Tropes that describe me:
- Asexual
- The Anti-Nihilist: I wrote an unpublished essay about why ideas people think are depressing/degrading (no free will, no soul, no meaning of life) simply shouldn't be.
- Cloud Cuckoolander: Welcome to a tiny piece of my own little world
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Friend to All Living Things
- Friend to Bugs
- It Amused Me: Why I do almost everything I do
- Large Ham
- Nightmare Fetishist
- Ridiculous Procrastinator: And that's before I found this site. Now that I have troper handle . . . Oh god
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: I try to be a realist and view idealism and cynicism on their own as equally blinded* Brilliant, but Lazy
- Walking Techbane: Computers glitch, malfunction and crash more often when I use them
- Accentuate the Negative: It's not that I'm a pessimist, the negative is just more fun!
Tropes I think apply to the world
- Angst Dissonance: My reaction to every sad/longing song I've heard
- Freaky Is Cool
- A World Half Full
- The World Is Just Awesome
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Upon seeing this trope I thought most spiritual/paranormal things should be added under a Real Life section, but that might be YMMV
- Humans Are Morons: I prefer Hanlon's Razor over Humans Are Bastards
- Humanity Is Insane: Though alien races similarly advanced to us would probably be similarly insane