"Congratulations, you just lost The Game!"
He looks a lot like Jesus, but he talks like a fucking asshole.
Sam Abramson, internet penname Crazed Ninja, is a long-time lurker who just now decided to get known after making so many anonymous edits. Yes, no matter when you are reading this page, it happened just now. He also likes video games. A lot. His favorite is Disgaea. He also draws a comic in his spare time.
His dream is to one day become a professional voice actor. Been practicing since the age of 5!
This troper displays examples of:
- Beard of Evil (Of the Gendo variety)
- Berserk Button (Do not give him a llama badge on deviantART.)
- Big Eater
- British Teeth (To him, drinking Dr Pepper is like breathing. You do the math.)
- Enforced Method Acting (Known to literally hit himself whenever a character he plays is supposed to express pain.)
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
- Hot-Blooded
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl
- Large Ham (Tends to get rather... enthusiastic with his voice acting when nobody's at home to hear him.)
- Knight Templar Big Brother
- Man of a Thousand Voices (YouTube page here!
- Must Have Caffeine
- Not a Morning Person
- Rapid-Fire Typing (Types at 81 WPM on average, has typed as fast as 91)
- Real Men Read Romance...
- The Smart Guy
- Testosterone Poisoning
- Trademark Favorite Beverage (Dr Pepper.)
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life (Has already lost count of how many hours he's wasted reading this site, and loving every second of it)
- Wild Hair
- Yuri Fan
While his YouTube videos feature these tropes:
- Brick Joke: Edgeworth delivers an Atomic F-Bomb which is cut short in Lang Install. Two months later, he finally finishes it in Extraterritorial Rights - Zoom.
- Caramelldansen Vid: Here
- Cluster F-Bomb (How to Deal With a Racist Caricature of a Gaijin
- Creator Backlash: Hates his older videos, particularly because they overshadow his newer, better ones.
- Crowning Music Of Awesome (His version of "I'll Make a Bang Out of You
- Drunk Driver: He did a drunken review of Super Mario Kart on St. Patrick's Day. Drunk driving jokes were inevitable.
- Enforced Method Acting: He drank two whole beers over the course of ten minutes before recording his Super Mario Kart review.
- Gag Dub: He's done a few, all improvised.
- Go Mad from the Revelation / Driven to Suicide (This response
to a certain Lucky Star fan dub.)
- Hilarious in Hindsight: During a voice practice video, he improvises a joke implying that Gant raped a tree. A year later, Quercus Alba makes his debut...
- Let's Play / Talking To Himself: He did a parodic LP of Mike Tyson's Punch Out, in which he acted as a fictional character doing a blind playthrough of the game and co-commentated As Himself. Became an Aborted Arc after Mr. Sandman was defeated.
- Macho Masochism (His attempt at playing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES. He takes it better than most people who play the game do.)
- Milestone Celebration (Made a video to acknowledge that he had 100 subscribers. Double-subverted in the case of his 100th video.)
- Nintendo Hard (In his more blog-like videos, he likes to fill dead spots in the visuals with clips of himself playing notoriously hard parts of certain games.)
- Real Men Wear Pink: He unironically sang "Struck By the Rain" in one video.
- Running Gag: Etna appearing with a jackhammer, particularly during the YouTube Poop era.
- In his 2011 demo reel, a bad man apparently kicked a puppy so hard that his boot got lodged in the poor dog's head.
- Take That! (In the How to Deal With a Racist Caricature of a Gaijin video, after said gaijin punches a Japanese man in the face: "That's for what you did to the Powerpuff Girls!")
- In his Bleach video: "Please note that this is satirical and I'm not really this stupid... well, okay, I'm a fucking idiot to be reading Bleach in the first place."
- This Is Gonna Suck: His reaction to being dared by FrickNinja to unironically dub an episode of Lucky Star.
- Throw It In (During the second chorus of "I'll Make a Bang Out of You", he accidentally closes his larynx in mid-sentence, but he kept this in because the Self-Deprecation in the same line made it fit.)
- Tough Act to Follow: Now that he's run out of Ace Attorney characters to dub, his videos aren't nearly as popular.
- Weaksauce Weakness: He was able to play half of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES with little more than a few minor complaints, and even admits that the game could have been good... but dubbing a 30-second clip from Lucky Star causes his head to explode.
- What Did I Do Last Night?: Took a dare to create a Lucky Star dub, that's what.
- With Lyrics: His various "Musical Reviews", where he reviews games while singing to tunes from them.
- Your Head A-Splode: The aftermath of his Lucky Star dub (see This Is Gonna Suck above) isn't pretty.
- YouTube Poop: Mostly during his first year of making videos.
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