If there are any forum posts that she needs to see, please notify her (by using "~Tropers/{{Cibryll}}", minus the quotation marks) so that she can reply to those specific messages.
Ye who reads this.
This is Cibryll's Troper page.
Beyond this inscription lies a wall of text.
Her Troper Wall is over there.
Elsewhere lies her box of toxic sand.
A wall that bears a dangerous potential.
A potential to be an even greater wall of text.
Unknown and unimaginable threat perceived.
open/close all folders
About me
I'm a female Scorpio/Wood Pig, born on 21 November 1995.
I live in South Africa.
I'm into girls, and I'm in a loving polygamous relationship with four girls, who'll I refer to as Soulcrusher (or Amber), ChronomalyMaiden (or Sarie), Lunatrix (or Luna) and RKS (or Rachel).
I also have a twin sister, who I'll refer to as WinteryAlice or Alice.
I had an elder sister, Élodie, but she passed away in 2010 from an illness.
My favourite colour is sky blue, followed by black.
I memorized 756 out of boredom in 2010.
I'm also a former member of Lunar Tierce, not that it currently means anything special.
I'm a founder of quite a few forums that are just gathering up dust these days. I'm mostly active on The Endanian Chronicles NEO forums, though even then, just barely.
I also have a wiki for some things my girlfriends and I have worked on, and it's kinda expanding or something. If you wanna help out with it, go right ahead.
And I also have a Tumblr but I'm rarely doing anything there, so.
Also, if you're curious, my Discord tag is Cibryll#1753 but. I'm sometimes active there. I think.
I made my first (minor) edits on the TV Tropes wiki on 6 February 2022.
Just to avert No Pronunciation Guide: the "Cib" in my Troper handle is pronounced like the "sib" in "sibling". The "ryll" part, like the "rill" part of "drill". However, the origin of the handle is from Battle for Wesnoth where I had a female Outlaw by the name "Cibryll". I just liked the name a lot, haha.
As of 23 March 2023, I'm also the Herald of the Video Games section of the TV Tropes forums.
Tropes I can confirm apply to me
Tropes A to Z
- All Women Love Shoes: averted. I mean. I'll wear shoes (or boots) if I have to, but I prefer being stockinged when I'm at home. I really don't like being barefoot, either.
- Ask a Stupid Question...: I can do this sometimes. Whether it's deliberate or not is another story altogether…
- Attention Deficit Creator Disorder: I've got a lot of projects planned. How many have I even begun work on? Less than 25% of them. How many are finished? Just one project, and even that's poorly executed.
- Author Appeal: let's just say if I do anything on a work, somehow something I really like will find its way there. There's only been one exception to date.
- Berserk Button: like most people, I have a few.
- Harming a cat. Or even thinking about it. (Thankfully doesn't apply to cat-themed monsters like those in Dragon Quest or Pokémon games, otherwise playing those games might become impossible.)
- I do not like it when the power goes out.
- I really hate missing an episode of Pokémon. If I miss an episode, I'm usually in a worse mood than a bear with a sore paw.
- My mobile devices not letting me access certain sites (like TV Tropes) or not posting (or double posting) when I try to post something. (Honestly, I've actually thrown one of those phones numerous times, and the only damage has been to its camera! Never mind Nintendium or something, it's probably Samsungian-Z!)
- Bringing up Among Us is also a surefire way to make me angry.
- Big Eater: I kinda get hungry (and thirsty) like every two hours. Could be much worse, though. Like every nanosecond.
- Borrowed Catch Phrase: I have this habit of (usually unintentionally) copying the catch phrases of others.
- Brilliant, but Lazy: I'm pretty brilliant when it comes to my ideas (or so some tell me), but I procrastinate far too much. Do the math. (Hint: I've only finished one Game Mod project to date.)
- Brutal Honesty: yeah, pretty much, to an extreme degree sometimes. It's only been since August 2020, after I abandoned my sockpuppeting ways, though.
- Can't Live Without You: how I feel about my girlfriends Amber, Lunatrix, RKS and ChronomalyMaiden.
- Captain Obvious: I can be this at times.
- Casting a Shadow: among the Elemental Powers that be within fiction, Shadow is my top choice.
- Catchphrase: swish, swish. I just like how it sounds, haha.
- Challenge Gamer: in a way. I like challenges, sometimes, but only if they're reasonable. Though I'm a bit messed-up in the sense that I actually enjoy playing really hard games too (even if I know I have no chance in Niflheim of ever completing them).
- Character Alignment: I think of myself as being somewhere on the Chaotic side, but according to this alignment test, I'm a True Neutral?
- Cloudcuckoolander: it's pretty hard to tell what I'm thinking at times, haha. Or if I'm even entirely there. Some of the things I've said are way out there, and that's without taking into account my sockpuppets (at least one being even more out there than I am).
- To a point that, up until mid-August 2022, I thought the school I attended was a co-ed school. Nope, 'twas a girls' school.
- Comfort Food: to me, it would be ice cream. I'd rather eat ice cream than go for alcoholic stuff.
- Complexity Addiction: big time! Which… is probably why I don't get much done in regards to my characters being fleshed out or something, I dunno. The more complex something is, the better for me, haha.
- Conlang: tried my hand at making a few of them. Never finished any of them, though.
- Conspicuous Gloves: played with? I mean, I wear gloves a lot, no matter the season (even during hot summer days!), but it's just because I like wearing them a lot.
- Cool Loser: very much averted, under normal circumstances! I dislike losing. One of the reasons why I usually cheat in most video games, haha. But if I lose a game (be it video game or a tabletop game) to my girlfriends, I play this trope pretty straight.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: I'm very much into cosplay, but just for the heck of it.
- Crazy-Prepared: I can be this sometimes - having a response to a question someone might ask, for instance, even if it ends up never getting asked.
- Critical Research Failure: while I have a habit of not doing the needed research, I do try sometimes (though using a mobile device makes it much harder).
- Dark and Troubled Past: I was unable to accept myself for who I was for several years, to the point of making about 70 sock-puppet accounts at one forum that I'm the founder of. Yeah. It wasn't until 2020 that I finally began to accept myself for who I was.
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: I still don't know what it is yet.
- Determinator: very much so, at least when it comes to video gaming.
- Distracted by the Sexy: very much so! Just ask anyone who knows me, haha. It's one reason I haven't finished some of the video games I have! And then this is also one reason that I play some games, apparently…
- Drives Like Crazy: the idea that I might be this is one of the reasons I don't intend on ever getting a driver's license. Plus I'm far too likely to forget which is the brake and which is the flashing light things—
- Dual Wielding: where possible, I try this in video games.
- Duels Decide Everything: I'm a firm believer of this, and my main deck's a Ritual Deck. Pity that not everyone are duelists…
- Dye Hard: I dye my hair silvery; naturally I'm a blonde.note
- Emoticon: I have a tendency to use these.
- Everythings Better With Princesses: Very much averted, haha. Let's just say if I was a princess, things'd go to Niflheim in a hand-basket pretty gosh-darned fast.
- Failed a Spot Check: prone to this at times. I can understand if it was on mobile (I usually set my phone's browser NOT to view images), but otherwise it's pretty inexcusable, huh?
- Fighter, Mage, Thief: in video games, I generally prefer to pick the Thief (or equivalent) if the game happens to have a cheat for, say, invulnerability or something. Otherwise, I either pick randomly or I pick a Fighter (or equivalent).
- Foreign-Language Tirade: I may sometimes post stuff in Afrikaans, but it rarely qualifies as a tirade, haha.
- Fragile Speedster: apparently this is my preferred style in video games where it's an option. I try to avert it where possible, for instance, by boosting stats that would boost HP, for instance.
- Game Master: I'm the GM for a forum-based RPG known as "The Endanian Chronicles NEO", which is semi-freeform, I guess?
- Gamer Chick: let's see. I'm a gamer. I'm female. I'm not a chick (as in "young bird"). Yep, guess I'm this?
- Grammar Nazi: prone to this at times, though usually just to be silly.
- Hand Seals: I sometimes make these (or attempt to, haha) when I'm either trying to calm myself or while I'm waiting for that Poké Ball to finally catch that one Pokémon. Strangely, whenever I try to catch a Pokémon in a game (emulated or fan-work) and I make these, I end up with a successful catch. Weird.
- 100% Completion: zigzagged - it depends on the game.
- I Hate Past Me: very much so. The present me is certainly much better, wouldn't you say? (For one thing, zero sock puppets. :p )
- I Have Many Names: see Sock Puppet somewhere in this folder.
- I Have No Daughter!: both my parents disowned me at some point. Mom because I'm attracted to girls (though we were at least able to reconcile after she was diagnosed with motor neuron disease), and Dad because I'm not into religion (though unfortunately, we could never reconcile before his passing).
- I Miss My Parentsnote : pretty much - Mom passed away on 4 July 2021 from complications involving an incurable illness she had, and Dad passed away on 9 December 2021 from a heart attack. In spite of everything, I still miss them a lot.
- Improbably Female Cast: in just about any work that I have a hand in, this ends up happening. Usually.
- Insane Troll Logic: sometimes prone to this. Usually just for silliness.
- Kind Hearted Cat Lover: I am a lover of cat. I usually emphasize "cat" in speech.
- Knife Nut: knives and daggers are my favourite weapons in video games.
- Large Ham: like most people (that I know of, at least), I kinda have my moments.
- Laughing at Your Own Jokes: I do this out of nervousness, though.
- Lethal Chef: let's just say there's a reason I'm banned from trying to make anything to eat (not that I'm interested in cooking anyway).
- Literal-Minded: sometimes, just to mess around, haha.
- Motor Mouth: apparently I'm this when I'm really excited.
- Nervous Wreck: downplayed, I guess? I can edit my Troper page or Troper Walls just fine, and tremble a bit when editing my Sandbox page, but any other page seems to result in me getting panic attacks or something…
- Ninja Run: as much as I hate to run, if I have to run, I run in a similar variation used in Naruto, though with my fists clenched instead.
- Non Sequitur: I'm fond of these, haha.
- No Pronunciation Guide: I try to avert this trope with names (and words) I think up along with The Unpronounceable, but I'm not always successful, haha. What can I say, I like weird names.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: at least, in regards to guys. After all, I'm not into them, so I'm immune to their charms (if any). (Unless they get Rule 63'd. Then there's a possibility—)
- One-Gender School: I attended one. And didn't even realize it was a one-gender school 'til my twin sister pointed it out to me in 2022.
- Open-Minded Parent: both my parents were these, letting me and my twin sister watch films regardless of age restriction, though the only exceptions were those containing scenes with nudity or sex.
- Overly Long Name: some of my characters suffer from these, haha. I think one of my sock puppets suffered from one too, but it's so long ago, I don't really recall all their names.
- Oxymoronic Being: probably? I mean, I'm an optimistic pessimist… a pessimistic optimist… whichever you prefer.
- Picky Eater: very much so. I dislike eating most fruits and vegetables.
- Polar Opposite Twins: my personality's very different from my twin sister's, haha.
- Proper Tights with a Skirt: sometimes. Else I just go for thigh-highs instead.
- Pungeon Master: I sometimes try to be one, but whether I'm successful or not is up to the victims to decide. Punnicane Cibryll landed at some point in time. :p
- Running Gag: well, kinda? I tend to get eaten (obviously not really; how would I be posting on the forums then? :p ). Usually by a flower dragon or some other "Bloom Beast", haha. ^^;;;
- Sad Clown: well obviously not an actual clown (those things scare me) but for the most part, whether I'm sad or not, I tend to put up a cheerful facade.
- Self-Deprecation: often prone to this when I'm feeling down. Sometimes even when I'm feeling a bit chipper.
- Self-Imposed Challenge: sometimes I do this. Mostly I fail the challenges.
- Signature Mon: to me, it'd be a spiky-eared Pichu nicknamed "Dulcinea" (ironically, after a cat from a cartoon I saw once with that cat in boots from Shrek). I actually had one on my team when I played Pokémon SoulSilver (admittedly through cheating) but I kept it on my team throughout the game and she's helped me plenty in battles.
- Skewed Priorities: I guess? I consider watching the Pokémon anime to be more important than anything else, for one thing.
- Sock Puppet: during a time of self-loathing, I used these a lot, with my first one being used since 2012. Have like 70 of 'em just gathering up dust now, haha. There are at least two known cases of an actual person falling for one of my sockpuppets, but I won't further elaborate on that. Each puppet had different names and personalities. It's something that I consider an Old Shame now.
- TVT itself saw only three of those seventy puppets: S Bane N (or Shane Bane Neumann), Ellen Van Zylle and Crizelda. They are no longer used, however.
- One particular sockpuppet, "Bloom", was quite the Shipper on Deck taken Up To Eleven, I guess. As far as I know, she's the most popular among the sockpuppets I've used?
- Spoiler Hound: I pretty much don't care for spoilers, though I'm nice enough to at least try and not spoil others.
- Squee: whenever I see a cat or a cute Pokémon, I tend to react in a manner like this.
- Stepford Smiler: I guess I might be this? I tend to put up a facade of silliness and whatnot, even if I'm feeling really down in the dumps (like after my cat Genna passed away on 19 October 2022).
- Sweet Tooth: enough so that I'd even steal my girlfriends' sweets when they're not looking, haha. (At least I try to resist it, though.)
- The Atoner: very much so since 2020.
- The Glomp: well, insomuch as I can be this online, haha. Offline, that could lead to injury so I try not to do that, opting to hug instead.
- The Nicknamer: I love giving nicknames to my Pokémon! (Even if in fan-games.)
- The Quiet One: around people I don't know, or feel uncomfortable around, I'm usually pretty quiet, but around people I know, or trust, or on forums, I'm pretty much super talkative, haha. So I guess I'm a zigzagging example?
- The Teetotaler: after an… "incident" involving a sock-puppet and a member of one of my forums, I've abstained from consuming anything alcoholic.
- 13 Is Unlucky: inverted, believe it or not. Thirteen's my lucky number, whereas it's seven that's my unlucky number.
- Troper: no duh.
- Troper Types: I fall mostly under Trope Browser, but there are rare times when I edit a page to correct typos (not sure where that'd fall under, haha).
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life: put another way, TV Tropes had the second-most bookmarked pages on my browser by start of 2017, beaten only by an image search engine where I got most of my avatars (that I've mostly only used at my forums) at. Yeah. Third-most bookmarks, Fandom (formerly Wikia).
- Unusual Euphemism: I have a few of these— heated fudging soda WHAT THE NIFLHEIM IS THAT. Though I sometimes skip straight ahead to the proper word (usually if I'm in a pretty bad mood) and go for a Precision F-Strike (or beyond).
- Verbal Tic: whether on- or offline, "haha" is pretty common for me. I guess it's also a "Writing Tic" for me, then?
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: I've got a few, some of which may fall under Absurd Phobia! From anything with five or more legs, needles, clowns, canines, cameras (despite taking pictures of my cat), fire, and people under the age of six.
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are: I'm constantly told this.
Tropes unsure
Also known as: I don't know what tropes these fall under, if any. So I'll just put this info here, haha.
- When it comes to gaming, I end up using cheats (sometimes, just for research purposes, though). In games where this isn't an option (or the few times I don't feel like cheating), I instead rely on luck for the most part. I also like to improvise in gaming, haha. Make do with what I have, right?
- I never play multiplayer, unless it's hot-seat.
- When it comes to fictional characters I've created, I can be incredibly cruel towards them, no matter what; thankfully, it's limited to just them (and characters in video games).
- I can be pretty disorganized sometimes, haha.
- I get a lot of ideas, but usually I can't do anything with them. These include fan Pokémon (including regions and characters) and fan Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (including two incredibly broken cards).
- Most of my favourite songs are from video games, but I do have normal (Afrikaans, English, or even Japanese) songs I like.
- I take anti-depressants and (at least since 2021) had to see an occupational therapist.
- For the most part, I'm a pretty open book, to the point of being happy to answer what my… "obsessions"… are. (Though I'd probably get in trouble for it. Plus the obsessions are a part of what I hate about myself. ;-; )
- I tend to bottle up. A lot.
- I may seem upbeat and positive at times, but it's usually a facade. A side-effect from having so many varying sockpuppets, I suppose, was being able to hide what I'm truly feeling. The one thing I can't hide? My fears.
- I'm heavily addicted to complex things. Maybe that's why every single work I've planned ends up being more complex than Kingdom Hearts, haha. (Might be exaggerating. A bit.)
- I have a pretty wild imagination. Usually.
- I may exaggerate at times, haha. Sometimes a lot.
- I do what I feel is necessary to play some games that I wouldn't otherwise be able to play. That's all I'm willing to say here on the subject.
- If I'm not sure how to respond to what someone's saying, I usually don't respond at all. Usually.
- I'm rather timid when it comes to editing non-Troper Wall pages (and my own Troper page). Kinda nerve-wracking just to correct spoilers or typos or whatever. And getting a panic attack from editing one Characters page just made it worse. ;-;
Favourite works (small list)
The reason it's a small list is because a full list would result in a page so large that it would probably have to be split into several smaller pages. :p
Anyway, these are just some of my favourites:
Anyway, these are just some of my favourites:
- Pokémon
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Kingdom Hearts
- Bleach
- Cave Story
- Ace Attorney
- La-Mulana (and its sequel)
- Naruto
- Final Fantasy
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Warlords Battlecry III
- Hedgewars
- Worms
- CrossCode
- Peggle
- Peglin
- Roundguard
- Trackmania United Forever
- Starbound
- Terraria
- Dead Cells
- Tangledeep
- Civilization IV
- Moekuri
- Secrets Of Grindea
- Cathedral
- Monster Sanctuary
- Heroes of Might and Magic V
- Coromon
- Siralim Ultimate
- New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star
- Castle
- Forever
- Knight Rider
- House
- Monk
- The Librarians 2014
- Anything with my, er, "obsessions"
Pages I've created
Just this page, my Troper Wall, my Sandbox, and maybe a few other Troper Walls. I seem to suffer panic attacks just from editing other pages, so I don't think I'll ever create any other pages, unfortunately.Forum gingerbread
Just a place to store my forum signatures and titles. Might be slightly edited (like a Pot Hole to the work of origin, for example). Forum signatures
- I am lost in the dark / I don't know who I am anymore / I don't need an answer won't you please / Just watch over me? ~ Alinatron
- "I set the Pendulum Scale with two Scale 8 Rain Bozu! So let's rev things up as I use their effects to power up my Samurai Destroyer!"
- So apparently it's a Dragon/Poison Fakemon. Doesn't look like— *gets eaten*
- "So who names their weapon 'Rave into the End, Sword of Asgard'? And why was there some weird toxic creature in my house?"
- "Hm-hm-hm… watching you suffer from poison gas is going to be SO much fun! So be a darling for me and suffer for eons, okay?" note
- "run code TERMINUS — eliminate threat — error: file path Z:/Terminus not found. Terminating."
- "EVERYONE! ALL SHALL FALL! THERE IS NO ESCAPE! Prepare yourself! Scatter, Senbonzakura. Shadow Clone Jutsu! Burn in crimson flames."
- "(Why do I exist? What purpose do I have in this timeline? Is this but a fleeting dream? Or is this a waking nightmare…?)"
- "What… is my purpose? Who… are you? Are you… the one who created me? Can you… tell me… what I am supposed to be?"
- "Hmph. How foolish… to oppose Neo Organization XIII-2… your last moments before you perish… will be spent asphyxiating in brutal agony! Ha!"
- "Not all Abandoned Ones seek destruction. We choose our own paths! I chose the path of reason, not oblivion. So what choice will you make?"
- "This is what it means to be the Champion of the Frede region! Let's go, team! Six attacks become one! For a shining world, fly awaaayyyy~!"
- "You still do not understand. Your defiance only amuses the Abandoned Ones. Take pride in knowing your soul will be used for their demise."
- "Why… WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO ME?!! What have I done that you keep murdering every friend I make? Why…?"
- "I'm Gwyneth Chyrissé O'Connors, from the Sacred Isles on Begynn, in the Orejynn galaxy of the Prymordeal Realm in the Sköll universe."
- "Seria d'Artagnan. Adoptive daughter of the Greater Overseer. I created some bizarre beasts. Now I seek to assimilate them all. How's that?"
- "Seria d'Artagnan. Adoptive daughter of the Greater Overseer. Dealing with some enemies of Xyrinfe. Gas masks are cute. I like purple."
- "Defective unit detected. Danger: defective unit has been detected to not be a defective unit, but an organic. Destroy the organic."
- "Observation. This unit feels… strangely attracted to the organic with the long red hair and blue eyes. Major query. What does this mean?!"
- [DANGER! Stahlecatl (BST of 700) is considered highly dangerous, has Steelworker, and knows Meteor Mash, Dragon Pulse, Fly and Crunch!]
- (placeholder)
- Combining Ice and Light into powerful attacks, this beautiful goddess is completely lost in this world.
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- Elemental affinity: Trope. She's a Trope Fighter, fighting her enemies using all sorts of Tropes and ex-Tropes.
- "Rah, rah, Rosie!" / "Practicing your cheer for the concert, then?"
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- Rest in peace, Genna (10 September 2005 - 19 October 2022). You will be missed. ;-;
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- Forced to be cruel, or else have her health deteriorate rapidly. Five empty shells with artificial souls, suffering at her hands forever.
- (placeholder)
- Neiko Hinode may look cheerful, but if she wears a mask, any emotions she has becomes replaced with extreme cruelty. Fear her! If you dare…
- (placeholder)
- "I've been having these grim thoughts, lately. Like. Is any of this… for real? I have no memories, save for my own name."
- (placeholder)
- "The allure of a girl in a gas mask… her gloved hands choking away the life of her enemies… it is pure bliss! Submit, and you might live."
- (placeholder)
- Her ghost still haunts me now. Wind affinity, wielder of daggers and sword. Human chosen by Ritesoa, born in 2113.
- (placeholder)
- "Cibrylls are Not So Above It All after all. Just don't ask one to design an outfit unless you want it to be bizarre in some way."
Forum titles
- The Aeonian Twilight, Charlie
- Overseer (or Overgoddess)
- No Name Given
- Shade, the Giftdrago
- Overseer [llʎɹqıƆ]
- Overseer [ꜰᴠᴄ]
- Overseer [𝕮𝕾]
- Girl from the Future
- Unknown [Subject GL001]
- No. I: Cirxhale
- Night Rain: Amaya
- Cloudcuckoolander Champion
- The Rebellious Subjugated One
- Maiden of the Ocean
- The Greater Overseer
- The Greater Overseer's Daughter
- Jzydia Szayelxrovria
- Lv 100 Legendary (Steel/Flying)
- (placeholder)
- Sjane Gloveblade
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- Lady Alex Dickens of Mu
- Fashionable Stars
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- Genna
- (placeholder)
- (placeholder)
- A cursed Valkyrie
- (placeholder)
- Nyaaaaaaaaaaa~!
- (placeholder)
- Faller from Another Frede
- Glyrissa Vandelreich
- Addelda Vandelreich
- Syllvisq Vandelreich
- Rave into the End, Sword of Asgard!
- (placeholder)
- I want ice cream.
Threads she started
There are a few of those I probably missed, haha… ;-;
- Associate a Pokémon with a Yu-Gi-Oh! type (16 August 2023)
- Associate a Yu-Gi-Oh! card with a Pokemon type (20 August 2023)
- Last Letter Pokémon Game (19 May 2022)
Other stuff that probably doesn't fit in anywhere else probably
Cosmic Interference stuff
- First post overall
- First post with Night Rain
- First post with the Cloudcuckoolander Charlie
- First post with Delrene Mohr'Tallavis's appearance, before I broke my right arm, and her abduction note after I broke my arm
- Second post after that
- Shawnee's appearance post, and then Iqthal
- Shawnee's nightmare
- Return of Cirxhale—
- The appearance of Overseer Cibryll, and later others
- A bizarre sky
- First post with Aisling's appearance
- First post with Voiddra's talking
- Sjane Gloveblade's CI introduction more or less
- Ankimox's first and second appearances
- And we have six Voidslaves! Oh, there's also Xipra Sloan. I don't trust her.
To continue searching onward from page 400. That's a LOT of stuff.
Cibryll's fan stuff
- Pokémon XOver:
A collection of ideas that I — and the ladies in my life~ — have had for loads of regions, currently numbering 55.
Nothing will come of it, though. Also currently (as of 2 September 2023) in the process of actually making the tables properly this time.
Also with a list of the official Pokémon, just in case it's needed somehow.
I've done the tables for 29 regions so far, and currently, there's about 7970 fake mon (in those 29), with 461 regional variants (in five regions) and 457 "specials" (in two regions).
Behold the blue link.
The blue link that conceals a dark light.
The blue link that dares feed upon the endless sand.
The blue link that reveals a mystical wall.
The blue link that seeks to become all-powerful.
The blue link that—
* gets eaten by an Amalgamation Horror *