Greetings, programs. this is crimsonstorm15. i'm a relatively new troper up here, but i'm a fast learner and i quickly got into the swing of things.
i am a practicing Christian and an all-around nerdnote . i edit on other wikis under the same name i use here. and i don't like to brag, but i'm also a pretty decent artist. you can check out some of my work here. how i work is this: anytime i come across a new piece of information on a subject i'm interested in, i check to see if that same piece is here. more often than not, someone has beat me to the punch, but if someone hasn't, i add it in. it's mostly small stuff; add a quote here, check spelling there, stuff like that.
You'd think i would've made a page for myself by now. guess it was all a matter of actually getting to doing so. anyway, i look forward to enjoying my time here and hope i gain some new perspective on entertainment.
- Adjusting Your Glasses: Type 3 mostly.
- Adorkable: i have my moments.
- Arc Number: 15.
- Berserk Button: any blatant disregard for the sanctity of human life, bullying, so-called "Christians" with a Holier Than Thou attitude, my faith, and more importantly my God, being bashed.note
- Brilliant, but Lazy: This more or less explains why I made this page seven months after joining up.
- Blind Without 'Em: Without my glasses, I can see as far as twelve inches before everything gets fuzzy.
- Catchphrase: "Well, this is an interesting development."
- Character Development: from The Pollyanna to Shrinking Violet/The Quiet One to Deadpan Snarker/Knight in Sour Armor.
- Deadpan Snarker: I'm like this a lot. It's practically my default setting.
- The Determinator: It takes a lot make me give up. and i haven't hit my limit yet.
- Does Not Like Shoes: i do my best work barefoot.
- Only Sane Man: I feel like this a lot around my two brothers.
- Freudian Trio: More often than not, I'm the superego, with my older and younger brother being the ego and the id respectively.
- Imagine Spot: I have a very active imagination, and I enjoy using it frequently.
- Knight in Sour Armor: the world sucks, but I'm going to keep living right because I can.
- Neutral Good: I have too many disagreements with the law to be Lawful Good, but I have too many standards to be Chaotic Good.
- Real Men Love Jesus
- The Stoic: I can come off as this, especially to people I've just met...
- Not So Stoic: ...but I have my moments.
- Stoic Spectacles
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: I fall into this sometimes, even without realizing it.
- Stepford Smiler: Type A. it is a skill i am not proud of.
- Tranquil Fury: my family members can tell when i'm angry when i don't show any emotion at all.
Feel free to vandalize below the line if you wish.
- Hi! I guess I'm the first one to vandalize your page! - S Bane N
- Second. Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir. -Mokona Zero