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Red as a rose.
"I didn't know there was someone so alike me..."
An ultimately very unfortunate guy trying to make use of the slimmest opportunities he can. At the same time, knows what he's doing.. and has a deeper motive, every time. But don't you worry, you can trust me... as long as I'm not a liability, that is.

I am largely too eager when it comes to pop culture, please do forgive me. When I see things how I do, it's better to use it to the best I can... but maybe this isn't the best place to BE the best.

... Oh, and what Yakou Furio does in MDA: RC is Misplaced Retribution. The assistants willingly help Yuma. Yakou doesn't want the others to do anything, he ends up forcing Yuma to do things and actually try to solve Kanai Ward's Ultimate Secret.

Oh, and also, please learn how to uncomment. Use "%%" at the start to remove my lines so they can be adjusted later instead of completely deleting them, it makes things less complicated.

...I worked out first that Halara Nightmare is Madden Into Misanthropy personified. No assistance needed. I just happened across the page at the right time and realized that it's Halara Nightmare. So yeah, guess I've done the most loyal thing a Rain Code fan can do: work out exactly what trope Halra embodies.


Speaking of loyalty, someone's totally trying to shut me up about the obvious writing issues in Rain Code. Sorry, but you're not going to accept something's perfections if you can't accept the faults either. If you accept what's actually wrong with it, that means you're paying attention like a true audience member should.

By the way, what's with the confirmation bias around here?? Why is everyone else seemingly allowed to write zero-context examples and yet when I do it, suddenly it's bad? You know how many zero-context examples from others I've seen around here that have been allowed to roam free?! Why are they allowed?

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