Former Wikipedia Updater, trying to get used to this fun, but difficult to browse place. Adding examples from movies and Digimon mainly, but greatly enjoying the creation of new trope pages from YKTTW:
- Unpleasable Fanbase
- Villainy Discretion Shot
- Dead Serious
- Where I Was Born and Razed
- Sinister Scythe
- Time Management Game
- Powder Gag
- Stripped to the Bone (as Striped To The Bones)
- Conversational Troping
- Feigning Intelligence
- The Quisling
- Dead Artists Are Better
- Geometric Magic
- Popsicle Splat
- This! Is! SPARTA!
- Improbable Hairstyle
- Audience Participation Song
- Fan Convention
- Informal Eulogy
- Production Posse
- We Care
- Secret Public Identity
- No Cartoon Fish
- Artificial Atmospheric Actions
- Know When to Fold 'Em
- Weirdness Isolation Tropes
- Let Me at Him!
- Lethal Joke Character
- Radio Contest
- Body-Count Competition
- Super Mode
- Trilogy Creep (My suggestion)
- The Trope without a Title
- Private Defective
- Doomed Upgrade
- Snowed-In (found the name)
- Undead Tax Exemption
- Scully Syndrome (found the name)
- Underdogs Never Lose (My suggestion)
- Lying Creator
- Conjunction Interruption
- Fighting Your Friend
- Methuselah Syndrome
- Age Is Relative
- Double Speak
- Strawman U
- But Now I Must Go
- Punched Across the Room (My suggestion)
- "YEAH!" Shot
- Speech Impediment
- Indy Escape
- Informed Attribute
- Children Are Innocent
- Goodbye, Cruel World!
- Cut-and-Paste Note
- Modern Major General
- Posthumous Character
- Happiness in Slavery
- Manchurian Agent
- Cool Boat
- First Law of Resurrection
- Disaster Dominoes
- Who Shot JFK??
- Interrupted Suicide
- Crying Wolf
- Scary Surprise Party (found the name)
- What Are You in For?
- Comatose Canary (found the name)
- Mid-Season Upgrade
- Some Kind of Force Field
- Contemplating Your Hands
- Amoral Attorney
- Fight Clubbing
- Sanity Has Advantages
- Easily Forgiven (found the name)
- Disturbed Doves (found the name)
- Luke, You Are My Father (found the name)
- Low Low Fantasy
- Morning Sickness
- Sherlock Scan
- The Blob
- A House Divided
- Cobweb Jungle (my suggestion)
- Rustproof Blood
- Always Camp (my suggestion)
- Swiss-Army Tears (my suggestion)
- Hacker Cave
- Taken for Granite (My suggestion)
- Hey, It's That Place!
- Hollywood Cyborg
- Stock "Yuck!"
- Girl Scouts Are Evil
- You Fail Statistics Forever
- Curtains Match the Window
- Push Polling
- Taxonomic Term Confusion
- Super-Persistent Predator
- Paint It Black
- Darkness Equals Death
- With Catlike Tread
- Pokémon Speak
- Suspicious Videogame Generosity
- Produce Pelting
- Cutting the Knot
- Full-Name Basis
- Deader Than Disco
- Polly Wants a Microphone
- Blatant Lies
- Silliness Switch
- Demolition Man
- Amazing Technicolor Index (my suggestion)
- #1 Dime (my suggestion)
- Survivor Guilt
- Pungeon Master
- Spin-Offspring
- Lean and Mean (my suggestion)
- Reflexive Response (my suggestion)
- Date Peepers (found the name)
- Stalling For Time
- Confusing Multiple Negatives
- If I Were a Rich Man
- Villainous Glutton (my suggestion)
- If We Survive This (my suggestion)
- Car Cushion (my suggestion)
- Minion Maracas (my suggestion)
- Big Dam Plot (my suggestion)