A lethal, sinister, and terrifying gentleman from the 'Neath. Don't be afraid to ask questions! I'm really friendly. You might have to remind me that death doesn't tend to work the same way up here on the surface as it does below, though.
I have- not in order:
- Donated a thousand souls and one hundred infernal contracts to be given back to their rightful owners.
- Permanently killed a man and a woman on separate occasions in a world where death is virtually meaningless.
- Robbed the goddamn brass embassy, home of devils and demons and death.
- Sold my soul and stole it back.
- Fought in the Fighting Rings, as well as have become renowned Black Ribbon Duelist.
- Stared into the abyss and turned back from the Seeking of the Name.
- Turned the tide in the Battle of Wolfstack Docks.
- Shown myself to be as Artful as a Serpent, as well as Fearless.
- Shown that I have been known to keep my word.
- Battled and beaten the Eater of Chains.
- Slain as well as captured alive a spider council, on two different occasions.
- Proven myself a seasoned hunter of beasts, and brought them back, no matter how deadly or venomous.
- I have died many, many times, and I have beaten Death in chess and dice more times than I can count.
- I have gone mad, and decided that madness was too boring to carry on with.
- I helped a man who tailors faces replace a deadly poisoner.
- And I am, finally, a revolutionary who is plotting against the Masters of the Bazaar.
Please don't tell anyone too much about that last part. I may have to kill you.