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Tropers / Clare Rose

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i'm clare rose! i've been a lurker/addict for quite a while here, but I never thought to make an account. my interests are mostly music-based and i spend a lot of time singing and the like.

tropes that apply to me:

Brilliant, but Lazy : well, brilliant is a strong word. but i can do a lot of things, i can just never be bothered to.

Sir Swears-a-Lot : all the time

The Ditz : i'm very scatterbrained

Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! : yup

all lowercase letters : all lower case all the time

Forgets to Eat : adhd meds are good at doing this

Oop North : liverpool and proud!

Motor Mouth : ispeakveryquicklydontyaknow
