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Tropers / Coleman

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Hey what's up my name is Cole and this is my page.

    Tropes that apply to me 
You guessed it!

 Stuff I like to read or watch

    Anime and manga 
note: I'm not good with names but I'll see what I can do.

  • Neko Ramen
  • .hack
  • Tactics
And a few other manga Anime:
  • nichijou
  • death note
  • sailor moon - well when I was 13 or so
  • Lucky star
  • Baka to test
  • The girl who leapt through time
  • Full metal alchemist brotherhood


    Live action tv shows 


Audio plays: The last broadcast

     western animation 
And one more thing I like You Tube and Bulletin of the atomic scientists and I love Gunnerkrigg Court. P.S I'm borderlining INTJ/INFJ on the Myers Briggs test. 覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧覧

     typical forums that I visit 
  • Hangout thread
  • A single unified LGBT conversation
  • random thoughts
But I do check out others as well cause why not??
