Hello fellow tropers, I figured it would be better to make this page than using all my brainpower to edit other pages today...
Though on to more lighthearted words, I'm a FPS player who favors Team Fortress 2 and other Orange Box games like Half-Life 2 and Portal!
Tropes that describe this Troper!:
- Berserk Button: Try to hurt anyone I care about. I dare you.
- Brutal Honesty
- Call Of Duty: Zombie mode generally, the series has gone to crap otherwise.
- Combat Medic: In Team Fortress 2
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Ever had that feeling that you're floating in mid air when you jump? I get that feeling all the time.
- Beware the Nice Ones: While I can alternate between Deadpan snarker and Nice Guy, not a good idea to try and hurt my family or friends IRL.
- Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: And how!
- Grammar Nazi
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: I can be brutal when it comes to first impressions, and ultimately at times when I feel you yourself can push it I take things more seriously than they need be. But beneath all that, I do care.
- The Lancer: If I am ever in a team.
- Literal-Minded: Because I will always understand sarcasm when I don't have other things on my small mind.
- Overly-Long Gag: My usage of not so good ideas on this page is but 1 example.
- Running Gag: Goes hand in hand with overly long gag.
- Spock Speak: I've always had a very formal way of speaking when not being out and out silly.
- Team Fortress 2: One of the games I love to play!
- That One Guy: "That one guy who would get so drunk he runs around naked with a lampshade on his head!"