Describe CS here.
A daunting task.
The referenced troper is a new addition to The Contributors, and is still tripping over attempts to make a signifigant contribution to this wiki.
Has noticed one Alda and racks up edits similarly, on both contributions here and on forums (24 edits involved in the initial creation of this page).
Tropes relevant to this troper:
- Yuri Fangirl - Very much so. Top of list for relevance.
- Brilliant, but Lazy x Genius Ditz - This troper walks the line. Or sleeps on it. Or loses focus and reads forums or this wiki instead.
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! - Horribly vulnerable to the Wiki Walk effect.
- Grammar Nazi - Often corrects errors on her hunting grounds. Has become known for it and has attracted followers.
- Phonetic Accent - Subverting the trope directly above, this troper will occasionally slip into a sprawling apostrophe-riddled slur.
- Ms Imagination - This troper has, just recently, revealed that she can envision the forum she frequents and its regulars as a Harem Dating Sim and its cast.
- Unfortunately (or not), the members of her harem do not have breasts (and not in the DFC sense).
- Rant Inducing Slight - Often justified upsets that are taken far too far in frenzy and lead to Freak Outs and not-so-heroic BSODs.
- Potholes - This troper is addicted to them.
- Rule of Three - If it can be said twice, it can be said a third time. This will usually be potholed to drive the point home.
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life - This troper is notorious for potholing her posts on the Pox Nora forums.
- Fake Difficulty - These forums do not have Wiki Words enabled. This troper has become very good at typing out [url=
- Fake Difficulty - These forums do not have Wiki Words enabled. This troper has become very good at typing out [url=
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Other Peoples' Lives - This troper is notorious for potholing her posts on the Pox Nora forums. These potholes are directly responsible for several members of the forums becoming tropers and/or using potholes themselves (ex. TV Tropes, You Tube, The Other Wiki).
- Seven Deadly Sins - Sloth personified. There's a reason this page only begins its existance now (though pure sloth would involve never having been made at all). Also owns a full set of the Sins depicted as cute girls. This page's initial creation alone has taken from 2:46 to 7:22.
Pending: Blue Shifting the above Pox Nora links. Not likely to get around to it.
Wondering: The Wiki Effect may be an alternate name for an existing trope. The term refers to the infinitely branching web of Wicks weaving back and forth, generally leading to an partial Archive Binge.
Resolved: It's a Wiki Walk!