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Tropers / Coyotic Evil

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Lurker since: Autumn 2007.
I came here because: Romanticide showed me the site, and I found it entertaining.
Tropes proposed and launched: I Do Not Speak Nonverbal, Watch It for the Meme.
Other launches: Nonindicative Name.
So why Coyotic Evil?: It rhymes with chaotic, and I like Wile E. Coyote.
How evil?: I'm a cat person, so while I'm usually Indifferent To The Dog, I won't hesitate to kick it or shoot it if needed. Hostile barks are certainly one of my Berserk Buttons.

I'll start the vandalizing process of this page the only way I can... by yelling COYOTE! - daltar

Barrier Maiden—the fact that you would never change your avatar was part of Fast Eddie's ritual to stop the last attack by the Data Vampires. Now that you have changed it, we are sure to fall! -Haven [[supersecretspoiler:Though it's a really cool new avatar.]]

You are a MAN! -punch- - Epitome

Something has found its way into this page... Something different. ~ L3wt

You and The Jackal really need to form that vigilante team. —OuttaTheBLAM

The faeries commend you on the creativity of your handle: they too like Wile E. Coyote. They also like your avatar. - a faerie

I just hope you don't have problems wit ACME. - Amused Troper Guy

Lawful Evil rules! Lawful Evil rules! In your face, evil coyote! — Belfagor
