love SO MUCH!
- Little Einsteins
- Ensemble Stars!
- Hetalia: Axis Powers
- My Hero Academia
- Haikyuu!!
- Spy X Family
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Genshin Impact
- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
- WordGirl
- Ready Jet Go!
- Yo Gabba Gabba!
- Blue Exorcist
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Persona
- Wild Kratts
- Sailor Moon
- Winx Club
- The Promised Neverland
- Cookie Run
- Cookie Run Kingdom
- Cytus
- BanG Dream!
- Molly of Denali
- Love Live!
- Aikatsu!
- 3-2-1 Penguins!
- Danganronpa
- Pretty Cure
- Hero Elementary
- PriPara
- Doki
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
Favourite/Comfort Characters
- Little Einsteins: I love all characters and my favourite is June
- My Hero Academia: Denki Kaminari, Ochako Uraraka, Mina Ashido, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida, Kyoka Jirou and Itsuka Kendo.
- Hetalia: Axis Powers: Practically everyone, especially Austria, America, Canada, China, Italy, Sealand, Germany, Japan, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, Liechtenstein and England.
- Yo Gabba Gabba!: All of the characters and my fav is Brobee.
- Haikyuu!!: Kozume Kenma, Bokuto Koutarou, Shoyo Hinata, Koshi Sugawara, Yuu Nishinoya, Kuroo Tetsurou, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Hitoka Yachi, Daichi Sawamura and Kiyoko Shimizu.
- Ready Jet Go!: Sean Rafferty, Jet Propulsion, Sydney Skelley, Celery Propulsion and Mitchell Peterson.
- RWBY: Ruby Rose, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Blake Belladonna, Penny Polendina, Oscar Pine and Velvet Scarlatina.
- Sailor Moon: Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter