BEHOLD. I am...COMMANDODUDE, A commando, who was a totally awesome dude...And henceforth, my online moniker nickname became...
You may be wondering...who is this...Commando Dude...
Well, the most you could possible know, is that he is a 19 year old college student...from Cuhlifohrnia. Who would love nothing more then to veg out at his computer watching various Anime. In fact, he has a particular penchant for a certain kind. You could even call obsession.
But, I digress, anymore and I'd have to kill you.
But beyond that, I friken LOVE everything Halo, all that is yuri, and have been accused of being a total siscon.
I'm generally pretty amiable, but, because I am Literal-Minded, I tend not to take jokes at my expense very well.
Just do yourself a favor and Don't piss me off. Because I will hold a grudge.
Try not to overindulge my ego, it can get to my head really quick.
- Anybody's lifestyle is tolerable as long as they do not affect anyone else negatively.
- Always research the facts.
- Always question the validity of the facts
- Especially Statistics.
- The truth is always to be preferred.
- If I don't know the truth, I don't automatically assume my reasoning is sound enough to be right.
- It's okay to be wrong
- It's okay to not admit that I was wrong as long as I adopt the truth from then on.
- Willful ignorance is a crime to society at large.
- Always question the validity of the facts
- Never be a hindrance
- Prejudice is not to be tolerated.
- Vote smart.
- Never vote Republicant.
- I am not required to adhere to other's moral standards
- Particularly religious standards
- As long as I don't break my own creed.
- The law is not always right
- I am not ethically required to follow the law if the crime is victimless. Regardless of the legal consequences.
- It's okay to lie to the police to protect myself.
- Particularly religious standards
- I am not required to, nor should I allow my peers to influence my decisions, behavior, should I not wish it.
- I should make decisions based on rational thought not popular opinion.
- It is okay to use whatever words I feel are acceptable. I have a freedom of speech.
- I should make decisions based on rational thought not popular opinion.
- An Eye for an Eye is perfectly acceptable.
- Revenge should not be sought if the original offense has been repaid in an equal fashion.
- Karma induced just deserts count as revenge paid off.
- Revenge should not be sought if the original offense has been repaid in an equal fashion.
- It's only acceptable to treat someone poorly when they have treated you, or others poorly. As with hostility.
- It's okay to hold a grudge.
- The coin toss is always right.
Tropes that apply to da man behind teh avatar.
- Accentuate the Negative - It's not my fault. I'm just really blunt and like to point out when things suck.
- Author Appeal - If you read my works you'll think this.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Born Lucky - The reason I can pull of Ridiculous Procrastinator.
- Break the Cutie - You would be surprised to know that I was an outgoing, energetic, happy-go-lucky child...
- Brilliant, but Lazy - Not to genius levels or anything like that.
- Brutal Honesty
- Catchphrase
- "It's like stepping into an ''oven''!"
- Cloud Cuckoolander - Is painfully blunt, constantly says jokes that 'sounded funnier in my head,' has a poor attention span, often day dreams, name must be repeated multiple times if reading, has a tentancy to stare at people unknowingly while day dreaming, poor thought control, doesn't see what is wrong with "X" Yes, I think I might qualify.
- Chaotic Neutral
- Dandere - Kuudere Type 2
- Dark and Troubled Past - Mildly.
- Dull Surprise
- Deadpan Snarker
- Drives Like Crazy.
- Ethical Slut
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant - Invoked: I'll actively encourage just about any fetish and I love to joke about Incest.
- Flat-Earth Atheist - Inverted; Just try and debate me on religion, it wouldn't make you look very smart.
- Friendless Background - First friend -> 7th Grade.
- Hates Being Touched - Inverted; longs to be hugged ;_;
- Hollywood Atheist - Defied
- Intelligence Equals Isolation
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - I'm a nice guy, really, just when I'm not angry.
- Jade-Colored Glasses - Getting more Jaded with each day.
- Living Emotional Crutch - I am this to my girlfriend, my girlfriend less so to me.
- Loners Are Freaks - Averted-Big time; Single-Issue Wonk
- Long-Distance Relationship
- My Name Is Not Durwood - My last name is constantly spelled and pronounced with an "R" for reasons beyond my understanding.
- Only Sane Man - Always does his research, rigid adherence to logic, always tries to compare two different view points, never resorts to blind Ad Hominem, meticulously weighs the benefits between two choices, incredibly tolerant of other lifestyles, cynic that drips sarcasm, laments the poor state of stupid society, Knight in Sour Armor.
- Yes, I know, Cloud Cuckoolander and Only Sane Man combined? It seems implausible but it makes so much sense.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator - Totally straight, and I hate myself for it.
- Single-Issue Wonk - More like...a lot of issues wonk.
- Shipper on Deck - I like to ship people when they talk about close encounters with relatives.
- Enjoys shipping his girlfriend with her younger sister. Or her friends.
- Stoic Woobie - Not So Stoic Beneath the Mask
- The Slacker
- There Are No Therapists - Inverted; I went to therapy twice, as a child and teenager.
- Totally Radical - I call my Dad "Man" rather then dad, or "Dude."
- "Well Done, Son" Guy - I haven't spoken to my father in almost a year.
- Gundam SEED The Long War
- FanFiction: How Can I Be
Based on - Kon.
Here's where I dump all my ideas for Mecha
Oh look, this is the part where I get to list all the awesome shit I love.
As long as it isn't offensive [spoiler:See above pictures.]
- So this is a comments section? Anyway, I'm JasonTheHuman from FiMFiction and I've been waiting for someone to recommend my fanfiction on TV Tropes. So thanks!
- Just so you know, I was totally tropin' that story before it was cool! ~Poptard